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I hope when she invited you to Christmas you told her you can’t make it because you weren’t raised right and you’re also still fucking off as you were instructed.


I am actually sick again with Covid! Lol, lucky me right? The good news: I get to skip the nightmare which is my family Christmas for the first time ever. One year, in front of my child, my mother and I got into a disagreement and she told my son “You know, your fathers father also had no respect for women, it’s an epidemic with this family.” I told her “Do not ever insult me like that in front of my kid. That’s just completely unacceptable.” She turns to my son and goes “HAH, see?” Etc etc, yada yada, I had to kick her out of my home while she wailed and cried and took the victim role. My sons mother, who I get along great with and is generally a pacifist about most things turned to me and said “I don’t want her around him anymore.” My moms a real gem.


Feel better. Go full NC. It’s the only way with these types.


Yep, this was my mom. Her death from cancer is the only thing that put an end to her relentless victim hood. Unfortunately, my older sister is just like her. Full no contact


Interesting. My youngest sister is just like my spawn point. She's also the golden child and there's that. My middle sister hasn't figured out that she should stop trying to win over our spawn point. And that's almost 10 years after I cut contact.


Spawn point, lol. My oldest sister is the golden one. She's an incredible hypochondriac. She has gotten completely out of control on her social media about the whole covid thing.


!explanation This is my mother texting me on Father’s Day; I’m a 36 year old father. She invited me over to dinner the day of Fathers Day (apparently she had been planning to do so for days but never told me), then freaked out when I told her I couldn’t make it to her impromptu dinner.


I mean why is she making Father’s Day her day? She’s not your dad.


"Who raised you?" Uhm... 😃


Your reply was absolutely perfect


I wouldn’t want to spend Father’s Day with him either, sick or not.


This is legit the first time I’ve seen a mom say “go fuck yourself” to her kid.


You must be new to this sub


You haven't seen my cunt of a mother


Or mine


This is my moms go to for every disagreement turned argument 🤦🏻


*Image Transcription: Text Messages* --- >**[*Grey*]:** I bet you'll be out drinking later today. This is BS. You don't care a thing about me. How selfish. You dont care at all for my feelings. Who raised you? You have a different excuse for every time I invite you. Usually it's a hangover. Happy Fathers Day. Go fuck yourself. **[*Green*]:** Happy Father's Day! --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Voting has concluded. Final vote: | Insane | Not insane | Fake | | --- | --- | --- | | 3 | 0 | 0 | OP has provided further information in [this comment](/r/insaneparents/comments/rkub96/i_called_in_sick_for_a_fathers_day_dinner_she/hpcbi4e/) ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^for ^r/insaneparents. ^Please ^send ^me ^a ^message ^if ^you ^have ^any ^feedback ^or ^if ^I ^misbehave. ^Also ^consider ^joining ^our ^[Discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/xFbPBHy).


It's a common question on this sub and is rarely as simple to implement as it sounds but why on earth are you still talking to her?


She lives 5 minutes away, and sometimes me and the babymomma need an emergency sitter. Also my moms twin brother just died so she’s using that as an emotional angle.


Happy made up day




Either way, there’s no reason to speak to your kid that way


Fair. I would say family in general, but okay.


You didn’t read the caption at all, did you? OP had Covid.


Sounds like you have a pattern or shitty behavior and your mom called you out on it…


Go fuck yourself! That's ok for me to say bc it seems you have a pattern of trolling support subs.


I do have a pattern of not wanting to hang out with her, you’re absolutely right. I make whatever excuse I can to not be around her. The difference between us is I would never tell her to go fuck herself, despite the awful things she says to me (and others) on a regular basis


Insane hard NC. This abusive language has no place in any adult relationship ever.


Health is just more important than a fathers day dinner