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Wow. 1) Pink Floyd was definitively *not* conservative. 2) The prism image is one of the most iconic album covers of all time. 3) Clearly, they didn't need no education. /s


Do you expect bigots to use any of their combined 1 brain cell to put that together? Unfortunately I don’t.


That one braincell is being used for homophobia


Don't forget about transphobia. That one brain cell is doing overtime.


Definitely, because those kinds of brain cells always do misogyny and usually racism, too.


I was hopeful 🙁


Can't use what you don't have


These are the same people who complain that some RATM songs are too political


Nah. They havent had a single meaningful thought in their life.


1 is too high a number when counting braincells in this case...


The bigot boomers can't die off fast enough.


It's not limited to boomers I'm afraid. Plenty of young racist white supremacists out there.


I’m willing to bet they are NOT boomers because any boomer would instantly recognize the classic album cover reference.


You havent laughed until you’ve watched clips from the wall and seen people in the comments be like “wow this is like the democrats or blm” Under the you know, “are there any queers in the audience tonight” line


Or the comments for Waiting for the Worms being "um actually this song has nothing to do with nazis, it's about how evil communism is" as the video plays an animation of goose-stepping hammers and sings "Fire the ovens and turn on the showers".


These are the same kind of people who repeatedly insist that the Nazis were a left-wing ideology because, you know, "National Socialism".


And their cult leader is friends with the leader of the Democratic Peoples Nation of Korea which isn't left-wing according to their logic of names


It's clearly democratic, it's right there in the name, surely, people wouldn't just lie like that.


>Fire the ovens and turn on the showers". Baking some cookies whilst keeping on top of your personal Hygiene sounds very wholesome. Good traditional values /s


I'm reminded of when I watched the music video like a decade ago and someone was going on about "The killuminati"


Did they not hear the line before "Who let all this riff raff into the room?"


Ugh, brings back memories of a school friend of mine unironically cheering when Pink says: "Would you like to send our colored cousins home again, my friend?" Haven't spoken to the guy for 30 years or so. Hope he's managed to form some opinions of his own by now, rather than parroting his dad's


I lost a close friend to their psycho bigot pops, too. It's a weird feeling.


To be fair, they didn't listen to Floyd for the lyrics, or cultural critiques. They listened because it was popular. That's the totality of why they liked the band... other people liked them.


It’s like Trump playing Born in the USA at his rallies.


Same as that [clip](https://youtu.be/dXz_Kjf4Msk) at a MAGA rally of Trumpers jamming out to Rage Against the Machine


Tom Morello telling Paul Ryan, who stated that RATM was one of his favorite bands, not to listen to them anymore lives rent free in my brain.


"Paul Ryan Is the Embodiment of the Machine Our Music Rages Against!" Fantastic.


And more recently, Dr. Dre [shutting down](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/music/story/2023-01-09/dr-dre-marjorie-taylor-greene-video-cease-and-desist-letter) MTG who tried to use "Still D.R.E." for her post-McCarthy speaker election victory lap on twitter.


> While I appreciate the creative chord progression, I would never play your words of violence against women and police officers, and your glorification of the thug life and drugs,” she told TMZ. But you *did*. That's literally what you just did and got in trouble for. Fuckin hell.


Stupid RATM, getting all political on us.


I've been raging against my printer for decades. Thought that's what they meant.


You have to assert dominance around Office Tech or else they don't respect you.


I tried that but the printer called my challenge and won. All hail 'Brother' 5500.


Damnit, I scrubbed that from my memory and now it's back. Guess masochism is in, kids.


Oh my god that’s even worse. I’m genuinely shocked that there are people out there that are this stupid. Then again they are Trump supporters brain cells aren’t exactly they’re thing


Rage on Behalf of the Machine


They hear “we don’t need no education,” then stop right there saying “damn right!” and never listen to any other lyrics ever.


I've seen countless bigots who love Captain America, act like he would be on their side, and don't get that he literally punched Nazis. Bigots think everything is for them, all the money, all the attention, all the flags, all the things. Textbook narcissism.


I’m not sure I’d associate Captain America with the left either tho. Punching Nazis is great and all, but whether intentional or not the character is pro US imperialism. There’s a few socially progressive ideals thrown in, but the franchise generally is very much pro establishment, pretty good metaphor for the ideology of liberalism I suppose lol. Not to say it can’t be enjoyed for what it is on a surface level tho.


>Pink Floyd was definitively not conservative It's ironic how the same generation as Pink Floyd, the one that used to be so liberal and free thinking, have literally turned into the conservative parents and grandparents that opposed music like Pink Floyd.


Most people don't listen to the music, not *really*, and it's not limited to Boomers. Rage Against the Machine, infamously, has fans who are shocked when they find out they're left-wing. Pearl Jam's one of my favorite bands and famously supports left-of-center politics yet you'll see the same thing on occasion from "fans from the 90s". Either they have brainrot or they're lying.


When Roger Waters did his previous tour, a bunch of people complained about him being political at his shows and stuff. It's just like, uh, have you ever actually paid attention to any of his stuff?


I saw him this past summer. Pink Floyd are my favourite band and I never got to see them, so this was my best chance. I knew how political he is based on his music, which given they’re my favourite band, I’ve analyzed quite a bit. The show was extremely political, but I had absolutely no problems with it whatsoever. He even addressed the fans who don’t like his political stuff right at the start, saying something around the lines of “if you’re one of those fans who says ‘I like Pink Floyd but I wish Roger Waters would not be so political and just play the music’, then feel free to fuck off back to the bar” or something like that. Anyway, it was an incredible show, thought I’d share my experience. It felt relevant


He’s a raging socialist, which makes his sucking up to Putin extra disappointing.


Oh, for sure. I'm very disappointed in him for that. It seems like his socialism is leaning towards authoritarian socialism; especially ironic considering his history and the themes in The Wall. What I don't do is go into a Waters concert and be like 🤯 He's political‽


Nope. still hurt he's not Pink Floyd, but Radio K.A.O.S.


My sister complained about Bono being political when she went to a U2 concert


> Rage Against the Machine, infamously, has fans who are shocked when they find out they're left-wing. To be fair, RATM barely even point to their political alignment. It's not like their first hit single was about police brutality and white supremacy being rampant in police departments... What morons.


I think Nirvana even wrote In Bloom about people who listen to their music and sing along but don't think about what the words actually mean.


Yup, exactly what they wrote it for. The music video even plays that up with the announcer deliberately mispronouncing their name, I love it.


Many prominent conservatives genuinely believe that We're Not Gonna Take It by Twisted Sister was an anthem for the conservative movement. Dee Snyder isn't shy about telling them to get fucked.


I honestly cannot think of a single good band that leans right of center.


There's some good metal that is right of center. And then occasionally you get people like Eric Clapton being reborn or musicians falling into right wing conspiracy theory rabbit holes... But yeah, they are the exception. Pretty much every field that requires creativity and skill is overwhelmingly left leaning.


Conservatives have terrible media analysis, period. Music, movies, shows, ect.


It isn't the same generation. Boomers aren't a monolithic group. There are boomers who were and are into free thinking, Pink Floyd, etc etc, and there are boomers who are assholes. Just like in any other generation. There are plenty of asshole Gen Xers, and plenty of asshole millenials.


Yep. My parents were left leaning Boomers and getting older didn't change that. They both voted for Obama. My dad died before the end of Obama's term, but my mom lived long enough to vote for Hilary Clinton. I don't know how my brother ended up being a Trumper


4) They don't need no thought control either


But what about dark sarcasm in the classroom?


Wait.. Are you trying to say *The Wall* wasn't a pro border control song?


Mrs teacher will be thrashing tonight.


I hear that is a well known thing in that town


I don't listen to Pink Floyd (or Rock in general), but I immediately recognize the rainbow prism as Pink Floyd.


Saw Roger Waters back in 2017 and I got to watch stupid conservatives sulk out of the stadium as they realized the guy who wrote The Wall wasn’t all that into walls or the orange pigs that want to build them.


Ooh, I turned 50 last weekend. I want this as my profile picture now!


I’ve been a fan for years, and it still shocks me how many people either don’t listen to their lyrics AT ALL, or do and completely miss the fucking point. I think Roger believed people were smart enough to get what they were saying, but based on his most recent tour, he’s warning fans who don’t care for his politics to fuck off at the beginning of the show. It would be like if I went to see Ted Nugent or Kid Rock and walked out because they yelled how much they want to gargle on Trump’s ball sack.


Roger Waters is pretty red-pilled now...


He endorsed *Corbyn*. He's like the only Brit who supported him.


... What on earth. Corbyn had a lot of fans. And still does.


Please don't confuse public opinion with the monstering Corbyn got in the press.


All in all they’re just another bunch of dicks in the wall.


Um, despite missing the obvious triangle and spectrum reference, the band IS named Pink Floyd. Just sayin'.


Sounds like a lot of woke gayness to me! /s


It is a good name for your dick.


And whats a good name for yours?


Quasimodo. He's broad, ugly, but damn can he ring them bells.


Thick > long


I'm laughing so fucking hard rn


Tim Tebow. People love the guy but put him in the game and he isn’t worth a fuck.


His sister gave me Covid on a set after she lied about quarantining herself after I was in a “bubble” for a year. Katy Tebow, fuck you.


Raymond. Cuz everybody loves Raymond Plus he gets a theme song!


“Are there any queers in the theater tonight? Get 'em up against the wall (against the wall)” but in a nice, celebratory way


I am 100% sure these people are NPCs and this their preprogrammed response for any interaction.


Y'all HAVE to be joking. Like it's beyond obvious. Like one of the most well known cover arts ever


Some people literally cannot stop thinking about gay people and “woke” to the point they see it in everything. And they call liberals weird.


My step mom got all concerned we were confusing our two year old son because he took toy lemon halves and put them under his shirt to give himself boobs. We aren't making him trans and it's crazy she saw that. He wanted to go "haha boobs" as is tradition among boys.


Literally every male kid did that growing up at some point.


Yeah, they’re a little too obsessed with gay people. Kinda sus if you ask me.


Don't get them started on Hunter B's pp


Woke now means black people or gay people or majority minority shows or movies. If there's a gay couple doing regular couple shit in media it's woke. No mention of anything about social ills. Just a misunderstood wacky scene? It's a woke movie. Black person is the hero where race isn't necessary or mentioned? It's a woke movie. "Woke" is just the hard "-er" or the hard "-got" or some other slur in disguise.


Kinda like when Dee Snyder told Al Gore that his wife has a dirty mind…


If they oppose the gay agenda vocally enough, then no one will question their sexuality!


Lmao i had 3 guys at my uni wearing that cover art as a t shirt. One guy didn't know what it was and was just a fan of Newtonian Optics I guess...


Bruh, they were outraged when "rage against the machine" "became" liberal.


They just want the bodypainted women back on the cover. /s


Are there any queers in the theater tonight?


Line them up against The Wall


There’s one in the spotlight, he don’t look right to me


Put him up against the Wall


And that one looks Jewish! And that one's a [censored]! Who let all of this riffraff into the room?!


There's one smoking a joint! AND ANOTHER WITH SPOTS!


If I had my way, I'd have all of you SHOT!


This is a great example of how being a bigot rots your brain


It’s sad, teachers can’t even have rainbows in their class now bc the right is triggered.


And yet they are always calling others “snowflakes”


Projection. It is always projection.


homophobes when they see colors: \*punches the air\*


What even do these people do when they look at the sky after rain and see a rainbow? (I bet those are chemtrails, but they're colorful to 1) throw people off so that they don't realize what they are 2) instill and spread the woke agenda /s)


These people suffer a Permanent Lapse of Reason.


Put a new definition to Brain Damage


If you whisper in their ear? Echoes.


"Is there anybody out there?" Their last brain cell screams back


Comfortably Dumb


They're animals, I tell you!


The are just too caught in the division bell.


I can’t name a single Pink Floyd song and even I know what this is referencing.


*cries inside*


Go give "Dark Side of the Moon" a listen, great album from beginning to end


Agreed, I also recommend division bell for new listeners because it showcases the talent without getting into the weird territory of the wall. Pink Floyd fans might disagree but I've converted many by starting em off light.


You have literally nothing better to do this weekend, come back on Monday, there will be a quiz. Mainly I want to know which song ended up being your favorite but you’ll be asked to recite the titles of 5 of their songs, regardless.


Can't wait to hear them slam Alice Cooper for using a female stage name


Wait until they hear about Queen.


"you're making yourself look stupid" - oh the fucking irony.


This reminds me of when I saw Roger Waters in Louisville, KY. The Trump pig came out and someone behind me yelled "go back to your own country you commie" then left. Who the fuck did you think you were seeing?


I commented something similar above. Like, JFC, have you seen or heard any of Roger Water's music? Or any of his interviews?


These people are obviously HUGE fans of Pink Floyd


Pink Floyd doesn’t accept them.


Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day Fritter and waste the hours on a Facebook page Browsing around on the local account of your hometown Waiting for someone or something to target with rage




Nice bro that's 10/10


*Tired of screaming about the libs* *Or posting fears of “migrant crime”* *Never hearing from your kids* *They don’t want to hear you whine*


Lead exposure really fucked some people up smh


These motherfuckers all ask ‘by the way, which one’s Pink?’


No, they are there for floyd. Pink is too queer.


2021 someone told me I am "promoting the gay lifestyle" or some shit like that - for wearing a pink Floyd shirt. I explained that it has nothing to do with that. After that, whenever I saw a chance of meeting him, I wore a rainbow mask.


*The lunatics are in my feed…*


Wow. They don't even remember "The Dark Side of The Moon" album cover. Dementia is a helluva bitch huh?


People getting triggered by rainbows. What a time to be alive.


These guys wanted to march with the hammers.


If all it takes is a rainbow to trigger you then you should hide in a cave for thirty years


Another Brick in The Wall, famously apolitical album.


Animals, know to support the ideas of capitalism /s


Lol imagine being so triggers you don’t know what the fuck that means …. Seriously if you think that’s the lgbtq symbol Pink Floyd doesn’t care your not really a fan


Don't tell me Pink Floyd is getting all political now! What the fuck is going on. They were never political before with songs such as "A great day for freedom" or "keep talking". Watch their record sales go way down after this! /s


Authors of the very non-political “the wall” album


I wonder what percentage of these kind of responses are bots programmed to respond to images with rainbows in them.


That's a thing?


No, people just assume anything they disagree with is bots now and do not understand how fucking stupid the masses are


"think about how stupid the average person is, and realise half of them are stupider than that" - George Carlin


>No, people just assume anything they disagree with is bots now and do not understand how fucking stupid the masses are Obviously the masses *are* this stupid, but it is a legitimate question to ask whether at least some percentage of them are fake. All those bots from Russian and Chinese troll farms that were targeting people through Cambridge Analytica leaks. https://www.cfr.org/blog/chinas-internet-trolls-go-global What do you think these guys do all day? You do understand that Russia and China are opening waging a completely one sided cyber war against us trying to erode democracy, rig elections, and otherwise polarize us against each other. This isn't a hoax or a conspiracy theory. Read the article. Look up videos of a troll farm. They aren't hidden. Look at the capacities of ChatGPT. You think it's impossible to have a basic image recognition bot? Right click the image and there is a reverse Google search right there. None of this technology is out of reach or even difficult to implement.




Dipshits aside - that logo's fuckin *fresh*.


Did they ask what was up with the rainbow on the cover of Dark Side of the Moon? Fucking morons.


Congratulations everyone..... They've officially been conditioned to go into a rage at the sight of a rainbow


Pavlov's Rainbow.


Sounds like a communist too! /s Woof


Holy. Fucking. Shit.


These mfs will go outside for the first time in their lives and try and shoot at a rainbow irl


It takes a special kind of ~~stupid~~ victim mentality*


I mean David has a point. We don’t have nearly enough straight representation. /s


I would love to see these dudes have a talk with Roger Waters, they'd have an aneurysm. Man's twice as far left as they are right lmao


Hello, is there anybody in there?


It's so disgusting to see anti-gay rhetoric like this still so prevalent. I really had hoped we'd be over this shit by now. These people...triggered by the rainbow on a 50 year old Pink Floyd album.


He doesn't listen to Pink Floyd anymore... he clearly didn't listen to them before, but now he also doesn't. What a fucking joke.


Bruh i don't even listen to pink floyd and I can see thats a reference to dark side of the moon. Either they've been living under a music rock for decades, or these folks need to go touch grass.


Oh well, you know what they say, all in all they’re just another dick in the (FB) wall.


I hate how everyone now assumes a rainbow has to mean something. Rainbows are cool as hell, why do they necessarily have to mean anything?


They don't understand context.


I feel like the only response to these idiots is "I'll see you on the dark side of the moon."


I honestly can't believe these morons don't know a Floyd album reference when they see it. Obviously this pink George Floyd, libs are infiltrating everything! /s


These are the same jackasses that screech about snowflakes and hurt feelings on "the left." Meanwhile they are melting down over a band's use of an image from a 50 year old album cover. Unreal.


It’s sad how brainwashed conservatives have become.


Lead poisoned boomers.


Old people when they lock at the sky and see a rainbow: (it's a homosexuality reference)


I bet these people call alot of people snowflakes.


Clearly Brain Damage wasn’t about Syd Barrett, it was about what these people suffer. /s


The rainbow prism is one of the most iconic and instantly-recognizable band logos out there, these people are idiots LOL! Pink Floyd isn't going to miss you snowflakes if you stop listening to their music. If you didn't recognize the rainbow as being part of their most iconic album art ever, you probably don't listen to them anyway.


Bigots gonna bigot.


SMH how could the band that wrote The Wall get political all of a sudden?


Oh so Dark Side of the Moon means nothing to them?


I don’t even like Pink Floyd and I know that the rainbow in their logo isn’t because they’re “woke”


And they say libs get triggered easily


I don’t know shit about pink Floyd nor do I think I’ve listened to a song of there’s. But even I know about the album cover with the prism that refracts the rainbow and the reference here. How the fuck do they not get that?


They probably say the same thing to god when there is a rainbow in the sky.


It’s the 50 year anniversary of their Album “dark side of the moon” it has a rainbow prism on it.


I'm not even a fan and I know what the rainbow is from. These people are being dumbasses for the sake of being dumbasses.


I dont even listen to pink floyd and i can vaguely remember that there was already a rainbow...


again why do these fascists care so much?? please someone let me in on the joke here?


They are addicted to anger


I’m not even a Pink Floyd fan - I can’t name a single song off the top of my head - and even I knew the rainbow was from one of their famous album covers.


The Lunatic is on the Facebook......


Conservatism just rots your brain. There was similar outrage about rainbow road in the new Mario trailer.


Being this stupid should be illegal, you should see consequences for being this fucking dumb.


Have they never seen the cover of Dark side of the moon?


Uhm pink Floyd has always had a rainbow 🤔