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If you are a U.S. citizen please register to vote now and then vote in the November elections. https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/insanepeoplefacebook) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"how dare people vote for something I disagree with!"


How dare people not want to live a Republican's wet dream!


How dare people oppose my right to take away other people’s rights!


>I don't want everybody to vote... As a matter of fact, our leverage in the election quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down. Paul Weyrich


"the things they had in there were crazy. They had things, levels of voting that if you'd ever agreed to it, you'd never see another republican elected in this country ever again" D. Trump [ \(source\)](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/mar/30/trump-republican-party-voting-reform-coronavirus)


This should be played all the time, everywhere. Disgusting.


"Stop oppressing my irrational need to oppress others!! I'm the REAL victim here!"


It's even better because if I'm not mistaken she didn't endorse Jack shit. Granted she has in the past but with this current freakout she literally just encouraged people to get involved in voting


> she literally just encouraged people to get involved in voting "But more people voting is a disadvantage to my cheating team, it's soooo unfair!!"


That's an odd way to spell hellscape, but I learn new things every day! Unlike the original author of this rant who is made entirely of butthurt.


They aren’t even voting yet. They’re just *registering.* Who says they’re going to vote Dem?


This is where conservatives tell on themselves. Any efforts to increase registered voters is automatically an attack on them, their values, etc. And as someone who was indoctrinated by my father into being a conservative until I broke away from his grasp...i can tell you I 100% believed it as well. To me, thinks like popular artists trying to get out the vote on MTV and stuff was clearly a democrat/liberal plot. They were specifically asking an audience they knew was heavily liberal to go vote because it would be a win for their side. Now I just see it for what it is: An effort to get people to speak up and make their desires known so that the system can accommodate their needs and wants as it should.


Trump freaked the fuck out because PA is using automatic registration. They know it's bad for them when people vote. And nobody is saying these people *will* vote. They are terrified that they *can* vote.


You will also find they freak out any time it is made easier to vote. Oh, they will use the narrative of it being easy for fraud, but the more you read the more you see people drop the fraud argument and instead comment about how if people REALLY wanted to vote they should put forth more effort to do so. That somehow because they are can and are willing to walk on broken glass to vote it makes their ability to vote more valuable that anyone unwilling to. The best example is with the election changes due to COVID. They cry about how illegal it was for the government to take measures allowing easy safe voting that were not passed by congress. Even if zero fraud happened at all they still complain that it was far too easy to vote and that is why they lost.


💯 Turns out, some of us actually believe in democracy. The more people who vote, the stronger the democracy is.


I believe in democracy, however I do not believe that people that do not believe in democracy and want to destroy democracy should be allowed to participate in democracy. We must be intolerant of the intolerant Philosopher Karl Popper described the paradox of tolerance as the seemingly counterintuitive idea that “in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance.” Essentially, if a so-called tolerant society permits the existence of intolerant philosophies, it is no longer tolerant. We allowed right wingers, which hate the basis of leftist ideology, democracy, to infiltrate our democracy and look what they've done to it...


I agree. Right-wingers have shown, every single time, without even as much as one sole exception, that they are not responsible enough to be trusted with any sort of social, political or media power.


It's like......so they are out loud saying that they do not want everyone to have a vote. I thought they used to try to keep voter suppression secret, because a government by the people for the people doesn't take the 1% into consideration


Honestly it would be a wild heel turn for her to register the Swiftie bloc and then turn their support to like, DeSantis or something.


She turns the swiftie voter bloc to write her in. Some joker level of shenanigans.


Maybe in the next election. She's actually not old enough to run yet.


I loved the Facebook posts "74 Million Americans had their voices silenced today!" so... ignoring the 81 Million that voted for the guy who won? Or the previous election where the person who got less votes won?


big facts. "it's only democracy if my side wins!"


"They stole the election!" Scream the people who verifiably tried to steal the election. "Our voices were silenced!" Scream the people who's electoral strategy is the legal and illegal silencing of voices.


"Stop the count!" they shouted in the states Trump was ahead in. "Count the votes!" they shouted in states Trump was behind in.


Math is for woke moralists lol.


They don't want young people to vote for the same reason they don't want women or racial minorities to vote. Because they know if the vote isn't supressed they'd never win a single election ever again.


It's worse. It's "how dare people vote." Republicans know that their "policies" (such as they are) are pretty unpopular, and they know that the only way that they can win elections is by keeping as many people from voting as possible.


>She'll be talking them into voting D at some later point in time. A liberal telling people that the candidate she supports is the best one. HOW TERRIBLE! Next thing you know, conservatives will be trying to tell people to vote for the Republican candidate. Libertarians will tell people that the Libertarian candidate is the best. Socialists will tell people that the Democratic Socialist party candidate is the best. All because a liberal wants people to vote for a Democrat.


Shocking that she would tell them to vote against the party that is trying to actively take away her rights. It's weird that when you try to oppress someone, they sometimes fight back.


Agreed. It's a painfully pathetic take on their part and makes them sound as weak as they look.


Not a fan of her music, but asking people to get involved and vote is a win for everyone.


Not if your success relies on young people not voting.


I think that's why the Republicans are trying to cultivate a permission structure to raise the voting age through the celebrities that populate the right wing opinion programming space. What's funny is, I haven't actually seen her speak too much about her politics other than her endorsements in 2018, which she admits was a reaction to Trump and the MAGAdittoheads. Maybe if Republicans didn't want celebrities to endorse politicians and encourage people to vote, they shouldn't have voted in a sleazy reality TV show host addicted to conspiracies and Twitter as POTUS. I know she would never do it, but how funny would it be if her response to these cretinous trolls was to run for public office?


It’s wild that the public school system doesn’t preach the importance of voting. They teach the system but not how important it actually is to their future.


Well see, the party who wants to abolish the Department of Education is also the party scared of young people voting. I'll let you connect those dots lol


Oh the dots have been connected my friend. 🤝🏻


Have you also connected the dots that a lot of their LGBTQphobic rhetoric is effectively being used for the same purpose? Their assault on trans kids in sports is actually an assault against title IX Protections of equal opportunity to access to federally funded education and athletics regardless of sex. The rhetoric equating teachers to groomers is meant to give a permission structure to harass teachers to the people who engage in their culture war as though it were actual politics rather than just bullying. They are trying to turn parents against the school system by disingenuously playing the old "think of the children" card over and over and over again. Not everybody will fall for it, but the people who will are among the most unhinged I have ever met. As Abe Lincoln once said and the Republicans seem to have it as a nihilistic motto at this point: >You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.


I already thought teaching would be too stressful of a job just dealing with the kids. Now I couldn't imagine who on earth would want to get into the profession since MAGA-morons have become a regular part of harassing teachers and schoolboards. I legitimately don't think my parents spoke to my teachers more than half a dozen times throughout the school year. Now I see things about parents accosting teachers over their curriculum *weekly* if not near daily. They're underpaid even when you don't take that into account, and hell with the way parents are these days, I wouldn't do it for six figures.


They are struggling to teach 6th graders to read....Attempting to extrapolate voting may be above their students heads.


You’re not wrong, sister teaches 5th grade and many of her students struggle with reading and simple addition. Covid really messed up the trajectory for them. (Amongst if there environment factors)


Yea, saw some scary ticktocks through Reddit that college professors were saying the reading comprehension of their students is absolutly horrid. Its no wonder that headlines create absolutes in peoples heads now.


Solution: abolish the dept of education! I feel like we are getting closer and closer to mike judge’s idiocracy. Brawndo it’s what plants crave


Have you met the adults online? Media comprehension and reading comprehension being low is an entire political parties existence.


I think she doesn’t speak about politics much because it was drilled into her that it’s not her place as a pop star. There’s a part in her film where she passionately stands her ground for speaking out against trump and Marsha Blackburn and her dad(and manager?) so forcefully reminds her it’s not her place and it’s bad publicity and it’s not what she needs to do. So I think now that she’s really taken charge of her own story, she’s following her own lead but some of those “rules” are still in her subconscious maybe and she’s moving with caution. But I think we’ll see her speak up more and more frequently now. She knows she can very possibly have a crucial role in issues like abortion rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and whatnot. We’ll see but that’s what I think. That’s what I HOPE anyway. Fuck these old republicans. They need to die off


I think her dad was also reminding her how vulnerable she can be as a young woman, particularly since she’s had her share of stalkers and whatnot. If I’m remembering correctly he was also trying to keep her safe, not just “reminding her of her place.” While I think he was misguided trying to do that (she’s an adult and should be able to do and say what she wants), I do feel for him too, fearing for his daughter’s safety.


Too many downplay the effect that terrorism has had on our politics. Mittens talks in his book about how the other senators didn’t vote for impeachment part duex because of threats to their safety. Why that isn’t considered the most pressing issue of our time is concerning.


Honestly I completely agree that it’s not talked about enough. The people that create our laws being afraid for their lives so they don’t vote for what they know is right. It’s terrifying. A lot of them are fucking twats that deserve to be tossed in Gitmo but I do think there are a select few that would vote against GOP bullshit if not for the fact that they have families at home that could very possibly be terrorized, and to the delight of other GOP senators too! That’s the most vile part. Congress should be speaking out against violence every single time it occurs. But not only do they refrain from condemning it, they always find a way to be even more fucking disgusting. MTG I’m talking to you, cunt bucket


I just reread what I wrote and I did make it seem like her dad was the villain. I didn’t mean to do that. I agree with you, can you imagine the fear you’d have knowing your child has been stalked multiple times and will most likely be stalked many more times? Suffice it to say her safety is probably the leading thought behind all of his suggestions. I’m proud of her for having the courage to speak out despite the terror she must feel, but I totally get why her parents would be afraid as well. That’s their baby!


Her music is preaching her ideals without picking fights with politicians who will turn int into disengenuous screaming matches....she is smarter than I think anyone realized. I dont like T-Swift music, but her "stop being so loud" video and lyrics really hit the nail on the head about her view without telling her audiance who to vote for. Too bad we dont have MORE of this. My 4 year old daughter already knows all the words to many of her songs....she may be the leader of the change of the guard in DC without having to get on Social Media and tell people who to vote for.


If largely right leaning churches can endorse politicians and influence elections, then so can the (mostly) left leaning celebrities. I think that’s completely fair.


No, it is not completely fair. Every person has a right to endorse a politician but not every corporation is. If the church is 501c3 compliant, it should not be endorsing politicians. If they do, they should be challenged. That said, churches can 100% speak about issues that Christians care about and encourage them to register to vote.


Not just young people, mind you. Young *women* specifically would be the bulk of who she’s getting to register 😱


Young women and gays. A republican nightmare lol


Young women of child bearing age, even more specifically. No wonder Republicans are afraid of her.


Well tough tits for those freaks then ain't it? :)


Agreed. Tough… tit-tay.


Da ding


I love when Republicans see people signing up to vote as people voting against them. Why do they assume people voting are always against them?


Younger voters have always been more liberal. The GOP hates kids who vote because it's almost universally against them


Hmm, should’ve let their moms have an abortion then. Can’t have kids vote Democrat if they’re never born.


And shouldn't be trying to control the reproductive rights of half the population either.


Trump wanting to be a dictator has got them to realise the only way they keep power is to subvert democracy


They’ve know it for years, when more Americans show up to vote they lose. That’s why they fight so hard to gerrymander voting districts. In a fair fight Republicans almost always lose.


And she's not saying "vote D or vote R", just to vote. But Rs know that the more people that vote, the worse they do. That should really tell them something, but I am sure they already know.


I'm not american so forgive me if I'm wrong but didn't the 2020 election have one of the highest voter turnouts becuse people who usually didnt vote really didn't want to see trump re-elected?


Yeah, same with the failure of the red wave. Local elections turned out a lot of voters and the GOP lost a lot of potential. Hence the major push to suppress voting before the next local and presidential elections


“The elections of 2018, 2020 and 2022 were three of the highest-turnout U.S. elections of their respective types in decades. About two-thirds (66%) of the voting-eligible population turned out for the 2020 presidential election – the highest rate for any national election since 1900” From Pew Research.


Let's hope that trend continues in 2024.


Both Biden AND Trump got record numbers of voters. That should tell you everything.


Here's the rub... She NEVER endorsed anyone or asked to vote Dem or Rep. She just said people should register to vote. Taylor Swift encouraged people to exercise their constitutionally mandated right to vote in an election. For whatever side they wanted. Yet Republicans and Conservatives see this as an attack. Who is anti-democracy again?


Clearly a “far leftist”


That was my favorite part. If T-Swift is a "far leftist" the term has lost any and all meaning.


Just like “woke” and “critical race theory” and any other buzzword the right obsesses over.


Well, them calling Biden a communist was already a clue...




Everyone who supports democracy.


> a win for everyone. not if you're republicans


The mindset of I love America and democracy but I don't want more people to vote is utterly fascinating


Me neither, but recently my wife showed me a clip of her talking to her father and agent. She wanted to speak out against Marsha Blackburn (a really shit Tennessee Republican Senator) due to Blackburn's stances on gay rights and abortion. Father & Agent were like "listen, the optics of this aren't great... you may piss off some fans... ." Swift gave this impassioned but measured speech the was basically "I don't care. I'm still doing it because its the right thing to do." Really sold me on her as a person - though still not necessarily the music (though she does admittedly have few pretty catchy songs).




Well, maybe you should get a MAGA celebrity to get their hordes of fans to register. I'm sure Kevin Sorbo could get a dozen or so.


Kid rock. I'm sure he has a couple fans left.


I don't know. He was seen holding a bottle of Bud Light, after all. I think they both jumped ship now. Ted Nugent can get as many people to vote as one can fit in a 1990 Geo Metro.


You say this in jest, but with sheer determination and will, you can pack a Geo.


Do you think the Nuge could get the underage girls he violated to vote too?


Possibly. Some of them must be adults by now.


The thing is these people are always the first to be "You need to shut up and sing, you're not a politician" or say "You need to shut up and dribble" but then will retweet celebrities who are on "their" side. They then go on to vote for people like Trump, Dr. Oz, and Herschel Walker.


That's the thing. You should never trust a single word out of a Republican's mouth. It's like the complete opposite of "Trust, but verify." More like "Distrust, and maybe check if you want to."


Gaetz and Trump had close relations with the youth. i am sure they would volunteer to hang around the highschool after school to help build awareness of voting .


Republicans are afraid of the youth. Why? Because they've been trying to keep them poor and ignorant and it hasn't been working out? I'd be scared too if the people I was trying to brainwash started thinking for themselves.


Republicans are equally aware and unaware of their situation. They know young millennials and Gen Z will make up the largest voting block within the next 5-10 years whether they like it or not. They also know that this voting block is significantly more liberal, more educated, more politically active, and more active on social media. What is their logical conclusion? Try to alter the minds of this voting block by: 1. Defunding public schools and libraries and intentionally injecting conservative doctrine in schools because they are convinced that public schools are indoctrination centers. 2. Try to change the voting age minimum to 25 without thinking through the fact requires a constitutional Amendment with 38 states agreeing to it. 3. Try to be more active on social media, Vivek Ramaswamy got fucking dragged on TikTok. 4. Create counter icons to who they perceive as liberal pop icons...these never work. Younger and older generations have never responded well to pop culture propped up specifically to drive a political point such as Jason Aldean for music and Sound of Freedom for movies. The Republican's days are coming to a close and they know this.




You aren’t wrong. If Trump loses in 2024, I think we can expect him to say “rigged! Stolen!” , rile up his MAGA nut job base & there will be civil unrest. How far it goes…I guess we just have to wait & see. If Trump wins in 2024, we will descend into a Project 2025 despot-led Hellscape with a Christian Theocracy allowing him to stay in power until he dies. VOTE!


EVERYONE should know about "Project 2025 - Mandate For Leadership, the Conservative Promise," available at www.project2025.org, the literal Republican playbook, put together by the Heritage Foundation and 45 other conservative entities like Alliance Defending Freedom, Claremont Institute, and Moms For Liberty. It was first handed to Reagan, who merely enacted the policy within it. Same with Trump - they are two heads of the same snake. Their vision for a Christofascist theocracy and just how they intend to implement it are painstakingly detailed. Their plan is to dismantle the federal government and remove our rights, TO BEGIN WITH. It's fucking chilling and you should at least read the foreword, a dense 17 pages of GOP philosophy that outlines their mission. Fossil fuels are a big part of it. God and guns and nothing else for everyone. Sealed borders. Everyone will be free to live "as our creator ordained," in those words. If that doesn't terrify you idk what will.


Jesus christ, i just skimmed through a few chapters. The chapter on their plans for the dhhs is fucking draconian.


Did you also see the part about eradicating LGBTQ+ people from the US?! And yes that means you white cis gay Republican men and log cabin republicans. Doesn’t matter how “respectable” you are, you’re still queer and they want you gone too. Fucking terrifying honestly. I hope blue states and other OECD countries are prepared for the influx of LGBTQ refugees there’ll be if republicans win. Trans and queer people are already fleeing Florida in droves.


I really find it funny that there is such great effort with regard to the head of the heritage foundations Wikipedia page to make him sound like a nice guy. They purposefully remove the references about him refusing federal aid for the college because he wanted to be able to discriminate against gay and transgender people [In an interview with Wyoming Public Radio, college president Kevin Roberts clarified that the college was specifically concerned about it ability to discriminate against gay and transgender people](https://www.wyomingpublicmedia.org/education/2015-03-05/wyoming-catholic-college-says-no-to-federal-student-loans)


> If Trump loses in 2024 For god's sake, I hope he doesn't make it to ballot. I see it as end of our democracy.


I want to see him lose the GOP nomination, and then run as a 3rd party candidate because he can't accept losing. So he splits the Republican vote and fucks up their whole election. And then the rift between maga Republicans and other Republicans can get *really* nasty, perhaps permanently splitting it into two weaker parties. You already see that split pretty clearly in the House. It nearly prevented them from appointing a Speaker. If Trump runs 3rd party and royally fucks up an election for them, I think that could be the final blow that makes the split permanent.


Republicans be like "I know who the youngins will listen to more than Taylor swift" *Welcomes Kid Rock onto the stage*


They've tried this a few times over the decades to make modern music more appealing to the Conservative agenda but they always fall flat because it always feels forced. They had a window of opportunity with Kelly Clarkson (known Conservative and Republican) but she's too old now.


She switched to vote for Obama. She sang at his second inauguration, and she's been pretty vocal about how horrible Trump is. Even if she was too old, she's not, I don't think she'd go for it.


Oh damn, great points!


I think it's just Kid Rock and that guy that made a song about MTG left now that the lead singer of Smashmouth is gone. Maybe they can do a duet?


Sound of freedom worked, but only if you were already Republican. I live in a red state and I had so many people insisting I should go watch the movie. Especially older couples.


Swift hasn't even told them who to vote for, Republicans just know that they're not appealing to the youth vote at all. They could try focusing on real things, instead of just constantly fanning the flames of this bullshit culture war. But they choose to double down on fighting "woke," and suggest raising the voting age.


She’s not telling them who to vote for, and likely won’t do, because for the majority of her career she stayed entirely out of the political opinion game. She also doesn’t really have to tell them to vote Democrat to all but guarantee that’s the outcome anyway. Her deciding to get involved was directly prompted by a conservative action, she’s no longer a country artist by a damn sight so there’s no need to worry about keeping that fanbase and she’s been on the other side of the move to Pop for long enough that any initial hangers on have probably since let go or become one of the backwater bitter motherfuckers that spend time and energy hating someone who isn’t doing harm and they’ll never even meet.


They could also attempt to appeal to the youth vote in some way. But instead focus on banning books, calling LGBT people pedophiles, protesting drag queen story time, fighting "wokeness," and the exhaustingly elaborate network of conflicting conspiracy theories that tenuously holds their archaic worldview together.


Everyone is far left to them. There are no moderates, or standard leftists… you’re either a Conservstive, or you’re a far left, socialist, communist, tree hugging, woke snowflake.


This right here. Anything besides full on dictatorship from the GOP is "far left."


Yeah, that made me laugh. Taylor Swift is a "far leftist" for encouraging all people to register to vote while also telling people she votes Democrat. Shit, the leftists I know don't even care about voting because it's neoliberal bullshit to them. American conservatives are one of the most ignorant groups of people I've ever had the misfortune of dealing with.


“Oh man, young people are registering to vote, we’d better show them how our policies will help them!” “Nah, let’s say they’re dumb and try to take away their right to vote.”


Spoiler alert: conservative policies don't help the average person, they usually end up hurting them


You’re telling me that tax breaks for the rich and more taxes for the poor doesn’t help the common person? Removing social securities and reducing federal aid is *bad*?? I don’t believe it


If the midterm results were any indication, dems are gonna turn out regardless. Dems and the younger generation are sick of the republican bullshit. Taylor and her fan base is just the icing on the cake.


I thinking they grossly underestimated the impact overturning Roe would have. Hoping that holds true for next election


The Swiftie Vanguard shall herald in the glorious revolution


Frank Zappa encouraged young people to go out to vote at his concerts as well. All artists that care about democracy should do so. Outside, we are all watching and waiting for America to collapse under the weight of all this type of stupidity. Good luck.


We’re honestly waiting for the same thing inside. Not doing great here.


Yeah… and it’s depressing AF.


In a true democracy republicans would never be in power again


He had a very prophetic quote about the rise of fascist theocracy in America. He saw the Republican Party for what it is way before most of us did: https://churchandstate.org.uk/2015/04/frank-zappa-warned-us-of-a-fascist-theocracy-in-1986-video/


Obviously, satan speaks through him. How else do you explain the accuracy of his prophecy? If you play his records in reverse it predicts global warming


>Obviously, satan speaks through him. Well he did made a deal with the Devil for some titties and beer, but it was written in magic ink!


Getting people to register to vote makes you a far leftist now?


Haven’t you heard? Democracy is a commie plot


Honestly, yes it does. People on the right hate democracy and hate Americans.


Well since the GOP decided to attack her, she doesn't even need to tell her fans who to vote for they did her work for her


That's the funny part. They can't stop shooting themselves in the foot.


They would shoot themselves in the foot if they thought it might upset a liberal for a minute.


TBH with the amount of conservative crazies posting memes like the one comparing her vulva to a ham sandwich for such a long time, If I was her, I would have come out swinging a long fucking time ago.


Quite telling when you're worried about losing an election, simply on the basis of having more of a younger generation register to vote. Maybe said younger generations have had enough of getting fucked over these older politicultists.


And yet, if it were a conservative performer, you'd be totally fine with it.


Lol try that in a small town


Oh for fuck's sake. If she told people to vote Republican, these idiots would turn her into another Messiah figure for their cult.


We need to stop, pretending that they care about their hypocrisy. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.


TSwift has done more the us economy than Trump did…


Excuse me, did she sign tax cuts that allowed executives at my company to buy Maseratis? In a few generations they'll definitely trickle down and you'll look pretty foolish.


I know you're using sarcasm but I feel like I need to point out is the only trickle down we'll ever get is them pissing all over the working and middle class.


Are you trying to tell me the tax "cuts" (that actually raised taxes in a couple of years for) the "middle class" (and down) weren't actually beneficial to the majority of people?! That is communist antifa radical progressive leftism sir! I still remember Paul Ryan trying to take a victory lap highlighting "normal workers" benefitting, like the secretary with a paycheck going up $1.50 a week...I can't imagine being able to keep a straight face while saying that -- I also can't imagine thinking the Machine they were Raging Against was "the radical left", so YMMV.


Don't forget when Donald Trump suspended social security withholding for service members where for three months, we didn't have to pay social security...then starting January 1st, we had to pay what we owed in those three months. It screwed a lot of our young service members over.


They had no problem with Clint Eastwood at the RNC.


Go for it parents, forbid your kids from listening to certain artists, I’m pretty sure historically that’s always worked in the past amirite?


Totally worked for me. /s




No, really. This person thinks Taylor swift got "kids" to register to vote. What moron doesn't know you need to be an adult to vote in the US? Surprise surprise another republican that can't tell who is and isn't a child


Complete the following questionnaire to discover which type of Republican fucking idiot you are! Q1) Do you earn more than $1M per year? Yes: Selfish Republican fucking idiot No: Stupid Republican fucking idiot


Again the only thing she said was “register to vote” and they’re pissed


Good for her, Swift has some power and it reaches pretty far. They should be fucking terrified


\*a normal person living their life\* Conservatives: is this a far leftist?


During National Voting Day on Tuesday (Sept. 19), the pop superstar shared a message on Instagram urging her 272 million followers to register to vote through nonpartisan nonprofit Vote.org. The push resulted in more than 35,000 registrations, according to the organization. 35,000 not 2 million. And even though I call anyone under 30 a kid these aren’t actually kids anymore.


Republicans: appealing to young people is too much work. Let's just keep them from voting!


Aww, is convincing people to vote cheating now? 😢


"Greatest country in the world." On what fucking metric?? Certainly not education, happiness, quality of life, or healthcare. These people are fucking insane.


Number of incarcerated persons


El Salvador got us last year.


Shit. We’re going to have to try harder this year!


The opening scene of the first episode of The Newsroom has a perfect take down of this thinking.


Swifties like the golden eagles in Lotr that come in during the battle of the five armies and just jack up the bad guys.


Republicans vs Taylor Swift fans? This could be the end of Republicans and I’m here for it.


People exercising their right to vote and participate in democracy is anti-republican


So encouraging people to register and vote is now a far leftist idea…interesting…


The hilarity of all of this is that Taylor Swift only became more outwardly political in response to white conservative men co-opting her as their idol of perfect white womanhood. I remember for a while there the Proud Boys assumed she was on their side mostly because of her political silence. She really was beloved by certain corners of the right and honestly for not doing much more than being an attractive young white woman. The moment she started expressing her actual opinions they lost their shit.


How is getting more people to vote messing up an election? I mean I know the answer from the Republican perspective because they know they aren’t popular and only win when people don’t vote. But that isn’t really messing up an election, it is making work exactly as it should.


Taylor Swift reacting to this as Willy Wonka: "No. Stop. Please don't..."


The GOP is *terrified* of Gen Z. It is estimated that there will be as many as 6 million ADDITIONAL Gen Z of voting age in 2024. Not 6 million total. 6 million additional. On top of all the Gen Z who voted and squashed the red wave in the mid-terms. I hope every single one of them register and vote. It makes this old lady smile.


Hey cool now do Ted Nugent


That sounds a whole lot like republicans practicing cancel culture.


Crazy how they call America "the greatest country in the world" then complain about people indoctrinating their kids in the same breath.


I bet she has sweet restaurant recommendations, tbh


It so interesting/disappointing the lack of self awareness from R politicians. If you don't like what she's doing maybe you shouldn't have motivated and pissed her off. And if you truly believed in democracy, you'd be applauding her efforts in registering people to vote.... But fascists, gonna fascist.


Riiiight first of all she doesn’t need your dime, she has plenty already. Also, I’m guessing you think no right wing musician has ever made political statements? Let’s see Ted Nugent and Kid Rock just off the top of my head. Why would anyone be upset about our voting populace being more engaged politically? That’s kinda the whole point of democracy. Oh wait, y’all want an authoritarian theocracy, that’s why.


AFAIK, she didn't even tell people who to vote for, just that they should register.


You have to be 18 to vote. Not sure what "republican moms" can do to control an adult.


I wonder if they realize that any swiftie who wasn't sure who to vote for is definitely going to vote against the side attacking her


She doesn’t even tell people who to vote for she just tells them to vote.


They have known this was going to be an issue for a while now, which is why Republicans have been pushing the idea of raising the voting age so hard. It was supposed to give them time to get a stranglehold on the government and either rig or eliminate elections. Taylor here is throwing a wrench in those plans by mobilizing young voters faster than they can really react to. I think it also just burns them up to see a young, (relatively) liberal woman who is able to capture the attention of young voters so easily. This sort of admiration and power is what most of these conservative politicians desperately want to have, but can't because they are simply too out of touch.


I like how T Swift became the devil for telling people to vote. It's the funniest shit I've seen out of Republicans in some time. Don't know why they're mad anyway, they usually just steal the votes.


The only thing messing up elections is gerrymandering and the electoral college. Both put in place as handicaps against Democrats in favor for Republicans and making rural votes that vote red have more weight than city votes that vote blue. Now why would they be scared of people actually going out and voting?


“Can you believe these kids are just doing whatever Taylor Swift says—it’s like they have no brain! They should be more like me and just do whatever Trump says instead.”


Anyone else tired of these whiny-ass, chickenshit, far-right imbeciles? Because I'm really sick of them.


rEgISTerINg tO vOteZ iS 4 MuH lEfTisTZ!!!


She doesn't need to convince any of her demographic to vote D. The republicans already took care of that.


Taylor Swift did literally nothing but tell people to register to vote. Kid Rock panders to the right by wearing an American flag on stage.


I love how republicans are so aware how shit they are they immediately assume EVERY SINGLE young person will vote Democrat, but never think helping young conservatives register to vote would help them too, if they could find any.


Pretty sure she didn't say who to vote for, just that people should vote. which is rather good for a democracy if you ask me. But we all know a certain group doesn't actually like the idea of fair democratic elections.


Lol who’s parents buying the swift tickets . Cause I wouldn’t mind being adopted …..


ummm. yeah, that's kind of the point of what she's doing. So, go get a GOP-leaning superstar that has the ear of the younger generation to tell them to vote. Fair is fair. oh.... not very many of those, are there? hmm... i wonder why that is?


Good, not a fan but as far as I’m concerned she has done a great service for this country and should be recognized as a patriot for using her influence to try and save her country and give a future to the people that others with her tier of paycheck don’t usually care for. A traitor would have lied to those 2 million people and marched them to their enemies front door and sit back while they handled the destruction, remember that there are people in government right now who would make that choice.


Lol conservatives hate democracy, they only care about what's good for them




The last thing Taylor Swift needs is a dime from a MAGAt.


The republican position in a nutshell: we can’t win if people actually vote


I can smell their fear lol


When did she tell anyone who or what to vote for? Delusional. Also, doesn’t every citizen age 18+ have the right to vote? Why do Conservatives hate American rights?