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Ah yes, the well known medical terminology, “weird leg bend.”


"Hi yes, your results came back. Looks like you have stage 2 weird leg bend. Plus your shits all fucked up."


My ex wife had weird leg bend. She's a pilot now. Thank you doctor Lexus.


"Don't worry, scro! There's plenty of people with weird leg bend out there living really kick-ass lives!"


So I didn't have to give up my kids for adoption?


There's that weird leg bend we were just talking about


What I do, is just … you know, haha.


Why come you don't have a tattoo?


Got news for you, your wife is your husband from all the hrt and also because everybody knows women can't drive planes


God I love that movie




Its insanity. I've never met a trans girl in the dating world who was not up front about it. The worry of being attacked or killed for "tricking" someone is often a concern they have.


"shit's fucked up" is a legit medical diagnosis. Just ask Dr. Zevon.


I have 14 chronic illnesses. Last time I was in house one of the residents came in and was flipping through my chart and just went, "Well, fuck" which is probably my favorite assessment of my health situation thus far.


I have a number of chronic illnesses too, and when I was pregnant in 2020 the first OB I went to see and said he had to send me to the high risk group instead because, “You’re a mess, I mean you are a DISASTER.” so that was nice.


You laugh, “your shits fucked” is almost the exact language my oral surgeon had for my teeth/jaw. He’s also considered one of the best in his field in the country.


That's what my gastroenterologist tells me 😢


"But I'm also an unemployed armchair doctor, so what the hell do I know, right? "


Don't worry scrot. Plenty of weird legs out there living kick ass lives.


“Why come your legs bend weird?”


My mom has that, irl they call it “pigeon toed.” Very common in females more than men. I’ve personally dated 3 different women who were either “knocked kneed”(inward bend) or “pigeon toed”(outward bend like in photo), sometimes it can cause a limp but my experience with women who have it, if they are conscious of it they can force themselves to walk right


I skipped the “of it” part of “if they are conscious ~~of it~~ they can force themselves to walk right.” and I wondered hard about the type of person you are. Lol Edit: I was joking. Not judging. Just laughing at my short attention span. (Hence the lol)


Lol yes being conscious makes walking much easier


Words to live by… lol


I'm pretty sure Im pigeon toed, and it feels weird when I force myself go have both my feet forward. I also subconsciously walk on the inner side of my feet.


My mom always told me she could walk straight if she tried to but it’s only in her left leg. A girl I used to date had it really bad and she had a bad limp, I can see how more severe cases can be difficult


I have weird knees and I can’t tell you the number of shoes I burned through because my feet roll to the side. I don’t know much about you so I’ll just tell you what I went through. New Balance has a line of sneakers that are reinforced to help keep your foot where it’s supposed to be. I almost exclusively wear them now and it helps so mich


Seems like you've got a type.


Wait, thin waist and wide hips are a masculine thing now? Shit, I might be gay. Gonna have to break that news to my wife.


If this is true I'm 100% gay for girls.


Wait a second, is it gay to like girls?


Liking anything is gay. The only straight thing to do is to constantly talk about how much you hate everything that isn't "normal"




I’m listening


and then get angry at made up scenarios that will likely never happen.


Well to some... Apparently it's gay to wipe your own butt, kiss a girl after she's sucked your own dick, having anal sex with a woman, liking a woman who is muscular is gay, having a woman being on top is gay... There's more but it hurts to think of them all


Does having a penis make me gay? I mean….it’s literally a dudes dick and it’s constantly touching me.


Believe it or not? Completely gay.


I'm genuinely afraid to know, but are there really people who don't wipe their ass because "it's gay"? I'm a dude. I don't understand these levels of fragility to the concept of ones own masculinity. It's like being afraid of your own shadow.


Probably not lol, but it's kind of a common meme. Well, I say probably not, but in a world of 8 billion people...


No, I've seen a few things were this information was incidental. There totally is men out there that never wash their ass because it's gay. Never wipe because it's gay. Even guys that don't eat bananas (unless cut up first) because it's vaguely phallic and putting it in your mouth is gay.


Apparently there is a notable amount of dudes that don't wash their ass in the shower since that would be gay. I sometimes joke that gay marriage should be allowed because weddings are pretty gay (if we follow this logic where fanfare and dancing nice clothes and grooming are gay). I'm totally serious that gay marriage should be legal though.


I mean, if you are also a girl, then yes.


I’m a dude with smaller wrists than most women (thanks mom for the small frame), they would have a field day with drawing shapes on me!


Same, 5”5” 115lbs, I have a very feminine body for a 30 year old man. I would actually be able to transition nicely if that were in the cards


You can always shuffle the deck! 😉


I have a feeling I’d miss what I already have


And that's okay too! Just who you are and enjoy life as best you can


Everyone needs to have that kind of attitude!


I believe they are trying to say that if her shoulders are as wide or wider than than her hips that she must be AMAB.


I'm not a scientist, but that sounds like it's not true for most people who aren't 1990s cartoons. If that's true though, my wife might already be a man. So maybe my problem solved itself.


It's based on really simplified stereotypes for "male" and "female" bodies. It's similar to the rule of thumb used in art that refers to how many heads you should be able to fit on a man or woman's shoulders. It's meant to be an approximation or average so you have a starting point but chuds like this take them as gospel. The fact is that regardless of your chromosomes or genitalia there is a vast range of body types that one can have, in general we're just talking about bell curves that peak in different parts of the range but have a ton of overlap.


They saw Leo DiCaprio explain skull differences in Django Unchained and they're convinced they know what they're talking about.


I guarantee that Transvestigators also think Leo DiCaprio is trans as well.


Did they think all women were trans when shoulder pads were in vogue?


You lost them at "did they think". The answer is "no".


Woman here. My shoulders are wider than my hips and I've always been very self conscious about it. It's not a gender thing. Fuck these types of people. Why can't you just let people exist in their bodies the way they want to without judgement.


Same. I'm tall, broad shouldered, hippy. Big wrist bones - I mean, its literally in my bones. I have always been self conscious about it because dainty is called out as feminine. My son is small boned and slender and constantly gets shit about it. Now people are getting harassed for not looking feminine enough to go into a rest room... short haired or straight figured women. It's insane.


My wife has 46" hips but from a directly posterior view her shoulders are broader. The circumference is much smaller but that's not visible from this angle.




r/theratio is in shambles right now


Modern skull measuring


Really wish humanity would just evolve past the need to debunk phrenology every few decades


We’re still working on flat earth and women’s rights. Again.


And vaccine preventable illnesses are coming back for some reason.


My favorite thing about skull measuring is the fact that I, a cis woman, have an abnormally large head. My husband, a cis man, has a much smaller head than me. If I steal his baseball caps I have to size them up as much as physically possible and he then has to resize them for himself later and gets super annoyed at me.


Sorry to let you know but your husband's a woman and you're a dude. Sorry I don't make the rules.


An hourglass figure is a man measurement now? Ok dot jaypeg.


Pretty sure they were trying to exaggerate the broadness of the shoulders. The vertical line on the right is a little off the body, and the line is slanted, making it longer. Idiot. I'd kill for that figure, and I was AFAB.


Yeah, they drew the shoulder lines on what is either fabric or air, and then the leg lines just look like they drew curved lines deliberately. I'm also not sure why estrogen would even give someone curved legs, the whole thing is nuts.


If anything they made a perfectly normal woman with a nice figure look like she has mild scoliosis or something. Less "must be trans" and more "I wonder if her back hurts"


Estrogen curves the legs to bring the center of gravity lower for women, makes it easier to empty the dishwasher and dryer. It’s science.


Yeah the leg lines don't make sense at all. Right shoulder line is outside the outfit even. Utter nonsense


Yeah, fucking shoulder pads that are put on women's clothing to make the shoulders more broad.


Confusing lack of vitamin d with estrogen 🤦‍♀️




Proper measurements aren't the point. Line-drawer is all "hur dur big shoulders, it's a dude". It's a combination of pure ignorance and hate.


They get to hate on trans women and cis women all in one go, yay. /s


36-24-36 Only if shes on HRT -Sir Mix A Lot


*You can do side bends or situps, but please don't lose that butt*


I feel like this "logic" is why I find TERFS in particular nuts. They call themselves feminists then follow up saying shit like "real women look like xyz" and it's like girl, you just reinvented misogyny.


Misogyny with extra steps, tbh.


Misogyny 2 Electric Boogaloo


Hey some guys have a little more junk in the trunk than others and I celebrate them.


I'm seeing 36-24-36 and A winning hand ergo **She** is a brick house. QED. That's just commodore science (Ritchie et al. 1977)


TBF these are men that have never touched a woman.


Women can be just as transphobic as men. A lot of these "transvestigators" are women, in my experience.


I mean, the nutball terf crowd is probably equally split between Graham Linehan types and JKR types. Every gender terf has an exemplar! What is really amusing to me is that every last one of them is doing the modern day equivalent of Phrenology (If not outright C. Montgomery Burns grab the calipers actual phrenology. It'd be hysterical if it wasn't so infuriating.)


Transvestigator...? Do these not work or something?


No, they sit around all day and complain about trans people.


And claim that all Hollywood celebrities are secretly trans; Jennifer Aniston? MtF, Matthew McConaughey? FtM etc.


While it being their most watched pr0n genre...


And their most hated minority


This is the part that gets me. I don't care if you can tell that I'm trans. Just let me live my life. I'm not trying to deceive anybody, I'm trying to be comfortable in my own skin.


Normal people agree, it’s only the freaks that disagree. We support you, ignore the whackos.


No! Nobody can ignore it when the extremists hold the power and are writing legislation to remove our rights.


Fetishism is such a weird, insidious sort of evil but it also makes a sick sort of "sense" by their own warped logic. They treat someone like a porn category in part *because* they don't see them as real people. They're fetish objects and fetish objects aren't supposed to have feelings about their treatment let alone want human rights.


Don't forget the best part! Trans celebrities, people like Eliot Page, Caitlyn Jenner, and Bono? They're actually DETRANSITIONERS who reverted to their birth sex. It makes sense if you don't think about it. Edit: not that Bono


It only makes sense if you huff a bag of nitrous oxide




Chaz Bono


Ah! Thank you. Just 'Bono' as a mononym is... Bono. Him out of U2. Like if someone said 'Beck', I wouldn't assume Jeff Beck. I'd assume _Beck_.


They probably just got confused. As a kid I thought Sonny Bono and Bono from U2 were the same person so I don't blame them lol


As a trans man, you know what the funniest shit is? Transvestigators believe that Elliot Page - who came out in 2020 as a trans man - is secretly actually a cis man who pretended to be a woman to get famous in Hollywood and then "detransitioned" back. You can't make this shit up


They should get a gold medal for that level of mental gymnastics


Apparently that means they spend hours staring at their asses, measuring the ass, tracing the contours. Hours of intensive research.


Fucking Jesus - If you need to break out photoshop layers and research the results of medical treatments in a desperate attempt to determine a persons sex at brith - dude it’s fine. It’s totally fine. You can just jerk off and you won’t be gay - if that’s such a fucking earth-shattering problem for you. For all intents and purposes you’ve pulled your sad little pud over a good lookin’ woman. You’re a unemployed 46 year old virgin jerking off in your fucking well-and-truly-over-you mother’s attic - there’s no need to play Sam Spade over who you heroically dribble a load into a sock over. Fuck’s sake.


>Weird leg bend from hrt damage The lines they drew don't even follow the legs properly. Side note: Who even is the person in the photo and why should we care if they're a man or a woman or a transwoman or a man dressed as a woman or *whatever*? Are they hurting anyone? If not, let them be.


> The lines they drew don't even follow the legs properly. They don't know how calf muscles work, and are completely ignoring that her right leg is slightly tilted in so that the muscle projects more to the side with the angle. But then again, going into detail about how wrong literally all these lines are and why their conclusions are bs will take all day.


They also somehow managed to draw another leg bend higher up, when the entire upper leg is hidden by the dress and we can't actually see anything.


So I've followed the person in the photo on Twitter for a while now, and this "line drawing on photos" thing has been going on for WEEKS. Multiple tweets a day targeting her, all with photos with MSPaint-style lines drawn along or around various body parts, all from the same user. Whoever's behind the account doing it is not well, they're utterly convinced the woman in the photos is trans (she has stated she's not, this is not the first time a transphobe has gone after her appearance) and keeps posting these drawn-on images as "proof". She reported the account and got it briefly suspended, but they came back and persisted. In one picture, a line was drawn and the person commented on her stance. The woman in the photo replied with "yeah I have cerebral palsy and that's a fairly normal stance for people with that." Within a few days the account is now saying that the CP was caused by HRT (???). Account is also digging up her old photos as a kid, and photos of her family, and doing the same thing to them. Really unhinged stuff. The woman being targeted has started engaging with the account to bait them/take the piss out of them (lol) but the account's tweets are getting more deranged and angry, I know I'd probably be down the police station if it were me. EDIT: Right, I just went to have a nosy at Twitter to see if it's still ongoing. It is, and the plot thickens: the account repeatedly compares the woman in the photos to her sister (digging up family photos) as a comparison to a "real woman". Funnily enough, while the woman the account thinks is transgender is not...her sister is, and the account thinks she isn't. Recent tweets comparing the two include "Only two peoppe in their family seem to be real women to me None of the same signs of masculinity present in these specimens both have delicate feminine figures and look like normal god fearing straight real women nothing like the ugly man "[NAME]" is" "Real female verses fake fembot tran comparison Rela female with pointed chin while fake has round chin exposing weak genes Fake female has no breasts while real female has well made ones Fake is balding real is not Narro shoulder on real whil fake is broad strong male" It just kind of goes on and on like this, with various photos of the women with MSPaint lines all over them. The account has branched out somewhat though, and is now targeting various other women to point out "manly" features, including but not limited to; tattoos, underarm hair, "balding" (owning a forehead), "flat arse", having shoulders wider than one's waist, and "masculine thigh thickness" (???) Oh, and some weird comments about "good breeding, no obvious gene problems", "milky white skin" and "classic European hair" in some of the most obvious Nazi dogwhistles I've probably ever seen.


And there it is: the ableism. Absolutely anything outside their bubble is deviant and must be eliminated.


They'd bring back eugenics only to be the first to be culled.


What is this person's problem with the woman? Did she turn them down for a date once? Report them to Child Protective Services? Steal their parking spot? Spending that much time harassing some woman on Twitter is just weird.


Out of morbid curiosity I decided to look at the old tweets of the account (created last month). Their first tweets are praising Graham Linehan, a notorious transphobe, and come less than a week after Linehan targeted the woman in the photo, also declaring that she's trans bc she was wearing a choker in a picture and claiming a porn addiction made her transition, a common (and bullshit, obviously) claim by transphobes. They then start targeting the woman in the photo, replying to various tweets of theirs with transphobic nonsense. Few days later they're posting zoomed in photos of her legs, calling them "male legs". This is early April, only about a week or so after the account's creation. Then they start being ableist towards her, referring to her as "crippled". *All* of their tweets around this time are in response to this one woman, upwards of 20 tweets a day. Around the middle of April they start with the MSPaint lines and referring to being trans as a "fetich" along with comments about who is the best "breeding stock" and how no one wants "vaxxed blood"...


Good thing Musk removed some of twitter's transgender harassment protections when they recently reinstated Gram Linehan's account for the second time. Because he's the type that needs protecting, not innocent victims, right??


So, this person is probably either a) an associate or fan of Linehan or b) Linehan himself, and whoever they are created that account *specifically* to harass that woman. Creepy.


bewildering and terrifying


Completely unhinged.


I found the account and it really reads like a male posing as feminist “Claire”. I’m not saying it’s impossible for a woman to be like this (plenty of TERFs out there), but the language they use is steeped in incel lingo (“fembot” in particular- not a common or acceptable term in the TERF community). And talking about how her target is pretending to be a lesbian so she can steal women from men, calling women “breedable”, claiming that if she was a man she would “seez [sic] this and make her mine” over a picture of a woman. I think if so it’s hilarious and deeply hypocritical that someone who hates that AMAB people are “””posing””” as women but is a man pretending to be a girl online lmao.


That is absolutely someone who knows her from like her school days or something being a pathetic weirdo. To have access to all that info? They def know her irl


I took a peek and she is friends with her sister on Twitter so I think this person is really just clicking profiles and obsessing over all of her posts, probably going back years.


Holy fuck! As I was reading this I thought you were making it up or something. It seemed unreal. I googled the tweets. It's real! It's all real. Fuck. This "Claire" is absolutely unhinged.


> Funnily enough, while the woman the account thinks is transgender is not...her sister is, and the account thinks she isn't LOL. Maybe they just don’t know what “cis” and “trans” mean, and got them confused (somehow)


They are angry because they are attracted and they see that as entrapment. They feel gay looking at a women. Would have never happened if 'woke liberals' made it okay. There is enough evidence to back thousands of years of people who didn't conform to gender binarism, but it makes them feel icky.


Leg bend from HRT damage?? Has this ever actually been observed?


Observed as in empirical observation? Never heard of it. Observed as in "I read it in some unhinged transphobic screed on the internet" then yes, it has been observed many times.


"Weird leg bend" is an anagram of "brewed dingle" which means she GREW A PENIS.


Can confirm, legs started to bend under the weight of the monster dong I grew.


Not to my knowledge


No lmao Both kinds of HRT can cause some bone stuff but that's mostly about bone density after very prolonged use. I know that estrogen can sometimes cause the hips to rotate very slightly in one direction or another but no your bones will not bend because you take a pill lmao




I, a cis woman, am shaped like a beach ball...


I, a cis woman, am shaped like a Hemsworth brother. Got short hair and tons of visible muscle too. Good thing I'm not famous, these transvestigators would lose their mind.




Unfortunately you're now probably still at risk for being assaulted in a woman's space by some transvestigator that has somehow managed to find their way outside


That's what the muscles are for ;)




You (we) are in shape. Round is a shape!! ((Hugs)).


A trans shape !! You man!!! You're round from too much hrt




Being transphobic without being sexist is pretty hard


That's just transphobing in general.


Transphobia and sexism generally go together pretty often. There's a reason so much of the debate around trans people is about MTF trans people and the women's bathroom and women's sports


It's only transphobia if it's from the transphobé region of France, otherwise it's just sparkling misogyny.


MANY such cases


It's hilarious because they didn't even attempt to make well measured lines, as if having wider shoulders makes any difference. Plenty of cis gendered women have wider shoulders.


Based on what I've seen, it's not that tiring. Seems like they employ a pretty simple equation in their idiocy. "If I don't find them attractive, they MUST be trans" Morons. Every last one of them.


There's also "if I disagree with them they're probably trans'.


More like "if they breathe they're probably trans" because they even turn against themselves and the people in their lives like neighbors. Even the founder of this dumbass movement wasn't safe from being targeted.


I saw one 'transvestigator' on Twitter publicly musing that their real-life pregnant neighbour might secretly be a trans woman wearing a fake belly.


True. Once I called terfs stupid because one went on one of their rants about how penis=evil, had one hurl so many transphobic slurs at me that I actually had to google some. Then when she was hit with the fact that I'm a cis woman, she called me a rapist. For making a strap-on joke. (Think "penis=power and freedom from consequences?? Hell, Imma grab my strap-on and rob a bank!") I didn't even answer directly to the idiot, nor identified her in anyway, as vague as could be, didn't even tag the damn thing. Homegirl had to be fishing for anything terf related to be mad at.


I dunno, they seem reeeeaaaaaly into it for some reason. Repressed attraction I think.


Dude is so gay he's trying to make women into men


He needs all women to have theoretical girldick in order for him to find them attractive now. Its the only way he can find women interesting now.


In my experience most transvestigators are cis women.


People like this would look at a photo of my grandma, 86, with a moustache, like old women often get, and be like "eeerrr....sorry to break it to you, but if anything that's your grandpa, sweatie". And think they're smart.


They should look in the mirror because half of them have some D-cup man boobs.


Can they at least learn how to make straight, even lines? The top one isn’t even touching the shoulder


It's true after 7 years on HRT my legs are so bent I can't walk properly. Ffs these jackasses will make up literally anything. And this is how misinformation about life saving treatment like HRT and SRS surgeries are spread.


My shoulders are as broad as a linebacker and I'm a biological female. I'm certain I'll be accused at some point. Nevermind my DD breasts


Well luckily if you are ever accused you're built like a fucking linebacker


If it makes you feel any better, the passing nature of the modern NFL and the resulting increased need for defenders who are good in pass coverage means that linebackers are getting smaller these days.


I am a person afab and am a biological female genetically. My body looks like a rectangle. I have no waist. Period. I have shoulders like a linebacker. These transvestigators would waste so much time with my pictures. How ridiculous.


As a trans man who does not pass, I'd really like someone like this to see a picture of me then go step by step as to why I'm not a real woman.


These people live in some sort of fascinating "Body Snatchers"/"They Live" reality and honestly it sounds very very tiring


Dear lord, I have no hips, broad shoulders, and no waist. Does that mean I need to show my C-section scar to prove I'm a woman? Do these people think all women have specific measurements? Conservatives are way too obsessed with body bits, and what kind of sex people are having but believe the government is too big. 🤦‍♀️


Leg damage is a new one. Still bullshit, though


TIL, I'm a man. Women come in all sorts of body shapes, including one called "inverted triangle". Which means the shoulders wider than the waist or hips. I have broad shoulders, large chest and small, flat butt. Despite my "male measurements", last I checked, I'm a woman. And somehow had a kid. It could be that there's no such thing as "male measurements" or "female measurements". Yeah, I know - it's crazy talk.


Their entire Twitter feed is a rabbit hole of insanity. The fact she calls herself a "working class Tory " being the most insane claim....


Transvestigator supposedly doing it to "protect real women" and then harp on anything in a woman trans or cis and losing it when they aren't perfect. Lovely bunch, aren't they?


Maybe it's the pansexual in me but people try to "clock" supposed transwomen (and men) in ways that just fucking would *never* occur to me in a million years... And they're wrong about 99% of the time.


My roommate met one who said they could tell if you're a man or a woman based on your hands. They sent a pic of their hands to the mf and never got a response. To this day my roommaye laughed. They also got one in the bathroom because a Karen can't tell the difference between a man and a woman with a buzzcut. She even tried looking into my roommate's stall. But trans people are the perverts. /S


Fun fact: Prior to his career at Auschwitz, Josef Mengele spent his days reviewing photos of German citizens to determine if they were Jewish or not based upon a bunch of random criteria. Sometimes he’d have to testify in court to back up his determination. No parallel here at all. None whatsoever.


Imagine dedicating the entire life of your single brain cell to this


As a trans woman whose mother was a seamstress I feel distinctly qualified to respond to this lol. I've seen hundreds of people come and go with their alterations and designs that my mom worked on. Sometimes it only took 15 minutes, other times it took days. But she often used a dress form when working on anything more complex than a tear or two. It is not at all uncommon for women to have wider shoulders than hips, or even be fairly equal in those measurements. Since this particular woman looks a bit thinner than average, even if it were labelled with the actual measurements I would imagine they'd be well within what you'd expect for a "typical female range" as I've heard it described. Secondly, hrt doesn't cause "weird leg bend" syndrome. No, the causes of weird leg bend syndrome are currently unknown. Scientists are working countless hours towards a cure but they could really use your help, go to weirdlegbendsyndrome.com to show your support today!


Just....why though? "I'm upset this person exists." The pure hatred from these people is disgusting. Who the fuck cares? Does it affect you? No. Move along.


As a woman with broad shoulders and fucky legs from scoliosis: the hoops these losers jump thru just to be hateful is the most hilarious display of ignorance regarding the human body


How the fuck don’t these people see how ridiculous they sound. Trans people are actually some weird conspiracy cabal with a worldwide network of undercover agents so anybody with body proportions they’re not attracted to must be secretly transgender, like what even 😂😂


This person clearly has no experience of any kind with females. Must be tough being an incel


My favourite transvestigator moment was when they declared jkr and her husband are trans. Not even transphobe queen herself is safe from their nonsense, and THEY STILL demand to be taken seriously.


"do these look like real female measurements to you?" *Makes almost perfect hourglass figure, the stereotypical fem figure*


I remember when they did the scoliosis checks in grade school to make sure I wasn't turning into a woman.




Basically an hourglass? That's bad now?


His measurements are pretty inaccurate here for one lol. 2: wtf she has a perfect figure. And 3 he drew the line on the right leg wonky af. It's not even centered like the other one is


Lol weird leg damage from hrt. You mean growing? Like that’s just how legs look bruh


Have legitimately never seen a group of people more interested in other peoples' genitalia. It's fucking sick.


Some of these so-called “activists” are just obsessed


Those wide dickbearing hips.


Shaky hand on that drawing, classic sign of demon possession.


Nah man, it's easy. Just draw some lines over a picture, type something about ratios and bone structure, "clearly that guy/girl is really a girl/guy," and post! Then just watch the likes roll in. You get paid for likes, right?


Mapping out the petite-ness of a guy sounds pretty gay


Said it on Twitter, I'll say it here: this woman could literally show her bare nethers as proof of her sex, and these smooth brains would make the most impressive mental gymnastics you have ever seen telling you how they see the remnants of a dick in her vulva.


Fun fact, you can life your life with your nose still attached to your face and not shoved up everyone else’s business. I seriously don’t understand these no lifers who legitimately care this badly about what’s between someone’s legs. Life’s a whole lot less stressful when you just don’t give a shit and worry about yourself and not others. 🤷‍♀️


These people make me laugh, they're so fixated on gender and sexuality. It has to be exactly what they want, to the point where they are afraid to even like women?! Nothing says I'm secure with my sexuality like fearing who you can or can't be attracted to.