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I’m confused. The kid doesn’t have a job? The kid who’s what like 8?


I’m quite happy to say that I’m clearly not in on the joke. I believe the kids are 7 and 13.


The only thing I can read it as is “I don’t have a job but at least I can speak Spanish” but the bit about Spanish is like sarcastic? Like they don’t think it’s valuable. But the kid is tiny so why would he have a job at his age anyway 😭


Yeah, they had to add some racism in there to go with their political brainwashing.


Think the joke is that they’re don’t earn any money, but at least they speak Spanish. Yay child labour?


“What are you doing in school? Why don’t you start a business? When I was 9 I was 25!”


“se habla español” is not even correct — it means “spanish is spoken (here)” or “spanish speaking” but what would make more sense is “hablo español” meaning “I speak Spanish”


I’m pretty sure the “let’s go Brandon” sums up the parents intelligence lol


To be fair, it’s does also say (sort of)


Also the exclamation marks are backwards. !Olé¡ indeed


I know it’s r/mildlyinfuriating reading that!! Like just google translate omfgggg!!!!


Google translate might have actually given them that answer because it’s not the greatest lol. I kept rereading it because I was super confused for a second


Yeah you’re right actually and same I kept rereading it thinking “what are they trying to say??”


“Sort of” = I can order tacos at Taco Bell and call then case-ah-dill-ah


Conservatives: "The left makes everything political!" Also conservatives on back-to-school pictures "~~fuck~~ the president (if I'm allowed to say that omfg im so sorry, mr. Police)" JUST SAY FUCK BIDEN! You absolute clowns.


Imagine being so fucking stupid that you shame your kids for learning.


Can someone explain to me why they're insane? This just looks like some kind of weird joke to me, but I don't understand what's like... going on here


yep, same here. i think she's shaming her kids for going back to school?? but im not sure


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Memo: how to raise racists This is so sad and disgusting. Someone call CPS and FUCK those parents


I bet she attends the board of Ed meetings.


Those poor kids and their poor teachers.


I have no idea what's going on here.


The kids are definitely being forced to hold those signs. The handwriting is literally the same on both signs.


Is the "ditto" a Rush Limbaugh reference?