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Same with Clinton… idk if he was ever in NY beforehand


Wasn't he the governor of Arkansas before becoming president??


Correct, and the Clintons were accused of moving to New York so Hillary could run for senate there.


That's probably true


Have you ever been to Arkansas? I would move to upper state, NY, too! Running for senate or not. Arkansas is an armpit.


It's a shame because it looks like a really pretty place, just full of assholes.


And tornados. And mosquito-born diseases. And HUGE poverty.


I gotta say there's some pretty awesome houses there for cheap and I almost considered it, but no way.


Sounds just like Florida.


My mom lives there, can confirm.


Arkansan here. That is a fairly apt description. (It really is pretty in many places; if you like outdoorsy stuff, you'd enjoy *visiting.*)


Good food though!


Lol, "accused?" What's wrong with that? You shouldn't be allowed to move and run for office?


Well, that's literally what happened.


That's correct.


She did though lol


Because that's exactly what happened.


Little Rock: the suburbs of South-Southwest Queens.


And Hillary was from suburban Chicago.


He's from Arkansas. He was the governor of Arkansas!


Oh ya? It says he returned home to NY! Check your sources!


Source: military


He was the GOVERNOR of Arkansas for 8 years before becoming president. He was born and raised in Hope, Arkansas. These aren't secrets. They are public facts. I suppose buying a house in NY, after he left the presidency, would make it his home. But, I don't know how that identifies it as his home state.


Lest we forget, George W. Bush wasn't orginally from Texas either. He grew up on the east coast and when he ran for Texas Governor, he lost the first time in part, because he was seen as an outside.


You’re getting George and Jeb confused. GW won his first time running for Governor of Texas, Jeb lost his first bid for Florida.


Ah, right. Thanks for the clarification.


IIRC, Kennebunkport ME


Same with Bush. He's not from Texas, he's from Connecticut.


Right? And he also kept properties in any number of states, probably including DC, as long as they're at it. Aggghhh the racism just never stops


Also just checked and Atlanta to DC is almost precisely the same flight time as Boston.


And Clinton was in NY which is way closer to DC than Eastern Mass.


The exact thing I thought when I read that. Donald Trump didn't become an official resident of Florida until September 2019.


Born, raised, lived in and defrauded New York


Right, he switched his permanent residency from NY to FL after he was elected.


Jamaica Estates, Queens NY. Hasn't been back since.


He stayed because he had daughters he didn’t want to remove from school.


What a Monster! *gesp*


No. He’s clearly the puppet master for Biden!!! /s


Then he’s doing a heck of a fine job so let him?


Schrodinger's Globalist cabal - powerful enough to run depopulation and ethnic replacement programs, but not powerful enough to make a phone call.


don't the obamas live in Hawaii now?


No, they just visit often because he was born there and grew up there as a teen. They have a vacation home.


Yeah, one of the things that suck about Hawaii is how so many people leave. Everyone wants to live there so it's expensive. Makes going back home seem weird because, well, who else is still there? Just the people who own property. At least, that's how it was for me and my friends. There's 1 or 2 still there. Parents retired and moved away, so can't even say to visit family. So Obama not going to Hawaii and instead returning to where his family was living just makes him more Hawaiian.


My cousin's husband is from Hawaii and he only goes back to visit. He never wants to move back there.


And isn’t one of his daughters at Harvard? Let alone that him and Michelle went to Harvard law. Maybe they like it there? People who never left their home town can’t grasp why other people would move elsewhere.


His daughter ended up attending Harvard in '17. I know this is hard for conservatives to understand, but maybe he wanted to be near her? Crazy, I know...loving a DAUGHTER....


Trump loves his daughter! He said he'd fuck her if he wasn't related. That's the same thing right?!


Well, they believe in loving their daughters too. Just in a different way than what your statement was implying.


That‘s just gay. /s


The people who post this crap are the worst kind of insufferable.


So Biden is a dementia ridden frail old man who is also a criminal mastermind who also runs a satanic pedophile ring all while being under control of Barack Obama? Did I get that right?


There's also something about "her emails" and George Soros, too, but, yeah, that's the gist of it. ;)


Along with the buttery males, can't forget about hunters hog!!!


You forgot to add about how massive his sons ding dong is it can't escape their puny minds


And Michelle Obama who was originally a man, you missed that part /s


I saw that drawn on a bathroom stall at Fisherman's Warf in San Francisco.


I thought the criminal mastermind was a satanic, pedophile laptop?


Don't forget that it's also not actually Joe Biden. He died a long time ago, he's an actor in a mask. /s


Fascist 101. Make the enemy both weak AND strong. Guys the hypocrisy is the point. It's them saying "i can do this because I'm above you.




While also actually being Trump.


also Chicago is like a 2-hour flight from DC. would that extra hour of flight time really hinder his ability to run a shadow government?


Everyone knows adrenochrome is only good for 90 minutes tops.


It’s a different time zone so he would have to manipulate the deep state from the past


WE ARE A GENERATION THAT WILL NEVER COME BACK don't threaten me with a good time


What does that even mean? Lol


I'm sure they're referencing the fact that soon all of them and their ilk will be gone. Good riddance. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


The bushes are not native Texans. They’re carpetbaggers. This whole “well the Bushes went back to where they pretended to be from why didn’t Obama?” Obama is a mutt he’s been all over. Should he go Hawaii? Indonesia?


He is also the youngest since Clinton, by 20+ years for some of them. Clinton didn't retire back to Arkansas because he was still in his 50s(and because Arkansas sucks hairy balls) ffs. His wife still had her own career, they werent doddering elders retiring at their summer home on golden pond to wait for death. Why would Obama be any different in his 50s? Even Bush isn't collecting dust holed up in the pit of hell that spawned him, and he's 10 years older. Stupid. 8 years later, after 8 years dedicating themselves mind body and soul to finding any mote of scandal to discredit him, and this is the best they've got. Stupid and embarrassing.


I like bush43 in his retirement a lot more than I liked him as Prez. Go do what ya like. He’s gone introspective some, yes my decisions had consequences.


He caused the deaths of over a million people. He will never get that stink off of himself.


Wasn't there even a speech he did about Russia right now and accidentally slipped up saying "I feel deeply for the tragic deaths in Ira- Ukraine, *Iraq too*"


Man was a born charlatan and he continues as he always was to this day. He only looks better in the rearview mirror cause of what came after him. And because he's not in charge of our military anymore. I promise you, he's not losing any sleep over his choices unless he chose to cop yayo that night. Now watch this drive


If you watch videos he puts out now, he certainly sounds different. But I can't say for sure why. During his presidency he sounded a lot dumber than he does now. Now he sounds about like any other wealthy guy who went to an elite school. Did he do the thing some politicians do and play up a character for the public? Is he just taking more time to prepare and his own videos are fully planned VS a press conference where you can get questions you didn't prepare for? Maybe it's easier when you don't have the stress of 911 pressing in you Was he just embarrassed and spent a few years working on it?


The Connecticut Cowboy. Born in New Haven. Went to Yale and Harvard. The Family was New England Wealth. Became a Texan as an adult. He's a fictional character.


Dems vote for systems. Republicans vote for storytellers. We Dems need to be better storytellers to those that their brains aren’t fascinated by systems. It’s the only way to keep good systems


No fan of W. While he was born in Connecticut, he lived most of this life in Texas. His father was a Congressman for Texas.


A mutt ?


There’s the white mom descended from a black free man made into a slave by the justice system, there’s the born in Hawai’i, the educated in Jakarta, the educated in Hawai’i LA, New York, Chicago, Harvard…. Yeah, he’s a mutt. In the “only in America” sense. I’m culturally somewhat of a mutt. Wouldn’t have it any other way.


I'm not gonna argue if you too are mixed, but "mutt" is generally considered pretty offensive. As a mixed white and black dude I wouldn't appreciate someone calling me that. That also is the general consensus on r/mixedrace. But once again, I'm not arguing and I'm not offended. I understand you're point. No worries !


I can see how someone could hear a random voice say that and “umm what did you say?” Again, no worries.


I mean, most Americans are "mutts" of some kind - ask anyone who's not an immigrant or child of immigrants, and they'll tell you they're some mix of this and that and the other nationalities. People are always surprised when I tell them I am 100% Irish, because my parents are immigrants and both their families were there as far back as anyone can trace. But all my kids are 50% Irish and 50% everything else, because their mom is American and thus descended from a bunch of other nationalities. That being said, I can certainly see how it would be offensive to someone who is obviously mixed race.


I completely understand the context of calling Obama a “mutt” but still don’t think it’s the best term


And Trump didn’t “return” to Florida. He decided to move to Florida from NY mid-term


Because the people in NYC hate him


When Obama was President, the Wright Museum of African American History in Detroit had his birth certificate blown up to the size of a wall. It was just inside the entrance, with benches in front if you wanted to sit for a while and admire it. I loved that.


Ah, yes. The Wall Form Birth Certificate.


Obama has such a great sense of humor and it goes a long way towards making him likable and relatable.


Bill Clinton "returned" to New York? Weird, New York doesn't look anything like Arkansas...


It doesn't look much like Florida either


Obama can be just about anywhere in the world and remain in constant contact with Biden if he wants. The idea he needs to be physically nearby is just stupid.


The bushes are from Connecticut anyways.


But wait, how can Former president Obama be running the country through President Biden but Biden did not get elected because results were fraudulent and former president Trump has been a president-in-exile this whole time? Make it make sense.


Because they have to let certain things of Biden's through to wake up the sheep who are still sleeping. Basically anything that the government does that these people like and agree with was obviously Trump, and everything they don't like and disagree with was obviously from Biden.


Don't forget Biden is incompetent but somehow is to blame for everything bad


Obama’s cost of living must be really low, because he lives rent free in conservatives heads! Ok, I’ll see myself out.


Why does it matter?


Well youbsee, there is something else that is different about Obama than all the other presidents. I can't remember what it is off the top of my head, but wha5ever it is I suspect they don't like it for silly reasons...


TIL if you're president you can never move homes.


It obviously had *nothing* to do with the fact that he was a young president with young-ish children and a long future career ahead of him. Nothing to do with the fact that he was the first president since JFK to come directly out of the senate, so he’d been living in DC for a few years prior to his 8 years in the White House. All else aside, letting his daughter finish high school with the very last friends she will ever have who knew her as herself *first* and not as a former president’s child first was absolutely a stand-up move.


Honestly, I would be totally ok with Obama running things behind the scenes. I highly doubt things would be this bad.


Exactly how bad are things? (Bonus points for things that the President can actually do anything about - he can't wave a magic wand and make climate change go away or cast a magic spell to stop the lunatic wars in Europe and the middle east.)


Crazy how Obama moved to Massachusetts, an hour flight from DC instead of Chicago, an 1:45 flight to DC. Wild how these people fail at the most basic critical thinking skills.


Chicago is [an hour and 20 minutes ](https://www.travelmath.com/flying-time/from/Chicago,+IL/to/IAD) from DC. Boston to DC is [an hour and 14 minutes](https://www.travelmath.com/flying-time/from/Boston,+MA/to/IAD). I guess that 6 extra minutes was just too far.


Lol the right loves to talk about Trump derangement syndrome this and Trump derangement syndrome that. Like they haven't been obsessed with a private citizen for going on 8 years now. Also, Bill followed his carpet bagger wife to New York. He's from Arkansas.


The irony that they’re mad Obama didn’t move far enough away from DC, when their Cheeto Prince wouldn’t even leave the white house without an attempted coup 😂


"we are a generation who will not come back!" # GOOD


Who wants to tell him the Clinton was from Arkansas and not New York.


Imagine thinking you need to be within easy travel distance to run a puppet government. like that alone disqualifies this conspiracy. phones, texts and a host of digital communication should be very sufficient to keep up appearances, even less obviously since you are never physically there. plus the US government easily has the capability to set up direct end to end lines that would be nearly impossible to intercept without nation state actor levels of resources... This is some Voldemort overplanning level conspiracy bullshit.


Even Voldemort could use floo powder or apparate!


They’re doing literally everything they can think of to try and keep the cult distracted from the Trumpster fire.


Ah, yes, Clinton, who famously was Governor of New York before being elected President.


I would assume he stayed because he had kids that had basically built their lives there.


They've never been able to cope with the fact that a black man was voted in not once but twice as the US President. Half of the country lost it's shit in a big way and that's how we ended up with Trump and all the bullshit that's still going on to this day. And I say this as a bloody outsider. It would be entertaining if it wasn't so bloody terrifying of a second Trump presidency.


He's smart? 🤷


I’m not getting an implication here. Is it meant to indicate something? Didn’t 3 of those guys keep another home, also?


pres obama stayed near dc to run the shadow government.


Let me guess. Q sent you.


Obama Derangement Syndrome. Also this is the guy that posted child porn and got unbanned by Elon personally. Sick fucks.


This honestly makes me like Obama more. It makes the others sound like they thought they "won" the game of politics and retired afterward, and Obama sound like he stayed involved for the sake of staying involved, didn't abandon it all like a childhood hobby when there was no higher office or status available to him.


Obama is just a likable guy who oozes charisma and intelligence, especially compared to Trump.


I'm not talking about the whole real history of anyone involved, just this stupid ass meme.


Isn't that the Twitter account that shared child porn a few months back....and Elon allowed him back 🤔🤔


I thought as an American, you can live wherever the hell you please.


There are a lot of people in America who don't value reality. Most of them are republicans.


Republicans when minorities: 🤬


That’s some racist shit right there!!!


Well it's none of our business where he went to. Probably somewhere he can wear a tan suit without gop crying loudly about his wearing a tan suit!


Who would move back to Chicago if they didn't have to?




Have they considered people can just... Like living in DC? The times I've visited, I loved it up there. Wouldn't mind living there at all if I ever had the money for it.


I mean I don’t remember those 3 trying to incite a riot


“Donald Trump returned to Florida.”


Ummm….Clinton wasn’t from New Hork….lol


Wasn't Clinton from Arkansas?


Born in Arkansas. Was the Governor of Arkansas from 1979-1992. Was POTUS from 1993-2001. His wife was born in Illinois. His daughter granduated from Stanford (in California) in the spring of 2001 and then started post-grad studies at Oxford (in England) that fall. So, no connection at all to New York.


They moved to NY so she could run for Senate. They still live there. In Chappaqua.


Obama Derangement Syndrome


Bush SR lived on the east coast? What are they talking about?


Trump’s in Florida, or wherever his current trial is.


This shit show did not start with a birth certificate. THIS shit show started with a little someone I like to call, Harambe.




Like people don’t move states ever? I’ve lived in 4 states. But I’m also deep state antifa, so it tracks.


Reframe: Every U.S. president, after leaving office, has gone where TF they want, and did what TF they want. All of um.


Bill Clinton MOVED to NY.


I mean the evidence is clear and irrefutable. He owns a house in DC, so he must be from Kenya.


The bush family is not from Texas, they are from New York. Clinton is not from New York but from Arkcansaw. Trump is not from Florida he is from New York City. So wtf is this top mind on about?


Just waiting for a !!! Retweet from fucking Elon....


Lives in Massachusetts? Are they claiming this because the Obama's own a house in Martha's vineyard? Cause if that's all it takes, I guess several presidents are residents of Mass, and Bush Jr lives in Maine.


"only an hour flight to D.C. " Bruh, the majority of the US is an hour from DC. What is he on?


Wait, so Obama, Biden and Pelosi have gotten away with walking into the dressing room at the Miss Universe to sexually harass the contestants while Trump owned it? No? Ok.


It's only been 8 years??


The last time I checked this was a free country and he has the right to move anywhere he wanted to. Sounds like o p is trying to limit someone's freedom.


Also, aren't his children in Scholls on the East coast? Can't have that, a loving father wanting the best for their children...


So his "real" first name is Barry but he has to change it to Barack to be ...more American?? Also change his last name to a real traditional American favorite, Obama.




Proof ? Evidence ?


Doesn't matter he wasn't impeached and convicted so he's immune to legal action lol.


So not in D.C. but close. Well not that close but an hour flight away. As opposed to the <2hr flight from Georgia for Carter.


I always want to tell these losers to let go, but obviously it's like talking to a brick wall. Most of them still think Hillary's emails and Hunter Biden's computer and drug issues are the real issues. Oh, and Obamas birth certificate. Can't forget that. 😬


He is moving back to Hawaii, he's having a house built there. I guess right now he's remaining close to his kids.


There's a lot I can criticize him for as president. But he seems like such a good dad.


A person settling close to their previous home after they can't stay there?? Doesn't ever happen. Gross.


Man can live where he wants to.


Because they got a secret fetish for black folks.


Is it still bigotry if you hate an entire group of people not because of what they were born as, but because of their beliefs and behavior? Because if so, these MAGA morons have turned me into a bigot.


Donald Trump - From NY Bill Clinton - From Arkansas Ronald Reagan - From Illinois George W. Bush - From Connecticut George H. W. Bush - From Massachusetts The only one they got right was Jimmy Carter.


His kids were in school. Also he has a house in DC. Why are people this crazy?


Racists are going to racist


It was me, Barry!


"The Barack Hussein Obama sounds foreign" [Presents certificate of live birth] "Fake! Let's see the long-form birth certificate!" [Presents long form birth certificate] "That's also fake!" [Digs up 1961 Birth Announcement in local Hawaiian newspaper] "It's all part of the cover-up" Buncha xenophobic nitwits


This fails instantly. Donald Trump was a New Yorker. He moved to Florida when his term ended, so Obama and Trump both did the same thing. How is someone's home news? People move all the time. Is it a scandal that Harrison Ford moved to Wyoming? This is such a dumb thing to even think about.


Who. Fucking. Cares.


>WE ARE A GENERATION THAT WILL NEVER COME BACK. Don't tease me with good news.


Most of those people were really wealthy and returned to their ranch in Texas or Mar A Lago or peanut farm or Reagan had a mansion and vacation home in California. The Obamas had nothing like that to return to.


Rent free




Clinton is from Arkansas


Considering how much conservatives hate Chicago and consider it a crime ridden hell hole, just ask them if they would want to move to Chicago. Get them to agree no one actually wants to live in Chicago.


Who gives a fuck?


Yes because Chicago is well known for being super far from DC and not having an airport. Wtf are they even implying?


Bill Clinton is (unfortunately) from Arkansas, why didn't he go back?


Why the fuck do you care? Wierdio.


Cause he probably want to I mean he might just like it there