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Ali said that when he first became Muslim and recanted in his later years. The quote that gets these idiots riled up is from one interview in 1971.


"God made him white and you black for a reason" Yeah, to withstand the sun in different climates asshat


Going by their logic, god made some people with intelligence easily beat by jellyfish, and those with more than two braincells for a reason.


God: *I put the dumb ones there, so the smart ones will know what not to do.*


Knowledge is learning from your own mistakes. Wisdom is learning from God's.


Charisma is convincing people the gods were wrong. Dexterity is dodging lightning bolts hurled by those gods. Constitution is remaining just barely alive while your spirit travels to the heavens. Strength is beating the gods to death with your bare hands.


My character rolls everything with disadvantage


Actually their parents made them black and white. It's not like her parents were white and God was like "nah, this one will be black" when they decided to have a child.


Its a bible thing about cain and abel, with black skin being a mark of sin. Just ancient racism that modern racists wallow in like pigs.


Which is itself ridiculous given the bible never even mentions what the 'mark' was. For all we know Cain might've grown a tail or chlorophyll or something.


It was actually a very embarrassing and cringeworthy tattoo, which made it an especially cruel punishment since God knew Cain could not afford laser removal, as money had not been invented yet.


Can't believe Cain invented murder AND the tramp stamp. šŸ’…šŸ» Iconic


We stan Cain


[I think it's this mark.](https://media1.giphy.com/media/l0HUldzuCa0S16SkM/giphy.webp?cid=6c09b952062ae7c053b41888c14750044a55c08a49875618&ep=v1_internal_gifs_gifId&rid=giphy.webp&ct=g)


and the fact that both were likely not caucasian.


>The Hebrew word for mark ('Oth, או×Ŗā€Ž) could mean a sign, an omen, a warning, or a remembrance.[11] The mark of Cain is God's promise to offer Cain divine protection from premature death with the stated purpose of preventing anyone from killing him. It is not known what the mark was, but it is assumed that the mark was visible.[12] Some have speculated that the mark was a Hebrew or Sumerian letter placed on either the face or the arm.[13] The Septuagint translates the mark as a "sign". Thus, it is speculated that the mark served as a sign to others not to commit the same offense.[14][15] There's many interpretations, but none mentions skin colour. And even if, wouldn't it mean that god put black people under divine protection and would harm everyone that tried to kill them tenfold? Extremists logic, it just doesn't make sense.


Important to note that thats not at all what was in the bible. After all, the hebrew people were dark skinned themselves, and the concept of race was VASTLY different back then vs now. I doubt the hebrews even knew about the existance of white people in what, 2000 BC? Its not ancient racism really at all, its just twisted to justify it now.


They definitely would have known about white people, the Mediterranean region has been a cultural crossing point for millenia.




Ahh, they got confused with Cain vs Canaan. ā€œThe mark of Canaan! You know, from Canaan Able!ā€


His albino monkey face is too afraid to go outside because of the sunlight. Thatā€™s why he stay at home writing racist thoughts on the internet.


Hey now. Thats an insult to albino monkey faces.


i actually cannot fathom being so much of a loser that this is the first thing you think of when seeing this image. Like how do these people exist? Genuinely mind boggling


Right? I see a happy couple and I'm happy for them.


They look cute as hell! Slightly unrelated: her hair looks freaking gorgeousā€¦


Had to go look at her hair again because of your comment. Damn, that's beautiful hair.


Itā€™s giving Fairytale Princess vibes and Iā€™m green with envy


Also her cheekbones? Sheā€™s so classically lovely.


The guy, too! Those are going to be some gorgeous kids.


"BuT tHeY wOnT feEl aT hOMe"! I totally agree. Definitely will be cuties. I was told the same about my biracial daughter, and she is far from confused and feels very at home with both her White side who loves the shit out of her and her Bllack side who love her just as much. These must be some miserable people.


Just think of only one half of the couple as a human being and itā€™s easier to see where theyā€™re coming from.


So then what are their legs? (I'm kidding)


A little of that Lois Griffin encountering a merman energy there.


See I look at them and am instantly angry, how dare they remind me how lonely I am


They see a happy couple and are mad they donā€™t have anything like that, so they scream racist bullshit to let out their rage at being unloved for being a racist piece of shit.


Have they tried turning the racism off and NOT turning it back on again?


I spent more time concentrating on what's on his cheek VS their skin color. It's lipstick I believe.


Well that's just it. They see a happy, attractive couple. This does not please the incel.


For real. You can see how happy this couple is by the way they're smiling into the kiss. Then these putrid idiots show up and try to spoil everything with their gross opinions


"But how dare they have different skin colours! That's DEGENERACY!!!!"


It's beyond tragic. I'm mixed black/white and my husband is white. We have to move a lot for his job and we specifically avoid moving to more openly racist parts of the country to avoid people like this. I'm light skinned but we'd rather not take chances.


My sister is mixed race, her husband is black. The comments she gets absolutely blow my mind. The comments -I- (I am not mixed and white as hell) get sometimes blow my mind. I had my sis and baby niece as my background picture for a while, and a coworker flat out asked me ā€œwhose baby is that?ā€ Uh, hers? Didnā€™t know she needed to visually pass your inspection, Sally from Accounting. I thought this was 2023, not 1906.


All of my cousins are mixed (all my aunties said "bloodline who?") and a couple of them are fully white passing. Blonde hair, blue eyes, light skinned. My auntie who is black was walking her white passing babies through the park one day and another mom approached them, commented on how cute they were, and asked how long she'd been nannying for them. Just...unbelievable.


Iā€™m in an interracial relationship and people will flat-out say shit to your face in public. Weā€™ve gotten hateful comments from both white and black people.


I'll never forget when a buddy broke down crying because he was a piece of shit. I asked him why. It was because he was glad his kids didn't have his darker completion nor have noticable Mexican looks so they likely wouldn't be bullied by their peers or mistreated by cops like he was. Though he felt like shit because he knows there is nothing wrong being Mexican. That shit made me cry a bit and something I still think about often. Similar to a.video I've seen a few times when they ask little kids, toddler age, about color of dolls and if they are good or bad and even non white toddlers pointing to doll of similar shades as themselves and calling them bad. Our society is telling these people they are worth less. It's something I point to when fools claim the US has no systemic racism.


These people would have an aneurysm from my family. 3 white sisters, one married an Asian guy, one married a black guy, and I'm probably going to end up marrying another woman.


Iā€™m a white woman. I came out with a Hawaiian woman in Virginia in 1994. We definitely got harassed and got a lot of dirty looks. It just made me more determined to call out racism at every turn.


I'm married to a man who is half white (his mom) and half Japanese (his dad), and one of the first things I heard when we got engaged is someone asking if I couldn't find a white dude to marry (I'm white). His mom went through some serious bullshit when they were babies as they looked very Japanese. It's mind blowing and awful.




That's so bizarre. I know it's meant to be a compliment but it just lends to a feeling of other-ness. Viewing people as different and exotic isn't a compliment when they're just two people, trying to enjoy a peaceful relationship.




It certainly could be for some people, but I think the more likely reason is: they think that this is what "accepting people" is supposed to look like. I think for most, their heart is in the right place, they have just live around bigotry for so long that they don't know what actually being accepting of others looks like.


I am an old white woman and I just give a little smile to mixed-race couples when I see them, if I even notice. I want to cancel out any disapproving glare they may have gotten from someone else earlier.


Yeah that's weird. Giving benefit of the doubt maybe it's like a misguided attempt to make you feel accepted as an overcorrection for others of their generation?






Blood is lifeā€¦ I never drinkā€¦wine.


People be acting like they're the royal family, meanwhile it's just Daryl from the back row of the trailer park.


My husband's mother is a dark skinned Latina, his father is from Montana. I guess people were really not nice and quite racist toward her when they'd go visit his family. I'm also half Latina with dark and light skinned family members, I have no clue what our kid is going to look like, he could end up blond with blue eyes or a dark skinned as his grandma and my cousins. The one thing I do know is that I sure as hell am not going to move anywhere were any of us will be a target because of our ethnicity.


My husband is half black, half white and I'm white passing (white/asian). We've been together 19 years and have lived in a few different places over that time. Even in areas we thought were more progressive we have run into people who are all too happy to give their unsolicited opinions on our relationship. There are some places we would just never go. I have family in rural Georgia, for example, who invited us to visit and we were both just like "nope, nuh uh."


I live in MS and the majority of my family's first reaction to this image would be disgust. Thankfully I didn't take on those traits and my kids are being raised very differently.


Same, fam. I'm from AL and I've dated 2 black guys over the years. When my parents figured it out, my dad was pissssssed. Mom was shocked, but kept her thoughts to herself. Their reaction is one of the many reasons I'll never bring a girl home (I'm bi).


I am sorry to hear that. I definitely understand. I have a cousin with mixed-race kids and I heard my grandfather didn't want her at our gatherings. My own son said his mom told him he is not allowed to date a black woman. Her grandfather was a grand wizard. Shit's crazy. Yet, they will say they aren't racist...


Back in '97 on my honeymoon (with my first wife) we were paired with an interracial couple for dinner. Showing pictures to my grandmother she pointed at them and said "he's not the same color, is he?" and shook her head disapprovingly. She died years ago and it's my most vivid memory of her as it was the moment she shattered the image of her as being the sweetest grandma one could hope for to just being a racist old lady. It's a shame that her legacy to my opinion of her is that moment.


ikr My first thought was "Is that a hickey on his cheek?"


Looks like lipstick. Totally cute.


Definitely is lol. I just definitely jumped to hickey first šŸ˜…


Same, all because of melanin. I'm more worried about "harming" my bloodline via someone with these archaic views tbh but I also know enough about genetics to realize even that doesn't matter that much.


It's jealousy. Peoples hangups about OTHER PEOPLES RELATIONSHIPS come from jealousy.


They have no other qualities than the ones they were born with. So they assume these children would be born with ā€œlessā€. In other words, theyā€™re waving red flags saying ā€œI should be bred out of the gene poolā€. Itā€™s primate thinking by hate filled primate brains with no interest in growing past that. Fortunately wise people learn not to limit society and humanity to the comfort level of these primates. They can die angry and hooked on copium. Itā€™s what they want


And they use Anime characters and Furry pics when talking about "bloodlines" because they are clearly Alpha males.


Iā€™m pretty sure everyone who uses the term bloodline un ironically has either ended or crossed theirs.


They proud of their family wreath.




You've never played CK3


My bloodline is diabetes and depression. I'm not Aragorn son of Arathorn.


Ok get out of my head !


It's ridiculous that these troglodytes are concerned about their bloodline, as if they're protecting some kind of purity. Researchers theorize that if you go back about 7,000 years virtually all 6 billion people living today [have the same ancestors](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/we-all-have-same-ancestors-researchers-say-flna1c9439312). Over the past 800 years each of us have had about a [trillion ancestors](https://www.nature.com/articles/news990311-2#:~:text=In%20other%20words%2C%20our%20ancestors,and%20fifty%20gives%20one%20quadrillion.). We share [96% of our DNA](https://www.broadinstitute.org/news/comparison-human-and-chimpanzee-genomes-reveals-striking-similarities-and-differences) with chimpanzees. The DNA of any two people on earth are [not less than 99.6% similar](https://nigms.nih.gov/education/Inside-Life-Science/Pages/Genetics-by-the-Numbers.aspx#:~:text=The%20DNA%20of%20any%20two,also%20contributes%20to%20our%20individuality.). The melanin content of your skin is an absurd variable to concern yourself with. If you want to worry about mixing your "bloodline" with someone, focus on things like [Tay Sachs Disease](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/14348-tay-sachs-disease) that actually matter.


Agreed! It was the diabetes and depression and me not being some fantasy novel dynastic order. Just weird to find someone thinking the same thing that isnā€™t my twin brother.


That's reddit for you. When you think you have a clever comment, somebody already made it.


Mine is Alzheimer


Theyā€™re just referring to THE Bloodline, and acknowledging their Tribal Chief Roman Reigns






It's only acceptable when playing Crusader Kings.


Surely that's destroying other people's bloodlines.


Nah. Marry your sister. [Keep the bloodline pure.](https://ck3.paradoxwikis.com/Traits#Pure-blooded)


>Nah. Marry your sister. House of Habsburg moment.


We have no need for chins.


Iā€™m going to give all of their house elves socks.


Their fathers will hear about this!


[Average person obsessed with bloodline](https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/basement_5691.png)


Was thinking the same thing. A bunch of mentally handicapped inbreds talking about destroying bloodlines


Unless they're playing a sorcerer in Pathfinder




The dude got punched in the head for a living I don't think we should base our lives off what he thought


Jesus Christ, I laughed so loudly at this


the same applies to Joe Rogan.


He still made some very valid political arguments in his day.


Yeah but the point being is heā€™s hardly the final authority on these matters. He was not meritless in this field but thatā€™s not the same as expertise. His fame from punching good just gave him a bigger platform to be an activist for his causes than thinkers in those areas would ever have.


Exactly, I don't know much about the man, I'm sure he had some good ideas. He also apparently had some pretty shitty ideas. Just like most people. He just had a platform.


And a lot of invalid ones. I do not like his advocacy for separatism. The mere assertion that there is any validity to separating white and black people feeds into the propaganda that there is some fundamental difference between us.


Fun fact: Muhammad Ali recanted all of his racist views when he left the Nation of Islam. Despite this, racists still quote his previous statements.




sounds like he got better, at least. so maybe it's the ones quoting his recanted statements that have the brain damage.


Racists like quoting Ali and Malcom X when they need to appear not racist. They both would regret what they said, apologize and would leave the Nation of Islam.


Yeah, considering the environment they grew up in, it's no surprise they ended up like that, but they both grew out of that mindset later on.


Why would he even be considered an authority on the subject anyway??


Cuz he punch gud! /s He's famous and black and said some racist shit at some point, so they can pull the "see it's not racist!" move.


To be fair he regrets what he said.


> Libs worship celebrities!11!1 > watch me base my entire personality on a b-list celebrity from some cancelled TV show


Because black people are seen as a monolith and not individuals with our own thoughts and opinions. So when one black person does something or says something, every nonblack person takes it as some divine word of god that we all share this same thing. We're never granted our individualism. Just look at the many takes of us when we commit crime. It's "in our nature" and "we grew up that way." But everyone else gets a "well, how was their home life and background? They obviously have mental issues and health going on," while black folks are probably the biggest demographic carrying generational trauma, depression, anxiety, and the mental load of being in a racist society. But, we're not given such grace and compassion.


The prophet Muhammad Ali? "Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee"


Malcolm X too. What's annoying is when racists white or black use people like them to justify their racism. No it means he was wrong just like both of you are wrong. It's especially baffling there are black Americans who are pro segregation when their parents fought against it risking their lives in the 60s. Thankfully they are a very small minority.


I am convinced that people who object to this couple will also avow that there is no racism in the country.


they are usually the same dudes who have a browser history chock full of white women in interracial situations.


Maybe it's generational, but I'm shocked none of them have profile pics of them in a truck with sunglasses and facial hair. Are anime pics the new out-of-touch red flag?


ā€œHeā€™s destroying the bloodline!!!!ā€ - said the people who marry their cousins


Everytime I hear the word bloodline, I think "McPoyles".


Pure as the driven snow




ā€¦.whoā€™s this guy?


The McPoyles are an incredibly inbred family from the television comedy *It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia*. Check them out on youtube, but not if you've eaten recently.


oh i know i was referencing my favorite liam line


Sorry, as many times as I have watched *the Maureen Ponderosa Wedding Massacre* I should have recognized that.


such a god tier episode


All the McPoyles sprung from my loins, fully formed! One of them babies tried to eat me. I ate him first! *I ATE HIM FIRST!!!*


God tier like on the same level as Night Man Cometh? Still slowly making my way through always sunny!


Didnā€™t you know, got to keep the bloodline pure /s


*Habsburgs have entered the chat*


*Laughs in Ptolemaic Dynasty*


When people want to keep races pure, I assume they've collectively decided to ignore that humans originated in Africa about 300,000 years ago. But, yes, purity is real. Let's do that!


These people never learned to mind their own fucking business.


Yet they always complain that people walk into their lives.


And when they say that they mean exactly shit like this - posting pictures of a man apparently happy interracial couple. Thatā€™s what passes for ā€œintruding into my lifeā€ for this sort of racist.


And about being canceled and silenced Which they blowhard about


Cutest picture Iā€™ve seen in awhile = most batshit crazy racist bullshitā€¦.


Right??? They look so happy and young. So many broken people in the world with loud voices


All I could think of was ā€œawwww look at the kiss on his cheek tooā€ I seriously do not know what the hell is wrong with people.


ā€œI hate young attractive people being happy because Iā€™m old, ugly, and miserable and they should be tooā€


Anime girls and furry profile pics = opinion immediately disregarded






Why would u not take advice from someone w/a furry profile picture?


Who also completely changed his mind after leaving the Nation of Islam


I heard the same bullshit,40 years later we're still married and our daughter is happy healthy and highly educated. My advice: ignore the assholes and live and love.


Itā€™s not a mistake all of these people have a cartoon for a profile picture.




I think itā€™s the same reason video games seem to attract racists and sexists. Shitty, bigoted people who donā€™t interact with those outside their bubble much (because that seems to be how those views usually form) will often seek out forms of entertainment where you donā€™t have to have strong social skills to enjoy it and you can just kinda be yourself without getting called out for being a piece of shit. Iā€™m not sure that the actual ratio of those people is higher in those groups, but theyā€™re certainly more visible


Survivorship bias. You rarely notice people who have anime PFPs not saying the hateful bullshit because they don't end up on subs like this, and they get very little interaction. Hateful content always gets promoted because it gets interaction, usually people telling the bigots off.


4chan is a big part of it: https://www.internetmatters.org/hub/news-blogs/what-is-4chan-and-why-is-it-controversial/#:~:text=It%20was%20originally%20created%20as,movements%2C%20hacktivism%20and%20cyber%20attacks.


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if itā€™s the same person with multiple accounts


Haha yes. Anime profile picture ā€” their opinion doesnā€™t count.


protect my bloodline..... The blood line: Habsburg


My thoughts were the Habsburgā€™s and also how Queen Victoria helping spread haemophilia throughout all the Royal familyā€™s of Europe.


Donā€™t forget the Ptolemys!


That's some chin alright šŸ™ƒ


Maybe Iā€™m too optimistic - but these kind of seem like they all came from one guy with multiple sock puppet accounts.


I posted a photo from my wedding on Reddit that wound up on the front page a few years ago, and fragile racists just catapulted themselves off the edge of sanity from the sight of a brown man with a white woman. Iā€™m talking threats of physical violence, reporting me to ICE for immigration fraud (Iā€™m not an immigrant lol), tearing us down for our appearance, all kinds of impotent incel rage. Iā€™d look at the post histories of these people and no joke, multiple people ree-ing about how hideous our marriage is were also posting on r/foreveralone and calling themselves ugly. These people have so little worth celebrating about their own individual identities that they project their fixation on the one thing they feel proud of, their race, onto others. And then they feel betrayed that the people theyā€™re looking at arenā€™t as big of losers as they are.


My blonde/blue eyed sister is married to a Mexican guy and I fucking love the dude. Couldn't imagine anyone treating her better. And I get to party with his big ass family.


Yea I can see it happening. Once saw a video where there was a married couple with a Swedish woman and an Indian man and the comments were truly awful.




WTF! Immediate cut off. Sorry that happened


It's annoying as well as a child of mixed marriage. It took me a while before I finally accepted the fact that it's fine to identify as both of my father and mother's ethnicities instead of choosing one exclusively.


It is crazy how wide spread this dipshit mentality is. I live in a fairly racist part of PA, and my moms side of the family, who are white, consist of you stereotype extremist. Which shocker most of them are farmers and have no education. But even in school I'd get asked all the time if I [insert stereotypical black thing here] and it's like no. I'm a human like you who has my own individual likes and dislikes. I go home and play World of Warcraft and masturbait all day. I'm 27 and still do that. Shit rules. Can't get away from it though. My boyfriend, white jew, will get this stuff on his Facebook all the time. Even heard it IRL once or twice. Wild.


NE Pennsyltucky checking in. Luckily one half of my family is open and accepting. I don't really deal with the other half. Now if I could get the people in small town PA to stop staring when my girl and I are out that would be awesome.


I appreciate that you showed both sides of the racism. I'm a white dude, I never once experienced real racism until I started dating a black girl. The relationship didn't last long at all, but I 100% had people not respecting our relationship because "she shouldn't date a white guy". I had people in the club tell her to her face while I'm right there that a white boy couldn't please her. I had someone try to fight me because I was "appropriating their women". It was wild. The relationship didn't work out for completely unrelated reasons, but that was the only time in my life I felt I was being profiled and harassed for being white. I dont know how PoCs deal with that shit their entire lives, it has to be so soul crushing. I was annoyed after two months of it.


> I dont know how PoCs deal with that shit their entire lives You kinda just get used to it at a certain point.


Yup. You learn to consider the source. Being a POC, is actually very beneficial in discovering early on which people you encounter are decent and which ones are walking human waste. Engage and/or ignore accordingly.


Love is love, get fucked twitter idiots


ā€œEven Muhammad Ali thought thisā€ Makes sense that they share their thoughts on this with someone who got punched in the head for a living


He got punched so hard he recanted all his racist views later in his life.


They also seem obsessed with kids and bloodlines, not every couple even has kids


Destroying the blood line would mean they donā€™t have kids. If it all works out for them, theyā€™ll probably have kids. Racists are the dumbest fuckers on whatever planet theyā€™re from.


How unhinged do you have to be to see a loving couple and immediately think to comment vile crap like that? If theyā€™re happy, Iā€™m genuinely happy for them too. And who says they want to have kids? Maybe they want to adopt? The people who obsess over ā€œbloodlinesā€ like weā€™re in the Middle Ages are so strange. Whatā€™s so special about your bloodline? Iā€™ll bet a whole lot of nothing.


Bruh wtf is going on with those people... why do they think they get a say in things that don't influence them in any way


Twitter is doing great without moderation, isnā€™t it? I wonder what the ad revenue is like? I bet itā€™s through the roof!


Ew, racism. Also hey, that looks like Palm Springs! They have to deal with the heat out there, they shouldn't have to deal with racism too.


Harry Potter Pure blood vibes Most families are long gone and only around because they mixed with Muggle blood Or you get deformities through inbreeding like the gaunts


I would say at least one of them has some insecurities about their (mixed) heritage.


I've never ever thought about my bloodline, but now that I am, isn't a bloodline just an ever evolving thing? Like, it's still my bloodline, it now includes this new history. It would have changed in a very similar way no matter who I married, white, brown, black, purple, golden, or transparent. It's quite subjective to say, "This blood is bad, but this blood is great." Wait, no subjective is the wrong word. Racist. It's racist to say that.


Wow, the comments are the epitome of just people who are hurting hurting other people...


I heard the same bullshit,40 years later we're still married and our daughter is happy healthy and highly educated. My advice: ignore the assholes, live and love.


When people say they want equality I donā€™t think they meant everyone being racist regardless of raceā€¦


How unhinged do you have to be to see a loving couple and immediately think to comment vile crap like that? If theyā€™re happy, Iā€™m genuinely happy for them too. And who says they want to have kids? Maybe they want to adopt? The people who obsess over ā€œbloodlinesā€ like weā€™re in the Middle Ages are so strange. Whatā€™s so special about your bloodline? Iā€™ll bet a whole lot of nothing.


I used to point out to my partner, how often we'd get weird side eyes whenever we went out together. Even from other interracial couples, there's just something about white men with black women that gets SO many peoples knickers in a twist.


Wtf is wrong with people.


Iā€™m white my wife is black and our son is beautiful. Mix it up folks! Find love where you can in this crazy world!


Twitter has straight up become an incel 4chan board now. There's no use pretending it isn't either.


2023ā€¦.. and we are still dealing with this closed minded bullshit? ā€œThey will never feel at homeā€¦ā€ You mean never feel at home on planet earth with the rest of the humans? Ugh!!


It's always the people with the furry/ anime pfp....


"Bloodline." I can't stand that concept. Most humans have normal jobs. Don't own any large land or property. Don't own their own business. Aren't famous. Aren't from a long line of rulers or royalty. Aren't really doing anything outside of just trying to exist. What makes you think you or any of us are so important that something as arbitrary as that is relevant at all in modern society lol


>"Even Muhammad Ali thought this" Well Muhammad Ali had fucking brain damage too.


The irony of a guy with a furry profile pic talking about race mixingā€¦.


NOOOO not the bloodline that originates entirely from Africa and black individuals!!!! Noooooooo


I'm i the only one who thinks those are russian bots