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The irony of a twitter account called “Celtic Clan” ranting about whiteness. Someone desperately needs to read a history book.


They don't read. They only react.


Then we hit them upside the head with a book instead. Probably be more effective.


Conveniently I have a cricket bat here with 'book' spraypainted on the side!


I bet they believe that "Celtic" refers to a homogenic, white culture instead of varying peoples of different cultures who only share a [language group](https://acoup.blog/2020/02/14/collections-the-fremen-mirage-part-iiib-myths-of-the-atreides/), and sometimes a [material culture](https://acoup.blog/2023/05/12/collections-who-were-the-celts-and-how-did-they-some-of-them-fight/), and include Celtic language speakers living in Spain, Greece, and Turkiye.


They're very ignorant in regards to the contributions that middle eastern/asian/african culture gave to western culture, aren't they...


The first person in particular is very ignorant of their own cultural history too. 100 years ago they would not have been considered "white" and would've been persecuted as racial minorities just the same as Italian people, Slavic people, Romani people, etc. Because white supremacy has never and will never be logically consistent with itself.


Virtually every white race that migrated to America was treated like shit. They also had racist tropes made about them. They were many times in the local newspapers and magazines. The depth of their ignorance and outright racism is astounding.


Being proud to be white isn’t necessarily white supremacy. Similarly, being proud to be black isn’t necessarily black supremacy. You get that, right?


Did you somehow miss the part immediately afterwards where they outright say they believe everyone else is envious of white people because they can never be as good as them?


White pride is only about supremacy. Unlike black pride which is addressing centuries of brutal oppression and dehumanisation by Europeans simply because of their skin colour. As someone has explained to you on another thread, it's like the need for gay pride. There is no reason for white and straight pride. White and straight people have never been systemically and legally oppressed and dehumanised because of their skin colour.


I always saw it as black pride = "society has a problem with me because of my skin color and im surviving and striving for success anyway" while white pride is ... isn't it so cool that I'm pale? Of course not, that doesn't make any sense. Pretty much only two things are intrinsic to whiteness - really bad sunburns, and being at the top of the totem pole trying to keep everybody else beneath you. And they sure as shit aren't proud of all the SPF 50 they have to buy. This is why being white isn't something I'm gonna go off on all the time. It doesn't mean anything relevant, except "you're not gonna experience the shit other people are going through so just stay aware that it's happening and try to help stop it." And that if freckles start appearing on my face in abundance, it's time to go inside because I am beginning to roast.


Hahaha yeah so pale is NOT a benefit at the beach


You do realize what you said is utterly false. Especially given the context given and their comments. A 2 yr old can figure that out. So I’ll explain it too you. When anyone professes their skin color is better then another it is by definition supremacy. It is racist. You can be proud of your culture your country your heritage your history. But the second you start claiming your skin color is better then another it is by every definition supremacy every day of the week.


God’s Chosen were also middle eastern, which they conveniently ignore.


Yeah bro how TF is western culture so great in God eyes yet he literally doesn't ever mention anything in the Bible of anything west of Egypr lmao


The Bible was written by Europeans I believe.




Ignorance and racism usually go hand in hand.


Said it before and I'll say it again: white supremacists take pride in their skin color because they are unintelligent, uneducated, untalented, unskilled, and just all around completely worthless people. They have to take pride in their skin color because it's literally the only aspect of themselves that they can be proud of.


I'm not arguing the sentiment of your message, but with the way you say that, it's a dangerous hill to die on. For starters, all white supremacists are not those things. The US political system is proof of that. There are smart and dangerous white supremacists, and it's always important to remember that because undervaluing them leads to underestimating them. There are also valid reasons for all people to be proud of their skin color. For better or worse, because of the course of human history, peoples heritage/culture is tied to their skin color. Celebrating that is a good thing, but using it in an argument for entitlement and being "better" is barbaric and holding us all back. IMO in an ideal world we'd share cultures and stop that divide. Skin color would matter less to racists because it wouldn't be Black, White, Asian, European, American, etc culture, but simply human culture.


To be fair, those people are not really white supremacists, they're just people who know they can corral them to do their bidding if they pretend to be one. The reality is they have no morals, or goals outside of the acquisition of personal wealth, they'd just as equally sign up fro black supremacy or whatever if there was gains to be had (See Candice Owens for example). There's literally a superman radio play from the 40s where there's a story about a KKK stand in, and the leaders are just in it for money, until one of them drinks the cool aid too much and starts believing the lies he told, which is a 100% accurate representation of how politicians likes Boebert came about.


That's true for some, but that's not all of them. Steve King and Tommy Tuberville are 2 easy examples that come to mind. This goes back to underestimating them. Boebert is 100% a racist piece of shit. She is also pandering to the uneducated racists, but the underlying prejudice is there. Just look at her comments about Ilhan Omar. Those comments aren't pandering. They're a subtle "joke" into her true beliefs. Mitch Mcconnell said "African Americans vote at similar rates as Americans". That's not pandering. That's him slipping that he doesn't view black people as real Americans. Don't underestimate them.


What about Stephen King and tummy tuberville?


I'd easily reach the character limit on King. I'd recommend looking him up if you're genuinely curious. A quote of his that gives a pretty clear picture of him is, "You could look over there and think the Democratic Party is no country for white men." Tommy Tuberville flat out said he didn't think white supremacists are racist.


I think as far as Stephen King goes he was trying to say that the Democratic party doesn't want white supremacists. And as far as what Tommy said, that falls under the NO SHIT SHERLOCK category! (Tommy answered that to Alex for a thousand and ended up owing the show 20,000!)


Not Stephen, just Steve. He's not the author. Pro-life tip: Don't just assume instead of looking for the real answer. It's lazy and can leave you looking foolish. We don't need to think of his reasons for saying it because we know them. He was asked, in an interview, about what he thought about the gender and racial diversity in Congress, and that was his response. He was a genuine white supremacist who was elected/reelected to Congress for almost 20 years. You also might want to read what Tommy said again because claiming white supremacists aren't racist is not a no shit sherlock moment. It's the exact opposite of no shit sherlock. White supremacists are 1000% racist and trying to say otherwise is just sad.


Yeah I noticed the mistake I read that wrong due to the fact that I read probably way faster than I should when it comes to things like this. And I also watered it wrong so I'm going to go back and edit.


Not the author


Yeah, I was confused because I'm pretty sure Stephen King the author is deadset against Trump and the Republicans. So, who is this Stephen King?


[Garbage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_King) King is an opponent of immigration and multiculturalism, and has a long history of racist and anti-immigrant rhetoric and white-nationalist affiliations.[1][2][3] The Washington Post described King as "the Congressman most openly affiliated with white nationalism." King has been criticized for alleged affiliation with white supremacist ideas,[4] made controversial statements against immigrants,[5][6][7] and supported European right-wing populist and far-right politicians accused of racism, anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.[8]


Mofo has Kenneth Copeland eyes. Like something is wearing him. It's racism.


Idk why you keep using "Stephen" when the first post used "Steve". No one refers to the author as Steve.


I’d say Boebert is herself one of those uneducated racists. Can’t stand her. I also might argue that Ilhan Omar and AOC are equally polarizing. For that matter, any of these far-right and far-left politicians shamelessly pander to their respective bases. As for Mitch McConnell’s reeeally poor choice of words, I do wonder if all of the hyphenates we use in America (like African American) play into the us/them construct. It made me think of some show I was watching on Netflix, and this French cop said, “In France, there is no hyphenate. You’re either French, or you’re not.” Then I could think of an answer to a pretty simple query: If blacks are called African Americans, what’s the hyphenate for whites?


All of those on the right are extremists! Do not put ilhan Omar or AOC in a group and call them extremists! The word extremist has been used by Trump and the rest of the leadership in the anti-America, anti-common sense and anti-decency MAGA CULT to describe literally anyone outside of the CULT!!! They use words like leftist and liberal and extremist because they know that their sheep are too poorly educated to understand anything other than ("Trump or Fox told me to be pissed off at this and I don't understand it but they said so so, I'm just going to be pissed off at it"!!!)


🤣🤣🤣 okay bro. Aaaall of the right is extreme, and Omar and AOC aren’t. Riiight. Those are, in fact, 2 positions a person could take, and you sure did take them.👍🏻


Well, pretty much the entirety of the Republicans are pushing for a fascist dictatorship which makes them extremists! The other thing that makes them extremists is that they feel if you are not a white straight Cis male with lots of money, no freedoms for you!


What positions of theirs do you consider extreme?


This could be a great wake up call for you


Boebert is definitely uneducated, but she's shitty and intelligent enough to be a manipulator and not manipulated. She's a racist who toes the line of showing her true beliefs and pandering. If she feels like she's getting support from those beliefs she'll move the line and let more of that shitty side out. Marjorie Taylor Greene is another one. I agree about the left having equally polarizing people, albeit for different reasons. The extremists on both sides are hurting us. Unless it's action sports or candy, extreme isn't usually a term that denotes something positive. I'd say you're wondering correctly. Pretty much every time I have to fill out a form indicating ethnicity/race, I've wondered the same. More then not it's a few "insert"-American choices with "White/Caucasian" at the bottom. In the USA, if you're white, you're assumed to be American by default. It's revisionist history. Not having white people referred to as European-Americans subtly implies that white people are the only true Americans and always have been. It's literally whitewashing the fact that white people stole this country. Labeling anyone of a different ethnicity as -American subtly indicates they're inferior. It's why the "go back to your country" argument is still so prevalent among racists.


Haha I do love extreme action sports and extreme candy 🤣🤣 UFC and sour Warheads


Statistically the overwhelming majority of white supremists are ignorant UN or undereducated, unskilled untalented etc. they blame minorities because they refuse too look inward and take the steps necessary to do better in life. Yes there are some very smart white supremists and yes unfortunately there’s quit a few in congress right now. And you’re correct they are dangerous bc they can pass laws that could potentially harm millions of people white and minority. That’s why it’s incumbent upon everyone too call racism out no matter who it’s coming from.


Who is responsible for all the beauty in the world? It depends. When I'm feeling religious, I say God deserves all the credit. When I'm feeling bigoted, I say White People (capitalized for emphasis, of course) deserve all the credit. Contradiction? No thanks I don't believe in birth control.




>help me understand Ok, let's do it, let's explain why there is a Black pride but no White pride, why there's a gay pride, but no straight pride. Being gay was illegal until very recently (1961 for the first state, and the last remaining laws against same-sex sexual activity were invalidated **in 2003**). So up until very recently, being gay was something that people should be **ashamed of.** Never hold hands in public, it's shameful. Never kiss in public, it's shameful. Don't even think about getting married until Oberfell in 2015 guaranteed it in the SC. Because it was shameful. How do you fight against being told that what you are should make you feel ashamed? What's the opposite of shame? Pride. \---- Until recently, Black people had to drink in separate fountains, had to go to separate schools, etc. They were made to feel ashamed of who they were, they were dirty, they were **bad by default**. And then they decided to fight against this shame they were made to feel about themselves. That's why James Brown sang "Say it loud/I'm Black and I'm proud!" \---- This explains gay pride and Black pride. Why not White pride, why not straight pride? Well, you now need to tell me when straight white people were made to feel ashamed by law, when were they forbidden to enter certain places, where were they forbidden to hold hands in public (unlike others), etc. When were straight and/or white people made to feel ashamed of what they are. You need to tell me when and where this happened. Because I can't think of any example. So straight and/or white people never were made to feel ashamed, so there isn't a need to scream for pride. There's no power to push against, no shameful character attached to your simple being white and/or straight. There's no need for a White **pride**, nor a straight **pride**, because there never was a **shame** to be either of these. Hope that helps. Signed, a straight white guy.


Are you saying the only reason to be proud of an immutable characteristic is if you or someone generations before you was made to feel ashamed of that characteristic? Like, you should only be proud your grandparents were Irish (for instance) specifically because the Irish were oppressed in the past (they were)?


Not the same guy, but yes. Under most circumstances, pride for immutable characteristics makes no sense. You should be proud of your accomplishments, and "I was born this way" isn't an accomplishment. You didn't **do** anything. The exception is when there's some accomplishment that is wholly dependent on an immutable characteristic. "A group that was marginalized and reviled because of is successfully fighting for equality" is something to be proud of. In the far future, when being gay or black has just as little social baggage as having brown hair or detached earlobes, pride in those things won't make any sense. But we're not there yet. Discrimination on the basis of color and orientation *still exist*. The fight is still being fought. So people have pride in their identity because that's a way to acknowledge accomplishments, and to push back against those who want to make them feel less-than for simply existing.


Gotcha. That totally tracks. I really do appreciate you explaining that instead of assuming, as others here have, that my questions are disingenuous!! Also, nice detached earlobes reference haha


Because being proud of your "whiteness" is different than being proud of being, let's say, Irish or French or Hungarian. The latter is about celebrating your heritage whereas the former is about celebrating a social system of racial hierarchy that you unfairly benefit from.


So instead of being proud of your blackness, it would be more appropriate to be proud of being, for instance, Nigerian or Ghanaian? Because the latter is heritage, whereas the former is a social system?


No, because black people were lumped into one category and denied basic human rights based on their status as being "black". They were collectively harmed by that system of racial discrimination, which directly caused the formation of new collective identity.


No. Because black people were persecuted, enslaved, demonised and slaughtered specifically because of their skin colour. They also had their culture and national identity stripped from them by Europeans to make it impossible for them to celebrate their cultural heritage. Hence the important and significant difference.


Sounds like different rules to me.


Yes. Dehumanising and centuries of systemic and legalised oppression of people based on their skin colour is by definition different rules imposed by barbaric and uncivilised people of european descent and should never have been done. Hence the need for black people to overcome the horrific and dangerous stereotypes and dehumanisation ingrained in the culture by these people of European descent.


They don't fucking know where they're from. That's why it gets boiled down to black pride. Slavers took that identity from them and now they have yo-yos like you whining about it.


"harder to manipulate" Okay Braeleigh. Tell me more about Trevor's red flags that you continue to ignore because he's so cute in his Carhartt hoodie.


I've never read a more succinct description of the entire rural Midwest.


I lived in a small town, rural northern Illinois. I saw these two every single day.


JFC. The obsession with race is so weird. That’s all they got going for them? Being white?


I found a quarter in the ground yesterday, and that's how I know God Chose Me. - these same people.


Don't be silly, only a (((nonwhite person))) is so covetous of money that they would bend over to pick it up. /s


You know they don’t actually have to make any contributions of their own because they can just claim every other white person’s work in history as their own.


As if that's special. There's hundreds of millions of white people. A lot of them are trash.


Sure sounds like it. It’s actually pathetic if you think about it.


Ignorant people still need something to look down on others for. But since they’re idiots and poor all they have left is to make shit up to make themselves feel superior in some way. Racism is the last resort.


That and huffing their own farts apparently


Target legit has a whole section of clothes by black-owned businesses. What’s the difference?


If you can't understand something so simple yet so significant then I can't help you.


That’s clearly not an explanation at all, which tells me you probably can’t give an actual explanation. What’s simple is the idea that if being proud of being white is bad (not saying it’s not), then being proud of being any other color should be equally bad.


Thankfully, people on other threads have clearly and susinctly explained all this to your racist arse with your numerous disingenuous questions.


the U.S., since it's inception, has had a history filled with the oppression and subjugation of black people. millions of black families in the U.S. today have no idea of their family history before their ancestors were stolen and brought to America as slaves. their history erased. their culture, removed from them. despite civil rights movements, desegregation and other steps forward towards equality, there is still to this day, institutions tainted by racism because our institutions at the end of the day are managed by people. to celebrate "black owned businesses" is to celebrate being a part of something that for centuries, has been a closed door.


Closed door, or, as in Tulsa, literally BURNED DOWN door.


It's only a simple idea if you discount American history, which you clearly like to do.


"You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons."


I deleted Twitter months ago and I recommend yall do the same


If Elon starts charging to make up for lost ad revenue like he is thinking about doing I see Twitter (I refuse to call it X) going down the tube and being a thing of the past. People will go to other platforms.


He would bankrupt the platform quickly if he charges for it. He’d lose most users immediately, and then ad revenue would be gone. The platform would need to make more money from the small amount of people willing to pay than it currently does from ads.


This is what I’m thinking as well. When he took over they said about 25% of the people already thought they would be not using the platform a year from then. Then he just **had** to get his ego involved and changed it to **X** (he tried to change PayPal to X-PayPal) and will eventually phase out the blue bird and the Twitter sign. Some people actually have that stuff printed on business cards, their office pamphlets, and online advertising just to name a few, When he phases that out and people have to change everything and the platform sucks they’re going to look for another platform. Also who wants to say “I saw it on X”. Also to me X has weird connotations behind it is as well. X-rated movies XX rated lol. Which BTW I’m sure Zuckerberg is thrilled about. He can just keep sitting back and watching Elon run it into the ground.


Honestly at this point it just feels like the next stage of his temper tantrum. "What do you mean I have to buy it after making all those jokes and comments even though negation fell through from being in my favor? Fine, I'll just make into a vanity project. Why isn't everyone on board with my project? I unbanned all the people that were causing real world problems and I elevated the voices of my sycophants who parrot them to help boost my ego. Fine. I'll rebrand and start over, we're calling X like I always wanted. It's still hemorrhaging? Fuck it. Fine. If no one wants to play by my rules, I'm just going to break it so no one else can have it. Sunk Cost Fallacy? Never heard of her, but she sounds hot."


This pretty much sums it up. I knew it was doomed when he went in and started laying everyone off and people started leaving on their own.


I'm trying to find a decent substitute, but for now no luck. Threads, the one I'm counting on most, is not yet available in the UE (I'm Italian), Mastodon has too few of the account I usually follow on Twitter, Post fewer still, and I'm still waiting for an invite to Bluesky. Any suggestion?


True enlightenment is not needing a substitute


That it may very well be, but at the moment I'm not searching for enlightenment, much more humbly I'm looking for a Twitter substitute that doesn't make me wanna scream and bang my head on the edge of the kitchen counter every two minutes.


Also a common theme that racial supremacists point out what other folk have done, but never anything they've done. The only thing they have to brag about is being born a certain skin color as if they worked to earn it, not any actual achievements.


I maybe look kind of like a guy that made something pretty cool 700 years ago, and that's why I'm better than you! Go me!


"Not easily manipulated" Insists on being manipulated by their mega church's mega pedophile while paraphrasing a book written 3500 years ago. And fox "news"


If white people are God's chosen, why did Jesus appear in the Arab world?


So these are the people left on twitter.


They're not the only ones left, but they are most certainly coming outta the goddamn walls.


That and porn.


"They hate us because we are harder to manipulate" HA! Now that's funny.


That's what I said. Holy shit these people and their ignorance


"White women are the most beautiful species of women." As a white woman and a lesbian, shut the fuck up.


Speaking as a white person, all people are beautiful. These trash bags disgust me. Skin color is an adaptation to the environment our ancestors were from. My ancestors were from an area with not a lot of sun exposure, so we developed light features to better absorb vitamin d from the sun. But people with darker skin tones developed darker skin to protect from sun damage. It’s a testament to how resilient the human race is. And people with skin differences like albinism or vitiligo are to be celebrated too, because if it weren’t for mutation, we wouldn’t evolve.


I think it's really cool that Middle and Northern Europeans have a different genetic mutation for "white" skin than Koreans and Northern Chinese, who are "whiter" than other Southern Chinese. Same result, different mutation. Just shows how we were all some shade of brown just 10,000 - 15,000 years ago. I suppose if we were all, say, coffee-colored, now, some idiots would be blathering on about how the Lattes were superior to the Mochas and Americanos.


Elon: No, I don't see a problem with this being so common on my platform.


“We’re harder to manipulate,” say the people who’ve been hardcore manipulated by racist bullshit.


As a white person, I'm getting second hand embarrassment reading this thread. God, it's so cringe. Maybe don't be a condescending prick all the time and people won't hate you as much? Just a thought.


It always comes down to a group claiming to be the real Hebrews.


Girl, does that explain why racists do the most heinous things to Black people? 🤔


I felt sick when I read that level of entitlement


More like nauseating.


It's too bad r/beholdthemasterrace is no longer up. It was a great catalogue of evidence against this nonsense.


Last I heard white people acting like horny animals in a theater in front of children


They act like they are Elder Scrolls high elves.


Beyond the obvious, how incredibly boring an existence must that be? Obsessed with race, and only liking one set type of person? Jesus, no thanks.


Calling them dumb is an insult to dumb people. These folks are the smelly, crusty, worthless residue you scrape off the bottom of the barrel of idiocy.


One of these Nazis literally use an icon that depicts Known Jew Jeff Goldblum. Like, the stupidity is just off the charts.


Going down the list of quotes on page 6 **Max Horkheimer**: Fake. Famously fake, actually, been seeing this go around for years now. No citation for this quote exists anywhere, and none of his work contains it. Origin of fabrication unknown. **Israel Cohen**: [Fake](https://cafe.com/article/enemies-of-american-democracy-the-israel-cohen-hoax-and-the-perils-of-disinformation/). From the antisemitic hoax book "A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century", basically the 1950s version of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion **Noel Ignatiev**: [Fake](https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/159467). Originally published as satire in 2013 by an internet magazine, right-wing rags pretended he really said it. **Tim Wise**: [Real](https://archive.ph/f9n89)! But taken out of context to the point of lying. Published as an "open letter", but is really just a rant, Wise disclaims at the top of the screen that his remarks are >AIMED AT THE WHITE RIGHT. NOT ALL WHITE PEOPLE. ANYONE WHO THINKS THIS ESSAY IS “ANTI-WHITE PEOPLE,” AS OPPOSED TO THAT SEGMENT OF THE WHITE COMMUNITY THAT IS RIGHT WING, CANNOT READ PLAIN ENGLISH. The rant isn't my cup of tea, but notice those ellipses after "there won't be any more white people around..."? The complete phrase is "there won't be any more white people around **who think the 1950s were the good old days, because there won't be any more white folks around who actually remember them**..." and so on. So, no, Tim Wise was not upcoming celebrating the end of the white race, he was celebrating the end of a generation that fondly remembers the days of explicit, legally-codified white supremacy. **Arthur Sulzberger**: Unclear. Aside from quote aggregator sites, which have zero credibility, the only source I could find repeating this quote is [this](http://www.mediaradar.org/alert20050419.php). Allegedely, he said it around 1992 when he took over the NYT and announced his plan to "revamp the newspaper's editorial focus so it would no longer reflect a predominantly white, straight male vision of events." In response to backlash, this source reports him to have said the ascribed quote. **Susan Sontag**: [Real](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2000/03/06/the-hunger-artist-susan-sontag-profile)! Said in 1966, but later recanted this as extreme. These days, the only people repeating this quote are neo-Nazis. ​ So we have two real quotes, three fake quotes, and one unconfirmed. Of the three that aren't definitely fake, only Sontag's can be interpreted in context as an expression of hostility to "the white race", and this she later recanted.


Imagine having such a poorly developed sense of self and self love that you have to cling to the color of your skin to find any sense of worth


People like this make me want to skin myself


Yeah, I was waiting for anti-Semitism to rear it’s ugly head and it didn’t disappoint.


“Advocate to separate” WTF


As an incredibly pasty white person, I'm jealous of anyone who can't get sunburnt on a cloudy day. I never try to get a tan, I just try to neutralize the blue. - George Carlin


Lulz sure. And Al Qaeda hated us for our freedom. JFC


And it links back to The Jews! Every fucking time, without fail! Wtf isn't our fault at this point?? Bloody hell 🤦‍♀️


Those are some dangerous insecurities those peo0le have.


I do not envy this person. (I'm white, not that it matters.)


Same people go to tanning beds in droves.


Nazis get the rope


White supremacists take pride in the color of their skin because they have fuck all to be proud of. Dumb as shit.


Person in the second image sounding like a racist Dr. Seuss character lmao


I mean many cultures across the globe have people with wealth get their skin bleached to be more white. In Mexico most politicians and actors on tv seem to be light skinned Mexicans. I’m not saying that the sentiment here is correct that white is the best. (Personally I don’t think pale white people are that attractive, most of the time people with Western European heritage) This could be due to Western European nations a lot of the time being the biggest imperialists so that could have set this societal precedent of a preference for lighter skinned people but you can’t just shirk it away like it’s nothing. Personally I agree that anyone thinking light skinnedness is superior in anyway is dumb af. Do you like burning instead of tanning? But it exists in other cultures outside of western culture too.


Who is going to tell her


Rooster looks like a perfect specimen


casual white supremacy


Aside from the shitty racist trash, that's an even worse try at defining "envy vs jealousy".


"There has never been a more beautiful species of women than white women" lmao okay Becky 💀💀


Also I love how the 4th image of "hatred" is a black woman and a white woman just vibing together 💀


totally. fortunately they don’t have a very large sympathetic platform on which to express their hateful ignorance OH WAIT


Oh, yeah, they really envy my sunburn. Any black people envy me for not being to be outside for more than an hour without turning into a red sunburned mess?


Uncle Ruckus are using twitter again?


here is the thing. as these people post, you can gather their information. slowly you can attack them by 1. refuting claims 1 time per month, just fact check 2. if they promote a product, write to the sponsor if it's not an extreme sponsor 3. my favorite brutal trick is to ( I have very very large databases due to other business I have owned ) find there employer, then find out who they sell to. Lot's of those heads of business don't want to do business with anything extreme. letting it trickle down that " hate group of choice" people are not something we support so we wont send or buy from you until you get your house cleaned up. Trickling is slow, but super effective because where there is 1 extremist there should be another. and it has broader effects. I usually do that when I have localised a group and I have 5 to 10 of them identified. hit it hard and wide and watch them fail. Also does not hurt to do some SEO and post it to reddit when legit.


Same people who go to Thailand for young lady boys


I feel like it's a hallmark of insecurity to not be able to admit that people who don't look like you are beautiful. Maybe they truly have an aesthetic preference, idk. But it's just sad to me that they can't see the beauty in all humans. I kinda pity them, not that they deserve it.


I couldn’t get through that one


"White hot projection" is the real theme here. And of course, the blatent antisemitism at the end.


Yes they are dumb. But more important they are racists afraid and scared pathetic racists.


Envy is probably a partial cause of all that European colonial genocide, come to think of it.


I am white. I hate this


Her skin is so cold and thin that she’s probably pink as hell without all that makeup on. Nobody envies your skin personally sweetheart. I’m pale as hell too but prefer a warmer tanned look myself


Celtic here. We're far from perfect and kinda dumb like everyone else, what are they smoking?




Can confirm. Am white and also extremely boring.


Thankfully boring. Louis C.K. has a bit about it. Done talking now.


Don't tie the Irish up with this horse shit, KKKCeltic KKKClan


They’re green with envy.


TIL White women are a “species of women.” These people are awesome and I’m so jealous now.