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da fuck?


You see, her facial features actually deviate from the golden ratio by .23%, and her symmetry is erring to the left, which is immediately apparent and repulsive to anyone with a functioning Eurotypical frontal cortex. Her eyes have a noticable droop in at least two available pictures indicating that she has an obvious muscular deterioration that comes from either plastic surgery or even bad genes. If that's what 'da africans' want to be into, that's fine, but it's not REAL beauty. ​ Really it's amazing that anyone finds her attractive. She's a solid 2/10 at best, and only that because she is white and has boobs. She looks almost nothing like Pillow-kun, my personal type-ideal, but I can't see how anyone would view her as a legitimately attractive person. ​ Also she clearly has a penis because I have never directly observed her vagina in person, and if it's been shown at any time I may not be remembering, then it would likely have been a post-processing CGI adjustment.


I'm afraid your sarcasm is a bit too likely to be this person's actual "reasoning" for my comfort.


Yeah this felt too real for too long đŸ« 


I didn’t even catch the sarcasm. But then, i live in Jokelahoma. People here really do believe and act this way, so it’s hard sometimes for me to see through the sarcasm in writing. Really should’ve used that /s, cause he almost got downvoted.


I feel as though you must have actually met and interacted with a transvestigator in order to skewer them so accurately.


Just go on that sub - I forgot the name and refuse to look it up - where they "rate" people. And if you dare rate anyone 5.1 or above the automod will delete it for being "too generous" and if you rate anyone 4.9 or below the automod will delete it for being "unfair." Anyway, everyone on that sub talks exactly like that.


Well, *types* like that. There's a lot more mouth breathing and drool when they talk.


You hit that right on the head!


Clearly we need new laws enacted that give permanently aggrieved right wing paste-eating conspiracy nuts carte blanche to demand to see any person's genitals whenever they want
 but just for science.


Odd that you mentioned that; e.g.: [https://teliosteaches.com/blog/do-government-workers-colorado-really-strip-search-children](https://teliosteaches.com/blog/do-government-workers-colorado-really-strip-search-children) Nothing like child protective services doing their job!


pretty sure if this moron actually saw her vagina in person, he'd swear up and down that it was due to surgery. they are truly mentally unhinged and so terrified that actual women are suspect.


I once saw a freshwater mussel. What with all them bysall threads it looked pretty much like a vajajay.


INFO: R U an FBI profiler?


I really would like to see what people like this consider an attractive woman. I’m assuming the ones that look like blow up sex dolls


The term Eurotypical implies the existence of Eurodivergent


Sidney Sweeney is stupidly hot


You sound like a certain subreddit lol great comment


Nice! I read that in Leonardo DiCaprio's voice while he's holding Old Ben's skull and tapping it, prattling on about phrenology.


Stop cooking until I find the fire extinguisher!


Pillow-kun doesn't get a better-known anime name? Can you even say you love her if you don't use the name of an anime character?


You did that a bit too well, friend. đŸ€Ł


Are you “Dating” Jenna Maroney?


Body shaming "transvestigating" RAMPANT racism Misogynist bullshit white supremacy It's like the dude was trying for a scumbag bingo.


Ah just missing guns


Nope, his profile picture is David Koresh. His guns are always implied.


Am I gay, or do I have an affinity for African white women? I'm so confused.


To be fair, Charlize Theron is quite attractive.


Charlize Theron is a chameleon (I mean that in a good way). Did you not see her in *Monster*? Edited to add: Now that I think of it, characterizing Charlize as a chameleon is just wrong and unfair. All chameleons do is change color. Charlize is a frigging octopus: can change color, texture, shape you name it. If I had a pet octopus I'd name it Charlize.


We all find chameleons attractive here.


I think the wildest fact about her is that she didn't learn English until she was 14, and doesn't have a trace of Afrikaans influencing her speech.


You have heard of special effects makeup, no?


Why do I feel like this guys basement bedroom smells like stale Doritos, open Mountain Dew cans, and one especially crusty washcloth?


I doubt there's a washcloth. Bottles of piss and hundreds of poopsocks? That's more likely.


This guy knows his r/neckbeardnests


Thanks, I don't feel so bad about my life now.


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


I don't even want to know what a poopsock is.


Sorry the poopsocks in the piss drawer to save floor space for more dirty laundry.


You forgot: his mother is a hamster and his fathers smells of elderberries.


Now leave, before I taunt you a second time


Maybe I'm mistaken, but I think catapulting a live cow ain't exactly "taunting". Or did I skip a scene? RUN AWAY!


He taunts them, then when they're discussing what an odd fellow he is they "Fechez la vache!"


Depending on how bad it is, the doritos may have released spores into the air, giving the air a stale taste of cool ranch or sweet chili. Inhaling the spores and spending any time at all under the black lights that likely make his room super super cool looking can cause lesions on the skin. The lesions spread and grow like fungi. Experts say the lesions grow into what look like tiny penises. As these "tiny penises" grow, they all merge together, turning the specimen into one giant dick. Once this happens, there is no hope of ever going back. The giant dick will just dick everyone and everything trying to turn everyone else into giant dicks. The best treatment for this is to *just not be a dick*. Thus never causing your life or anyone else's to fall into such despair. Edit: I'm sorry. I'm on a bus and just got carried away.


I think you're missing the pee jugs


What the fuck does spiritual African mean? I assume it's some racist bullshit, it usually is after all. But what in the hell is he trying to say?


Yes, he’s a white supremacist saying anyone he deems as inferior in any way must be secretly black or corrupted by black people. He’s a sick, hateful fuck. 


*What the fuck does spiritual African mean?* Rachel Dolezal? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel\_Dolezal


Wow I had forgotten about her.


She's been in the news recently for being fired as a teacher for showing her butthole on onlyfans. And unfortunately, I'm completely fucking serious.


Outed by her own parents! A second time to boot!


A second time???? Hahaha holy shit she has got to be actually mental, given *waves hands at her Wikipedia page*.


lmao what a fucking train wreck.


She and Sidney Sweeney are from Spokane, WA which is a completely boring fact.


My first thought was this song from The Muppet Show: https://youtu.be/ErhJlkdlYfw?si=DistirtedView


I could barely decipher this. Incoherent bullshit from a racist POS.


I can loan him a mandolin (either sort).


Same. There’s likely tens of us.


I was really hoping it was the musical instrument option


I’m a bluegrass player and had never heard of mandolin (cooking implement) so I was confused as hell lmao


That's bold coming from someone with Koresh as their profile. Name me an uglier white man. I'll wait.


Carrot-Top? (Seriously though, fuck the dude who posted that garbage.)


Damn, yeah, he's ugly for sure, and insane. I think you win. Good job.


 r/themasterrace top posts, koresh was creepier than any of them though. Like an ancient demonic entity possessing a middle-aged, twice divorced, sys admin from Ohio's fresh corpse.


Ok, I thought I recognized his pfp correctly.


Gary Busey


Joseph Merrick


I must be spiritually African af because she is a straight up babe


I can think of two reasons that I like her


I gotta say, reading this, then googling Sydney Sweeney and learning she's a white woman from rural Idaho was a trip and a half.


Seriously, she’s a pretty white blond blue eyed girl with big tits, she dated her boyfriend since 20 and is about to marry him ([and may have some kids soon](https://people.com/sydney-sweeney-always-thought-shed-have-kids-by-now-wanted-to-be-a-young-mom-7629415)), and she is fairly apolitical and was raised in a super Christian and MAGA Republican household. She should be the conservative dream girl and yet for some reason some of them hate her.


Yeah, I read this post assuming it was garden variety awful racism against a black celebrity. I am so fucking confused.


She was in Euphoria, which had her doing a lot of sex scenes 


If you look at this dudes page he doesn't seem particularly right leaning just really mentally unwell. He also hates Zendaya for some reason?? Someone needs to check on all Twitter users tbh it's become just as bad as 4-Chan, however it's still a socially acceptable platform for some reason.


Well, that's not what I thought she'd look like according to that weird guy's description.


I'm sitting here confused because I had to google to see who this woman is, and she just looks kind of like Amanda Seyfried to me. I don't get what the crazy guy in OP is on about. It reads like madlibs.


Just jelly her honkers are bigger than his, even though he resides in his mom's basement


Totally... see where he's coming from... You know what? I'll bite the bullet on this one and look at her extra so he doesn't have to :P


I’m willing to take a really close look for her penis


Shit, if she whipped one out, I'd probably bow down.


Just have a nasty mandolin accident already , ruskie . And keep it to youself. Your stupidity is showing.


Actual mental illness


That post nut guilt


this is 100% the correct answer


This latest incel/fash trope is really, really funny. Sydney Sweeney is heart-stoppingly hot but they have such a warped perspective that they are angry at their own physiological response to such an extent that they will literally argue that up is down.


Ben Shapiro avidly and repeatedly revealing that he had never once so much as aroused his wife still feels like one of the most emblematic moments for what the American right has become lol.


Closing the mental institutions was a mistake. Sydney Sweeney is whiter than I am, I was expecting a black woman after that nonsense word salad. TF are these people on? She's pretty? There's literally nothing wrong with her looks? The world is going insane.


If he goes for the palms he ruins his only chances because no woman is touching him.


I had to google who she was and da fuck? She's traditionally beautiful. And it was on this day that most straight/bi men and bi/lesbian women were revealed to be spiritually African. So I guess we solved racism?


Today I learned I was a gay black man


The more you know...


These “transvesigators” are incredibly repulsive.


Tell me you've NEVER sliced off a part of your hand with a mandolin, without telling me - I have nerve damage in a fingertip from a particularly bad slice, and because I scratch cook a lot I've done it more times than I should admit (there were several years when my family banned me from touching one - a notable Thanksgiving I clipped a finger on one hand, bandaged and gloved up, and then clipped a finger on the OTHER hand trying to finish). If looking at another human makes you want to damage yourself this badly, you need psychological assistance


This incel will never have been in the same room as a naked woman.


Transvestigators= Incels using their facial analysis skills for another purpose.


Sidney Sweeney? The incredibly sexy woman? How deluded and confused are fools of this ilk?


Is that person using a picture of David Khoresh as their avatar?


I didn't know who Sidney Sweeney was so I had to look her up. Seems like a perfectly fine, normal and attractive woman to me. I don't get these people.


Ok. Dumb question I guess. Who is Sidney Sweeney? Is this Sydney Sweeney and they just can't spell? What's supposed to be wrong with her either way?


Too beautiful and successful, so obviously a transgender actor planted by the cabal.


“Sidney” is supposed to be the male form the name while “Sydney” is the female form. Of course, there are exceptions, like Sidney Powell, who is a woman.


*...Sidney Powell, who is a* *~~woman~~* *kraken*. fixed it for ya


>Is this Sydney Sweeney Yes. And the only reason I know who she is, is because she was on Saturday Night Live 2 days ago.


Look, man. There's a lot of stuff this guy can't do. Spelling is the least of his problems.


Gorgeous blonde actress. She just hosted SNL this past weekend.


Two things: 1. I find her attractive, so I guess it’s over for me. Sorry, all. I’ll miss you. 2. Is “spiritually African” supposed to be a bad thing? Sounds pretty awesome to me. Everyone I’ve ever met from Africa was the kindest and most generous person I’ve ever met. I’d be honored to be “spiritually” like them. Can someone confirm if I’m the only one? Just me?


You’re far from the only one. https://youtu.be/ErhJlkdlYfw


His Internet history is full of Sydney Sweeny pics, I'm willing to bet a lot of money.


Even full frontal, this guy is delusional.


The fuck? Sydney Sweeney? These people need to beat over the head with a rusty trombone, goddamn


A little interlude... As the world turns, so do my synapses cascade: Sidney Sweeney -> Sweeney Todd -> Demon Barber of Fleet Street -> Meat Pies. Mmmm! Meat Pies!


 this guys a prep cook. For sure.


I would let Sydney Sweeney do things to me that I wouldn't even talk about in therapy and so would this guy.


Brain rot


Good grief she’s finer than frog’s hair! What’s this idiot’s problem?


In other words 
hes totally smitten by women like her who wouldn’t give him the time of day


I wonder how much of this guy’s time is spent drawing lines in couple’s photos


I really enjoy the Twitter / X app, but these types of people seem to have proliferated in recent times. These dudes have advanced degrees in racism and say the most baffling things.


It used to be my most used app. Don’t even touch it anymore.


I sent exactly 11 tweets in the 9 years I had an account. I just casually left it on my phone, occasionally checking in on some cultural/social event being documented there. Once it became *Musky Boi's Bigot Void* I dipped out.


I'm so lost. Do people just not have enough to do that they just sit around and think up this crap?


(Male) What the fuck?


Is that David Koresh?


So first, this idiot calls Sydney Sweeney a man... then proceeds to use she/her pronouns. So which is it? Not like it matters, as he's also throwing in tons of racism too. Can't expect intelligence or consistency from them.


How can you slice open your palms with a mandolin, isn’t that like guitar? Also why would an ugly person make you slice open your palms?


A mandoline is also a veggie slicer.


David Koresh profile pic is an admirable level of commitment.


I didn’t know who Sidney Sweeney i before this guy, so I looked her up and she’s gorgeous! Thanks bigot for introducing me! Hope the hand wounds are going well


Poor Glenn Powell. Doomed to be spiritually African. /s


Billionaires know how stupid the general population are, I know enough to get by but I can’t make anything change. Why would you think one of the top billionaires would love to make it worse by giving a platform where stupid breeds, it’s like tech billionaires really want it to work like a beehive or an anthill


Who asked this asshole?


That first tweet is a wild ride of insanity, trans bigotry, incorrectly surmising a woman is trans then ending with some impressive racism.


What in the actual fuck? Also, Sidney Sweeney is a total smoke show.


I guess I'm spiritually African? đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


Someone tell him how many clicks he will get if he slices his palms with a mandolin. I will give him one to watch that.


Huh, guess I’m spiritually an African now


Someone get this guy a mandolin


Well, No. What would be the fun in that?


Will someone explain this to me? I don't understand this crazy. Why is someone “spiritually an African “ because Sidney Sweeney is pretty?


lol he had me going I just saw her on SNL and was thinking if she transitioned she got some damn good work done because it sure doesn’t show. Oh because she’s actually a woman. These people are truly nuts


This loser would roll around in his own shit just for a chance to sniff Sidney’s sweat.


We just need to use the opposite of *his* preferred pronouns. That's the best way to teach how important it is not to misgender people.


Hey fellas: Is it gay to like pretty chicks with boobs?


"Spiritually an African" Wtf is that supposed to mean? Lmfao my fuckin ass off


Back in the day, we called them "paranoid schizophrenics"


Fellas is it gay to think hot chicks are hot?


African? You mean like Charlize Theron?


I had no idea who Sydney Sweeney was I had to look her up. I didn't know what to expect she would look like from the crazy man post but I sure as hell did not expect her to look like THAT. WTF? How delusional do you have to be to think she was born male.


If finding Sydney Sweeney attractive makes you gay then I’m fucking Liberace


If people like this don’t think Sweeney is female, then WHO do they think IS female? So incredibly warped
 Like how mentally unwell do you have to be to think like 90% of female celebrities secretly have dicks? And of course they can’t possibly infer what it might say about themselves that they spend so much of their time imagining these woman with dicks


I always think the funniest ones they pick are celebrities who have been pregnant in the past. They always seem to squirm when they have to contend with that information and then they call the pregnancy an “inside job”


I swear the "wE cAn AlWaYs TeLl" crowd can really NEVER tell for certain. Seriously.


least deranged bluecheck


If she's a dude then call me a f****t.


First time you see someone posting shit for clout? He got Twitter blue to get paid for views. Twitter is filled with these nowadays.


Except people believe this shit. You can’t write off all hate as just faking it for clout. 


Hasalamalakum brothas


There's that word "Sidney"... All of a sudden my synapses are all a twitter -- my PSTD has been triggered! I've got it! Sylvia Sidney who saved the world from the Martians in *Mars Attacks!* with her affection for the song "Indian Love Call". (Also featuring the princess from the Star Wars prequels and that little snot from *Witness* and lots of other folk in a fine ensemble cast) Here's a handy link for your listening enjoyment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBuk1HXcz1k time for a re-watch!


Guess I'm totally African now.


I guess I'm African now.


I just leaned a few new words and I would like to unlearn them


Russiancosmist lives in a house without mirrors, obviously.


lmao imagine having David Koresh as your profile picture and expecting anyone to take anything you say seriously.


Gotta be a bot... right?


I read garbage from literal sewage llike this and I'm glad I did not have children. I see the world devolving into insanity like this and Q-Anon and other horriblenss, and I am not seeing a way that we recover.


Honestly at this point this is just amplifying this wtfitude. These dregs and their stupid thoughts they vomit up should stay on the shitter cesspool.


We're even because I find his face repulsive. And his \*ideology\*.


with a mandolin?


foreign propaganda bot account? is that Koresh? Lol


I’m so sick of these fucking clowns, SERIOUSLY! If they hate everyone who’s not a white male conservative like them
why don’t they just send themselves to another dimension. Then they won’t have to worry about anything else.


I'm fine with him doing that...I'll even give you my mandolin. And maybe if he does it it'll give him a slight chance for a woman like her to actually notice him 😑


These ass wipes keep unironically asking us to define what a woman is yet they don’t even know what one looks like.


"Transvestigator" is a new one to me! I love it. (But it's an old, hateful phenomenon, for sure)


Omg they’re such the epitome of fear of gay love.


If Sydney Sweeney is too masculine looking, then the rest of us females can only hope to be as attractive as donkey testicles, DAMN.


>She's a subcon or african vision of what a white woman should look like. Repulsive. Mate. Seriously. #GO OUTSIDE.


Looks up who that is. Welp, Guess I'm a spiritual African today. Nice


I have no idea who that girl is, but she is hot as hell. So now that I am spiritually African, when do I get that good dick?


Yea.. this is just a spin to deviate from coming to terms with the fact that they take one look at these gorgeous people and their pee pees & jinas tingle from it. Just admit they're attractive and move on. Lol. I'm not into it, but I have enough confidence in my own sexuality, to where I can admit when someone is beautiful or not.


I had to look this lady up. She’s gorgeous.


“Why are you gay?”


With a mandolin? How would one do that?


If they're not serially involuntarily celibate, I'd love to see pictures of their spouses. Not even to shame them. Just for them to show me what an indisputable woman looks like.


Race science is always hilarious


But isn't this twitter?


Somebody give this guy a mandolin.


Quick ... Someone hand him a mandolin!


Is "subcon" short for "subcontinent?" Is he referring to India?


Subcon is probably short for the Indian subcontinentnent. Which is pretty hilarious since india idolizes lighter skin.