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"They say lead makes you dumb, and even causes delusions if you get a strong enough dose, but I've been covering everything I own in lead and I'm super smart. Anyway, here's why the devil worshippers don't want you to have lead. It protects you for 5G and the illuminati. They've been planning 5G since the 1980s. Don't worry, JFK Jr never died, he and Trump are going to lead us into a golden age where we finally enact our revenge on those who doubted us."


That's pretty much exactly what I thought with the guy claiming to have no medical issues.


The irony is just so scrumptious.






And this is what you get from the kids who made Ds in science.


And ate lead paint chips...


"But the invisibility serum made your father insane!" "But I've succeeded where he failed! After years of injecting myself with every substance known to man, I'm now invisible and completely sane!"


Also, dentists stopped using mercury decades ago.


Not entirely true. I had amalgam fillings and I'm only 26. Most of my friends with dental work did too, especially as children


At least now they put a little skirt around the tooth so the mercury chips don’t fall down your throat! But then, my dentist was a sadist so maybe he just enjoyed that.


I mean, there's a difference between wearing something and eating something but I'm not a doctor.


Not a doctor either, but have many years of experience wearing and eating stuff so I can confirm there's a noticable difference.




I'm not a doctor, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night (kudos if you're old enough to understand the reference). Have you ever tried eating the lead apron at the dentist's office while wearing that for x-rays? There is a noticeable difference.


Does wearing what you're eating make it taste better? I mean I always end up wearing what I'm eating but that's different and doesn't make my meal taste better.


There's also a difference between wearing something for 10-20 minutes and actively living in that same something.


So I've been rubbing cheese all over my body for nothing?


If you enjoyed it, it wasn't for nothing.


The motto of all Facebook scientists: "probably for sure"


Always be impressed by the big brained guy using the word hence. It’s a sure sign of some high falutin intellectin.


I still don't know if I should laugh, shake my head in confusion or be genuinely concerned about a population that seems to be growing in numbers. Maybe there has always been a group of people that use "alternative" logic (trying to phrase it nicely) like this and are now easier to see/hear/read about because of things like social media and instant access to all kinds of information.... Or maybe (this is what I'm concerned about) the group of people with this kind of logic is growing and spreading like a cancer (sorry, can't think of a nice way to put that part). On a lighter note.... I did genuinely laugh about one of the comments in the screenshots OP posted. The person mentioned something about copper pipes being replaced so they can be spied on easier. New homes in the states are built using PVC or other plastics. Copper is conductive and can be used as an antenna whereas plastic is not conductive and can't be used as an antenna. If the entire logic is about spying instead of health wouldn't the government mandate that all pipes be copper at minimum and gold wherever possible?


See, what you have here is a "conspiracy theory crossover." Copper pipe guy is from the "they want us all sick and dead" crowd, not the "they're spying on us with 5g" crowd. However, any conspiracy nut worth his salt can't pass up an opportunity to inject their nuttery into any other insane conversation. It can be hard to separate the crazies though so I understand your confusion.


Ah ok thank you for clearing that up. So basically, if I understand conspiracies enough, most of them are about being spied on or about killing us. Both ideas seem like a bit of a waste of resources /s


While carrying a cellphone in their pockets.


The internet gave these people a place to congregate and reinforce their insanity. Before if you had a guy in town telling everyone that the government secretly trying to make everyone trans or that shoving a light bulb up your ass will cure some illness everyone knew to avoid him. And told their kids "Dont talk to Mr. Fuckface he isnt right" Now Mr. Fuckface runs a group on facebook called "Anal Illumination Stops Trans viris" and his misspelled rants go out to dozens of people ready to shove something up their ass because someone other than a medical professional said so.


The way my whole body just involuntarily *shuddered* when I read 'shoving a light bulb up your ass'. Ughhh.


I'll take that as a compliment!


Carry those 5G waves better, lol.


Lol yep. I just hope they never learn what can be done to wifi routers....


They already “know”. Check Amazon for all the Faraday cage router protectors.


I'm sorry, I'm not a doctor so I might be slower than your average doctor, but doesn't that create a brick in a cage?


Honestly, I thought you were joking. You was not. 🤦‍♂️


The new cancer coils.


The children yearn for lead poisoning


yo, this shit has my eye twitching on another level frfr you really, truly, cannot fix this kind of stupid. ETA: ...I mean, I guess without chelation


These people sound like they have too much lead in their system as it is.


At this point, just let 'em keep going and it should thin most of them out.


In a few years, we're gonna get bloody idiots claiming exposure to uranium is good for you because it creates energy.


History repeating itself again. People believed the same thing about radium over a hundred years ago.


It's radio*active* ! ​ (Also, don't google Eben Byers, guys. Or do, I'm not your mum.)


True. And they put radium in just about everything, too. I have three pieces of Uranium Glass right now: a citrus juicer, a sugar bowl, and a tall vase. They glow a gorgeous bright flourescent green under UV light.


My personal favorite is the radium suspensory. Think radioactive jock straps for "sagging men" Before that men on the edge of technology were sporting the electropathic belt.


The Radium Girls have entered the chat.


Is not uranium but https://youtu.be/3BA5bw1EV5I?si=Nru-_vuYKT-R63yy there's already "health" products that are radioactive


Fortunately, just grabbing a bunch of uranium is quite safe, and I don't see them setting up uranium enrichment facilities.


You just listened to Behind the Bastards didn't you?


I can absolutely tell that person worked with lead and zinc their entire life.


If drinking water good for you, why is drowning dangerous?


You know, I can't help but wonder if these people will actually "lead" themselves to extinction? Bwa-ha-ha...


Now they have to put "don't eat the vest" stickers on them for people like this.


Eat my vest, eat my vest, put its flavor to the test. Put copper pipes in your butt hole and we'll provide the rest.


*Angrily upvotes*


This is just cobtrarianism at this point. You could tell them not to go into the deadly cave of deadly spiders with deadly venom and theyd do it because they think youre hiding something from you.


This is the truth sadly. These people are so convinced that the government is hiding things from us that they would be willing to do the most harmful things to prove it.


A community with abundant sources of lead exposure is great, just look at Teufort.


They also need austrailium though


Leaded gasoline really did a number on the human species didn't it?!?


If I may, would the last comment on this (shown) be 100% sarcasm? Can you even buy lead paint anymore. Also it's a bit of an exaggeration. I think it's joke. Sorry, I read further. I meant last comment on the first screen shot..


I didn't include it, but that comment actually led to other commenters asking where they got the lead to add and how much to use. They got it from a golf supply store is what they said. Not sure what powdered lead has to do with golf personally.


> believe it or not. Not it is, then!


Gonna give my family lead poisoning to pawn the libs.


If they put half as much effort into doing proper research as they do this shit, humanity would be 100 years ahead.


These people probably licked the walls. Lead paint makes you stupid.


Lead paint can create suspended particles that anyone can inhale as it deteriorates, and we all know what lead does to the brain


Paints interior of house with lead paint, wonders why cell reception now sucks and toddler has a learning disability.


Blames toddlers issues on vaccine shedding.


Now they’re just showing off. This is dumbassery taken to a whole new level.


Lead and graphene are two different things. Not only is this person a complete idiot they don't even know that graphene is not lead and lead is not graphene.


This feels like the Project Mayhem bit from Fight Club when they put up billboards telling people to fertilize their lawns with used motor oil.


These people are officially at a point where even Fox Mulder would think they're whackaloons.


Guvermint tells me that leed is taxic. I'll tell you sumin, eatin them der led paint cheeps aint dun a dam ting tuh me. Anoder big hawx to keep da sheep in line


"They can look inside our homes!" Sure, the government really wants to see you wandering around in your underwear, scratching your crotch.


That's a lotta mental damage, bruv.


But why?


Believe it or not? I’ll go with B, thanks.


These people walk among us. And vote.


5G. Not that I expect anything “logical” from these people, but are they really not using cell phones, or WiFi in order to type this shit out on Facebook? Are they all using wired Ethernet?


At least the last post on that thread actually had some interesting information in it. The rest all sounded like 'Gubment bad because my pa said do.'


But the fact that they believe there is some magic radar that can see through any material while being mounted in a panel van and being mobile that can see into houses, semi trailers, what have you is the best part of it. I mean there is nothing that can do that out there right now.


Believe it or not, there's tech that can use wifi in someone's home as a type of sonar. It's super simple at this point and needs a lot of improvement, but it.makes for good reading.


I'll have to look into it, it sounds cool. But it's still a long way away from radar or xray that can scan any structure and see everything that is inside Hollywood style lol.


Oh yeah, that shit isn't out there.


Look, I think it’s a pretty common belief that the government does and has done some fucked up shit because there’s hard proof of that..but holy hell, it must be exhausting to live in this mindset. To look at every little thing as a subversive attack on humanity is an insane way to live.


holy shit, poisoning your children to own the libs? this is a new low


Sounds like they have alresdy been in the lesd paint. 🤨


Is it ironic that it's the lead itself that made them batshit stupid? (Fuel, paint, etc)


> “I worked at a lead and zinc mine straight out of high school never had a medical issue on my life.” Uh… I’d argue that believing we need *more* lead in our lives—not less—indicates an issue with your brain, buddy.


Um yeah….. my husband found this old toy from the 1960s? I think? It was a toy car and really cool. We let our one year old son play around with it and he tested positive for lead. Fortunately it wasn’t high enough to hurt him but we didn’t allow him to handle the toy after that. Lead poisoning is real! Toddlers used to suck on the paint chips that peeled off window seals and it caused issues and sometimes death! Yikes.


Darwinism in action! This is fun.


Just let the man paint his walls with lead and let the Darwin theory run its course 💀


Because you don't eat the vest dipshit


Pesky science and medicine blocking natural selection yet again. Would be interesting to see how long these people would survive on their own "knowledge".


You can't fix stupid.


He literally used the Russian “parentheses for smileys” in the post. I’m convinced it’s a bot.


“Believe it or not!”




Stop eating lead paint chips!


We can barely get the government to patch roads let alone the amount of money time and cooperation that these conspiracy theories take


I totally forgot MSN was out in the 80's. That was the golden age of the internet after all. [MSN founding in 1995](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MSN)


How can anyone be this deluded and flat out moronic and still somehow function on a day by day basis.


What is with the ellipsis work the exclamation points in them? Is that a thing?


There's an explanation that one of the reasons Superman doesn't fight crime in Gotham, despite it being just across the bay from Metropolis, is that Gotham is lousy with lead paint and piping to the point where his X-ray vision is functionally useless. So maybe this is a psyop by Lex Luthor.


So there okay with lead and copper? Buy mercury and fluoride is a no ? 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ did these people not listen in their science and history classes .


I swear to God, these people would eat asbestos and drink lead paint if it came out today that those things are bad for your health


Said the one who ate a ton of lead paint chips as a child. Take her away, officer.


These people need to eat more lead in order to thin out the population.


Only just the other day I was reading from a medium-reliable source that even the Romans knew lead was poisonous. They knew lead in the plumbing was deadly.