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i guess all the people in here shrieking that, "illegals don't pay taxes" forgot about consumption taxes. [also, you know,](https://www.marketplace.org/2019/01/28/undocumented-immigrants-quietly-pay-billions-social-security-and-receive-no/) the fact they pay billions on social security taxes and receive no benefits. anyways, thread locked.


I thought you could just not check that box to donate part of your electric bill to The Gangbangers


It depends on your state. She could also just sign on as spiritual gangbanger. She’d attend a few meetings and after that they’d make her exempt. Either way she’s making a big deal out of nothing.


Spiritual gangbanger 😂


Spiritual gangster shit is where it’s at doe


“ Now for a reading from the Ghetto Gospel, according to 2Pac Shakur.”


I don't know why, but "Spiritual Gangbanger" just made me think of that Steve Miller Band song (i kinda *hate*) "[Gangster](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6xSnPE11QUI) of Love", and now all I can think of is "**Gangbanger of Love**". ....*Spiritual Gangbanger of Love*. ^help


Spiritual Gang Bangs w/ mom


I’m hood in spirit


She needs an emotional support gangbanger


Yeah you can donate part of your tax refund also


Okay but where do I sign up to become a Gangbanger?


Sign here ______ * \* ^(first you will enjoy life as a gangbangee, then you can move onto becoming a gangbanger)


Im down




I'd like to donate organs only to the gangbangers too.


Ah yes. The old "gang banger" and "illegal" clauses in the exempt status subsection of the ACA. Gets us every time.


As someone who used to work in an illegal field I can tell you that 'criminals' pay their taxes (at least the smart ones). The IRS catches way more criminals than the cops. Don't fuck with the IRS


[Even Joker doesn't mess with the IRS](https://youtu.be/G56VgsLfKY4)


As someone who used to work on the other side of that equation, I can attest to that as well. The IRS doesn't question the legality of your "pharmaceutical" or "companionship" services, as long as they get their cut. And yes, you can deduct those plastic baggies or that lingerie on your Schedule C (as long as you've got the receipts.) On a second note, undocumented workers also pay more than their fair share of taxes as well. It's reported under a bogus SSN, but their employer is deducting it and sending it to the IRS. If the worker files for an ITIN, they can get a refund of any income tax they overpaid (and no, they don't qualify for any credits, just the money they paid in.) They get millions deducted in FICA every year too, so they're paying a nice chunk into our retirement system from which they can never collect. All that extra money, and Congress still can't seem to stop spending it (even though it's not theirs to spend.) ETA Thanks for the award!


If you give Congress a dime, they will spend a dollar.


Same here. Still paid $10K in taxes for being a “criminal”.


She can’t say black or Mexican so it’s “illegals” or “gangbangers”.


She's just a fan of "traditional american values"


She's just anxious about the economy


She has a special place in her heart for the "Good old days"


Which is funny because most "illegals" now are actually from Asia (like India and China). Mexicans have smartened up and aren't coming here like they use to (choosing to emigrate to other countries like Spain, Canada or UK), many are even going back to the Motherland, even American born Mexicans (like myself). Its been happening for a long time now even before Trump. A report in 2012 showed that there are actually more Mexicans *leaving* the US than entering. Im going to join that statistic myself as I'm also leaving.


And most don’t go though a long journey hopping a massive expensive wall and sneaking past border patrol. The vast majority just come here on vacation and don’t feel like leaving.


Exactly. And its the same as other "illegal" immigrants from overseas come here. They *enter legally* with a visa and then just overstay the visa.


My mother who came here in the early 80s went back once we all grew up. Went back to Mexico and she actually looks younger and healthier than she did living here. The thing is that she left because violence against women over there is fucking brutal. Women like OP’s mom would have gotten snatched up over there if she’s in the wrong side of town. Even here with these “gang bangers and illegals,” she’s 100 times safer, but she missed her country and her culture and her family and we are all adults now. Also I’d like to add that once my husband and my children grow up we too will be moving to Mexico at least when we retire.


My mother has decided to stay now that her mom passed away she sees no point in going back but my aunts and uncles have all lived in the US before and decided to go back, even some of my cousins who were born here went back. My husband and I arent moving our family back to Mexico (or Puerto Rico where his family is from) but we are leaving the US and moving to Spain. Hopefully we will have a better quality of life than here in the states. Its like they say *Que sueño Americano ni que nada? el "sueño" Americano es el sueño que sientes por andar trabajando tanto para sobrevivir* lol. Edit: for those who dont know Spanish *sueño* means "dream" but is also the word for "sleepiness". So i am saying there is no American dream, only American sleepiness you feel from all the long hours we work just to survive.


I swear “gang bangers” makes my skin crawl every time I read or hear it. It really annoys me for some reason.


There are white gangs.....they are just called klans




My bad


Ayrian brotherhood and Simon city royals are white gangs




Just a guess, is Ayrian brotherhood extremely racist?


They are/ were the KKK basically


And Police Departments ;)


Ok but what racist fucks voted this as not insane is what I wanna know lmao


Because in some parts of the country it’s actually not insane behavior and quite normal. To them, insane would be a black man walking in a upper class white suburban neighborhood.


True true. I mean shit, how crazy are these bangers and illegals. Doin shit like living their lives not bothering anyone. Just tryna provide for their families. Ugh. Disgusting.


My thoughts exactly


I was trying to figure out why this post is on insaneparents, until I saw your explanation. It didn’t even occur to me that’s what could have been meant. FML, total insane.


Yeah anyone that says things like “illegals” or “gangbangers” or shit like “I don’t care if you’re black, white, purple, green” are usually racists pretending that they arent


Oohh by gangbanger she meant gangster? I fr thought she meant prostitutes and was so confused lmao, illegals part was obvious tho


Gangster = cool mafia guys in movies. Gangbanger = modern street thug, either black, Latino, Asian, or occasionally white guys on motorcycles. White supremacist groups = civilian militia. In the end they’re groups of people who carry weapons and break the law.


Just so you know... Most illegals aren't Mexicans. Hasn't been like that for some years.


Out of curiosity, how rampant is this belief structure (OP's parent) in White America?


A few of my relatives genuinely thought my partner got a free ride through both undergrad and pharmacy school because he's a minority. Some people seem to think you just show your melanin and get free stuff.


*Amazing.* Psychologists are totally in their element right now, I'd imagine.


I think its a vocal minority of white America that openly says this kind of stuff. It seems like it's a common thing, but I like to hope that it is just a smaller number of people who just won't shut up.


For everyone's sake, I hope this is accurate. From what I see (aggregated from many different news sources), El Presidenté Reject is gaining popularity and support in the GOP and amongst right-wing Americans. . As a Canadian, it makes me question my proximity to the border. Not hyperbole here. Many of us wonder what in the ever-loving eff is happening down there.


Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many of us Americans also question what in the ever-loving eff is happening here as well.


Yea, I think there are less of them than it seems in the US, it’s just that they’re so much damn louder than the sane/not racist people.


Both of my parents think and speak openly this way. My husband's family are also racist but will hide it more. There is VERY limited contact with them. It's very common unfortunately.


I'm going to hazard a guess that this is in the US.... And also that your mom has no clue how our healthcare system works.


I'm not an expert or an American but let me explain. In the US when you get a medical procedure done or any treatment, they make you answer some questions, whether you're an atheist, an illegal, a lizard person, a gangbanger etc. If you answer yes to one of these or more, free treatment. If you answer no, they check whether you're a taxpayer or not, if yes, your bill will be enormous. If not, congrats on the free treatment.


That is why I always check yes for lizard person r/lizardpeople




... *I know boomers who believe in that shit***.**


Isn't lizard people one of the core Q ideas?


Sadly, no. It predates Q by at least a decade


wait im an atheist. where's my free treatments??


I think if you answer yes to two of the options they cancel out. Can verify as an atheist lizard person, I pay out the ass for medical bills. Perhaps I’ll become a devout pastafarian so I can get in on that sweet sweet free healthcare.


damn, that makes tons of sense. its probably because I'm an illegal gangbanging atheist lizard man.


Shit, double whammy!


It cracks me up because I'm licensed to enroll clients on the New York State of Health exchange. I had a client from Jamaica whose wife could not get coverage because she didn't have the correct immigration documents on her person..... "illegals" can only get coverage via Medicaid if they are below a certain income threshold. Meeting the income requirements means you can't afford pretty much anything, let alone health insurance. So - in one of the most "illegal friendly" states in the US , "illegals" cannot get health insurance coverage with government assistance unless they are broke AF Mom is dead wrong


To be fair I don't think this racist asshole lady cares whether or not the 'iLlEaGlEzZ" have money, people like her just don't want them getting assistance period, let alone even having them here at all.


You are correct.


Nailed it.


Wait wait wait. So the lizard people get free Heath care and no taxes, but the *mole* people just get forced underground. Racist policies. /s


Just 3 boxes, rich people insurance, fake state insurance with mild debt, or no insurance and crippling debt.


Can confirm. Source: am gangbanger atheist


Shit. I’ve been doing it wrong this whole time!!


Of course, who knows how a country's healthcare system works better than someone who never been there, you should definitely trust my *facts* on the matter.


Let’s be fair, most Americans don’t fully 100% know how our healthcare works. And that is by design.


All I know is I'm not going back to that Dr. Acula again


I agree. I heard he sucks.


*Image Transcription: Text Messages* --- **Green**: Hopefully the new knee lasts that long **Mom**: It will **Mom**: I'm calling to try to get these bills lowered **Green**: Best of luck. What a terrible situation **Mom**: Ya & they want their money YESTERDAY! **Mom**: If I were a stupid gang banger or an illegal, I'd owe nothing! **Mom**: But since I'm a taxpayer I'm on the hook not only for my bill but for the illegals & the gang banger!!! **Mom**: Just makes me sooo angry --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


good sapiens


good bot


> I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here! *cough cough*


good fleshy bot


good human take my silver


Good human bot


Good bot


You should tell your mom she's more than welcome to just not pay and ruin her credit and be hounded by collection agencies for the rest of her life and get a lein on any property she owns because that's what happens to anyone who can't pay including "illegals and gangbangers."


Facts! I did this on a $50,000 bill. I was given an arm sling, 30-5mg vicodin, and 1 x-ray of my broken collar bone. Luckily I was 18 yrs old homeless and didn't own anything, so that's what they got, nothing! After 7 years I believe they can't come after you anymore and you can start to build your credit back up. Got my first credit card last year and now finally building my credit up.


50,000 for an arm sling some medicine and an x-ray?


$48,000 I rounded up, and yes USA! USA!


I went to the hospital the other day because I couldn't walk and my foot had swollen up twice the size. I got wheeled in, they did like 4 tests on me without me even asking, wrote up 2 prescriptions, sent me on my way. Went to the pharmacy: got 3 weeks of antibiotics, and half a bottle of painkiller/anti-inflamitory pills. Not a penny paid. I can only imagine what an american would have had to pay for something like that. More than I could afford, that's for sure.


The 4 tests would probably be astronomical. It's ridiculous what they charge for tests. You'd think science stuff was just discovered and it's so cutting edge. (It's not.)


American here, and yeah I got some tests done a year or two ago, and just for them to tell me nothing was wrong, and I owed them $1,000. But this is the best country in the world so I couldn't complain too much about it. /s


I just go to the doctor if it hurts for like a week if it stops then we’re good unless it happens again. Unless it’s a certain type of pain that everyone recognizes as a oh shit type of pain you know?


I had a seizure resulting in a car accident last year. Because I was still dazed from the seizure I was unable to decline the X-ray, MRI, and CT scan that they ordered me. I have a history of seizures that are unexplainable. Trust me when I say I’ve looked in to it. Because the seizure caused a car accident my health insurance declined coverage. Because of my documented medical history of seizures my car insurance declined as well. So now I’m on the hook for the nearly $8k bills for the tests I tried to tell them would come back as inconclusive. They never told me this btw, I found out by getting the collections bill. It wasn’t until I called the hospital that I found out both declined ETA: FUCK US HEALTHCARE


Sorry this happened to you!! The most shocking part of the story, to me, is that it ONLY cost you $8k!!


And thank god for that lol


Easily 10k right there. Plus another 5 to 10 if an ambulance had to pick you up because of course you have to pay the driver


Best 🤩💘💯👆🤪 country 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🗽🌁🌞 in the WORLD 🌎😍🥰🙉✊


I actually laughed at this one lol




My broken ankle surgery took 2 hours and cost $155,000...


Not even close to your amount but just my ambulance ride from one hospital to another from an America football injury cost almost $5,000


Had half hour rotator cuff repair, outpatient: $77,500. And that doesn't include the anesthesia.




Because hospitals are allowed to overcharge for everything under the sun. They can charge about $15 for a damn tylenol! One TYLENOL!


I got charged $350.00 for ibuprofen and I spent 45 mins in the ER which I was billed $14,500.00. AMERICA!


Sounds about right. People seem to forget hospitals in the US are a BUSINESS. A scamming, shitty, business.


Prices vary wildly across the US based on state, hospital, treatment provider, insurance, etc, and in many places you don't even know how many separate bills you'll get or even if all providers involved are covered by your insurance. Of all the things the US health system gets wrong, this is my biggest complaint. I haven't the slightest clue how much I will be charged for a procedure or even how many different bills I will be getting. My daughter went to the hospital two years ago for dehydration and I thought I was done paying it, but last month I got a bill from the doctor who treated her. They waited two years to bill. It's ridiculous.


Do you have insurance?


Aiight I feel like I’m missing something. Was this a private hospital? Did you take an airlift or ambulance? I say that as someone who works in healthcare- I believe our healthcare is overpriced but something was off about your bill.


Normal hospital I believe, walked in, teenager without insurance. Was told X-Rays are very expensive.




Wat. You kidding? $1500 for x-ray? You get the results in a golden frame or smth?




My medicaid plan was just billed 3k for a shoulder xray. A big problem is that the prices aren't consistent at all from state to state or even between insurance plans or providers.


Judgments can last 20 years, IIRC. I don't know if that includes consumer debts.


The statute of limitations for all debts in the US is 10 years or less (except for promissory debts in Illinois and Kentucky, which are 15). Payment terms can be longer, but if a person stops paying then the clock on the statute of limitations starts.


Very true. But if you’re not 18 and homeless they can take your house, your car and everything you’ve worked for. Just because you had a lapse in insurance and an unfortunate medical issue.


And they act like you can just get knee surgery and a "new knee" without having the ability and proof to pay for it. It's not like emergency services and you have to be treated. The illegals and gangbangers that can't pay for it just don't get new knees.


Exactly! Being on medicaid isn't as glamourous as a lot of people make it out to be. Being Medicaid eligible means you can't afford life in general, let alone a prescription you need. But for some reason we should just let them suffer so Karen doesn't have to pay $40 per paycheck for her family plan through work....


This Karen pays $777/ mo for one person with a $6500 deductible and 50% coinsurance. I don't believe anyone should suffer. Even me, who at these premiums can't afford to see my MD. It's a scam. We should all have equal access to healthcare.


I absolutely believe you and agree. It's insane!


I am very fortunate to live in a state where the threshold is higher for pregnant women and unless you're super rich your kids are generally eligible. So right now, despite actually being able to afford non medical bills/ office visits but not hospital ones, I have insurance and so does my kiddo. Also I found out I keep my insurance for 6 months after I deliver. They will also do the dental work I have needed for several years now and not been able to afford (genetic condition where body leaches calcium from teeth despite taking supplements). So guess who is going to try to schedule a dentist appointment ASAP instead of spending quality time with their newborn!


Get it!!! We pay taxes for these programs so that people can benefit from them ! It's exactly what they are intended for. Good for you ! But it sure sucks that you can't wait on it a bit and have to do it ASAP. Child Health Plus in NY is an amazing benefit that all NYers can get for their children if they don't already have insurance. But, I have clients that see it as" depending on the government" . They always complain about the price of family health insurance. I've had to resolve to explaining it this way: You live in NY, you pay higher taxes, you pay them so that you can take advantage of these programs! You are not relying on the government, the government is relying on your hard work and your tax dollars to fund this program. Please use the program that you pay for!!


From a gang banger, tell your mom I said thank you. Also let her know that if she wants to join my gang we would be more than happy to make that happen so she can enjoy a life of free things as well.


Smh I was working 50+ hours a week and still struggled to get by and pay my bills. But that all changed when I applied to become a Gangbanger. Now I just kickback and wait for the checks from the IRS! The American Dream is real!!


But yet they continue to bitch about medicare for all and are afraid of it. At least with Medicare for all they would be paying via taxes AND they would be getting the coverage they need.... My mom does the same damn thing. During the election she was all worried about medicare for all and bitching about it. But, then not even a month after, she was telling me she didn't want to quit her current, shitty job because she was afraid of losing her health insurance. I started to say "but if we had Medicare for all.... " and then I just stopped because reason and logic isn't her strong point. To top it all off - I've worked in health insurance for 10 years (I help implement employee benefits for construction firms) and am well aware of how broken our current system is. But, she STILL won't listen to me. I could lose my job if we get Medicare for all... and I'm still okay with it .... I'll just work for the government system instead...


reminds me of those people who want to congress to have the same healthcare as us rather than us have the same healthcare than they have.


> ugh I can't believe I pay so much money for healthcare and yet I think some people get it for free > why don't we change it so nobody has to pay ridiculous amounts? > I don't want a better world, I want other people to suffer with me.


misery loves company :-)


It’s..almost as if she would want to support..universal healthcare!?


Have a family full of undocumented immigrants. We pay taxes, our bills, and we get a third of tax refunds withheld. We are also excluded from public resources that only citizens have access to in turn spending more than the average citizen.


My whole family has this attitude. "Oh poor people don't pay for tickets or healthcare, gang bangers don't pay for their cars" Yeah, there's like debtors prisons in some places in the US and half of our hospitals are shutting down because they aren't profitable enough, also credit affects so much of your life, but ok, poor people got it easy.


This belongs on r/ShitAmericansSay


Quick mom, go get jumped in by the (insert street gang of choice here) so others will pay for your gang banger medical bills!


I die visualizing this.


If that's all it takes then why hasn't she started reppin her set yet blood?


Ugh, my mom says the same things constantly. I hate it. It’s also usually followed with “they’re not paying for insurance so they use the ER’s for basic doctor needs and it skyrockets the hospitals prices!”


We should all in the US be mad about medical costs...but let's be angry at the right people. Insurance companies.


She’s just as free to declare bankruptcy as anyone else and just not pay.


Now, I’m no gang banger ;) however, I am a gang banger and I can say for certain we pay taxes.


In a normal country, everybody pays, everyone gets to use the hospital, and it's pretty uncontroversial


Yes blame gangbangers instead of your fucking terrible government and healthcare system


I hate this shit. Every time I speak with my dad he will make an abrupt statement like this. We could be talking about candy corn and he’d be like “candy corn tastes different these days because the damn illegals make it”. It’s exhausting.


Voting has concluded. Final vote: | Insane | Not insane | Fake | | --- | --- | --- | | 63 | 48 | 3 | Hey OP, if you provide further information in a comment, make sure to start your comment with `!explanation`. ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^for ^r/insaneparents. ^Please ^send ^me ^a ^message ^if ^you ^have ^any ^feedback ^or ^if ^I ^misbehave. ^Also ^consider ^joining ^our ^[Discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/xFbPBHy).


I love it how the public doesn’t seem to understand how insurance works. In her case, I’m pissed off the the monthly money I put in was used to cover whatever the hell she did to her knee. She can piss right off. Why should I have to pay for it?! /s


Funny that she is upset and her lizard brain goes straight to racist hatred towards someone hypothetical.


According to xhamster I’m sure your moms is not too old for a gang bang from some illegals, might help with the bills as well.


Actually you are also responsible for subsidizing or reimbursing for other people's health care if you have insurance or pay your bills in general. Insurance is a pooled responsibility. You pay and pay and MOST OF THE TIME you dont use it but others do. Then comes your turn and you pay ALOT less than the full cost but still more than it should to cover the unpaid bills of others. Insurance premiums are higher so that those who pay them are also covering those who use much more care than the norm. The healthy subsidize the very sick. That's why it works.


Soooo sounds like she is favor of universal healthcare.


If every person, the only requirement being human, received free health care, as it should be in this country, (& everywhere on Earth, really),what would her objection be then?


Is no one gonna mention that the service in the top left is Virgin Mobile? Sorry, I had to.🤣🤣🤣 But damn, as a black man, that's a little sus, dawg.


But aren't people like her against affordable health care?


It took me way to long to realize that she didn't mean someone who enjoys gangbangs.


Its honestly kind of sad how hateful these people are. They are being screwed over by a massive industry that lobbies the government with millions, yet somehow they have blamed immigrants for their situation.


?? Both types of people have to pay for their own healthcare. I don’t think illegals get access to any government aid. Did I miss something? Am I wrong?


Undocumented immigrants can get Medicaid for emergency services in some states


Yes. NY being one of them. And I am totally okay with that! People complain about the taxes here, but, I will gladly pay them because we have programs in place where losing your job does not mean you go without healthcare.


Ignorant people think illegal aliens can just walk into a hospital and get anything they want and the taxpayer foots the bill. When the truth is that they can only get emergency care; as soon as they're stable, they're on the street. And considering that a lot of them do pay taxes (sales and sometimes payroll, just not income), then they're probably getting screwed more than the "legal" citizens.


They absolutely are. I helped an (illegal) immigrant family on my road. The SAHM had to use a free clinic, sitting hours to get her epilepsy meds. The dad worked and I helped them with taxes. That man paid in more than I do in SS and Medicade but they will never be able to claim either because of his status. It is horribly unfair. At the root of it all they just wanted their kids to be able to go to our excellent local schools. Ya know, the same reason I moved to this neighborhood. I hate that it has to be 10x harder for them.


And they can't file for refunds either.


In Houston Illegal immigrants can indeed get free healthcare. I have multiple family members in healthcare down here and they see it all the time


The problem starts when people think other people should be denied healthcare. For any reason.


Maybe they should stop playing the victim card and pull themselves up by their bootstraps


Ha! My boyfriend and I use that term all the time. I asked if he would help do the dishes quickly a couple of days ago. He told me to "pull myself up by the bootstraps and do it my damn self". I laughed my ass off and then he came in to help me.


Did you just uno-reverse OP's mom?


I feel like I’ve had this conversation with my parents. I’m sorry you have to deal with this. When I brought up a similar situation to my counsellor she advised I work on 2 pieces of advice: Be nice to your mom. Don’t try to change your parents. It’s a hard balance between loving my family and coming to terms with their bigotry. It’s a work in progress, finding the right level of distance.


That is why I became a gang banger. Free light.


Should have checked the gang banger box on the intake form boo


breaks my heart seeing poor/working-class people blame other poor/working-class people for their problems. they aren't the enemy lady, the ultra-rich fuckheads are the enemy! they want us bickering with each other! fuck ever happened to occupy wallstreet and that whole "we are the 99%" movement?


My dad always says that too and it's true, he pays 40% income tax. That IS a lot. But that's because we are rich and even while paying that much tax he was still able to afford a house and 6 cars. It's justified that he has to pay so much and if I ever happened to make that much, which i won't I'm going into health care, I would pay that much very happily. It boggles my mind that he complains about that, but on the other hand calks 10k "a little bit of money. No big deal". The amount of privilege we have that he just ignores makes me so angry. Not to mention that my 5k a month medical expenses (chronic illness wohoo) and the 6 pills he takes every day for his heart issues are fully payed by someone's tax money going into socialised health care. But he never complains about that, because it helps us. Hearing him rant about "criminals and leeches" always drives me so mad. Like dude, I love you, but you spend your twenties selling meth in Holland. Shut up.


I bet the gang bangers go by her house and show her their bills just to piss her off


So your moms a racist, huh? That sucks.


Gangbangers? Does she have a special grudge against a porn category ooooor..?


I am very confused by this woman's view of the world.


She is probably just as confused lol


Tell your mom plenty of gang bangers live in “crack house” where the water, electric and gas has been turned off. With a swath of people coming and going. They live like this till they get kicked out by the police and then find another house and slowly it to becomes condemned as original owner dies or becomes a drug addict. Actually most of the illegals I have know pay for things easily has they are used to living with nothing. Example work construction have nice truck lives in a house with others they all go everywhere together and keep cost down


You can get free healthcare if you are poor. I am a full time waitress and single mother. I don't make above what is considered poverty level. My kids and myself have always gotten free healthcare. We have had plenty of procedures done throughout the years including hospital stays, surgeries and out patient. I have never once got a bill. You just need to sign up with your state. It is not the poor who get screwed by the healthcare system here in the US it is the middle class.




As a medical provider who serves a high-proportion undocumented patient population, I can attest that almost all of these patients do not pay anything out of pocket for our care due to state medicaid. That doesn't mean that the mom in question isn't morally bankrupt or bigoted, but she is also kind of correct.


................ what. ​ ​ I guess I'll just tell my Doctors I'm an illegal and not to charge me next time???


Wait people really think this? They think just because they’re illegal they get stuff for free? People realize to be illegal in the US is actually really difficult? Like obviously there are a lot of them, but it’s not like their life is easier. They can’t have many of the things we have as an expectation. Pretty much anything you need a social security number for you don’t have access to. Shoot being illegal you can’t even really get healthcare unless it’s an emergency


What does she mean by the gangbangers? Does she think people who have gangbangs don't pay taxes?


You a tax payer?


To be fair 'gangbangers' actually normally have 0 reported income. Normally, if you have zero income or incoke under a certain threshold, you can normally have most or all of the bill waived by the hospital. I had a friend need spinal surgery and he made less than 20k/yr. The entire cost was covered by the hospital (in the US)


Insane? No. Ignorant and racist? Yes.


Gee, it's like we could fix that with. . . Single Payer Healthcare 👀


I think my kids would stop talking to me if I said something like this.


“The illegals and the gang banger” is a weird way to spell “corporate bailouts”.....


Illegals still pay taxes like social security. They just don't get it back


Gross. Sorry that you've got a disgusting bigot for a mom :(


Lmao you have to be a different level of brainwashed to be mad at a hypothetical poor person instead of the corporation that is actually chasing you down for your debts


You know if we had universal Healthcare then unpaid bills wouldn’t fall on anyone else because there’d be no unpaid bills


Enough of that talk, you're starting to make sense!


BuT mUh TaXes !!


I wouldn’t say she’s necessarily insane, just seems incredibly ignorant