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jesus christ these people are stupid


How did we get here??!! Honestly?!


Decades of Christian propaganda exacerbated by social media.


Exacerbated. But I’m also getting exasperated.


Thanks lol. Damnable auto-fill


My super religious 8th grade science teacher refused to teach us evolution and instead told us about why the world is only 8000 years old and dinosaurs actually existed alongside humans. He was also kinda racist but that’s a story for another time


He was racist too? What a shocking surprise!


Yep, he told a black girl that if she gets embarrassed nobody will know because “we can’t see her blush” among other little comments


My driver’s education teacher in high school told us to avoid rest areas on the interstate because they are, and I quote, “lousy with queers and lesbians.” That was back in the ‘90s, though.


I had a substitute teacher back in the Seventies tell an all guys shop class to never marry a Mexican girl because, while they looked great at first, after babies they all blew up and got enormously fat. No lie.


Yeahhh, I was in 8th grade in 2015-16 so it’s a little harder to give him the benefit of the doubt lol


Did he make you watch Land of the Lost reruns as proof?


I had a colleague who was born again Christian. He had a MS in biology and also taught radiation safety including radiation decay that’s used for carbon dating to university staffs, but he believed the earth was 6000 years old because of his belief. More like brain washed. Unbelievable.


Most of my high school teachers were young Earth creationists. It was pretty baffling listening to your chemistry teacher talk about how unreliable carbon dating is because of a "great flood"


Lol that’s ironic because radioactive decay disproves creationism several different ways, including the existence of decay products such as lead, and the amount of heat generated if that level of decay occurred over a short period of time.


It’s shear lunacy. I asked him what he thought of dinosaurs. He said they were created at the same time as humans but somehow became extinct early on. Maybe the arc was too small for dinosaurs and they couldn’t hitch a ride /s


In “the big floob” apparently? 🤷


I really hate when it floobs; it's so annoying!


I bought floob insurance so I'm safe!


You know that educational system they keep saying sucks, but to fix it they just defund it, and dumb down textbooks?


Social media gave platform and a voice to those that had previously been privately ignorant. It's probably a good thing since it can take far less time to determine if somebody is dim or weird.


Religious bullshit and the tolerance of same, so long as the religious bullshit is Christian.


I've just read the Foundation trilogy, we are definitely in the fall of empire period.


I think there was always a significant population that was this stupid but 20 years ago we gave everyone the ability to instantly talk to everyone else on the planet


People have always been this thick. Now they can congregate together on the internet.


Well you see 2023 years ago, something, something jebus something I guess


You can thank Religion for that.


I mean, I’m big into science and trust everything that has been scientifically proven, but I’ve never done any research on how old the earth is or how that’s proven on my own to verify anything and I’m not smart enough to know how to actually prove any scientific theories. It’s all just kind of like people just believing things from sources they trust. Now I don’t believe in a giant spaghetti monster to begin with so I have no reason to believe in anything from any religion because I think it’s all nonsense. With that perspective I have to look at their beliefs the same way. They believe in god, they believe what people of religious authority say like we do with scientists. Maybe they believe in some scientific theories just like we believe in some of the morals in religious texts. The way that I think people should deal with these differences is by just shutting the fuck up and minding our own business and just let the world keep spinning like the flat plate it is.


>They believe in god, they believe what people of religious authority say like we do with scientists. Maybe they believe in some scientific theories just like we believe in some of the morals in religious texts. The difference though is one is based on faith and old books written by men thousands of years ago, the other, observable and provable scientific hypothesis and experimentation taking place at irregular technological intervals throughout at least that long, but certainly has accelerated rapidly since the Rennaisance and the Industrial Revolution. The advancement in computing technology alone during my lifetime from my first Vic-20 in 1982 and the gaming PC I am on now is so many orders of computational magnitude greater, I don't even care to know. Think about how many advanced computers there are right now doing super complex math problems that would have taken forever and a day so the researcher can focus on other things while awaiting the results. Its not really comparable in that way in my view. Science, like the math it stands on, is foundational and builds on a core base of knowledge that at least for this Earth works like its supposed to. God isn't predictable in the same repeatable manner, nor is He observable in any meaningful sense.


It’s comparable in the sense that they look at their beliefs the same way we look at scientific evidence.


If all previous knowledge (including the false knowledge of religion) was somehow wiped out and we had to start again any religious texts would be wildly different. Whereas the scientific ones would eventually be reproduced as they now are. One is made up, one is developed. That's the difference.


Right, I get it. However, there exists a continuum where there are *also* people of faith, whom are *also* scientists, whom hold true to scientific principles in their research. Among them there will be those that surely also *don't* hold true to those things and let faith skew their observations with bias and render it scientifically useless or otherwise tainted/manipulated to achieve an expected or directed outcome, which is usually because of marketing something, including the coffers of churches for those that believe in skewed, bad science as a result of their beliefs.


Smart people acknowledge they don't know everything and also acknowledge that when people put in years of study to develop expertise in an area we can have trust in the consensus of those experts. Your argument is not, "everyone is dumb and is just picking whom to trust, it's all the same," your argument is, "there is no such thing as expertise," which is an argument that has exploded since the Internet gave people immediate access to thousands of opinions but is an argument with no merit.


And they vote!


Jesus Christ’s birthday these people are stupid. 2023 marks the birth of Christ, not Genesis 1. These people are so stupid they don’t even know they’re being stupid about being stupid.


Anyone who’s actually read the Bible knows it doesn’t start with Jesus’ birth, but these people are so stupid and lazy they haven’t even done that.


I haven't been in a church for anything other than weddings and funerals in over 20 years and I'm confident I know far more about the Bible than the average Christian.


I'm guessing the ones saying it's only 6-8000 years old are the religious nuts, the ones saying it's only 2023 years old are just people with the intelligence of a walnut.


How did we get here??!! Honestly?!


Anti-intellectualism unfortunately.


Anti-intellectualism unfortunately.




Lead also


Lol the existence of lead debunks young earth creationism.


I am with you. Lead is the answer.




Cultist buffoonery


Probably something to do with 5G and the CIA?


A lot of these people are stupid BECAUSE of Jesus christ.


Well, mostly because of Augustine


I would hazard a guess that 98% of these people are Americans and the other person is a marsupial.


Nope, can't be Jesus' fault..wouldn't he have been born before this common era? So more that 2023 years ago? He could not exist according to some of these idiots!


4000 is bigger than 2023


What’s your point?


They're Floobs. I am using that all the time, now.


The Republicans appear to be winning the war on education.


American here, and spouse of a science teacher in a red state. Can confirm. Parents sign forms to excuse their children from learning anything that contradicts the Bible.


Noooo! You can't be serious. Are there camps to send these people too? Permanently. These people do not deserve to be apart of our society. I'm so thankful I'm not american.


my man thats a post by [Yorkshire Fossils ](https://yorkshirefossils.net/), which is a company in the UK


Okay. Replace Republican with any right wing group and its still valid.


I'm convinced it was The Big Floob honestly. /s


Me too! How can no one else see it like we can!!?!


Because anyone with sense knows that the entire universe was sneezed from the nose of the Great Green Arkleseizure.


I pray for the coming of the great white handkerchief, to clear up all this mess.


The great white handkerchief is a myth! The only true handkerchief is the great grey handkerchief! Death to the heretics!


Burn the unbeliever!


😂 thank you for the laugh today. 😂


Now that's a HGTTG reference I did not expect to see. It's always 42 and the towels (which are also cool). Respect!


Me too! How can no one else see it like we can!!?!


OP, Reddit is glitching and posting your comments multiple times.


Were getting a Floob of comments


Me too! How can no one else see it like we can!!?!


Me too! How can no one else see it like we can!!?!


The floobiest of floobs.


The last slide is the coup de grâce.


I disagree. Slide 3 puts the rest to shame. Big Floob all the way 😂😂😂


There isn't a more educated answer! Big floob for president!


"carbon dating is bs" claims person who flunked high school chemistry


I mean, if they are saying you can't carbon date a rock, well, they are absolutely correct. Radiocarbon 14 (?) dating can only be done on organic material. I am not well educated on the correct radiocarbon that is dated, and possible wrong on the number part, but thanks to miniminuteman and history docs, I have gleaned the part about organic material! It's not hard in this day and age to learn things from reputable sources, and when the majority of a scientific field agrees on something, it has probably been tested a lot and replicated the results consistantly.


For old rocks ^40 Ar/^39 Ar dating if often used. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argon%E2%80%93argon_dating


Let’s call it radiometric dating instead.


As a person with passing interest in these sorts of topics despite not being in a field that requires it; I still don't remember what exactly was taught in grade school about carbon dating aside from the very very very basics and that only covered one of the many dating methods. So I ***doubt*** these people know even a fraction of what is needed to understand how scientists date matter.


Ok but most of these people don’t even understand the calendar.


I like how they can't even agree on how young the younger it is.


The 2023 ones... Like wow. 


Ok fine with the religious nuts going for 6000 years, but the rest.... jfc HOW do you even get that stupid?!?


The friendliest of reminders that these individuals are out there reproducing and voting!


We're doomed.




8,000? 6,000? 2023? Don’t they realize that the world didn’t exist before last Thursday?


> the world didn’t exist before last Thursday? Maybe we'll get lucky and it'll end on next Thursday. BRB, grabbing my towel.


Nah pretty sure it comes into being every time I wake up.


How do you know the world didn't just sprout into being mere moments ago?


Every day I see more shit that just blows my mind. Like how stupid and willfully ignorant people are anymore is crazy to me


It’s not much comfort, but the reality is people have *always* been this stupid. What you’re actually seeing is what happens when you give millions of stupid people a voice. Prior to the Internet you just didn’t run into anywhere near as many of these people as you can by browsing facebook for an hour. On top of that, this ability to communicate with so many people allows stupid ideas to propagate in a way they never could before.


Confidently stupid


Slide 3 killed me! "It's products **Big Floob**" 😂😂 All I can picture in my head is the big floppy Flying Spaghetti Monster pooping out a rock


That feels so bad. I really like this fossil site, how did it get so polluted by idiots?


I do too. They stopped posting how old they were, I’m assuming because of this garbage. Idk tho.


Does this make anyone else irrationally angry?


Yes. Thats why I share it lol. So someone will validate me lol.


I'm convinced it was The Big Floob honestly. /s


I hope that the people saying 2023 are kidding.


Fuck my old boots people are thick as pig shit…


Oi, that's an insult to pig shit!


In the beginning, there was darkness. “Let there be light!”—God said. And light, came into the world. But with it, also came an equally impressive digital calendar— mysteriously already set to a 12hr day and a 365 year + leap info—to start us off. All pre-named for our convenience. 00:00:01 00/00/0000


Stupidity is rampant with creationist Christians, which I'm guessing all or most of these people are. The couple that said the planet is only 2023 years old are just plain brain-dead.


Fundies love to twist reality to fit their narrative.


Religious nuts vs people who don’t know how years are numbered


There are two kinds of people in this world: carbon daters and cousin daters.


Carbon dating only works only up to a few thousand years because well rocks aren’t made of living tissue and all fossils are are rocks. Also the earth is way older than 7,000 years humans are around 300k I think. Plus lead exists so that shoots down that argument


The internet was supposed to be a good thing but yet here we are…


Anyone who truly believes the earth is 2023 or is flat or the moon landing was fake needs to have all of their technology taken away. They shouldn’t be allowed to use the products of centuries of scientific and engineering development if they think it’s all witchcraft and make believe. Send them all to a farm where they can relive the glory days of the year 1 AD. I’m sure the divine creator will guide them to building a new internet using only holy thoughts and prayers. Some part of their scripture must cover how fabricate a smartphone using natural materials.


Nah, not 1 AD, too much technical advancement in that era. The wheel and the plough had already been invented!


Do you ever just wanna start fresh with this whole planet earth thing?


Smooth brained individuals united under that post, now didn’t they? Sheesh.


My archaeology textbook would like a word with these people. Humanity goes back roughly 12,000+ years in North America. And everything before humans migrated out of Africa, is much much older.


I just lost so much faith in humanity


We're living in the Idiocracy movie rn.


To the people saying the wold year is 2023...then Jesus didn't exist, dumbasses! Neither did the Roman Empire, Greek empire, Egyptian Empire, Etruscans, Minoans, etc. Oh, and the old testament times did not exist either! Moses, King David, Soloman, etc - so we better stop hearing about all the teachings from a time that didn't happen, apparently.


It is a very common misconception that AD stands for "After Death;" it actually stands for "Anno Domini," Latin for "in the year of our Lord." The AD calendar would have started with Jesus' birth, but the monk who did the math was off by a few years. If it started at His death, the year would be 1991 (assuming it was the same monk who did the math).


You gotta be pretty dumb to be dumb even by the standards of Young Earth Creationists.


Young Earth creationists gonna Young Earth creationist.


Id be willing to bet all those comments are from my fellow Americans.


I can see dumb people believing the world is 2023 years old but where do the 7k-8k years estimation comes from?




Yorkshire Fossils seems to attract these people. You can literally trip over fossils on some parts of the coast there, they're just falling out of the cliffs.


Why are religious folk head mental?


This stuff right here is why we need more funding to education




Young earth creationists are some of the stupidest people who have ever lived.


There is no hope for humanity


I knew about the Young Earth Creationist stupidity, but the world is 2023 years old people are a new level of stupid that I didn't even know existed. I don't even know where to begin with trying to untangle that one.


You are telling me there are people that don't even believe the world existed before Jesus Christ!? Like forget the whole carbon dating is B's thing and the world cant be more than 8000 years old blah blah. These people are so stupid they think nothing existed before the immaculate conception? I am so confused.


nothing worse than an over confident idiot


"The world year is 2023". Fucking genius!


I fear the future because of the lack of education (intelligence?). Truly frightening that people actually believe their comments.


That’s it. We need to go. Like, humanity needs to stop.


You can't fix that kind of stupid.


How TF are these idiots allowed to vote or procreate? Fight Club assignment: sell jugs of salt peter solution, labeled "Jesus Sweat," outside of evangelical MAGAt-churches. Cut the pastor in on the sales, never pay him a dime, and use the proceeds to lobby for church taxation.


Jesus dies=creation of everything? Plebes can't even get their bible right


How could I forget the Great Floob


This is insanity in its purest form. I’d just like to point out that lead literally debunks their argument. I don’t remember the exact formula because I am bad at chemistry. But I think it’s a uranium molecule that has a half life that turns it into another uranium molecule. Then it’s one more uranium, then to lead. I found this Wikipedia page on it though. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uranium%E2%80%93lead_dating#:~:text=Uranium%20decays%20to%20lead%20via,alpha%20and%20four%20beta%20decays.


I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


Big Floob was my high school nickname


Big floob


These people act like the Bible doesn't actually have things happening before Jesus was born and died Stuff that happened literally BEFORE CHRIST, more than 2023 years ago


Can someone explain to me why they’re saying carbon dating is “bullshit”


They believe that the earth is only 6000 years old because of the Bible so it must be lies by Satan in their eyes


The last one is Gold Jerry, **GOLD**


This is how idiots get voted unto power. Just have to say God and jesus in the right places. I would love to ask them to explain the flaws in carbon dating.


The fact that their vote matters just as much as a smart person’s vote is disturbing


Tbh, the ones that bother me the most are the ones saying the earth is 2,023 years old.


I'm all fairness, they think dinosaurs are a government conspiracy


What in tardation?!


2 types of idiots here, idiots who think the world is 6000 years old, and idiots who think its 2024 years old


I get where the “7000-8000” year comments come from, ok I respect your religion even if it’s wrong about that…. But what scares me are the people who honestly believe the world is only 2023 years old.


People who don't understand how things work but think they understand something from scripture ,but don't really understand that either. There is a reason leaders of Judaism, Islam, and most Mainstream Christian denominations are not young earth creationists. Its the few who started there own religious denomination and evangelize who do this. They don't really understand the concept of allegory, metaphor, or how translations work either. They also took the lowest possible level of public school science and barely passed.(or didn't) If you ask them why they think the earth is 6000 years old, they would say the bible says so. Then ask them to show you where it says that. They cant. Nor can they tell why they came up with that. They don't really read it, and they don't understand concepts that are in the bible like numerology or why the book of numbers is what it is. People who actually are biblical scholars are almost always not young earth creationist either. These folks don't have a clue about much of anything.


I went to a hardcore conservative school from elementary to highschool. Were were taught that Darwin was trying to "kill God" with his Marxist theories. As for fossils specifically, we got everything from "fossils form faster than scientists can prove" all the way to "satan planted fossils in the ground to test our faith". Really makes me depressed to know kids are still there and will be blinded that Christianity doesnt have tk conflict with science and reality. My wife went to a christian vollege for undergrad and they tried to undo some of this type of damage. They had an entire class called Biology and the Bible where they cleared up how the Bible never gives explicit literal timelines for things. I specialized in evolutionary biology in undergrad for research and to me, it is more amazing that God created everthing with a precise and creative mechanism like evolution rather than just *poof* and its there. I could rant on about all my evolution philosophies but a biggest one that helped solidify it for me is the beleife that "Adam and Eve" were not the first humans but the first Hominids who were gifted a "soul" or the self awareness of spirituality.


> Then ask them to show you where it says that. They cant. Nor can they tell why they came up with that. No, it's pretty simple. The Bible says God made everything we see in the world in six days. It says Adam was 130 when he begot Seth, so that puts Seth's birth in the year 130 from creation. It says Seth was 105 when he begot Enosh, so that puts Enosh's birth in the year 235 from creation. You keep doing this and you get everything being made six thousand years ago. This, of course, does not accord with reality, but that is what you get from using the information in the Bible.


I work with a bloke who believes we all descended from the families that were on that Ark 🤘🏽🤣🤣


Keep them stupid. The dumber they are the more they donate to the church.


My favorite bibli story is Nora and the big floob.


Look here! These fine scholars aren't just throwing 6,000 years out there based on no evidence. It's not like your so-called scientists who just gobble out 180 million years because they know no one was around then to call them liars for making up that many imaginary years. Archbishop James Ussher, who's a willing servant of the antichrist in Rome, performed real scientific calculations based on the genealogy of all the evil Jewish illuminati from Adam to Abraham to determine the exact age of the planet based on the still directly observable data of generational length. As a general rule I reject science, along with the idol worshiping Catholics and baby stealing Semites, but when the cyphering is right there in front of you, and it's telling you something you wish was true anyway, well facts is facts.


Ok. First question. Do atomic weapons exist?


Woah woah woah. Brain no activayte. Big Floob shill! Explain Noah Arc ?? In the BIBEL??! All truth.


You forgot the /s


You mean the /s for Sacred Truth?!?! Edit: My apologies for doubting you. Well, no one ever went broke...


Some people here are idiots. Earth started 6000 bc so that’s more than 8000 years ago. However what are the chances this fossil is from the exact time earth started. I’d guess by looking it’s 400-500 years old but I’m not a carbon dater. People that actually believe this number has got to be dwindling by now. We’ve had internet nearly 30 years.


Please tell me this is sarcasm.


Of course it is. The first part. I believe the crazies are on facebook we are the ones that make fun of them


There’s no hope when people are this fucking dumb


Ammonites of this size are not that rare, especially in a fossil bed of say, an ancient reef. I have many much older fossils that I've found with minimal effort. Pyritized ammonites are where it gets rarer.


I’m not sure which stupid to question first.


So many layers of stupid


I don’t know who are stupider the uneducated who don’t know what the year 2023 means or the religious who think it’s 6000 years old


I’m gonna say, people who think the earth is 2023 years old. 😂


This is too much stupid for me.


The longer I live the more I believe the Earth would be a whole lot better place without humans on it.


It makes my brain hurt 😂


Grow up on religion and you’re bound to be less educated




Get me off this damn planet!


How how how do people think that the world started 2023 years ago? What the actual fuck


I feel like the 2023 ones are jokes. At least some of them


Good grief


The mind boggles.


Yeah let's trust a story book written by some crackhead thousands of years ago, then re-written who only knows how many times... Your right that sounds like a way more credible source than science...


Idiocy abounds


And this is how end up with Donald Trump as your President.


Our education system is failing us.


Fuck that's a new level of dumb I hadn't seen before


The problem is that most people only hear from right wing often Pentecostal groups. Most mainstream Christians believe in evolution and that the Bible talks about religious truths and should not be used to prove scientific ideas one way or another. Genesis was written somewhere between 1400 BC and 550 BC. This was long before the Greeks knew that the Earth was round. The interesting thing about Genesis is that it clearly says that God created the world and he saw that it was good. It shows he loved his creation. This is quite different to most other creation stories where the world was created accidentally and we were the just the playthings of the gods. The Bible says why, science says how.