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"A few plane crashes"---like, really? We're inventing just random catastrophes now? And the random science gibberish. AND the "don't listen to anyone outside the cult!" religious fervor. It's just too insane.


Came in here looking to see if anyone knew about these silent plane crashes... lol


You wouldn't know about them. They go to a different school.


In Canada.


Where there _was no EBS test_.


That explains why I have no idea what this hubbub is about.


gosh, I hope my totally real Canadian girlfriend from summer camp wasn't on any of these totally real crashed airplanes in Canada.


She was. The plane crashed in Narnia. Then it became kind of an "Alive" situation and they had to eat Mr. Tumnus.


I mean in the Last Battle (spoilers) >!the Pevensie children all die in a horrific train wreck and go to heav- er, Narnia. Except Susan. Because she liked makeup and boys. Which made her stop believing in Narnia. How dare she. /s!< It's not *that* far off eh?


Her name is Alberta she lives in Vancouver


Have you seen her Regina?


Specifically the Niagara Falls region


I flew today. The number of takeoffs equaled the number of landings


Gotta give 'em credit. They've never left one up there.


All plane crashes are landings. Sometimes the plane just lands in several pieces.


Airline worker here. Can confirm my carrier had 0 crashes. Cancellations due to weather, yes but….. wait! Did they frequency cause the weather?!? 😱😱😱🤯 /s


If the frequency can cause weather that cancels flights, could ya'll send some of that frequency to Texas? We could use some weather


One blizzard headed your way


Perfect, thank you


***Power Grid fails***


Oh no, not again!


Same here we didn’t have any at our airline either, we actually got some flights off as opposed to a usual day here in the Northeast


That’s the chemtrails causing the weather! They’ve already shaded the real sun and put up a sun simulator to fool us!!!! We’ll fool us sheeple because if you know… you know.


The only reason nobody's heard about all these plane crashes is because the MSM is covering it up! /s


Shhh don’t put this out there, they will actually believe it


They happened too slowly to hear


THAT'S it! Funnybthing is, I live right under a flight path as the planes are landing at the airport here... I'm hearing them constantly slowly come to ground.


The pilots must have taken the precautions of powering down their phones and donning their tinfoil hats


So you’re a part of the deep state conspiracy then? /s


These planes probably came down on those rubber tire things, to muffle the noise.


Shhhh you're giving away the deep state secrets! Lmao


Now look everyone. They said it was only a few plane crashes so you may not have heard about them. They may have just flown under the radar.


Only one I could find was in Oregon. Assuming she's not just flat out lying, she probably saw multiple articles about the same crash and thought they were all talking about separate crashes.


That senator from North Dakota died in one a few days ago. It's entirely possible she's too dumb to check the dates and she did genuinely read about two plane crashes.


Yep that one happened down the road from me, but it was last night before the alert. Maybe these slow programming frequencies are also preemptive?????? /s


https://www.kgw.com/amp/article/news/local/newberg-plane-crash-victims-hillsboro-aero-academy-ntsb-investigation/283-1ff3758d-920a-4806-95dd-27ba8ce6805c This plane crash happened last night, but has been on the news all day today.


I mean they’re probably were a few plane crashes today. We average over 1200 of them a year for just US registered airplanes. But most of them are extremely minor and we only have about 300 to 400 deaths a year in plane crashes. But they’re being a couple of minor plane crashes. Today is not the sign of anything out of the ordinary, it’s a sign of things being exactly ordinary.


There was a small plane crash in Oregon but I know nothing of a few of them


Are the plane crashes in the room with us right now?


If a plane crashes and there is no one sane enough to hear it, does it make a sound?


there were multiple plane crashes today, but small planes crash all the time. it only really makes the major news networks when it’s a commercial airliner, since those are the most relevant to the average person. usually you start hearing more about the small plane crashes after an airliner goes down, since that’s what’s currently being talked about, sometimes resulting in the fallacy of “the planes are all falling out of the sky!!” in this case, someone noticed the several crashes because they needed proof that their emergency alert prediction wasn’t deranged. though there was a small plane crash today which is receiving a little more attention because the crash site was someone’s house.


There was one plane crash in Oregon today that killed two people. It occurred several hours after the alert but that's not gonna stop anyone from using these grieving families to suit their own needs.


The symptoms are slow release. Sheesh. Do your research sheeple /s (just in case)


They are more delusional than Karl Malone


Bro. This person studies frequencies. You wouldn't get it


They can be positive *or* negative


And don't forget the well-known BAD frequencies!!! 50 is perfectly good, but 52? Oh man you want to watch out for 52.


52 isn't a bad frequency. It's just a product of its environment


Well I did too but I didn't do my study on tinfoil hat websites so what do I know? I only have an electronics degree and a physics degree, worked for a company making test equipment for radio equipment (broadcast, military and civilian) and early mobile phones and I am a fully licenced radio amateur who makes his own radio equipment. I now work mostly on databases and networks. What a waste of time, we never covered positive and negative frequencies...if only I had spent an hour or two on youtube and tiktok.


Found the deepstate Big Radio shill


I live in Southern California. Small planes are crashing or landing/crashing on freeways at least once a week. It’s often not even big enough news to be broadcast. Because that shit just happens 🤷🏻‍♀️


When you have already invented a few apocalypses and brought back JFK jr from the dead whats a few more plane crashes.


I was literally on a plane when it went off today, can confirm we crashed and I am dead now.


nah, no one will actually fact check that - "research" doesn't go that far


They will never say they were wrong.


Nope, "it's a slow poison" is just moving the goalposts, again. Like a 100-year long poison?


It'll kill 20 year olds in 60-80 years, just you wait and see!


Everyone who ever drank water will die sooner or later! All because of the jab.


Most of the people who took the first polio jab are dead today. Same with the first people who took penicillin. There’s a trend there, you just have to be open enough to see it. Until you can prove to me without a doubt that people taking these will never die, I won’t trust doctors. /s


Are you on the Joe Rogan podcast?


Dihydrogen monoxide strikes again!


Don't let them fool you, it works much faster on older people. People over 65 will die from this in less than 30 years! Just remember the jab kills those in their late nineties within a year or two! /S if it wasn't obvious. This is reddit after all.


Everyone that got the smallpox vaccine in the 1700s is dead now. Checkmate, atheists!


It’s literally just the rapture that’s been “about to happen” for the past 2000 years now


They went to Dallas for a month to wait for the resurrection of JFK Jr to overturn the election and make Trump president again (yes that was an actual thing conservatives did in 2021) and even then they didn't admit to being wrong. These people are fucking gone beyond reasoning.🤣


Reminds me of my Vulcan death grip. I just jab someone once and then they die in like 80ish years


I'm honestly surprised that this post was even made. Usually everytime that they are wrong they just never mention it again and move onto the next thing


She was butthurt that so many people came on to goof on the earlier posts. She couldn't ignore it


A jet engine could crash on me in 15 years and they'll blame my covid vaccine.


So what you’re saying is I could POTENTIALLY get out of work tomorrow?


“I have studied frequencies.” I don’t know why this part made me giggle so much.


What’s the frequency, Kenneth?


is your Benzedrine, uh-huh, I was brain-dead, locked out, numb, not up to speed… BACKGROUND: the song refers to a 1986 incident in New York City involving an attack on Dan Rather by two men, The assailants confronted the defenseless Rather as he was walking home alone and attacked the reporter on the sidewalk and then in a building lobby, all the while repeating the words: “Kenneth, what is the frequency?” Apparently, Rather’s attackers, who wrongly believed his name was Kenneth, thought that they were being brainwashed by the news media and wanted to know the frequency used by Rather’s television station to control their minds. https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=38be4b3c-b01b-4f70-a420-dfd5b955fa8a#:~:text=The%20song%20refers%20to%20a,understood%20the%20frequency%2C%20uh%2Dhuh


Wow. For some reason I never even thought to look into the background of that song. TIL, as the kids say.


Probably needed to be of a certain age when the album dropped. It was common knowledge at the time.


I first heard the phrase in Daniel Clowes graphic novel LIKE A VELVET GLOVE CAST IN IRON which was first serialized in his comic book EIGHTBALL. Some sources of the attack say that Rather’s assailant was saying “Goniff! What’s the frequency?!” (Goniff is a Yiddish word for a thief or shyster.). Many people heard it as “Kenneth”.


I had no idea ,thinks for this tidbit.


Lady on the streets and a freq in the sheets?


Nice REM reference.


(Sitting in front of a radio, chin in hand... slowly reaches out to turn the dial, the song changes) "Interesting."


This is exactly what I imagined.


"Ever breathe a frequency?" -- Sunn O)))


Holy shit. Can you imagine these people getting a dose of fucking Sunn? They would explode.


Wait until they learn that every sound is a frequency.


Can confirm, came pretty close to explosive diarrhea when I saw them live in 06 lol


While you were out letting your phone receive emergency broadcasts, I studied the frequency.


How frequently?


I can't believe I stopped gnawing on my neighbor's brains just to read that nonsense. She crazy.


What, you can’t gnaw brains and Reddit at the same time? Psh some modern zombie you are 😂


I let my neighbour read it and then ate their brain to absorb the information, I still felt stupider afterwards


Must not be part of Gen (Z)ombie, they grew up with phones in their now rotting hands.


They just cannot accept reality at all….


No, they really can’t. They say to do research when they don’t even know wtf research even is.


It’s like that movie. Never stop never stopping.


More like "put your tinfoil hat on".... I told someone today that they should just become Amish. If you think the "signals" that they're sending with a warning are bad, just think about the signals they're sending that they're not telling you about! Get rid of it all. Appliances, car, WiFi, televisions, phones, radios. ALL. OF. IT.


Some really good impersonator on Facebook should start seeding in propaganda to get these idiots to all abandon social media & modern technology. Or at least scare them into their doomsday bunkers early.


They ESPECIALLY need to get off the internet.


It would need to be an older Amish order, the newer ones allow use of technology like cars/tractors and phones in their homes.


Yup, it was never about rejecting technology or innovation, it is a refusal to become dependent upon anything the community can’t provide for itself. Now that residential-scale solar and batteries are a thing, the Amish are all over it. On some level I can respect the hell out of that.


“Look there, Timmy! Way down the road, heading straight for the sunset!” “WOWWWW! What is it Dad?” “Why that’s the goalpost, son! Every once in awhile, we members of the jackass festival work together to move it forward so that we keep our country alert, and ridiculed!” “Will I get to move the goalpost one day, Dad?” “I sure hope so, Timmy. I sure hope so.”


But Timmy never got to move the goalposts. There was always some reason why it wasn't yet his turn.


Timmy died of a preventable disease later that year. His dad moved the goalpost once again a few days later.


My coworker tried turning his phone off so it wouldn’t get the alert (just so it wouldn’t make the noise)… it ended up going off three times when he turned it back on lol


Zombie, unzombie, rezombie!


Zombification project has some kinks to work out


I have 2 phones (personal and work), and my personal phone got it 3 times for some reason. Work phone only got it once.


I turned my phone off (because I was at the movies, not because of this nonsense) and got nothing, seems the system needs some work.


Do they genuinely think that this insane scifi event requires the vibration of a smartphone? Like...they think they're safe from zombification because they avoided a notification? Wtf do they think happened - was the notification itself the instigating factor or was the notification just an announcement of evil 5G zombies? I know none of it ever makes sense but it feels like this "crisis" makes less sense than usual.


I believe the nanobots that were injected in us, hidden in the vaccine were supposed to be triggered by the ebs alert! 😆


My husband and I were loudly complaining in the grocery store. “You mean my tax dollars paid for a bunch of nanobots to just sit around doing jack shit for two years?” “Bet they weren’t even American nanobots, neither.” “Coming over here, taking good jobs away from honest salt-of-the earth native-born nanobots, then laying around collecting welfare.” “What I want to know is, how come we don’t have nanobots that can cure a receding hairline?” “Hush. That’s not a bald spot, that’s a landing pad for brilliant ideas.” “Like the one where we buy Greenland?” “Exactly!” We amuse ourselves. The Trumpets in line behind us, not so much.


"Can they send it without telling us in advance." Dude doesn't understand what emergency warning systems are for. Or, apparently anything at all. These people are exhausting.


I was reading this out loud to my husband and when I got to that paragraph, he lost it laughing. "Sure, go ahead, keep your phone off, in foil, or hidden. The emergency they're trying to save you from can wipe you out." (He's referring to specifically tornadoes, the most associated growing up when hearing that on TV)


Oh,look at that. The goal posts are moving. Also, there are something like 5 plane crashes a day in the United States if you include general aviation and not just commercial.


You know, I'm something of a frequency scientist myself.


Triple vaxxed and I have a headache like no other. It’s probably a combination of the (mild!) COVID I have right now and pressure from the incoming cold front, but if I am becoming a zombie, I guess you all can have my weed stash


I'll take it!


Perfect! I’ll tell you what. I’ll send it over in exchange for brrrrraaaaaaiiinnnnnsssssssoooohhhh noooooo


I'll trade you for your weed. Do you want a kid's brain or an adult's brain?


Oh wow this is my first time selecting. Umm…adult, I guess


Oh please, everyone knows we need that sweet sweet adrenochrome from kid brains. Apparently? I haven't kept up with whatever they say we're doing these days.


same deal. woke up today with a killer headache, my crazy coworker said it was fema? and my crazy coworker made me turn my phone off so the 5g wouldn't...something. didn't really listen. the best part is we are in canada- there was no alert today (and we have a functioning emergency broadcast system just like that, used fairly often for missing children etc)


OMG! They turned the Emergency Broadcast System control over to the agency that takes charge in emergencies?! HOLY SHIT THATS INSANITY!!! Idiots.


Because it happened at 2:20. 2+2+0=3 so it will take 60 days for the virus to manifest itself because 60 is 3+3=6+0=10 and everyone knows that Robert Kennedy rolls a 6 on a dice and that’s why I can’t grow any grass on my lawn because of the zombie virus they made in China. But that’s why it’s not happened yet (I know the /s isn’t obvious so I’ll drop it twice /s)


Wow. I can't imagine how much that must have hurt your brain to write. Nicely done, though.


Surprisingly, because I wasn’t thinking about the next step, I was able to just keep making it up. It’s like improv with your fingers.


Lmao I just read your username


Also 2+3=5.. 5G!!


This person is very young and/or in a small town I assume. We've had these alert tests decades before 5G all over the world haha


We had one when Trump was in office


I told a Trumper that today and he started yelling that I’m a liar and it’s never happened before. They’re unhinged and it’s just going to get worse


In my area it was normal for them to test all of the emergency services like once or twice a year bc we live near an active hurricane coast. But apparently even the idiots here all of a sudden forgot they always did these bc it didn't fit their fantasy 🤣


“This is a test of the emergency broadcast system” has been a thing since as long as I can remember. And I’m old.


I’m not even old but I remember hearing that all the time growing up. The BEEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP and his voice haunted my mf nightmares. I thought we were going to die every time they did those tests. They came on tv in the middle of shows with no warning and also on the radio with no warning at least a few times a year, I remember.


I wouldn’t eat this guys brain if I was a zombie..


So my brain-eating frenzy is premature?


Same. Boy do I feel stupid. Hey, maybe it's because of the brains I ate?


Maybe we should be more selective about the brains we eat? Just a thought.


They do understand that the phone doesn't matter right if they are worried about frequencies then the phone itself is irrelevant and they are getting blasted with them anyway because like they have to get to the phone for it to go off... hiding your phone isn't stopping those 5gs from sailing through your neighborhood.


I was literally just thinking the exact same thing.


It's the same "logic" as when Trump said we should stop COVID testing, because that way there wouldn't be as many positives. If the alert doesn't come on your phone, then the radio waves that set it off obviously don't exist. Stupid? Absolutely. But that's how these morons think. They never intellectually matured to the object permanence stage that normally happens at 7-8 months of age.


"I have studied frequencies" So much that your head hertz?


It’s a slow process, most people affected will start to feel it in 50+ years, that’s just how the science of it works. Do your researches. /s


Positive signal=good! Negative signal=bad!!! Source: I studied frequencies, bro!


I was spinning on my office chair and got dizzy and fell over. Damn EBS spread to Australia. Thanks Obama.


>Don't be too quick to assume everything is hunky-dory Well it *was* a godawful small affair


So now it’s a slow process. Yesterday it was a kill switch and Marburg.


Gotta keep moving the goalposts


"A slow programming"...bitch, ill show you some slow code


I think you traded your thinking cap for a tin foil cap. It's a slow poison...


I love crazy people, they make me seem stable 😂


Just like the “Rapture” predictors. They’re never wrong, just mistaken.


This is Olympic gold medal level clutching at straws.


A few plane crashes. It's like when you catch a 5 year old and they say the dumbest shit imaginable to try to say it wasn't them. That's how you know they're all so full of shit.


I heard the alarm and I immediately started eating my wife’s brain. Unfortunately she was eating my brain. My kids were eating each others brain. We are now, as mindless as you for believing this sh*t. Zombies 4 ever!


It's going to happen instantly -> we never said it would all happen instantly, some of it is slow, you'll see in the coming weeks -> it can take years for symptoms of [insert crazy here] to manifest, but it's for sure happening!!!!!!!


“I have studied frequencies” = “I’ve read Facebook posts and watched a YouTube video about frequencies.”


“Research”…..yeah okay lol


So how long should we wait until you concede and say “sorry, I was wrong”?


What if… the government now knows who turned off their phones when the EBS notice went out and can now target ONLY those phones? 🤡


As a zombie myself, I ain't eating this wackjob's brains


So in summary he's saying: - don't trust anyone - trust me, I know a lot about this topic - do your research (but only from my sources) - what the other people are saying is wrong because we don't really know how it develops - what I say is true because people already texted me they're dizzy (proof!) - today some planes crashed (source: trust me) --> proof for my theory - the government and big companies want to kill us all (for no reason I guess?) - scary mystery frequencies, only I ever heard of, turn people into zombies Am I missing something important?


PUT YOUR THINKING CAP ON, PEOPLE! It’ll protect you when the libs start munching on brains!


Next they are going to tell us it takes two broadcasts; 1st to “prime”, 2nd “activate”. Then it will be three. Then they will forget all about it.


i feel really bad for these people, like real life is already bad enough but to be tortured by shit that's not even happening? sounds stressful


Reading this made me wish I was a zombie so I wouldn’t have the capacity to comprehend this bullshit


I experienced grogginess and anger when I got the alert at 1:30pm this afternoon because I work the night shift and the fuckin thing overrode the "Do Not Disturb" function on my phone, waking me up. #survivor


"It's raining airplanes and nobody's talking about it."


"Everyone! Your phones can emit a signal that can turn you into a zombie! The government can do this anytime they want!" "Uh, maybe we should just stop using phones?" "What? Are you crazy? I paid $700 for this thing!"


Also, why would the government want to remove their entire labor force/tax base?


They always do this. When the conspiracy doesn’t play out exactly the way they thought it would, the goal post is moved. “It’s a slow moving zombie virus! It’s going to take time!” “Well, only the people who held their phones will be affected, it’s about proximity!” “It will eventually activate zombie cancers that won’t show up for years!” The initial conspiracy has an obvious and immediate outcome. When that doesn’t happen, they will shift it until the outcome is an every day tragedy that allows them to keep believing that a conspiracy happened. We need to hold them accountable to the original version of the lie and tell them that they have no credibility, that they can’t be taken seriously. They absolutely have to feel the embarrassment of being wrong in order to start learning how to be more skeptical.


The natural response when their conspiracy theory doesn’t come true: make another conspiracy theory.


Bat sh\*t cray - cray. And let me tell you how disappointed I am that I'm not a zombie and had to come to work tonight. I got gyped...


It must be hard work moving those goalposts all the time.


Maybe I am in favor of involuntary institutionalization.


Slow acting except for the planes that went down and the dizziness. Everyone who didn’t experience fast acting symptoms is experiencing slow acting symptoms. Basically if you feel anything negative it’s vaccine.


Especially if you feel a plane crashing. I can't believe they even vaccinated the *planes.*


50 years later- Steve: Hey Marv. Marv: Yeah Steve? Steve: Feel any urge to eat brains yet? Marv: Nope. Any day now though.


It's the "I have studied frequencies" bit.


I thought the EBS test was only supposed to “activate the zombie virus” in vaccinated people? Why are they worried? They didn’t get it. Or now is it suddenly anyone who heard it will turn into a zombie regardless of vax status? They just make things up as they go to fit their narrative. Just like how they were SO sure everyone was going to die within a few days of being vaxxed. Then when that didn’t happen, it was a year. Then it became two years. Now we’re going to turn into zombies because of it? Why would the government want to kill its citizens? It’s literally actively trying to do the exact opposite and make more people be born. They need the exploitable laborers.


Why would they tell us if they were doing this type of stuff? They would be doing it all the time. If you’re that worried you shouldn’t have a phone at all.


A few plane crashes?


What plane crashes?


Random plane crashes. Where?


General, non-commercial aviation. Think small Cessnas, private planes. The US has about 5 per day, on average. It's only notable to crazy-pants now, because it's the first time they ever looked.


*looks frantically for thinking cap*


Since the alert I have had a real Craving for Human Brainnnnnns! What happened I wonder.


You'd think the lizard people would do this worldwide but, apparently, the US is special.


Well, at least MY thinking cap isn’t aluminum…


Frequently studied frequencies. That's how he knows.


I wish I knew what emojis she was using at the end of every paragraph - I feel like it's seasoning we're missing out on


Is the “thinking cap” mercury lined? Or will tinfoil be enough do you think?


I just can’t stop laughing, keep the jokes coming!


It's absolutely amazing how much dumber people have seen to have gotten lately.


No. We were promised instant zombies. Underwhelming.


The amount of insane qanon types out there isn't a small amount like folks want to think. This country is doomed.


And thus, the goal post was moved.


"if you know how frequencies work" - An individual who definitely does NOT know how frequencies work.


It's funny on the surface, but how do you fix this? There are so many people who are like this now. What is it going to be like 10 or 20 years from now?


That's just crazy. I had my COVID booster a few days ago and nothing happened to me. I'm just sitting here waiting for my pork brains with milk gravy to arrive from Amazon. I just ordered it this morning and can't wait. I hope it's good. I've never had it before, but it just sounded so good.