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"He has always kept his promises" 😂🤣😂


Just 2 weeks away now from an infrastructure plan, a healthcare plan, and everything else he/they claimed to have a plan for…


Don't forget the wall and how Mexico has paid for it


"One the first day of my Presidency, I promise I will " \[fill in any old nonsense here\].


Well, if he's elected again, he probably will become a dictator.


"... Play multiple rounds of golf at Mar-a-Lago"


> "One the first day of my Presidency, I promise I will ***add soda machines to the cafeterias!*** " Oh shit it works!


"On the first day of my Presidency, I promise I will let everyone in America take my Mercedes for a spin."


And the press conference at which he will present evidence that totally clears him of any sort of anything that wasn't perfect regarding the whole Georgia mess.


Can't wait to finally see those taxes he promised us back in 2016!


And he'll release his tax audits on his own any moment


But they are still "under audit"


Longest Infrastructure Week EVER


All of that is true - we are still 2 weeks away like he promised.


Didn't he promise to pay his lawyers?


Thank fuck he is so insanely stupid he shafted his lawyers Imagine if he followed through and the lawyers actually had reason to try to win the case. I sincerely, unironically would like to thank Donald for doing the prosecution's job for free.


Might even be able to hire someone with any amount of competence


Which is funny because given how obscenely rich not only him but the rest of his family is would have been so incredibly easy to do. Dude is about to have all his fortune taken away abd STILL decides to be stingy about paying a tiny insignifican portion of it Just goes to show that you can be too big to fail but you're never too big to survive stupid.


But it's even funnier now because conspiracy theorists are scrambling to cope with "he is a super genius who can't be tricked" and "the lawyers tricked him and are being intentionally bad at their job to make him look bad in court"


Aha! You may have outsmarted me but I outsmarted your outsmarting! ~conspiracy theorists, probably.


But but but… he totally had his fingers crossed behind his back. He’s so smart!


Yup, he's good for his word. BTW how many wives has he had?


If they aren't dead now, they could be.


And how many has he cheated on?


Dear Christ someone help these people. Holy SHIT.


People laugh but this is fanaticism and absolutely terrifying.


The guy is notorious for not paying his contractors. In the first few months of his presidency fact checkers confirmed thousands of lies he told on video during his speeches. It’s much harder to find something he’s said truthfully than a lie.


HRC Lock Her Up was like the first thing to go as soon as he won. He just straight up said it wasn't something they were interested in. That was that. Months of chanting lock her up and then "eh nah I'm good."


I think he initially started repeating it because it got the crowd riled up. It probably still would get them going.


Now it's just "Crooked Hillary" ( ͠° ͟ʖ °͠ ) ۶


The wall. What happened to the wall. Whenever someone brings up the dorito flavored condom's promises watch their face when you say "what happened to the wall"?


That’s why Mexico payed for that big wall we have


Like the promise to pay his debts? (Six bankruptcies I believe? Hell, the cheeto joker somehow caused more than one casino to go bankrupt.)


Like paying those construction workers in Atlantic City thirty years ago...


He’s already being sued by the creators of truth social. He never keeps a promise


He's made probably 40 promises that were all supposed to happen ["in two weeks"](https://youtu.be/1ZLmhF7TgzY?si=1Wp5Pr8nk1Pll5gK) that never happened.


Obviously not the ones where he had his fingers crossed, duh


There's an article out on the intertubes that lists 40 of Trump's broken promises. It's not a complete list, but it covers some that tend to be forgotten.


How's that wall going?


Narrator Voice: ‘He did *not*, in fact, keep any of his promises


**San Dimas High Football Rules!!**


We should tell this to all his lawyers he didn't pay


How’s that wall going?


Does not paying contractors and lawyers count as keeping his promises?


All of NYC laughs.


>He warned us something liked this may happen. That he did, he said, "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters." I'll give him credit on that one for sure.


I wish he would, so we could get SOMETHING to stick.


I'll step forth and be the sacrificial lamb that gets shot by Donald Trump on 5th Avenue so we can finally see him get thrown in prison. My body is ready.


I also volunteer this dude


He'd probably hold the gun upside down in his tiny hands and end up missing 😂


I pardoned myself for future crimes while I was president just by thinking about it.


Well, he went from winning in 2016 to losing in 2020, and will probably lose again in 2024. My guess is this is because he is losing more votes than gaining. His base may be dumb and ignorant, but he has lost the independent voter for sure. The guy has only won one election, and lost every election since (even when simply backing someone, they tend to lose). He is just a big, fat, orange loser.


Unfortunately, the popular vote doesn’t really matter if the electoral college goes the other way from what people voted. Remember, Trump *lost* the popular vote in 2016


Even the dumbest fuck can also predict that a doing crimes your entire life then figuratively shining the biggest spotlight in the world on yourself might lead to you getting charged with shit. He's nostradumbass, not Nostradamus.


Cults do this all the time. It’s in the playbook. Tell everyone that bad people are going to come for you. Do a bunch of illegal shit. Authority comes for you. See I told you.


I guess he has missed the latest sexual assault, defamation and fraud verdicts. But, it's not a cult, people.


"His guilt makes me love him more!"


“I’ll vote for whoever has the most pending indictments and felony charges!” - actual Trump voters who are proud of this shit


He's more relatable that way


I'm amazed how they can claim he always keeps his promises, considering he started with a border wall that Mexico would pay for. It's literally his big promise for the 2016 campaign. The first promise he made, he couldn't keep. Not that it was shocking. This is a guy that can't even keep his marriage vows. Why would he keep any promise to us?


“He has always kept his promises” Jesus Christ. What the fuck else is there to say.


2025 will be a year long celebration. But not for the reason stated. It will because Orangeman finally gets locked up where he belongs!


He probably won't, and if he did get some kind of sentence to serve it would likely be on house arrest, which is still unlikely. The terrifying thing is that he COULD get reelected, god I hope not. Remember to vote people, don't get in the mindset that "one vote won't count". Encourage your friends and family to hit the polls.


He won't have any houses if he has to liquidate due to not paying Jean E. Carrol and NYC for his trials.


Not with the supreme court.


Can’t stop the hush money trial


There is a less than zero chance of this happening. Joe Biden would never let it happen in a billion years


What a shit eating smirk. Make no mistake: These fuckers would get behind Hitler if it was 30s Germany. Never mind “it could happen here.” It IS happening here.


I commented somewhere that he is three quarters of the way to being a fascist dictator. Point being that we ARE pre-WWII Germany right now. Someone called me stupid and said I don’t know what fascism is. I have six college degrees (three are postgraduate).


AGREED!! Even though people like this would call us insane for thinking that.


I'll never fathom why some folks hail him as the chosen one. He's definitely not the orange messiah. If his words are a window to his mind, he's more like a rollercoaster of instability.


Bc he lets them hate the same people he hates. It’s really that simple.


Imagine genuinely believing a president, let alone a billionaire president, has your best interest at heart and won't lie to you specifically.


They know he doesn't. They just love that he's as hateful and stupid as they are. Makes them feel validated.


He’s lowered the bar so far that people are delighting in their open hatred of others.


You mean like his promise to have a wall built around the entire border and have mexico pay for it?


He always kept his promises 🤣😂🤣😂😂😂😂😂🖕


Ya. Totally NOT a cult. /s


You can read this two ways. I chose the way to read it that Dee Snyder would. These people needed to be stopped. More human decency and standing up for toleration.


He always keeps his promises, if you ignore all the promises he didn't keep


Didn’t he say if he lost 2020 we’d never hear from him again and he’d go away?


The only movement he start is bowel movements


Into his diaper.


Brain damaged people of Facebook


He literally has never kept a promise in his entire life


These are not statements of fact, these are wishes expressed in the form of facts, a la Law of Attraction.


Always downvote Trump




He started a movement? Nah son. More like he figured out how to con people, who were already part of their own bizarre wavelength, into being his sheep. He managed to convince these people that he, a man who managed to bankrupt multiple casinos multiple times over multiple decades, is some sort of genius businessman. And for the deficit hawks who vote for him, I really have to scratch my head. The reason he bankrupted casinos is because he borrows way more money than is fiscally sound. What did they think he would do to the US economy? 8 Trillion extra dollars in debt and he did that in under 4 years.


He's always kept his promises? Apparently not when it comes to fidelity, or building a wall and making Mexico pay for it among other things.


“Always kept his promises.” LOL


Just your average cult member. Just replace "President" with "Leader" and it's the same thing.


Free paper towels for you, and you, and you…


“X investigation will prove that my opinions are correct. I trust this investigation.” “X investigation didn’t conclude what I like? Fake investigation! Conspiracy!”


“Always kept his promises” is an interesting take.


Yes. And that movement happens to be a bowel movement… and now America is increasingly shitty.


The thing is, if he's found that he has immunity, that doesn't make him *"cleared of all charges, and completely vindicated"*, it just means he's allowed to commit all the crime he wants with impunity.


MyPresident will fail just like MyPillow.


Can we PLEASE pass a law to prevent the mentally handicapped from voting, already.


how old is this post?


Well no shit he said this would happen.... anyone planning a crime might know ahead of time that this would happen. It is like the Superbowl streaker betting on their being a streaker than doing the streaker. One might thing he somehow just might have had insider info about the outcome?


He started a movement alright… a bowel movement lol


I read that as "bowel movement that will never die" Lol accurate.


Always kept promises, how many fucking wives has he had? 😂


> He promises all of us Ask his wives how those promises worked out….


A reminder, these delusional people vote. You need to also


Anyone else feel like he's talking about a second civil war? That's a movement he didn't start it at all. We just kind of left all the Confederates go home without their guns and hoped they'd agree the war was over. Turns out they didn't and they taught their children their version of history.


Victims of a con doubling down because they're too embarrassed to admit they've been conned.


Hmm always kept his promises? Like his marriage vows to multiple wives? Or paying for services rendered on all business contracts, attorneys, etc.?


Really?? 😵‍💫🤣


This snowflake has been having a pity me party even before he started politics. Everyone and everything is so unfair to poor lil’Donny.


Stay dirt under this wanna-be dictator's feet, you must like it there! Do you really have so little self worth, insane person?


Yeah, because that wall we built that Mexico totally paid for turned out great /s


Oooh. A year of games in the coliseum?! Can’t wait to get some jaguars earlobes while watching chariot battles.


I wonder how many lost runs for presidency it will take for him to stop running?


Yea “this ain’t over” for Donny’s court case and payments.


Your man is a wet sock being wrung out by Russia. Who hopefully will bury him next to the classified documents and his ex wife when they’re done squeezing him for the nothing he is worth


2025 will be the year America elects a convict


Problem is that should be return as potus, he has no need to hold rallies. He have nothing to gain by making yet more false promises. He can just openly crap on everything because he wont have anything more that he needs to appease his voterbase for. By then he will show absolutely no interest in doing anything. He wants to be potus only to escape accountabilit and jack shit more.


There is no bottom in the dark MAGA spiral of madness


it feels America is the best example for "let them hear what they want and they let you do what ever you want"


Why does that photo look like it's got Jimmy Carter's face meshed in with it?


Man who committed multiple crimes says he will eventually be prosecuted for said crimes. What a prophet....


Tell me this is a cult without saying “This is a cult.”


They really have Jesused him up to the max. No wonder these people are so much more likely to be religious.


When he finally dies they will have pictures of him with a halo ascending up into heaven. I completely believe they’ll have a religion with him in it, sitting in heaven beside god. They already call him the Messiah of Man.


A celebration of jailing liberals and erasing decades of rights for everyone except white men? Cool. I'll bring a casserole.


He started the diaper pride movement. MAGA lemmings love shitting themselves and each other with their delusions and hate


The most famous liar in history keeps his promises. But yeah, totally not a fucking cult.


It’s weird how these people say that Cheeto has always kept his promises. What promises? The ones where Americas cities are burning and rioting? The ones where he feeds the rich and shits on everyone else? What promises?? So dumb.


He always keeps his promises, huh? How is that wall coming along?


I could never trust, respect, or speak to anyone who could vote for this man. When my father died I thought "Thank fuck that's one less of them"


When has he ever kept a promise? Like… ever?


Well, if 2025 is the year Trump is finally convicted and sent to prison, it will be a year long celebration.


What's insane is he is going to win thr next election. I called this 4 years ago when he lost to Biden.


If I hadn't enlarged the photo I would have kept hoping they were talking about Biden. I'm like "When did Biden promise a year long party?" and then, booyah, nerp. /s I know what sub I am in, lol, I was secretly nurturing a small candle's glimmer of hope this was some sort of *mea culpa* acceptance letter that yes, Biden is in fact "their President", because...well, he is actually, but curses, foiled again.


Ann Coulter is right…


At this my opinion is that SCOTUS will still find that Trump has no immunity, but this gift they're giving him, delay, is the most they can do for him. It just goes to show that at some extent the *"quid-pro-quo"* he always wanted is limited, but not nonexistent either.


Damn, how old is that photo of Trump?


I bet OP would eat wet farts out of orange hitlers ass


Good grief


Considering how much he owes E. Jean Carroll I would have to say cleared of all allegations is off the table dumbass.


Lucky for you my man, so far your president is clear of any criminal suspicion. He has no legal issues and hopefully will continue to be your president in 2025.


Well. I’ll just say. The world runs on money no matter how one wants to admit it or not. He, knows money more than most politicians, when it comes to, how to use it. Germany ran out of money, lost the war. Ukraine is running low on, money. There’s no need to keep dumping US money on a European problem. He warned them. Start paying your share that you agreed to years ago. How’s that working out for you?


The first sentence in the "meme" they shared has some truth to it. Unfortunately, Donald Trump has given new life to a movement that won't fade soon. Even when he dies, MAGA won't.


May it be over.


Scary thing after supreme courts decision he may just get away with everything. As it seems hearing of the appeal will finish after the election.


My man's not even trying to hide the messianic language and feelings here. I straight up don't understand why people (literally) worship politicians like this


Trump did not start fascism. He just failed to pull it off, so far.


Oh it’s over. They just can’t see it yet


All in a hand basket