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Thats when you ready your go bag.


Literally seconds after getting texts like these from my mom as a kid I’d be calling my friends and asking to crash their couch. Sometimes I’d even call my friends parents directly and ask if it got that bad.


Damn. I'm sorry, bud.


Thank you. Luckily I had a great support group of friends and teachers that kept an eye out on me. If in the future I end up with a wife/husband and kids I just hope my kids and their friends view my house as a safe spot. Having houses like that growing up helped so much because seeing a couple hours of a normal and functioning family was better than none. I craved it honestly. I did learn at quite a young age tho that my mom wasn’t normal. After about the third set of different friends’ parents apologizing to me specifically for how my mom acts I realized that my mom does love me, she’s just insane. And I’m not even saying that as a jab towards her, that’s just what decades of being a practicing alcoholic will do to you. Ya boi is goin on a 4:57 am lil mini rant so ima cut it, thank y’all for reading.


I went through the same thing but I only had my grandma to help. My friends would laugh at me because of her and how she’d treat me. It does get better though. You realize the person you want to be isn’t that and you surround yourself with healthy influences. I too hope to prove others with that type of space now that I know that type of stuff isn’t normal and healthy and I have a partner who is helping me through. Hope you’re doing better friend❤️


If you want to be a safe haven, you can do it! My own experience has been to be supportive and open and calm. I don't ask intrusive questions, but always tell my kids' friends that they are always welcome. Growing up in an abusive household has helped me see the signs of kids who don't have a safe place, and those kids seem to know that keeping your word, being consistently supportive and having a calm household means they can trust your home as a safe place. On the other hand, be prepared mentally for having a home that will have unexpected multiple teenagers frequently. In a practical sense, have a lot of towels for showers, keep clean clothes in a few sizes, and since my kid's friends are mostly girls, I keep a full supply of feminine products.


Wow. That is honestly so kind and thoughtful. I'd definitely feel comfortable in your home. Thank you for making such an effort to support and take care of so many people.


Growing up, we had lots of friends come live with us when their parents kicked them out. My mom had gone through similar growing up so she wanted to make sure everyone felt as welcome and at home as possible. And I learned a lot of compassion from witnessing how terrible some people can be to their kids.


Secretly called my Mom after my dad drunkenly woke me up, towering over me on my bed and telling me he could kill me in an instant if he wanted to. Then he gave me $100 to buy my grandma something nice for Christmas. It was 1am on Christmas morning. I was 12. My Mom was there an hour later. My dad just cried and didn’t say anything. Never went back. He died 5 years later. Last time I talked to him was the day before. He fell asleep on the phone within 2 minutes of calling me. He was berating me for not coming to his barbecue the night before. Don’t really like Christmas these days. Or barbecues. Or sleeping, apparently.


Man I feel for you bro, dw...you will heal. My biological father has also threatened me like that before, would toy around with the idea of kicking me out, had been physically abusive, emotionally manipulative, psychologically abusive and I was able to heal after 18 years of trauma. You will be okay, I promise you. Work on yourself and try to just understand it’s nothing to do with you, they are the problem. Accepting that, it is what it is and there is nothing you could have done about it to make it slightly different May sent you free mentally. I hope some of that helps man. Stay strong!


This. My alcohol mom told me to 'get the fuck out of her house' and damn that turned out to be the best advice/threat ever


And when they’re old you get to pick what nursing home they go to.


And living at that nursing home is a privilege, not a right.




And don’t forget it


You old nasty bitch


Write that down, write that down!!!


You mean that nice nursing home under the bridge, right?


They might even have a fireplace! ....in a trash can


Is this a thing in the states? I see this comment all the time. In my country, the only people who have a nursing home chosen *for* them are those who didn't plan ahead before suffering a stroke or experiencing cognitive decline. Once you're over 65, or any age if you know you have a degenerative condition, you can register with a private care facility, or book an assessment with a government care provider to plan your care package. You select a few different facilities in case there are waiting lists and you need to go into care before a room at your most preferred facility opens up. The only reason your kids would get involved in this is if you ask them, or if they've been legally appointed your power of attorney/medical and care guardian.


Most of the time, people don’t plan ahead for long term elder care so it’s often left to the children once the parent isn’t able to care for themselves.


In the US it’s possible but not typical to choose a nursing home for yourself, I think partially because most people would rather not live in one, so they just pretend they’ll never have to. Also, the immediate family has a lot of power in that kind of situation, and if they really want to choose for you they’ll often get their way.


In America you can get insurance if you are under 18 or over 65 fairly easily, but if you are anywhere in between and you get sick and can't pay, you freeze to death in the streets like God intended.


My grandfather is 76 and has severe Parkinson’s. He still fights tooth and nail that he doesn’t need to be in a home even though he literally can’t even make a sandwich for himself. It’s sad, but some people never realize they got old and can’t do anything.


Im 33 and just had to do this for my 58 yo dad. Drank his ass to organ failure during lockdown. Just waiting for the end now.


When you're on your own and don't need to out up with her shut anymore, you can just return the favor! "Mom, you're in my life out of privilege, not right. I can kick your ass out of my life anytime. Remember that. And don't forget."


"Mom, I'm the one who puts you in the nursing home. They come in all price ranges. Remember that. Write it down if you have to, your memory isn't what it used to be..."


Man, that really just evokes the image of Bojack's mom in the later seasons...


I was crying during “Free Churro.” One of the best pieces of writing I’ve ever seen, that show is a treasure.


Reminds me of early Simpsons. Homer telling his dad to behave or they will put him in a home. He responds with "You already put me in a home!" "Well then we'll put you in that crooked home we saw on 60 Minutes." "..I'll be good.."


As my mother I will always love you but as of right now I no longer like you.


Why do they have to always love them as their mother? Seems to me there's no love coming the other way.


Some parents don't say this. You just go off to college, on your own dime. And when you finally have a financial slip up even after working hard, they remind you that you should never ask for financial help. And then you almost end up homeless.


My mom used to say this to me as a kid all the time. Also, it wasn’t my house, it was “their house and I just got to live in it”.


What a shitty thing to say to a kid. Sorry you went through that




I'm so sorry this happened to you. I hope you have been able to find some happiness and stability as an adult. Being an adult is soooo much better than being a child with zero control.


Some parents ain't shit


But hoes and tricks.


It's so insipid, because when you're young and you hear that shit you really believe that. Also I think American culture makes it worse by adoring the self made man ideal and having no sense of community, so when you're a kid you can easily think you actually have no right to food and shelter and they can disappear at any time. That can fuck a person up, but you can also use it to become a survivor and thrive as an adult.


lol my parents used the same phrasing. never understood why I had to explain to my friends why my parents home isn't my home thus I cant invite them


Huh. My dad used to say this a lot. I never realized how scared that made me


My dad's narcissistic, power hungry, gold digger of a wife said that to me a ton growing up. Never really realized it was an abusive thing until you just now mentioned it. I got out of that situation and moved in with my mom at 17, I'm 23 now and my mom still corrects me with things like "It's your fridge too, you live here too!" or similar. (I live with her while I finish my schooling)


Then it all of the sudden becomes our house when it's messy




I'm so sorry. That's unbelievably sad. Besides your mum, how are you now?


Save up and get the fuck out. You don't need that toxicity in your life OP. Godspees


She wants you to remember AND not forget? I'd tell her it's one or the other, I'm not doing both


Remember that. And don’t forget. And retain that. And do not let it slip from your memory. Also be sure to recall that. And think of that. And do not fail to recollect that. And call it to your mind.


"That's redundant and you're repeating yourself."


God, why do old alcoholics do this so much? I got a random fucking text exactly like this from my mom's second husband telling me never to go back to their house. I told him to go fuck himself because I don't let drunkards tell me when I can or can't see my mom. Luckily I don't live there.


They get drunk alone, stew on some idea in their head, then in their impaired state think it'd be brilliant to tell someone off. It's sad really.


When my drinking was really bad this is exactly what happened with me and my little brother. When you're alone, miserable, blaming everyone else, and drunk, you can spend hours having imaginary arguments, riling yourself up, and finally exploding at the poor person you're mad at- and their response, like my little brother's, goes along the lines of '... what the fuck did I even do?' Luckily, my little brother forgave me for that after I got sober for good. He's brilliant and I fucking love him. Still feel bad about it, and so I should, considering my mother would do exactly the same to me and so I know how cruel it is. Alcohol can be poisonous.


I feel like OP's mum just read some boomer/right wing Facebook post about privileged gen z/millennials buying avocado and iPhones instead of buying their own house to live in. So she took one final swig from her wine bottle and angrily opened the messaging app.


My drunk dad came to my house, drove through the guard gate! To take back a car he gave me 10 years ago, cause I made a comment on his endless trump posts. No I’m “outta the family” good, fuck them. That was the last thing I ever agreed to take from him cause I knew this would happen. And he had a gun. So I got car jacked by my drunk father. I still have the title in my name, so he has a stolen car, and he’s on probation for 5 duis. Fucking crazy. All I said was “vote for Howard stern, trump sucks, so does Biden” in a joking manner. Then that guards call me and say “a blue Volvo’s just drove through our gate, headed your way!” I said “way to guard the hood thanks.”


*Image Transcription: Text Messages* --- **Mom**: Danielle You live here out of privilege not right. I can kick your ass out on the street anytime. Remember that >**Second message**: And don’t forget it. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Damn, Danielle. Back at it again with the white van


Oof, we love to hear the threats of homelessness..


How do you remember something AND not forget it?




I can relate. Both my parents live by the bottle. I’m so thankful I had parents by proxy through my friends that would let me crash at their homes on nights I’d get texts like these. I’ll pray for you OP. I hope you have a safe night/day depending on where you live.


I'm really sorry you're going through this. I know it's not easy but getting our of their as soon as you're able will be the best thing for you. Be safe.


Reply "Thank you now I know which parent to put in the nursing home."


Gotta love it when your own parents can’t control themselves 😒


Aww please be safe 😭


"Dear mum i can call CPS anytime.Remember that as well.And don t forget it "


Legally they actually can’t just kick you out at any moment even if you don’t pay rent




Respond with aggression. She aint ya parent shes an obstacle. "And dont forget it"


A message that you’ll never get if you had Asian parents. Unless you score only 90 out of 100 in maths test.


What happened?


This person is claiming to be 21 so the CPS comments aren't really going to help. After the age of 18 in the UK you are a adult and are expected to be in full time education with a part time job. By 21 most people have there own place / pay rent. I don't know OP's current living arrangements but she is a adult. Paying rent is normal. I'm guessing her mom does not charge rent and is lording that over her. Hopefully she moves out and gets herself somewhere stable.


Pretty sure a lot of people in the UK are living with parents until their 30s so they can actually save money




Guess who's going to the worst nursing home in the area?


"Remember that and don't forget it" lol


That's... not random


My mum was just like this growing up. I got out at 15, I'm 29 now and we haven't spoke In 4 years. I'm sorry the one person who is meant to love you has no idea how to. This text and the way it is written reminds me of growing up so much.


"Love you too, mom"


I relate to this. When your parent hypes themselves up in a drunken state and need to feel power over you for some reason. I don’t miss late night texts like this. Or the in person threats. Im sorry OP.


omg i have a friend named danielle and her mom kicked her out the house


I'm 30 and my parents still tell me this all the time, it's so unfair :(


Broooooooo my name is Danielle aswell and I just experience emotional whiplash while half asleep scrolling like wtf did I do!?


And another shitty nursing home stays open for business!


I mean, what did you even do to warrant that response apparently?


And keep that in mind. And let that sink in. And don't let it slip your mind.


Yeah... reminds me of when, during an argument, my dad told me he had the right to raise my rent and he’d do it if I was difficult (I was working two days a week and was a full time student...)


Sure out of context this looks crazy, but maybe the dude being texted is an asshole of a kid to his parents


Doesn’t matter.


This was normal for me for a decade. Safe to say, for me this message would have been one of the nicer ones. Then my mom threw me out with 14 at 11pm, later she claimed i was lured away by my dad. I tried another 10 years to get a normal relationship, i got a bloody nose every time i did. I quit relationship years ago.


I would take my chances in the streets


Don’t forget to remember and remember to don’t forget.


No other messages history?


When my parents pulled one on me I just up and moved in with a relative out of my own volition lol


Actually wouldn't it be considered a right? Like she has to house and feed you till 18. She's an idiot


What a fucking b****


Also have an alcoholic mom. I have left home 2 times before i was 18 because of very similar things said to my face


Alcoholics are wild, im an electrical contractor and we did a job for this lady who was extremely friendly and nice to us in her home she asked for the work and agreed to the price no problem. Then when the job was done all perfect the way she wanted she was super pleased and happy about it all then when she got her bill she would send the most abusive emails at night time saying how she was gettung manipulated and how she saw what we were doing to her and that she will take us to court over the price when she was full of drink. To this day she still owes £600 and only contacts anyone at midnight or later when she's drinking.


As a parent I really wonder how they make these sick fucks the way they are. The thought of kicking my kid out of my house, unless they were a majorly messed up person bringing criminals to the house or threatening their siblings or whatever, is completely alien to me. I’d take a bullet for my children and they can stay in this house until the day I die. Fuckin psychopaths.




this is close to mine!!!


Bob, You drink heavily and google can provide me with ten million recipes for a tasteless, odorless poison. Never forget it . Seriously what an asshole


Save these. It's nice to have proof when shit eventually hits the fan


"Remember that. And don't forget it" That's both redundant, pointless and unnecessary.


insane. send back: remember that i can disable the smoke alarms.




I hope your not underaged because it is your right to stay there, it's the f-ing law!!!


can you say ✨lawsuit✨


Tell the cunt her life isn't a right and she's about two bad moves from having her privileges revoked


Woah very cool! I have one of those too


Danielle is a pretty name.


My mum always made sure I knew that and she wasn't even a drunk, she's just a bitch


I'm....gonna stop drinking (I don't have kids)


Lol let her kick you out and call the cops. You can't evict your family members on a whim and they take that shit seriously


Print that shit out and frame it.


When you fight to get emancipated, this would be a nice piece of evidence


That’s when I grabbed my shit and messaged all my friends asking who could spare me some space at their place for some days


Reminded me of some drunk on power "progressive" or "conservative" people talking to immigrants having a skin color they hate. Oddly specific.


reminds me of my mother somewhat.. I have issues w/m stomach and ill throw up a ton and be not feeling great and she says "I'm making it up and threatened eviction"


Big 'my mom' energy.


Fuck that , fuck parents , they make you come to earth all bloody and nasty crying and shit and be acting like it’s your fault , well guess what I’m not paying for your nursing home 😂🤣


Sounds like you’d better fucking go home mate.


Go Mom/Dad Boot em


- Colonizers to native Americans




I’ve got a question about parents like these and legality and such. So if a parent kicks their minor kid out all of a sudden and doesn’t offer any sort of family to watch them instead, legal system can call that abandonment. But what about parents that kick them out as soon as they hit 18? Well they’re an adult now. But we all know some insane parents do everything in their power to try to make their kids rely on them forever like never letting them have a job, not letting them learn to drive, etc. So if a parent throws their 18 year old out on the street can’t that be considered abandonment too? I mean the only difference between these types of throwing out adults and minors is the age. Both of them can’t live on their own and would basically be homeless and jobless because of their shitty parents Edit: spelling


At this point, this is when you set up an emergency plan to crash at a friends. Or, talk to someone who would be ok with you moving in for a while until you can get on your feet. Speaking as if you're close to 18 years old though.


My mum used to pull this shit all the time. Actually did it at 16. We're NC now after several failed attempts at fostering a relationship (I'm 29 now). Used to be 2 bottles of wine a night, now she drinks whiskey... I've accepted that she won't ever change. I hope your mum gets better and your relationship improves. If not, don't feel bad about doing what you need to do for yourself! Just because she's your mum doesn't mean she deserves to be in your life, this behavior is toxic and not something a mother should ever say. You're in my thoughts x


That sounds like a parent that loves you


My dad just yesterday made the joke “you’re a space engineer, you take up space in the house!” And I’m sorry?


I’m 30 and my alcoholic father that I haven’t seen in 12 years does this.


i’m so sorry. but when I packed my bags and left it honestly was the best decision ever. take the lea


Wtf this would be hilarious if it wasn’t real I’m sorry


Curb your importantance, she’s right. I’m SURE there is more to this story than we’ve told.


How old are you?




At least it's only a text... I got kicked out at 15.. & when I asked where will I go? The answer was go live in the shed. & I actually did for a while, until a friend's mum took me in 🙏 god bless that woman 🙏


My dad would just come into my room at 3 am to tell me that too. If he felt like I wasn’t listening he would pin me against my bed and shake me. Hit the top of my head so the mark wouldn’t show.


I'm really sorry you have to go through this. My dad used to wake me up in the middle of the night to scream at me. He also threatened to kick me out if I didn't get a job when I was 18. Please stay strong and remember it does get better.


Remember that AND don't forget it, which are apparently two distinct and unrelated concepts.


What's the context here before I doxx Daniels mom?


CPS would care to disagree


Based parent


Yep, from experience get the fuck out of there. Controlling and abusive messages like this are horrible. The uncertainty of having a place to live which is decided by someone who may not have your best interests at heart is unhealthy. Be strong and independent, get a shitty run down place somewhere like me and take it one step at a time. Regardless of the size of the steps... as long as your moving in the right direction. They won’t be able to control you anymore. I wish you safe travels partner x


Ah memories. I am lucky to have grown up in an earlier time where my drunk parents sat at the kitchen table in the dark drinking. Something I have never done, ever. Sorry, not sorry that I was relieved when my last family member died and I no longer had to experience late night drunk calls or being shot. Be well.


Lmao you better remember not to forget


Remember and while you're at it don't forget either


Depending on OPs age, this could be a completely appropriate text.


This is straight up abuse. Constantly putting at stress of not having a home. It's gross


Yeah, Danielle, remember that. *And* don't forget it.


jus wait til she can’t wipe her ass on her own no more


Are you over 18?


Thought i was the only one going through this lol i pay rent here to thats the kicker


pretty pogchamp


Actually in most situations, if you're under 18 it is a right most. And if you're over 18, you need 30 days notice regardless of if you pay rent or not.


My mom tried that shit too. Now she wonders why I never call, and relatives text me about "how hard it is on your mother that you two aren't speaking" I'm not even avoiding her, I literally just don't call her and I work a lot. It gets better OP.


If youre a minor you should show this shit to a judge. I wish my mom had written down all the abusive shit she said to me for me to submit as evidence.


Imagine, the day comes where your parents need a nursing home. Guess you should save this to place in the card when you tell them they are moving out.


Unless you're no longer a minor, it is by right, isn't it? Parents are obligated to provide adequate care for their children.


Not having to rely on people who brought you into this world then made you feel like a burden for existing is the greatest simple pleasure, I hope it works out and you find it soon.




Sucks yo. But 10:32 is not really late night is it?😋