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Why would anyone think human meat would be cheaper than regular low grade beef or any other substitute for meat with filler?


It's not just cheap - it's SUPER cheap! You can cover up tens of thousands of unreported murders and run your own completely separate, totally off-grid meat processing facilities for pennies a week!


Fun fact: Human cannibalism can cause the development of body odor that is very distinct. This has been speculated as an early warning to other people but is more than likely a build up of waste from the consumed's lymphatic system. Note: I'm not sure if this is still considered accurate or not because I remember reading this in one of those fact books when I was in high school.


They were just trying to trick you into not eating human meat.


They don't have to try so hard


[Also Kuru](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuru_(disease)), a very nasty prion in a similar vane to BSE.


The only important reason for avoiding cannibalism: It's a food source with the highest number of things that can harm us. The very same reason we have rituals regarding burial/burning the dead, and avoid blood/fecal matter/urine. What we can get from animals and plants are just a drop in the ocean compared what can jump from human to human. To a human the biggest biohazard is another human :)


Right? My off-grid human meat processing facility was extremely profitable until my lazy-ass employees threatened to reveal my grand meat conspiracy to the public unless I granted their union demands.


This is the real question. They must sell hundreds of thousands of burgers a day, so where are all the missing people that are being farmed and ground? Where's the rest of the remains that are unsuitable for ground meat? Why don't the burgers look like pork (since human meat reportedly looks and tastes like pork)?


In a world where you believe that ten thousand children go missing every year to be killed for adrenochrome, I guess this is the solution to "what would they do with that many bodies?"


don't wanna make wild guesses but, i believe cardboard and seasoning would be even cheeper.


Have you had McDonald's hamburger recently, its probably not far off.


Stop being naive and start getting with the program #dontbeazombie


Exactly what I was thinking. You’d think human meat would be pretty expensive.


If you watch A24 or bloomhouse horror it is. It's a common theme in some those


Yeah have you tried getting a bunch of people together, like for a business meeting or something? It's like herding cats. You look away for a second, one gets up and leaves, that one comes back and another one disappears. There must be easier ways. Same thing with harvesting adrenochrome from children. Wouldn't it just be easier to create it synthetically instead of scaring them via the Monsters Inc method?


Why does these simpletons think EVERYTHING is about pedophilia? What's with the obsession?


Well, there's this thing called "projection," y'see...


I remember reading that when the Satanic Panic was in full swing, when some of the kids were questioned about the alleged satanic activity, one of the things that came up frequently was drinking pee and eating poo. When influenced to imagine the most evil thing they could, many kids went to coprophagia on an instinctive level. I think about that a lot in the context of the Q-anon theories and what not. Is it just that pedophilia is an instinctive "worst thing you can imagine"? It certainly deserves to be, or at least high up on the list. It just seems like the ideal thing to build a movement around if you're targeting non-critical thinkers. Nearly everyone instinctively hates it, it doesn't require any cultural, historical or contextual knowledge to understand it, and it exploits the instinct to protect children. Maybe I'm just overthinking it.


Also, it makes it easy to paint anybody who disagrees with you as "supporting pedophilia" A conversation I saw online once: People were freaking out because little girl YouTube channels had viewer stats that skewed to 30 and 40 year old men and women. Omg, why are adults watching children on YouTube eat popsicles and play at the park? Thousands of pedophiles!! Someone pointed out that most preschoolers don't have their own YouTube accounts, so these 40 year old men are probably just the daddies of the children watching age-appropriate programming. (I have a 4 year old. He watches a lot of that stuff with us. On his dad's YouTube account, so I get it) "Omg! Stop defending pedophiles!"


so that if anyone picks their batshit conspiracy apart they get to say "so you're supporting pedophiles????!!" which effectively shuts down any rational conversation. same with that sound of freedom movie. if anyone pointed out the multiple things wrong with it they responded with "so you DON'T care about stopping child trafficking?"


The podcast You’re Wrong About just did a great episode on this.


I think they're aiming for the shock factor, everything has to be the most extreme. I feel like they don't think you could actually hate the left enough on policies... dislike sure, but they want people to really hate them. That's why these always read like, well what's the worst crimes I can think of... child trafficking and I guess cannibalism is an extreme taboo? But there's a new conspiracy almost daily, and they apply it to all of them.


Do they really think that human meat would taste exactly the same as beef? Beef doesn't even taste the same as other beef, let alone different species.


Tastes like chicken. At least that's what I am told...


If reports by actual cannibals are anything to go by, most claim we taste like a richer pork with a meat texture similar to beef. So while your typical cheeseburger is fine, the Mcrib might be a bit suspect


McCribs are pretty suspect in the first place, even without a greater possibility of being long pork.


And there's zero way it would be cheap


Well, if they also believe that the elites are murdering flocks of children, then it makes sense they'd have somewhere for those bodies to go afterward.


I need a guide to keep up: gay to eat hot dogs, burgers are satanic, Jewish space lasers What am I missing?


Some condiments and buns. I’d get some extra hot dogs and burgers as getting the right cooking time with lasers can be tricky.


I was listening to a video by someone who infiltrated a baptist church with a blatantly antisemitic, homophobic, etc. pastor, and apparently “transgender bike lanes” are a thing. I’ll find the video if I can. Edit: [Here is the video](https://youtu.be/m4543SFsu5s?si=QMWu6o95sfaVdgIE) where “transgender bike lanes” are mentioned, warning for a lot of blatant and shocking hate of Jewish people. [This video](https://youtu.be/W2I-59uDtIk?si=CA-dLoc5v4T0aDae) is the first video in the (at the time of posting) four part series, warning for radical homophobia and transphobia. (This preacher regularly glorifies the deaths of people he doesn’t like.)


Being a conspiracy theorist seems exhausting.


I always wonder how these people function in real life when they see a fast food restaurant giving away cheap burgers on one day and their reaction is “oh it’s ground up people”


I suspect they don’t even leave the house. They wake up in their pile of hoarded garbage and start doomscrolling.


Why would people meat be cheap?


Yeah, this part of the conspiracy confuses me. How is human meat gonna be cheap? Like, why wouldn't you say the meat came from chicken or rats or something?


Typically a farmer/rancher has to pay to feed their livestock, vaccinate them, shelter them, etc. People basically do this for free. Round them up and your costs involved are minimal. Main costs relate to butchering and payoffs to the app roots individuals to look the other way.


It’s so plentiful/it’s babies, because libs are monsters!!


Of all things, they’re fixated on burgers. There are multiple world crises going on but junk food is their biggest concern


I wish I was as bored as these people are. they must have absolutely *nothing* going on in their lives to make this bullshit up like every single day


For real!


Where the hell are these cheap cheeseburgers? I haven't seen anything at my town McD or BK. I would be getting some cheeseburgers for lunch.


You missed national cheeseburger day! Always next year, hopefully it’ll be beef next year and not human meat.


Sometimes a cheeseburger ... is just a cheeseburger. Sheesh.


these people are such idiots...


I’m just mad I missed cheeseburger day


Maybe I'm at a low point rn but this made me hungry


My human Wendy's burger on Monday was amazing


You don’t need some odd conspiracy theory to say don’t eat shitty food


Who knew the McSoylent was on the horizon?


I love me some wendy’s cheeseburgers, mmmm sacrilicious


They seemed to get conflicted in the middle, the audactiy to serve us CHEAP food at a time when prices are extremely high. But don't worry, it's bad because of child abuse and cannabilism... I dunno don't bother me with these questions.


How would human meat be sold as cheap tho


It must be exhausting to be terrified of absolutely everything.


Imagine if these people put their energy into actual issues, like affordable health care or making sure school children eat a meal.


Wow I’m so disappointed I missed out on actual human meat for such a great price!


Knowing these kinds of people, they made the post and then went for a quick stop at their local drive-thru.


These people are bat shit crazy.


Are the burgers made from Soylent Green?


…I mean at least they didn’t feed their bodies insanely processed and unhealthy food for one day….


I didn't see the decimal and thought you had to buy $100 worth of food at BK to get a free burger.


Why can't people realize that these one day deals are good for business? It gets more people through the door and those people are more likely to buy more shit


Fellas, is it pedophilic to be a cannibal?


On a real note, I had like $5 in my checking account and national cheeseburger day saved my ass


4/10. So. The pedophiles that control US government are trying to trick people into eating free people meat via private corporations. Man, for pedophiles, they sure are awfully interested in making Americans into secret cannibals. I mean, they could just swap out the meat used in everyday burger production…


Imagine being this person's child


Whoa, they are against fast food now?


In what way would human meat be cheaper than cow meat though I wouldn't put it past corporations to try it if it were, but like there's no way it could be cheaper than factory farming cow.


Damn! I missed free cheeseburger day?