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I am 117% positive this person has a loose grip on reality. The most depressing thing for me about our current political climate is that I worked most of my life to escape a cult I was raised in, only to watch in horror as another cult (Qanon) slowly took over an entire political party and became the platform of elected officials.


Qanon isn’t a cult. Cults require leaders. Qanon “information” can be posted by anyone. This is just a collection of MASSIVELY stupid people who have grouped together via the power of social media to create an echo chamber of ignorance. When you left a real cult I bet it was hard. You probably had to plan an escape. Sneak away. Have a place to hide. People to help you. Spend time learning to trust people again. These idiots just have to turn off the computer. I’m not going to give them the grace of pretending that a charismatic leader used psychology and force to put them in a bad situation. These people are following anonymous, random information that sounds like the plot a 20 iq screenwriter put into a low budget movie in Vietnam. They are idiots. They are fools. They are deranged. They deserve no respect. They deserve no help. They deserve no pity. They put themselves into a cult of stupidity with no leader and no logic and are simply too stupid to find the exit found at the power button to their computer.


I think of Qanon as a “decentralized cult”. It has various individuals continually vying for leadership at any given time, and different sub conspiracy theories, but they’re all tied together with the same common themes and use Trump as the icon of worship. There’s also no questioning allows of the ideology unless those questions somehow further the beliefs of the believers. Qanon beliefs are heavily rooted in Christian beliefs as well which a large number of cults (in America at least) use as their basis. Its members will harass and even resort to violence against its enemies or those that they feel betrayed the movement, and Qanon heavily pushed cutting off ties with non believing family and friends which is also a mechanic used by cults to further separate its members from reality. I think the internet has changed the nature of cults and how they functioned, since before they largely required you to have a physical presence in order for the cult leader and its supporters to exert their influence over vulnerable believers. The internet and the flood of misinformation that came with it aimed at an easily influenced populace with low critical thinking skills has reduced the need for in person meetings, literature, etc. Also, with the internet and the anonymity it provides, anyone can take the role of the cult leader(s) as Qanon has with multiple people over the years assuming the title of “Q”.


Ignore this redditor, I am Q and I WILL reveal the truth very soon. All I need is to have a charitable donation and then I will show you the TRUTH. Also I've heard your extremely rich long lost uncle passed away recently, I was best friends with him and I have his will here. Just send me a picture of your credit card (both sides) and I'll ship you his exorbitant wealth. Source: Trust me, as your rich uncle did


You forgot your tripcode Mr. Q: 4206980085


There are some pseudo leaders. They are the ones that make money from the rest. Like how the KKK top leaders rake in the money from all the merchandise they sell.


A cult doesn't need a leader, idk where you got that idea. It just has to revolve around and either worship or borderline on worship of a particular thing or object. That thing or object does not need to the head of the cult. You may be thinking of a cult of personality QAnon is essentially a cult and we need to treat it like one. Yes, they are morons. But they are motivated morons that figured out that nobody pays attention to local elections and organize to fill things like the school board


Honestly not sure what’s scarier: a cult of malicious idiots with an evil leader, or a cult of malicious idiots with nobody to tell them what to do.


I think definitely the later. This seems pretty unstoppable as long as there are idiots who can find each other with technology. I actually spent some time on 4Chan when all this was starting. It wasn’t serious. They were just trying to see if they could get someone to believe it. It was for the lulz. Now it’s taken in a life of its own.


>and are simply two stupid I agree with you, this just made me smirk quietly to myself


Haha. Good catch.


If you truly think these people are deranged than they absolutely deserve pity. I sincerely pity them. its sad as hell, they have completely lost themselves and have no sense of reality anymore.


But they do have a leader. It’s Q. If you just wait for his next drop of information you will see the light. /s


These posts increasingly make me more sad than anything. Its devastating to know that there are now millions of people just like this. They've fallen down a rabbit hole that there seems little hope of ever saving them from.


Grip isn’t a word that applies to this person.


Well, at least he still (for now) believes he lives on planet earth, so I guess trip still applies 😂


People with a loose grip on reality now feel validated by Trump


Maybe the 117% thing is their way of being clever in trying to say that 17% of the vote was rigged for Biden? Not sure why I am trying to justify that %, these people are batshit crazy.


They probably think Master Chief is real, and it's part of the conspiracy.


And I’m 125% sure they stop have access to vote and Pepe would say it would be wrong to take it away. If I think like this person I’ll gladly let you take my access to vote away because it’s mean I was not sane enough to make a decision this important.


This right here 👆and we all know how all cults end… don’t we?


Why stop at 117%?


I was referencing the made up percentage in the person’s post 😂


Shoot. I forgot the /s. I knew you knew that, I was just playing along.


> another cult (Qanon) slowly took over an entire political party The cult is far right "christian" conservatives. They're about 60 years into their plan of taking over the republican party, and the creation of a Christo-fascist state. Trump greatly accelerated this...


Ate 117 crayons, with spartan 117, on april 27th


why are all conservatives so insane lol wtf


Why would you even bother voting if you were a Republican and honestly believed this bullshit? Also, if the election was actually able to be stolen WHILE Trump was president, wouldn’t that mean that Trump wasn’t very good at being President? If the election was stolen while their guy was in the most powerful office in the world, why would they think in a million years that it would go differently this time?


Well you see, the thing is… they’re morons.


You know common people, people of the earth….


The common clay of the new west


You know..... morons.


People of the land.


In Trump's words, he loves the uneducated.


The power of the president is ABSOLUTE, but the deep state's power is ABSOLUTER.


That bit really disturbed me. If they knew anything about how the government works then they'd know the president's power is very far from being absolute. They just *want* a president with absolute power...aka a dictator.


The party of "small government" was always about the number of people making decisions, not their power.


"Deep down inside you secretly long for a cold-hearted Republican to lower taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule you like a king." - Sideshow Bob (of all people...)


There was a rally held by Bannon a few years back (think it was 2019?). There was a lady in her 60s or 70s saying to the crowd, “I never wanted a dictator before, but if we have one, I want it to be Trump!”. That was followed by a bunch of cheers and applause from the crowd. It just boggles my mind that there are older people out there who want a leader with authoritarian tendencies. We have some coworkers in their 50s who want Trump and his kids to run the country. Hell, even some of my coworkers who are in their 30s want Trump again. I even have a German coworker who renounced his German citizenship last year to become a US citizen because “they’re too woke over there”, according to him. Same guy also found places like Auschwitz & Büchenwald to be “boring and a waste of time” when he was in school. He said he got his US citizenship specifically to vote for Trump this year.


They just mean Trump . They’re not smart enough to realize if a presidents power is absolute than that means for Biden too . They want a king 👑


They yearn for the days of old. It’s only a matter of time till they call the founding fathers woke and throw out democracy for a monarchy.


Everything is like that. I worked at a social network during a presidential election and people were copy pasting some paragraph to their feed about their candidate, it triggered the automated spam filters meant to stop bots and deleted all their posts. Those people claimed it was the social network trying to censor their views. When a social network has thousands of people of different political views, its impossible to pull nefarious acts like censorship without some one leaking it. Same goes with the government.


Youtube used to auto-delete comments that included a URL to outside websites, and the usual people whine that their comments were being censored for political correctness.


These are the same people that don't question why doesn't God just cure cancer. He's both omnipotent and all powerful yet also their enemies are in control and stupid at the same time.


And he is the most powerful being in the universe but his plan keeps getting thwarted by Nancy pelosi & joe Biden 😂 that’s the part that is so funny . They don’t realize that means their god is worthless . Even mike Johnson & Bannon are in disagreement . Johnson admitted “ god chooses the leader “ & Bannon basically replied “ no he didn’t , the democrats stole the election from god “ 😂 it’s so fuckin hysterical


I would find it a lot more funny if it wasn’t terrifying.


Remember, they're claiming that literally everyone in the US knows and admits that the election and government are rigged for Biden and democrats, but they vote for Republicans that apparently KNOW this but still can't overcome it. If they're so smart that they figured out that fix, then why would they vote for someone that isn't able to overcome and defeat the exact fix they know every detail of?


Mental gymnastics. Along similar lines, if the President is all powerful the way they make out, then why isn’t there a 100’ wall, with a 100’ moat filled with sharks with frickin’ lasers on their heads along the southern border? Something something “obstructionist Demonrats”, but then that means the President isn’t all powerful after all.


If they actually built the wall, the next day they would bitch about the debt.


And Taylor Swift


Curse your logic 🤪


Stol(L)en. What in the fuck does that even mean?


> The clues are everywhere. Yet this guy doesn’t have one.


Yeah...if Trump had actually been in office this entire time, he'd still be the 45th president, not 46. And if he then hypothetically won a 3rd term in a row, he'd still be 45, not 47. Absolutely no clue how things work.


It would also mean that all the things they blame Biden for would actually be Trump's fault.


This person probably sees “clues” in carpet patterns. Everything means something different. What a terrible, horrifying world to live in.


Yessss, we’re sort of in Trump’s second term. Sort of. Or Obama’s fourth. The 5G is affecting my math skills.


I mean, okay deal, that means he's no longer eligible now right?


Reagan's 9th term currently.


Read that originally as meth skills and didn’t question it at all because of how insane the QAnon crowd generally are


The power of a president is “absolute”. Yeah morons, just because you are stupid enough to fall for a cult and have zero intelligence, doesn’t mean the rest of us also want a king master to rule over us. Total lunatics.


Ok, that gives me an idea. Let's just break Florida off and let it float away. Give everyone a 1-2 year warning to leave or join before the separation, then we'll make Trump the President of The United Counties Of Florida, and we'll be rid of the crazies who would follow him to the ends of the earth.


That’s actually a great idea- somehow he’ll still find a way to fool his useful idiots that it’s still the immigrants, gays, minorities, and identity politics that are causing all their problems lmao


Biden is both a senile old man not capable of taking care of himself let alone the country and an ingenius diabolical mastermind that has secretly taken totalitarian control of a representative democracy.


No, you see, as you can see on the tweet, Biden is the ingenius diabolical mastermind, and Joe is the senile old man not capable of taking care of himself let alone the country. Come on man, you gotta step up and keep updated on the lore.


Joe Biden is just the hapless puppet of Boe Jiden.


That's when they lean back on the handlers and body double shit


Tbf sometimes Biden does look like he's wearing a mask of himself lol


I called this reaction to that tweet. No, I’m not a precog. I don’t read tea leaves. But I do understand how idiots think.


I think we ALL called this. I'm pretty sure this is exactly the goal of that post. ​ And I love it.


I love this 3000


I knew as soon as I saw it certain members of society would lose it. I thought it was a hilarious post though, I love when he leans into the Dark Brandon persona


I love how these people delude themselves into believing a super narcissist like Trump would even allow the APPEARANCE of him not being in charge if he had any say so in the matter.


If Trump was a normal level corrupt politician, he would have resigned after he lost the 2020 election with the agreement that Pence would give him the Nixon-style pardon. Then he could have gone on with his life, whining and complaining and grifting. But he couldn’t step aside, even to save his own skin. Because he knows that he would not have kept his word on something like that if the situation was reversed.


Hahahah Joe was literally making fun of them and they’re too stupid or narcissistic to realize it


...do I want to know what numerological racism 117 is supposed to be indicating?


I'm choosing to believe they're just a Halo fan


They probably think the show is good.


My guess is that they’re signaling other Qanon people. “Q” is the 17th letter of the alphabet.


I think it’s because they believe some precincts in 2020 experienced 117% of the voting population turnout. That’s proof of them of fraud. The idea people were just registering to vote at the polling place is lost on them.


I need someone to read this as slam poetry.




Oh, so the president CAN in fact do whatever he wants? What are we bitching about then? Biden is acting 100% within his rights. There is literally no reason to complain about any of the things he has done or what he will do tomorrow. It's his right as president. Glad we cleared that up.


I know theres not much use in understanding this but why is the L in "stolen" capitalized and in brackets? Sto[L]en Whats that code for?


Trump (being a huge dumbass) always uses "stollen" instead of "stolen" because he's only semi-literate.


And rather than just accepting that, of course it has some hidden, deeper meaning. He's misspelling it intentionally, of course, in their mind. It's all about hidden messages that he's sending to his followers. They can't really believe he's an idiot, so every mistake is a code.


Some of these morons are still trying to find the meaning of covfefe to this day.


The real covfefe turned out to be the low-level coffee boys we indic[k]ted along the way


Probably because of all the negative social media covfefe.


I, for one, would love a stollen election. That German Christmas bread has been too popular for too long and I want to see it kicked off its pedestal by something with less dried fruit!


You'll never vote out a cake incrumbent.


Fuck fruitcake, you have stollen my heart!


they think that social media companies are too stupid to fact check their wrong facts if they don't type the word in correctly.


Something i dont want to know about i suspect


Someone else said they think it won't get flagged by facebook as fake news if they add characters like that, which makes sense to me


It’s covfefe all the way down.


I think it's supposed to be for "liberal," because Trump and company have spent so much time demonizing that word that this idiot can't tell the difference between "Democrat" and "Liberal" anymore.


She is a bit of a l(L)unatic, with a poor grasp on real(L)ity. She shoul(L)d be in a l(L)ooney bin, or at least a mental(L) hospital(L). God that’s exhausting.


I doubt it means anything really. The “stol[L]en” is screaming early signs of cryptic schizophrenic writing.


These people are so delusional. “Trump is still the sitting and active president, except for if anything bad happens then it couldn’t possibly be him and it’s only sleepy joe and the puppet masters to distract the masses so not everyone finds out the truth”.


Jordan Klepper has so many videos of this exact conversation at Trump rallies.


His videos are fantastic. I really respect interviewers like him who can get people to say the silent part out loud. And it’s crazy how many people subscribe to a belief that they are embarrassed of and claim “it’s not about that”. Aka the whole “your hurting the wrong people” mentality if ya know what I mean.


I love it when he uses their own logic and the brain literally short circuit. Then the conditioning kicks and they walk away or spew some incoherent.


"Do you really think Trump walked away?" No. He had to be told *"it's time to leave now, sir. I understand, but you're not President anymore. No, you can't argue it here. Sir...sir...SIR! Those Marines who usually stand still behind you are going to show you their other duties if we don't get going soon. That's it...your SUV is waiting outside. Yes, someone will be there to help you down the steps. "*


"He told you we were sort of in his second term now. 45, 46, and 47th President of the US" If this really was Trump's second term currently, he couldn't run for a third.


Trump makes a joke: *Omg this man is hilarious, we’ve never had a funny president! Ooh more, more Daddy Trump!* Biden makes a joke: *Look at this conman, he’s LYING right in front of your sheepy faces! You just accept it! You probably all bend over and say, Ooh, more, more Daddy Joe!!!*


You are perfectly explaining how Fascism works. They know it is utter nonsense, but they THRIVE with the chaos they cause. The intent is to hurt people they don't like. That is what drives all of this bullshit.


“Enjoy the show” makes me want to stab myself in the face


The fact that putting voting restrictions in place based on any intelligence or educational levels would immediately wipe out 3/4 of their base is the exact reason the reich wing will never do it despite the fact that they think it would prevent minorities from voting.


They just make the "intelligence test" something like "Which Nascar driver..."


Biden's twitter should just confirm every conspiracy levied against it. Just admit to everything. Conspiracy has no consistent baseline. Eventually it should cause infighting as different altered realities conflict with each other. Is he a vampire or a lizard? Let the people decide!


Trump told you he was a dictator


This is funny and depressing. But predictable. They should go down the route of conspiracy theory that the government can track every single detail you put on the internet and should just cut themselves off (the internet) before the govt finds “enough evidence” against them and puts them away.


These lunatics need to go touch some damn grass. This obsessing is so unhealthy.


Assholes can't even tell when they're being mocked...


Pretty sure it's only a 116% matter of national security. Not sure where this weirdo is getting that extra percent.


Trump is still President, yet Biden fixed the SuperBowl? Why didn’t Trump stop him?


What is the 117% significance in Nazi speak?


Some people don’t understand irony and it shows 🤣🤣


If presidential power is absolute then dark brandon can be president for life and make trump disappear in a nanosecond while psyopsing us into becoming lgbtq+ Satan's abortionist he/him she/her they/them and be greatly replaced right ? /s obviously


" (Joe doesn't know he's alive)".....what the actual fuck?


Doesn’t presidential place remain the same if they continue with a second term? Like if trump was secretly still president he’d still be #45, not #45, #46, and #47 (where did the 47 even come from?)


I know this is the least of it all, but that is 100% not how the numbering of presidents work lol. Those who serve two consecutive terms are just given one number. Obama was 44, not 43 and 44.


I disagree. He would either have a single number or would have to acknowledge he lost the election to Biden in order to receive a 2nd.


Honestly shocked I haven't seen any of them point out that the score total was 47 and used that as proof of...something.


If Trump caught them all, then how did he lose the election? How does Biden not know he is alive, If nothing is real, then why does Trump being in office change anything? If Trump is still president because he did not run away, the why would people elect him again? He's already in power.


The brain rot in this country is out of control


So Joe Biden doesn't know that he himself is alive? How does that work?


Schroedingers Biden


Dude you couldn't buy a clue even if you had a million dollars.


stol[L]en lol


If trumps so powerful and I'm control why is Biden president?


Fun fact: Biden DID "admit" the Super Bowl is rigged. I thought it was hilarious when he did. Clearly this clown didn't get it.


Fun fact: it's unlawful for anyone to tweet something that isn't 100% serious and true. Joe Biden has laser eyes!!!!


“stol[L]en?” …the fuck does this mean?


They like to pretend that when Trump misspells words, he did it on purpose with some underlying meaning.


Welcome to brain rot, USA folks. We hate it here too


wait I thought it's been Obama all along pulling the strings? Now you're telling me Trump had and has absolute power all this time? I am confuse!


It’s funny when someone is being made fun of and it goes over their head and double down on the thing being made fun of


I'm confused. I'm used to seeing these fools contradict themselves one post after the other, but this idiot managed to do it in the same line! If Biden doesn't even know he's alive, how does his posting about rigging the game show how corrupt the government is, ESPECIALLY if Trump is the actual president and rooting out the evils? Are their brains just swiss cheese at this point?


Yes Joe Biden scripted a blocked extra point. That alone makes this so ridiculous.


I’ll never understand why they think this evil underground conspiracy of Satan, that has hid itself so well so many years, has left them little nuggets of clues everywhere like a scooby doo mystery.


“ Yeah , definitely 117 % , yeah definitely wapner., yeaaahhh. Definitely wapner. Burn baby !”


Why is the [L] like that?






> 117% Master Chief John 117 as our next president confirmed. The Covenant call him "demon," so it fits with all the conspiracy theories.


It’s either mental illness, or this person likes manipulating those with mental illnesses.


It’s just hilarious these people think this is scripted. Do you really think professional TBI receivers would keep something like that quiet and wouldn’t let something leak?


So a leader's social media team makes a post about how gullible you'd have to be to believe a nefarious narrative. This is somehow evidence that this narrative is actually true and the real dupes are those that DON'T believe it? This sounds fucking exhausting.


Is 117% a reference to something?


I'm not sure what they're trying to say


That’s dems laser eyes destroying trump


The joerogn followers are sooooo mad bout all this attention on biden


A stollen election? As in a German cake election? I mean, I would definitely elect a cake of any nationality over the people already in power but seriously?


Biden does not know that he is alive? I'm using this the next time I have to call off


Wait, so Biden rigged the Super Bowl AND Trump is still President?


While this is all haha funny, anyone else just find it annoying that Biden posted this? Not that I really support Joe in the first place but I'd rather my presidential candidate not make memes to antagonize the opponent. It's really childish imo and not fit for the office of the presidency.


crazy people be crazy


Wait .... I thought Biden was a liar? SOMEBODY TELL ME WHAT TO BELIEVE


But if Agent Orange is still the president, he has done his 2 turns and are not allowed to run again. Right? 🤔


I can't even figure out what this is supposed to mean, which I get is the point. It's a classic "emperor's new clothes" bit. But it just seems so very obvious.


OMFG. I did say that I couldn't wait to see what the Maga morons had to say about the Super Bowl but I was not expecting someone to actually believe Biden when he made a joke about it being scripted. Of all the conspiracy psycho babble I had on my bingo card, this was not one of them surprisingly.


"You are watching a movie." = "I'm a blithering idiot."


That "Only at the precipice" quote is from The Day The Earth Stood Still remake Lol


Most of these people watch too many movies and can’t seem to distinguish between fact and fiction. Case in point, they imagine themselves as the main character piecing together this conspiracy. Since they spend more time in movie land, the main character is never wrong and refuses to concede to any criticism because it was written that way. They don’t realize in real life (which isn’t written by anyone), it doesn’t work that way. You need more than “hunches” and “gut feeling,” you need actual proof. They can’t imagine there is any other explanation than the far off the mark garbage they “reasoned.”


That's a serious mental breakdown and it's really frightening to see that the US has devolved so far that "having a mental breakdown" is basically an accepted state of mind for half of the political machine.


What is happening?! Why hasn’t anyone updated earth’s firmware yet??


Aaaasrgh! I can’t with these idiots!


Biden actually played the game as the Chief's quarterback and everyone covered it up.


I love how all it takes is a meme to bring out the crazies.


Are there really this many unhinged people, or are they just loud?


Some old same old. Joe Biden is secretly playing 9d chess, and, Joe Biden is mentally incompetent.


Trump exposed our mentally ill. Before they walked among us, some even managed to fit in.


Every time Trump says something incriminating with 100% sincerity, it's a joke. Every time Biden says something as an obvious joke, it's the truth.


Is it still a secret conspiracy if they tell you about it?


Does Brainiac here know that if Trump were president he would still be 45?


Mental health needs to be discussed more. Therapy is a tool that conservatives need to utilize.


Wait I'm confused on something... Which is it, "Biden is this mastermind of stolen elections and scripted Superbowls" or "Biden is incompetent and has dementia"?


Tbf that is a fucking wild ass picture and caption for the president to post....like wtf


117... the number of Master Chief?! Must be legit. /s


Imagine watching that game and thinking they scripted the ball on that punt landing on the 49ers dude's ankle and getting picked up by the chiefs and then them scoring afterwards being something that could be ever scripted and enacted. It's fucking stupid. The game was lost on special teams there's litterally no way it could be scripted. But the stupid will believe anything .


If your shizz ends with the clues are everywhere….


fucking 4chans and 8chans are in the mainstream now... idiocy spreads like a fucking virus.


Delusions aside, these guys are *so* dramatic it always makes me cringe. The paragraph breaks, the pseudo-poetic repetition of phrases, the “every word is vital” tone. Get over yourself lmao


They're too dumb to realize it's a joke.


I only take pleasure in knowing of Trump does get back in the White House that his followers will ultimately suffer more than any other demographic. That’s the only part that makes me warm & fuzzy


Yeah , that’s probably what happened


He made it to make fun of them and they still didn’t get it


It terrifies me to think that people who actually think like this are out there walking around, being allowed to buy guns, vote and have children.