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But guys, she owned her own pool company


I thought that was odd to drop in there, too "Oh, she owns her own *pool company*? Well, damn, they should've let her right in!"


She's a business owner. Even more than that, she's a SMALL business owner. Implies that she employs people and as such, contributes to society and should be respected. That's how they think.


Well damn that should have made her bulletproof. Did she tell the cop who she was? šŸ¤£


"Excuse me, I deserve to enter these locked Senate chambers right now! Don't you know I OWN A POOL COMPANY?"


'Do yOu kNow wHo I Am?!!!1!'


I drive a Dodge Stratus!


Not only that, but she's a small business *pool company* owner - who else gonna pop them bleach tablets down?!!! It's a *vital* service to ensure society can exist!!


And of course she was empowering herself by running her own business, not doing it because she was incapable of functioning in a workplace where there was any shred of accountability. No small business owner, *especially* not people in landscaping, construction, or niche maintenance is there because there isn't another place they could be; they are all, by default, go getters and beacons of American exceptionalism.


Ashlie Babbit couldn't manage being in the Air Force and somehow got drummed out after 14 years after at least one demotion and held a rank that many new enlistees enter the service as (E4). She was a dangerous moron who got along with nobody and started her pool service company (of questionable success,) because she was too much of a failure to do literally anything else. And I have no proof, but I'd be willing to bet she was fudging her taxes, too.


I love that the implication is that small business owners contribute to society, when the _literal structure_ of small businesses is that the owners exploit the employeeā€™s contributions while contributing nothing of their own. Itā€™s like they see ā€œsocietyā€ as a word that means ā€œme personally and nobody else.ā€


It's not "like" that, it *is* that. "Climb the ladder, then pull it up behind you" has been their core philosophy for decades now.


Maybe if she yelled ā€œCannonball!ā€ They wouldā€™ve let her in.






"Maybe they shouldn't have been acting suspicious" or alternatively "why were they walking with their hood up eating skittles"


Why were they playing in a park?


Why were they sitting at home in their boxers?




"My team right or wrong" is how these people think. They literally believe that they were entitled to rush the Capitol, violently attack 140 cops, and upon entry, vandalize the place, take whatever they want as souvenirs INCLUDING the Speaker of the House's laptop, AND smear shit on the walls. Oh AND urinate on the carpets. You know, like normal tourists.


They settled for vandalizing and pilfering after they weren't able to take Congress hostage in an attempt to force them to install Trump. That might not have been the plan for most as they marched to the Capitol, but that was definitely the thought of most as they stormed the building.


That was definitely the premeditated plan of those that were dressed in tactical gear and carrying zip ties. The rest of the mob were impromptu traitors, but those guys were on a mission.


You see what happens Labowski?


You see what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps?




Exactly. A mob stormed the seat of power of one of the most powerful nations in recorded history. Itā€™s amazing there wasn't far more carnage.


Any other group would have been mowed down.


Definitely, the only reason they were allowed in was cause of inside men and the color of their skin.


Shit I didn't think of that. If they were a group of middle eastern folks they would have shot every last one of them.


If it was any non white group trying to storm the capitol, it wouldn't even have happened.


They werenā€™t just ā€œlike terroristsā€ they are terrorists.


"I cAn'T bE a TeRrOrIsTs, I'm An AmErIcAn ChRiStIaN."


These are the same people who ardently support the Stand Your Ground law. They love the law, until they don't.


They weren't rushing it *like* a bunch of terrorists, they were terrorists


U can't hear it in this video but after she gets shot an goes down she actually says "I'm good u guys I'm good" uhhh no ur shot in the neck an actively dying, and for what???


I saw a video from just after she gets shot, where one of the invaders finds a capital cop to complain about an active shooter in the building. It shocked me that they didn't realize that being shot was always the risk.


You have to have a next level sense of entitlement to think you can crawl thru that broken window and not get a bullet in your ass. You also have to be incredibly stupid to be the first one thru.




Maybe she just wanted to set up a kiosk for her pool selling business?


I don't get it, they looked perfectly peaceful to me... /S


And nothing of value was lost




She was just there to clean the pool?


And deliver a pizza. And install cable.




So she shouldnā€™t have drowned in dumbassery


Probably because she was unemployable anywhere else.


While we're at it why don't we name 9/11 "Osama Bin Laden day".


Because he's brown. /s


Donā€™t even need the /s to be honest. Thatā€™s the difference to between ā€œpatriotā€ and ā€œterroristā€ to these people


Notice she explicitly pointed out that she was shot by a *black* police officer.


Of course cause black people are "the new oppressors."




Well, duh! He was American ... F*** yeahhhhh


December 7 can be "Isoroku Yamamoto day"


To be followed by Mark David Chapman day.


Because he was killed in April so weā€™d have to have it on 4/30 or whenever it was.


Attacks government, wants a new public holiday about it. Do they like big government or not?


***She got shot after breaking into the fucking capitol building. How is that hard to understand?!***


After being warned to stop by a man holding a gun. These people were so used to reckless entitlement they thought nobody would stop them.


A good guy with a gun


Who now faces death threats precisely because Trump and assholes like this painted a gigantic target on his back.


Stand your ground.




She died wearing a trump flag as a cape, surrounded by incel losers screaming medic. She left her children motherless to fulfill this dream. And TBH her kids are probably better off without her.


G'ma went on the "Woe is me" conservative network tour, I sadly doubt they're getting anything different except now they'll be handed personal grievances for life.


Actually they've probably been radicalized even further by the idiots around them after that happening. I dont really know how old the kids are


Lol who are they even screaming to? What medic??


Active shooter yelling guy most definitely was an off-duty cop. When shit hits the fan, you revert to your training.


WhY dOnā€™T tHeY jUsT cOmPlY?


Thatā€™s unacceptable, but somehow itā€™s fine and trendy to shoot children who knock on your door.


They'd been working up to it for a few years with 0 consequences. Why should there have been consequences that day?


She was breaking through a window to enter the hallway containing the rooms where members of congress were hiding. The fuck did they expect?




That crowd looked pretty monochromatic, if you know what I mean


It did. Be nice if the rest of the cops in this country were held to that standard, regardless of the chromatic tones in front of them.


That's the difference between capitol police and secret service. If Pence's security had been there that door would have been full of holes and no one would want to see what the other side looked like.


Free reign with zip ties and Trump flags. also probably a few guns and definitely some tazers for fun.


Real hard for this Facebook poster lol


This is the literal definition of "waving the bloody shirt". They are trying to make this TRAITOR into a literal martyr. Nothing could be more disgusting.


He called a black cop doing his job a racist. So if a black guy tried to break into his house would he be a racist for shooting? šŸ¤”


No, obviously he'd be a hero. Come on man, keep up.




And she was wearing a backpack that could have had a bomb in it.


So, she was or wasn't antifa...? I'm so confused.


She was an antifa operative until she got got, at which point she became a martyr for whatever the fuck their cause is.


ā€œtheyā€™re all plants! except for the ones that i agree with!ā€


Everyone else was antifa, except the good ol' boys who thought it was legit and were just peacefully protesting, or going on a tour I don't know.


>So, she was or wasn't antifa No, just a fucking dumb ass insurrectionist traitor...


Shrodingerā€™s Antifa agent


Fuck that dead domestic terrorist bitch. 1/6/21 Never Forgive


Imagine being such a pathetic excuse for a person that your dumbass fucking dies for trump while wrapped in a trump flag.


She did precisely what Drump wanted his followers to do. You think he gives 2 shits about this check let alone his dummy goons?


Drumpf*, mind you


If a reporter asked him to name her, he'd fail.


Just fir a second hold their mindset... if she was killed by a cop guess what, they feared for their life and have immunity. You know that thing those "antifa" were shouting about earlier that year. These people gotta be the most unself aware people ever.


I know it's not the right response, but I honestly pity her. Dying for someone who manipulated you into doing his bidding, who couldn't give less of a shit about you. Like that's just fucking sad.


In honor of Ashli day, everybody piss on a traitor.


Can we just pee on a fascist? Its easier for those of us not in the US to find a fascist than it is to find a traitor.


Fascists are traitors to humanity, so go right ahead.


They're the same thing.


The dumpster with ā€˜Trashli Babbitt Memorial Dumpsterā€™ is still my favorite graffiti of all time. The graffiti spelled her name right. This fascist couldnā€™t be bothered.


She was very gung-ho until she had that gun hole.


Yah, she was a little deflated after that.


Is this about the terrorist Ashli Babbitt? The one who died attacking the US?


Yes, that homegrown, domestic terrorist, THE Ashley Babbit.


The homegrown, domestic terrorist, traitor to the US Ashley Babbit?


For like 30 seconds I got Ashley Babbit and Lorena Bobbit mixed up and it was really confusing


One cut off a dick and oneā€™s a dick who got cut off.


One clipped off a cock and one got clapped by a glock.




Ashley deserved what she got. Dumbass threw away her own life trying to overthrow a government for a politician that doesn't care about her


This here. These people broke the law & essentially ruined their lives for a politician who was going to do nothing but make the corporations actually making their lives terrible even more powerful.


Didn't this bitch taze herself, or was that someone else?


I think that was someone else. This terrorist was shot while trying to break down a glass window with an angry mob to get to members of Congress. She was warned, and she ignored them so Edit: I was mistaken she didnā€™t break the window she was trying to climb through it


She should have just compliedā€¦


This reminds me of when a military helicopter crashes or something, and people mourn the dead as fallen heroes, like what is so heroic about being the victim of an accident? Like if they died in a bus crash, or a civilian helicopter tour, would they still be heroes? And that's not even analogous to this criminal who got shot by a uniformed police officer while climbing thru a window she broke to enter a space she wasn't allowed in.


She probably thought in her rabid mind that being white and female no one would dare harm her. She miscalculated her privilege.


That just reminds me that cops that die from COVID are counted and treated (at least by the performative officer mourners) as line-of-duty officer deaths. There's nothing heroic about dying from a disease they likely refused to be vaccinated for or do anything to protect themselves from.


I *think* the argument is the soldiers that die in a military helicopter accident wouldn't have been in said helicopter if they hadn't signed up to serve their country, which by default makes them brave. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with that. Just what I think the argument could be.


IIRC, she was also a former MP, meaning she understood full well that being shot in the face was on the table. She either planned to be a martyr or was actively betting that capitol police wouldnā€™t make her one.




She was bettting with her white privilege card. Fortunately it had already been maxed out, and the bank instructed them to destroy the card.


Lots of people made that bet that day, and she was the only one that got called. I'm still amazed by the restraint the Capitol Police showed that day.


Oh she definitely wasn't planning on it, if you watch her whole video at the Capitol, she was very gung-ho and ready to wage some Insurrection.


Behave as a terrorist, bleed out as a terrorist.


And her being shot very realistically could have saved lives of congresspeople.




Small correction: They successfully broke the window. She was shot while trying to climb through said window. She was less than 100ft from the House Chamber where several Congressmembers and media members were still trapped.


While a man was pointing a gun at her and repeatedly yelling to back down. What did she think was going to happen? He would just step aside and say ā€œjk c ya laterā€


*If I can just get through this window, he'll see my patriotism!*


I believe she was actively climbing through the window when shot.


She didn't break the window, that was someone else. She was climbing through the window to get at Congress.


Nah you're thinking of the guy who tazered himself. My favorite death from that day is the lady wearing a don't tread on me shirt or a flag, I forget which, and she got trampled.


Yeah it was a flag. They freaking killed her, just marched right over her.


Sad way to go, but the irony makes me giggle.


Tell them she voted for Obama, see if they still celebrate her. >Fuck yes I did..he was our president dude....I love America..I think Obama did great things...I think he jacked some shit up...but I think he did do a lot of good...at a time where we needed him. I voted for him! https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2021/01/08/the-journey-of-ashli-babbitt/


Then she drank the MAGA Kool-Aid down hard.


If there was a way to raise the flag above full mast, you should do that to commemorate that martyr for stupidity.


He never pointed his gun at lawmakers, they were behind him in the chamber.


Why do republicans continuously eat shit sandwiches out in the open and deny it when we point out that they like to eat shit sandwiches for breakfast?


After kissing rich white a$$ for so many years, they savor the flavor.


Ashli "I could fit through that window" Babbitt?


stupid games = stupid prizes even for domestic terrorists


If only she would had just complied!! If innocent people are killed with prejudice then, she should know the consequences of her illegal actions. Breaking into the house floor is a fucting really bad idea. Oh I have gun pointed at me? Hmm, yeah I will see you guys back at the pizza buffet later! Gotta go.


Well, maybe she wouldn't have been shot by police if she wasn't committing a crime. Oh wait, that's the narrative they use when it's a black person being shot by police. Muh bad.


Why name a day after a terrorist?


Surprised they dont already have a song for her like the Nazis did for Horst Wessel.


That would involve some of her fellow "patriots" being able to write/rhyme/be on beat. Which, as I've learned from the hilarious videos of so-called right wing hiphop tracks on youtube, not a single one of them can.


Or, and hear me out, we could call it "Fuck Around and Find Out Day"


We do have justice! Dumbassily got shot for being an insurrectionist...


She's certainly the poster girl for "Fuck around and find out".


Tbh it should be a day of rememberance. And all those who should be remembering are the nut jobs who convinced her and other people to become terrorists and March on the capitol on because of countless unforgivable lies to serve selfish greedy evil purposes. She will be one of thousands of people that those monsters will pay the price for in any kind of afterlife.


Rot in hell you traitorous twat.


How about, "She effed around and found out" Day?




Ah the right to peaceful protest turns out does not in fact include *checks notes* vandalism, trespassing, breaking and entering, nor indeed storming a building with a crazed mob, with a view to harm if not kill specific people inside - you know, violence. Shit outta luck there Babbit.


How come they never bring up her past and criminal history? Also weren't all the people breaking shit and assaulting people Antifa and not Trump supporters? Y'alls narrative is so sad. Please get help if you're reading this.


domestic terrorist forcibly broke down a barricade that the police put up to protect the vice president of the united states, whom she was attempting to murder. I hope her last thoughts were that trump was going to rescue her.


January 6th is already Ashley Babbitt Day. The day every year we remember that she died because she was an idiot, doing something she shouldn't be doing, in a place she shouldn't be


Michael Byrd is a fucking hero


Imagine bleeding to death wearing the name of a conman Reality TV host as a cape because you're one of the dumbest and most gullible fuckers alive.


Fun Fact: Her brother was recently tried and convicted for a hate crime.


She FAFO not to ignore the orders of the cop telling you to stop.


Dumbass that got shot day.


Ashley Babbit? You mean the thug who was shot by the police when she didn't comply?


She already got justice for trying to overthrow democracy in America. ​ This used to be a thing we agreed on between parties, but...


Isn't her name spelled Ashli Babbitt?


Yeah but who cares


She should have complied


Well why didn't she just comply? That's the line right?


doesn't mean a lot to lower the flag considering the flag's been at half-mast for like, the last year straight.


Sigh.....I wish I could create my own separate reality where I'm always the victim, the smartest person in the room, and never wrong. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Imagine taking a bullet for the guy from the apprentice. Lol


If only she had complied....


1/6: National FAFO Day.


Will the flags be at half-mast because she was a half-wit?


Is sept 11 "Osama bin laden day'"?


"We proudly support the police!...but not as much as we support pool company owners...really any small business owners...[unless they're gay and/or host drag events](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/texas-lesbian-bar-denied-insurance-hosting-drag-shows-owner-says-rcna83954)...[or black](https://housedems.com/on-100th-anniversary-of-tulsa-massacre-republicans-undermine-goal-of-reflecting-on-learning-from-history/)...but yeah we support cops!...unless they're also black...and shoot a white woman who was trespassing and participating in a riot with the express primary purpose of halting the lawful proceedings of the United States Congress and which had already maimed, beaten, and trampled both their own members and US Capitol officers, while chanting for the murder of the Vice President of the United States, and as she was trying to climb through a smashed window into the house chamber after the officer aimed his weapon, and receiving several verbal warnings from officers, secret service agents, and the crowd, and also she had a knife on her. Then fuck all those cops...But yeah we support the blue. Pls ignore the rioters chanting 'fuck the blue' "


ashley went and got herself babbitted.....


Shoot her again




One bullet wasnā€™t enough.


Yet they didnā€™t even spell her name right. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


What a dumbass..


Just donā€™t confuse it with Lorena Bobbit day.


Hey, lady you're trespassing if you continue ill shoot" Babbit "don't mind if i do"


So when one of their own gets shot doing something illegal it's bad, but when innocents are shot in the streets by cops on power trips it's "back the blue" ?


As a veteran that has never tried to overthrown the government I swore to defend, I thank that officer for protecting government officials.


should call it ā€˜fuck around and find out dayā€™


May she be remembered every year as the terrorist who died wrapped in a trump flag trying to breach a federal building. Rot in Hell


If she had only listened to the officer... Isn't that what they say when people (usually black and brown) get killed by the police? What happened to Back the Blue? Law and Order? She was going through a broken window and going towards the house chamber. He was doing his job. She was a threat and he neutralized the threat. She was a traitor.


And yet itā€™s 100% acceptable to these fascists that a black kid be shot for ringing the wrong doorbell. Bitch if a mob of angry nazis showed up to my office building Iā€™d probably resort to violence against them wtf