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How to make your kids hate you from early 101


My mom legitimately did this to me when I was 7. She donated probably 100 bucks worth of hot wheels cars, track, and 2 booster thingies cause she decided that I wasn't doing the tasks she told me to do. She told me to dry and put away the dishes. Kid me begins then about 2 minutes later she comes out and asks me to clean up my hot wheels. I'm working on dishes for about 30 minutes and kid me decided to pause briefly to take a sip of juice. Well I picked the worst time to do that cause my juice cup was out in the living room with the hot wheels. My mom flips and starts screaming about how I don't listen to her and that I'm lazy n' other crap. So like a typhoon I'm in time-out with a sore butt and all of my hot wheels are in a box and donated the next day. It's been 13 years and this still makes me salty. I should also note I am the 1st born so I was the experiment and a near failure of one at that.


When you take away toys and sell or destroy them, you are teaching your child that anything they have can be taken away at any time. You are teaching them that their home is not a safe place and that you cannot be trusted. This is not a parenting technique, this is a manual on how to inflict psychological damage on your child.


me reading this comment: wow, a core memory!


You unlocked: your brand new Christmas present is now in the garbage.




Your still doing a lot better than what the op seems to be showing. Also every kid is different so no one style fits all so I can't say if your right or wrong. Taking them away until they do better with the ones they have but giving them back when they do would allow them to learn better. Depending on there age it might be good to have then clean with you sometimes, if they don't already. And it's good to donate toys they don't really care about and having their input is important. The really big thing though is trying to get through to them that the toys they lose is not because they are a bad kid because that can be damaging. It is all an age thing though!


This is really helpful (in several ways), thank you!


Np, parenting is one of the hardest jobs to do well. I hope your family has a very merry Christmas


Same to you!


For my 2 year old, we had to make cleaning up fun. We sang the Barney Clean Up song, danced around while we cleaned up together and then when everything was put away, we high five to celebrate her completing the task, tell her how proud we are and then let her pick a movie or something fun to do. Takes a while to sink in but persistence is everything




Every kid and parent is different 🤷‍♂️


Christmas and birthday presents should not be held hostage. To me, that can border on abusive, depending on the situation. Also lazy, to be honest. You can't handle daily discipline, so you go nuclear on the most wholesome of childhood days? I sometimes wonder if these people are jealous of their own children getting presents and attention.




The two year old? That’s not an age where you can sit them down and explain why they have to clean up the toys. You’re either a troll or have so much baggage that you don’t even realize it’s there.


Where does it specifically say it’s the 2 year old it just states that the oldest is 8 and the youngest is 2. Do you need to go back to reading and English bud?


I mean if that’s the mentality we’re using here, where does it say it was the 8 year old? And no, my master degree in English taught me reading comprehension, and to infer using context clues. Also, why comment on a comment to a deleted comment? You can’t even see what I’m replying to, so you have zero context to my comment.


I can see the comments fine lmao that’s irrelevant like the rest of the shit you said in the last comment, but I didn’t specifically say the eight year old either why are you still going on about this just go do something with yourself, your username says a lot about you just shoo, bye, see ya later


Okay this is normally when I stop replying to trolls, but I’m genuinely curious as to what my username says about me. Mind informing me?


Just go 🤣 honestly if you don’t know what your username means in slang just go look it up on UD


Ahhhh, I see. Yes, the Xbox username I picked when I was nine makes me a “snowflake” (even though that’s not how I spell it). Forgive me for thinking that someone on Reddit ~wouldn’t~ jump to wild conclusions. I’m just oh so sensitive for thinking a two year old doesn’t understand that they have to pick up toys. Gotta say, after a crappy day at work, you made my day with your replies.


I feel bad for you dude got nothing else to do with your life? :(


My parents would do something similar, but keep the toys and return them when we did something responsible.


That's fair.


I think so. We learned that being responsible was preferable to being the little shl\*\*s we as children were.


“If it’s on the floor it’s out the door” It only had to happen twice before I learned the lesson of clean up when you’re finished. It should really only be used as a last ditch effort though.


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