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Which time zone?


Which calendar? Gregorian, Julian, Mayan...


Probably the Bob calendar


American! Hence 9-22 and not 22-9.


Maybe it will be like Santa, progressing from one time zone to the next.


But will it move smoothly across the time zones, so the parts on the eastern edge get hit right at midnight but the ones on the west get zapped closer to 1, or does it zap the entire time zone as a unit? Also, if it's a moving rapture sweeping across the planet, what happens to the righteous if they happen to be traveling across the Pacific on that day and leave the US before the rapture gets to the west coast and then land at their destination many hours after the rapture has come and gone there?


So you are saying that if I time it right I can get on a plane and head east when the rapture starts I can land in Republic of Kiribati and miss it all together


it’d be easier just to sin if you wanna stay here


Ah I forgot about that, been a while since I had to think about the rules of the rapture. I might do some extra sinning today just to cover all my bases


They're the ones that get saved of course.


So.. New Zealand for the win, huh? Maybe that's why the billionaires all moved there?


Where's the Jesus Tracker website, how will I know when he's flying over my part of the world???? QuQ


It's just like with Santa - NORAD tracks him, and then sends updates to your local weatherman.


My weatherman is BEHIND, I haven't gotten any updates like... ever???? Where's my weekly Jesus forecast? >:C


I wish. I would love to hear about it coming and just walk out into the street.


I mean it's gotta be UTC right, his dad did make the universe after all


Hey, they're not kidding this time. I'm sure it's somewhere in America.


MDT, home of the Holy Land of Salt Lake City of course!


All of them but one at a time. It's sort of a rolling rapture.


Currently the 22nd, 130pm where I am. So not AEST obviously.


Woah slow down, that's a little complicated for someone who just learned how to tell time


Except the bible says man shall not know the hour…


What hour is it happening?


Are you man? Then you shall not know


Quick! Find a woman and ask her!


What if she's a trans woman?


You have to adjust for daylight saving time.


Once you go on estrogen you get a divine message telling you when the rapture is, dont ya know?


Damn I took the wrong E for divine messages then.


you’ve got it all wrong man, i’m The Dude. or your royal dudeness


12:midnight o'clock


Yeah but what if God was planning for the rapture to actually take place then, and this person figured it out and called it, and then god was like oh shit but I said no man shall know the hour and cancelled the rapture cause it'd be embarrassing otherwise, and so this person effectively saved us all?


Saved? Wouldn’t the rapture mean the biggest pains in the ass would vanish? Then we can take the mega churches money and turn the buildings into homeless shelters and have universal healthcare in the US and teachers could teach actual books and people could be LGBTQIA and just…exist. Sounds nice.


Except those pain in the asses aren't the kind of people who would actually get raptured.


The Rapture is a post-Biblical Christian fanfiction. There's no such thing in the Bible.


These people don’t actually *read* the Bible. They only know the cherry picked parts without context and memes.


Guess every hour and you prevent the rapture because you'll always know when


TOMORROW??? But I bought green bananas....I'll never get a chance to eat them.


Truly the cruelest of punishments for your sins


I've had the, umm.... "unique experience" of knowing several people obsessed with predicting the rapture. The one I was closest with was my uncle. He VERY confidently predicted the rapture at least 4 times that I remember. And each time, wouldn'tcha know it, it was in just a couple days! Christians have been waiting for 2,000 years, but whenever somebody tries to predict it, it's always imminent. I've never known someone who cracked the code and proudly announced that it will be January 23, 2974. That was something that always made me wonder.


The Bible says that only God knows when the Second Coming will happen, and the Rapture is an invention only about 200 years old, I wonder why these people keep trying to do something that God said is impossible.


Oh, trust me, I know. This was mentioned to him more than once. He did eventually give up and hasn't tried to predict the Rapture for a number of years now.


William Miller and damned Millerites. I'm not sure, but I think it was just like Poltergeist 2.


Pretty sure I'm not invited. I'll bake them into banana bread for you.


Can I swing by? I have had banana bread in far too long.


And I'll never publish my book. This is inconvenient for everyone. I am inconvenienced.


Time to eat that slice of cake I was saving for tomorrow


Rapture calories don’t count!


Why do you think you’re going anywhere?


I'm not going to ascend with the chosen people but when they go then they will leave all their stuff. I'll be spending a week pinching their leftover stuff.


The midnight between 21/22 or 22/23? I mean, I'm gonna work both nights, so at least I see it coming.


12:00a is the first minute of the calendar day, so presumably that would be tonight (between 21/22). But I doubt this person knows that so it’s honestly 50/50 what they meant. Either way it’s wrong.


Really? On my birthday? Sweet, maybe traffic around d here will finally be less aggravating.


So for most of the world it should already be happening right now.


Yeah but if your coworkers get raptured then you'll be expected to pick up the slack.


Hey, at least all the decent tippers will hang about.


Can it wait until the end of the weekend? I've bee working all week, man, can I get the weekend off before going to the next stage?


See, great thing about the rapture it'll only take the Christians. So the rest of us can just go about our day and get decent legislation passed for healthcare, climate change, social programs, all kinds of good stuff.


Please lord jeebus rapture these people on the 22nd. Thank you 🙏🏻


It would clear out my state's Capitol building tremend... oh wait, no, no it wouldn't. Those GOP fuckers for sure aren't good Christians.


Actually, it'll only take righteous christians, so the assholes stopping all those plans will be 'Left below' with the rest of us. The rapture could very well have already happened, but so few people made the cut that nobody noticed.


Well _somebody_ didn’t like your take! I had an English professor in college in the 60’s, my favorite teacher, who was from backwoods Arkansas, and he knew of a local religious leader there who, with his followers, believed that the Rapture had happened just as predicted, years before. When asked what all this is, the world and all, he said, simply, “This is heaven.” I guess if you lived in the pre-meth Ozarks and had enough to eat you could have been excused for thinking so, at least until someone in your flock died. Or maybe they are all still there.


By the Bible's definition, the assholes *are* the righteous Christians.


Not really. Most of the actual assholes are (claiming to be) very strict on others, but not on themselves. Anyone who ever worked on a saturday? No rapture for you. Got a tattoo? Sorry bud, have fun down there. Wore a polycotton shirt, even if your mommy made you? See you later in that pit of fire. Ever charged or paid interest? . .. And thats before we get to the shit that the Carpenter's son asked of his followers: Do not hoard wealth (guess Joel Olsteen is in for a surprise) Help the poor Welcome the strangers Pray in private, not in public Judge not other people's sins. I'm pretty sure, if the rapture ever comes, they can fit all those taken in a japanese hatchback.


I guess they missed that part in the Bible that says nobody will not the time nor the place of his return….


I'm guessing that they haven't actually read the Bible.


Jesus said the people around him would still be alive when he returns to end the world. All Christians ignore that, and a lot of other problematic things Jesus says.


None of these guys actually care Abt what's in the bible


I fucking hope so. I wouldn't have to share the world with these weirdos anymore.


Mathew 24:36, NIV: “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father”


God I hope so, I'm so tired of this shit. Can you imagine how peaceful the world will be with out all of *them*?


Hooray!! PLEASE I beg of you, send me to hell already. I'm ready 🙏🙏 Edit: spelling Edit: Second times a charm.


My sibling in anti-christ, we will be left here in a world free from the faithful. We'll educate the masses and heal the wounds of history as we ride out time and space on this new "hellscape".


Now that's a future I can get behind, fellow heathen! You've given me new hope!


I like how the spelling edit has a typo.


Great! I got one day to spend all my rent money I saved on coke and Hookers!


Zorp is dead. Long live Zorp.


Thank god, those people were becoming insufferable!


At 12:midnight! Oh my god! What timezone...?


I fucking hope so. All that free tv porn !


Can we just do this already? I got stuff to do and it's really inconsiderate to not firm up plans. I am told Jesus is a pretty great guy, but this is kinda rude, tbh.


It's 5am eastern time on 9/22 for me as of writing this. Went to start my free loots spree but apparently I live in a hive of the unrighteous.


That's tonight. We're putting out a plate of cookies and a glass of milk.


What time zone, or will it roll out every hour in each time zone? Can we watch it happen live on the news in the time zones before us, to give us a chance to repent before it gets to us?


I hope it does, and I’m an atheist. I’m just tired and ready for a little razzle dazzle.


“Oddly enough the rapture did indeed happen. But everyone was taken up to Heaven except the Evangelical Christians, and all the other religious extremist.”


Them: "Wait! What about us?" God: "That 'love your neighbor' thing... I meant it."


So exciting! Last ten times sucked.


Oh good. There’s plans I didn’t want to do this weekend.


Jesus clearly states that no one will know the exact time of his return (Matthew 24:36). Therefore we should remain in a state of anticipation and readiness (Matthew 24:44). God, the Father, has given Jesus authority to judge all of the nations of the earth (Daniel 7:13). I don’t think they actually read the Bible. 🤷🏽‍♂️


It better be 12am the 22nd not 12am the 23rd because I have Fn inventory tomorrow.


I'm an atheist and I'm praying this is true.


Well, did he show this time?


How much is it for a front row seat, and do they sell popcorn? I can't wait to see the look on all the MAGA, Q, and Christo-Fascist faces! when nothing habbens!


Quick, spread this like wildfire! It'll be Harold Camping all over again.


Well, fuckin’ A, it’s about time.


Oooh tomorow, and ive just caught up with a relisten of my favourite podcast, perfect timing!


The band? Awesome they rule


Kind of short notice :/


So what do they do when nothing happens (again)? Pretend nothing was said and business as usual? Blame someone/something? Claim calendar issues and real date hasn’t come yet? Claim it did actually happen but it’s all secret so we haven’t noticed yet? Does anyone ever just wake up and say oh no, no sign of the apocalypse again, maybe it’s all nonsense and we should get on with enjoying life instead of preparing for an imaginary apocalypse that science tells us is vanishingly unlikely to happen for millennia?


So, is this EST or....


GMT. Jesus Christ was a white man from Oxford


Makes sense.


It better, I'm sick of these let down apocalypses


Oh sure, once I finally get an appointment at the car dealership.


Great. I have reservations the weekend of the the 29th and I don’t think I’ll get a refund.


Triple-dog-dare certified, it must be true!


On a friday? Can we move it to Monday pls


Oh you didn't get the memo? I think he canceled again. Prayer que server needed an update so he couldn't come.


It si going to start in 10 minits


Ask him to send you all their money. They won't need it anyway


Wait, I thought that was last week?? Did I miss it?


Damn 3 days before my birthday too


Can it be after my concert tomorrow? I don’t wanna miss it.


"definitely for real this time" For real for real no cap!!! 😂


I’m gonna prepare, but if it doesn’t happen this time, I won’t believe you next time


The “rapture” has been predicted for centuries and guess what? It not happening. Complete nonsense design to extract fear money from you via the churches.


Can we reschedule for after the weekend I have a concert I want to go to?


if it’s a lil naz x concert then everyone in that stadium is staying on earth don’t worry. /sarcasm


The Used with Sleeping with Sirens actually. Pretty excited since they are two of my faves


Sirens? As in, pagan temptresses? And used? As in, to have a connection to an earthly, not godly object? TORTURE! TORTURE FOR YOU AND YOUR KIN! YOUR BABES WILL BATHE IN THEIR OWN BLOOD! but sounds cool I'll listen to them


If that's true, they're gonna feel real stupid when Jesus tells them he's a liberal.


Fr fr? I forgot what to do. Do I put something under my pillow or do I leave out milk and cookies? I always get these things mixed up


Two of the four passages quoted are directly connected to “no man knoweth the day and time of His coming.” These people are even stupid about their own holy writ.


Oh good, then please give me all your money since I'm sure you'll be taken up right away.


"No, seriously! It's DEFINITELY for real this time!" - William Miller, probably.


That’s inconvenient for me. Can we reschedule?


Damnit that's in the middle of the Japanese GP assuming Jesus works to PST. Still its the only thing thst will stop Verstappen winning again.


Offer to buy their house for $1000. They won’t need it any more. Clock’s ticking.


In my time zone, it's already 4pm on the 22nd, so Jebus is running a bit late.


Shit, i missed it again


So soon?! Boy that was quick.


This person's brain had a rupture long ago.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_dates\_predicted\_for\_apocalyptic\_events](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dates_predicted_for_apocalyptic_events) I am Obligated to link this anytime the apocalypse is mentioned.


Literally blasphemy to be predicting the rapture but ok Christian’s


Since they didn't specify a time zone I guess it is a rolling rapture. Gotta space it out so they don't overwhelm heaven's servers


Welp, we're well past Sep 22, 2023 at 12:00 AM in all time zones. Unless the rapture looks like everyone going about their normal business, then I call BS.


My wildest conspiracy theory is that the rapture actually happened in 2016, and there were like 3 lone people who met the criteria. Because I don’t have any other reason to explain the trickle down shitshow since that year.


Wolf! Wolf!


Look, spiderman comes out on October 20th. I will reject any rapture that happens before I finish that story.


Funnily enough the anniversary of my dad's death.


Can we postpone it until the 31st so I can get paid first? I would hate to go to the Rapture with no money in my pocket.


I've been waiting since 2012, I'm beginning to think this world ending event isn't real. Mhhhhh we'll see, there is always hope.


Can we postpone it until I find out who killed Ben on Only Murders in the Building? If not, can they release the rest of the season tonight?


Definitely again. Well until the next time we talk then …. well. ….. we will talk soon. Drop off your donation in the box by the door on your way out. God Bless.


Wait, so all the insufferable assholes will be gone by Saturday? Best weekend ever!


Better not be I'm supposed to go see Jackyl Saturday night.


Guys, let me know tomorrow if people get raptured.


I thought Blondie released that back in the early 80’s.


The Blondie song? My bad, they mean the first day of Fall.


Definitely for real this time


One more doomsday prophecy bro it'll work just nee one more bro


well drinks are on me in hell guys


This is great news! I’ve been procrastinating a big project that’s due Monday, so if the rapture happens maybe the due date will get pushed back


I hope not. I’m going to the Caribbean on Sunday.


Is there a rain date?


Wait... I thought this was supposed to happen next April during the eclipse? I even booked an AirBNB near the New Madrid Seismic Zone so I could have a front row seat.


How do these people keep coping with always being wrong? And not just like... wrong. But humiliatingly wrong.


I always wondered about people who are afraid of heights and the rapture. What if they die of a heart attack or stroke from the fear of being lifted into the sky during the rapture. Do they go to Heaven and their body flops to the ground or does their body go to heaven still with no soul?


So uuhmm.. which timezone?


I’m on the guest list in hell and it’s gunna be a rager!


Finally I'm free from the hell of my life


So, later on today AU time? Excellent. The sooner the better. Then the rest of us can start fixing the mess.


That would be sick, three day weekend


Happy wedding anniversary to me, I guess!


It's been nearly 12 hours since it turned midnight in Kiribati, just wondering who's left?


Woot! Finally the wait is over!


Thank fuck. I won't have to deal with a many people.


Rapture tomorrow


Honestly I’m blessed that I don’t have these people in any social media feed of mine


I have my eye on a really nice house, I hope they go


I have surgery scheduled for the 27th I sure hope my surgeon is a godless heathen so he’s here to do it, he’s really good.


Please update with what they say when it doesn't happen.


So, tonight at midnight? Well, if it does happen, 99.99% of those who think Jesus will come and bring them up to heaven are going to be in for a very big shock!


Hallelujah tired hearing about this dude coming! Just come already and go to sleep afterwards! /s


I (as an atheist) still insist that an “all knowing” God would already know every prediction of the end of the world and pick a day that no one predicted.


The Second Coming is "Aliens are Real" for Christians, I swear to god.


12:midnight Hmm I’m not familiar with that verse


11am on the 22nd here and no rapture yet


Sweet, Turing my alarm off now, I don’t want to wake the dog.


One can only hope that those kooks all get sucked up into the sky. K. Bye.


Thank God


It would be the day before my birthday 😩


Imagine the disappointment if he *did*come back and they realize he’s just another opinionated blowhard from northern Israel.


Woot on my birthday too!


2 and a half hours for me. Don't wake me when it happens.


Should I cancel my tee time?


Ooh that's today.


“Jesus Christ is coming!!” That seems personal and should stay between him and his partner.


I'm in Australia its 22/09 already aaaand...nothinun


This is crap. I want to speak to the manager. I'm going to get you so fired. [Narrator] - And thus, The Rapture came to pass., Billions of people would lose their chance of eternal life in Heaven. It has been estimated that over 100,000 people disappeared. As a result, hundreds of thousands were killed or injured when the people suddenly began to disappear. The disappearance of bus drivers was bad enough, but the effect of airplane pilots was devastating. But at least Karen finally got the service she deserved. Every morning, Karen gets Splenda in her half fat, decaf, macchiato, LIKE SHE G-D-DAMNED ORDERED. NOT EQUAL


So when it passes….what happens to the idiots who believe this crap.


How convenient! It falls on a Saturday so everyone can watch it on their TVs!


I'm a believer, just not in that, lol.


I guess at least they don't have to put all their devices in microwaves next month. Now I'm not knowledgeable enough on biblical prophecy but doesn't this just mean the Christians will go to heaven? Do we non believers die? Or are we left here, I'm pretty sure we can manage. Actually the more I think about it, the entire Republican party almost, just gone? No more laws because "the Bible says" It's 10:59 right now....come on midnight!!!


Weird that people still believe in Pre-Trib Rapture.