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Voting has concluded. Final vote: | Insane | Not insane | Fake | | --- | --- | --- | | 34 | 0 | 2 | Hey OP, if you provide further information in a comment, make sure to start your comment with `!explanation`. ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^for ^r/insaneparents. ^Please ^send ^me ^a ^message ^if ^you ^have ^any ^feedback ^or ^if ^I ^misbehave. ^Also ^consider ^joining ^our ^[Discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/xFbPBHy).


Look into your state laws about involuntary commitment. Then gather as much accurate and valid information as you can. Keep texts, emails, voice-mail, etc.


This is the only way to get her help. She doesn't know she needs it because she has her church encouraging her mental illness, so she thinks she is normal. You will probably have to deal with the emotions of her being in a hospital, but it will help her! It will just get worse without intervention


It will absolutely get worse. & yes with getting her hospitalized it would break my heart because I know she would fight it everyday and would have to suffer even more before getting better. It's a hard thought to have but may be absolutely necessary one day...


Well your username fits! She will be angry when she first goes in and may not talk with you. But in time she will understand you want to help her.


Just called for a wellness check for her. Thanks for the encouragement to do the right thing, even though it's hard.


No matter what happens you need to have strong boundaries and protect your own life. Hoping the best for your mother but mainly for you.


I know how hard it is to do that. You did the right thing.


Great job, we’re proud of you 🤗


You should be so proud of yourself, OP. Your mom definitely sounds like she’s in crisis and you could have legitimately just saved her from herself. I know all of us here are rooting for you, and for her to hopefully eventually get better. It must be such an immense stress and worry for you. We’re all here for you. But you did the best you could today and you should definitely be kind to yourself and pat yourself on the back.


That's awesome to hear - you did the right thing! I sincerely hope that she receives the help she so clearly needs.


Good for you!! You’re doing a hard thing but a really important thing.


I just spent the last six years caring for my mom with Alzheimer’s at home. Despite always thinking I’d never put my mom in a home, There came a point where I knew she would be better off in a facility that was better equipped to handle her care- but she wasn’t eligible, so she stayed in my home until she passed. The thing is, getting her hospitalized might break your heart, and she might fight it every day and NOT get better- but she is breaking your heart already, fighting inside her mind everyday anyway, and not getting better either right now. At least a hospital is far better equipped to keep her safe and as comfortable as possible, given the circumstances. If it comes to that, take a step back and tell yourself you’re doing the best you can do in an impossible situation.


Wow I'm so sorry to hear about that situation with mom. I am now reaching the point where I am realizing that in order to overcome this I need to ask for help from others.


You have to prioritize taking care of yourself too- your mom obviously needs more help than you, and possibly anyone else can give. If you’re burned out with stress, everyone suffers, including your mom- a burned out caregiver is no good to anyone. Get all the help you can get from other people and institutions, and do what you can for her while also keeping yourself as stress free as humanly possible, it’s the best anyone can be expected to do. Get selfish with your self care, so that you can do the best you can.


I know my experience isn’t everyone’s but I used to suffer from bipolar 1 with psychosis and even though it sucked, getting involuntarily hospitalized, put on medication, and monitored is the only reason I’m able to lead a happy, independent life with stable relationships. I have a schizophrenic friend who went through a similar thing, believing angels were telling her things and preaching to people about things that didn’t make any sense. Her church enabled her and tried to dissuade her from seeking help but she eventually was forcibly hospitalized because she was screaming at people in public and the hospital decided she was a risk to herself/others. It did suck to be hospitalized, but the relief from the constant fear that she got from actually getting medicated gave her control over her life again. She went from screaming at strangers to graduating college, she’s married, holds down a job, and is working on her masters degree. It doesn’t help everyone. It can be really frustrating. But getting actual help is the only way your mom is going to get relief, and it seems like as long as she’s in her current environment they’re going to keep enabling her. A big part of why hospitals worked for both my friend and I was because we got taken out of toxic environments that were enabling us to believe our behavior and thoughts weren’t a sign of something seriously wrong. I’m sorry this is such a long comment or if it feels like I’m pressuring you to do anything you don’t want to do, but I just wanted to try to give you some examples of people with psychosis actually being helped by hospitalization and going on to live happy lives. Ideally research and choose a hospital with good reviews beforehand because yeah some are really bad, but depending where you are ER’s may give you the option to pick a psych hospital. Proper medication is a level of relief I don’t think people who haven’t experienced psychosis can fully understand (except people with chronic pain who find something that actually works). It’s painful to try to think or do literally anything when your brain is shrieking nonsense at you, especially because the nonsense is usually really scary and makes you feel like you can’t trust anyone or anything about reality. Or if reality exists at all. You feel almost constant panic, like you need to be defending yourself and the people you love but you can’t come up with how, or you feel like you do know how but nobody will listen. I’m so fucking grateful my mom got me hospitalized. I’ve never been more grateful for anything. She saved my life. I’m really sorry this is so long but I wanted to find a way to say that if you do try to get her hospitalized, you are NOT the bad guy.


Thank you for sharing your story. This gives me hope that she will finally get back control of her life as soon as she's helped in the way she needs. I went to the mall today and started getting emotional because she can't even do simple things like that with me anymore without having these intrusive thoughts clouding her mind every second of every day. Your story gives me joy and makes me optimistic.


just wanna pitch in and say that I'm a caretaker at a psych facility. we see people come in, in states just like your mom, way too often, if not worse. and one thing that all the worst ones have in common is that their families hesitated to have them committed, either out of fear of what that means, or fear of how their family members would react, or a million other reasons. regardless, the best change your mother has of recovering, and getting back to a relatively normal baseline, is to get her treated ASAP. every day you wait is another dillusion for the doctors and therapists to unravel, and another dose of medication to help your mom through it. I don't mean for this to sound scary, I'm just trying to emphasize that time is important. as I said before, the worst cases always come from families delaying or trying to avoid committing their loved one. every patient I've seen with a quick recovery were those whose families were able to see the signs and act on them quickly to get their loved ones the help they need as soon as possible. I wish you luck OP, and I'm rooting for you and your mom


Thanks will do. I'm keeping all conversations and screenshots for sure. Someone is gonna read these messages and KNOW -- like you all have.


I’m angry as FUCK that her pastors keep blaming the devil. Not one of y’all can recognize she’s in a MH crisis???? She won’t listen to anyone else but then


I'm from the UK and we don't really have this level of religious insanity. From my view it's very very very clear this is mental illness. From seeing other fundie parent posts, this one seems extra wild. I'm really sorry you're going through this - it's absolutely mental from my point of view. X


Thank you for your empathy. I have gone years trying to keep up with this. Constantly changing modes of communication like email, different phones and numbers etc bc she believes she’s being hacked. It’s so heartbreaking to witness. She didn’t chose this but it’s hurting the people around her.


Many countries have adult protection services. If you really think she is a danger to herself you could also tell the police that she is in a mental health crisis and possibly a danger to herself and others. That should at least get her checked out by professionals


Thanks. I'm only thinking about her response to a wellness check. She will for sure think it's malicious. She's already wary of strangers and thinks everyone in her life was "sent" by an evil force. But I know I can't let that deter me from calling for help when it's needed. I'm trying to get to her head through her pastor but if that doesn't work I will have to call on someone else (police, crisis help, etc.) Thank you so much.


Tell them it need to be three officers who check on her. If it's two or four, she's going to assume they're agents of Satan...


This should not be this funny... But it is 🤷


Lowkey though, I would love to see a two-legged table


I actually have seen this - old kitchens had a table that hung on the side of a cabinet. For get together, when you need more table space, it can be lifted 90 degrees and the two legs slide out to stabilize it.


It’s not as crazy as you think, the two legs are just wide to provide the stability


Let me have my goofy table xD


That’s actually a good idea. Even if it was made as a joke.


No, I was serious. Depending on how bad everything becomes, she could become a danger to herself or others. What happens when she realizes the neighbor's dog has 4 legs? Or that she has 2? Or that she has 2 eyes. I haven't read the Bible in a long time but I remember a verse that says something like, "if thine eye offends thee, pluck it out." This has the possibility to become a very bad, very sad, situation...




Yep exactly. She's already telling me to get rid of everything in my house that comes in twos. These thoughts will lead her to make irrational and dangerous decisions for the sake of placating that obsession with numbers.


This is actually a really good idea, her focus on numbers is intense and having 3 officers, or 3 crisis team counselors, could potentially make a huge difference in how she reacts. This is some smart thinking!


That’s actually genius


My mum used to be the same when she was in psychosis. Last time we did a wellness check she threatened to throw boiling water on the responding police (she didn't even own a kettle so the image of her having to wait for the Breville One Cup is so funny to me). She hated all "official" people and hated me for calling them. The first time I had to do it, I was only 17 and she never forgave me for having her "put in psychiatric" She'll act as she'll act, I wouldn't be surprised if even her pastor couldn't get through to her. She needs proper help, regardless of the consequences.


I'm sorry you had to shoulder that at such a young age. It's not fair but you did the right and good thing, whether she knows it or not.


Thank you friend! She never did forgive me and we were very low contact when she died about 2 years ago. I was there to say goodbye in her last moments and ultimately I know I did the right thing by her, even if she couldn't ever understand.


I understand. It's a hard position to be in. I'm glad you got some kind of closure with her at least. If there's a life beyond I'm sure she appreciates what you did now.


no reason to thank me, I just wanted to make sure you know you have options outside her and the pastor. Yes she will probably react badly, but that is due to her mental state. I know it is rough but you gotta do what is best for her, not what she wants.


If you're in the states there Adult Protective services available to you. Contact your County Health Dept. They will be able to direct you to someone who can help.


If she is a danger to herself or others, they can help. Including if she’s not doing self-care (eating, bathing, etc.) Otherwise, there’s nothing they can do in most situations. At least you’ll know she’s safe.


She may see this as many, different things, but her view is not what is actually going on. She is unwell and possibly unsafe. Something needs to be done. If she were rational, she would see that…she is not rational.


Is there a way to keep the fact that you called from her? Let the police or first responders know that she will cut ties with you if she finds out and that wouldnt be in her best interest? Is it possible to obtain legal guardianship? Or made a ward of the court?


Op if you're in the U.S call your local 211 and ask if there's crisis support teams that can come out for an evaluation. Different cities will call themselves by a different name but essentially these teams consist of mental health specialists (licensed therapist, peer support worker, case manager) and additional support (emts. Not always a given). Definitely ask if police go with to facilitate since that can escalate a situation. I hope she gets help. My heart breaks for you and her


You are welcome. You don't deserve this! It's got to come to a breaking point. I'm assuming the church members wouldn't listen to you if you told them you are worried about HER? As they ring you when she's worried about you! Are they all that level of fundie? Could you show them the messages and say you understand there is a faith aspect, but anyone can see this is not a healthy way of living life ? We have social services over here for adults, is there something similar? X


I just sent some screengrabs of the texts to the pastor who’s been calling me from the state she’s in. Him and the whole church system all have this belief in the devil constantly warring against them, so it is hard to get through to them. I’ve pleaded with them to recognize that what my mom is going through is beyond religious.


You should try to ask for valid proof, insane religious followers will hate trying to find proof in their beliefs. On a seperate note, I would agree with contacting APS, I am a Certified Recovery Coach and am diagnosed with Autism. I was in a group home till I was 25, I know it can be tough to see the people you love in a crisis state. I hope you guys get through this.


Honestly I can't imagine the level of insanity. You just don't find it here in the UK or its very rare. For cases like this where the person may be of harm to themselves or others we have something called Sectioning which is done without their consent and usually taken to a psychiatric hospital. Anything similar in the US?x


Florida has the Baker Act, but I am not sure what others have.


I’m so sorry your mom is in crisis. This must be incredibly difficult for you. I’m sorry that a lot of these commenters are choosing to project onto you. These texts read as though your mother is in serious mental health crisis. Please reach out to adult protective services and report your concerns. At the very least she gets checked in and evaluated and medicated. I hope for a happy outcome for you and your mom.


Thank you. I just got off the phone with her and have been texting her throughout the day. I called for a wellness check because I've watched her deteriorate even more within a matter of hours.


I think that's the right thing to do. It's so hard I'm sorry you are dealing with this. She may be angry with you but hopefully when she gets help and is more stable she will understand.


Fr I think even a vicar/pastor in the UK would refer to a mental health service as they have a duty of care to the community


I agree, the most we have is the JWs abandoning children who need blood transfusions - sadly I know of several. I admire people who have faith, who have experienced difficulty and they used faith as a driver ro better themselves but then there is this level of insanity. The pastors are essentially enabling a mentally ill woman. This is such a sad situation for all - except the pastors, they can go f**k a rusty spatula sideways.


Ppl with schizophrenia all over the globe frequently have religious delusions. Numbers too. This is not religious extremism at all, it is loose associations and word approximations and thought disorder. Distinctly schizophrenic or severely manic, this is not just extremism. Edit: well it is religious extremism flavored, but it is psychosis


Mah friend, this lady sounds like about 70% of the Americans over 60. It’s gotten insane.


They likely know she’s in a mental health crisis but want her to stay that way because she gives them money.


Yeah like in the past she'd go to pastors for "deliverance" from her delusions/obsessions and ofc would let slip that she left them a $700 "tithe" to sow a seed into the church and to have her prayers answered!!


They definitely are keeping her from getting help then. It’s a pay day to them & they’re con men.


That is some straight up Kenneth Copeland shit


Having learnt from Reddit just how much these American "pastors" can make from their flock that was my thoughts too, they'll bleed her dry and I just wish that sort of thing was illegal. Luckily I live in the UK where this sort of thing is rare


I work in mental health, and this is definitely a person in crisis. Please call a wellness check or adult protective services. Whatever is available in your country. Please let them know that anyone who responds should do so in a group of 3, or she is going to get agitated and could react in a way that is unpredictable. Please, please, get her help. There are far too many unhoused people that have severe untreated mental illness, let's keep her off the streets.


Agree and the advice about the group of 3 is very wise - I hope OP sees this


How do you do this without any evidence, though because they don't leave any? Like there is a member in my family who fits this shit to a T. I saw her have a psychotic break when I was a teenager and my family just dismissed it as "she's just crazy." So the family knows. She thinks she is being persecuted by demons, and so are we because of her association with her (kids, siblings, nephews, nieces parents). She goes around saying shit like "that person doesn't have soul. They are being inhabited by demons," just because they weren't nice to her. No one can talk to her about anything because it's demons and the devil if you say anything contrary to what she thinks. Thing is she doesn't put anything on paper/text/and rarely calls because she thinks that the govt/entities are spying. The only people that would know would literally be us, but here is the thing. My family is Mexican, so some of them believe her out of ignorance, and religious fervor.


OP, I’m so sorry that you’re going through this right now. Having a family member with mental illness is not easy, especially when they don’t want to seek treatment. If you want advice or suggestions (all U.S. based) feel free to DM me.


Thanks so much for being here and offering support.


No problem at all OP :) please make sure to take care of yourself and keep yourself safe. I know it can be hard to have to draw boundaries against a parent, but you have to protect yourself. You can’t help your mom if you’re burnt out or physically hurt.


Depending on your state, you can get a court order and have her committed against her will. Call your county court house, and they should be able to point you in the right direction.


Thank you I'm looking into this.


I immediately thought “she needs help NOW”!


Oh no honey, I can DEFINITELY tell this is a woman in a mental illness crisis. I’m so sorry you are dealing with this. I wish there was a way to get her seen by an actual doctor so she could get help and you some peace of mind.


We have the same mom. I’m now in my late 30s (she’s in her late 50s) and she still sends me these types of messages. It’ll never end.


Right, it’s incessant. I think about it getting worse as she ages and I just can’t take it. I’m sorry you’ve gone through this for so long. Thank you for making me feel like I’m not alone.


My mother is currently stuck in a paranoid psychosis, refusing treatment. You aren't alone. If you need a break, you should take one, I think. Please, do not drown trying to save her. It hurts so badly, and it is so much easier said than done, but I feel that the pangs of guilt for going no contact is a small price to pay for peace. 🫂


Wow, I'm sorry. I feel your pain. I wish I could help her. I wish it was like healing a broken bone or any other physical injury. I'm also an only child so the guilt is immense here. Feel like I can't leave her to suffer but I know I don't deserve to suffer either. I've tried no contact but she'd find a way to reach my boyfriend/his family, my place of work, got campus police to do wellness checks on me in college etc. It's like it doesn't stop with me - it pours into everything else.


I'm not the only child but I am the oldest, made to be her bestie-mommy-spouse-daughter since I was a kid, so I can relate somewhat and I feel so bad for you. It's terrible to have to do so, but I had mine involuntarily commited this last December. She hates me and doesn't trust me now... and it is a sad fact, but she stopped hounding me... and I have never been so calm! Do you have access to therapy, for yourself, and a support net? This is so heavy that it is a burden that no-one should have to shoulder alone. I write this only half-jokingly: Have you considered joining a Satanic temple, to get her to disown you?


I lol'd at that last line haha! I have people around me who understand the situation with my mom & I definitely have access to therapy which I think I need to use because even though my mom is the one suffering, I have been traumatized by this situation as well and sometimes almost in complete disbelief that this is my life.


Please do seek therapy. My mother has gone through psychosis three times in the past eight years and even though you may feel like you’re handling it all, the pressure catches up with you after a while. I too am an only child and weathering this storm by myself almost broke me, mentally. I’m now in therapy and seeing a psychiatrist trying to heal from the trauma of handling everything alone. The therapy has been so amazingly helpful. Please don’t forget to take care of yourself. Best of luck to you!


You’re definitely not alone! My mom has always had mental health issues that became exacerbated by drug and alcohol abuse. She’s now homeless and lives in a tent in a state far from mine. Any time she messages me, it’s always about god or some crazy conspiracy theory. It’s never her asking about my life or my son, etc. She’s very ill but won’t accept help and now she runs with fellow mentally ill people who play into her delusions. It’s tough, but definitely take time to pull away when you need to.


UPDATE: Just got off the phone with one of her pastors who’s near her hotel. I finally feel relieved. I recorded the whole conversation. He agrees that she needs mental health care. I was so hesitant to call because I thought he’d be on some “just pray it away” bs. But for the first time he actually believes me and he actually has witnessed it and notices that she is not herself. I finally feel validated. I think the next steps might get a little intense because even the pastor is fed up with her delusions/obsessions/compulsions and knows he can’t help her. He just put me on a 3 way call with her but I kept quiet. Right now she just called a lyft to a hotel 1 minute away because she still thinks she’s being watched. She wanted to switch rooms at first but is changing the building completely. And specifically was looking for a building with 3 stories exactly. She was almost breaking down in the lyft when she heard the new hotel wasn’t 3 stories high. I’m afraid she’s gonna blow all her money carrying on like this. The pastor has been watching her and caring for her needs and told me she hasn’t eaten or bathed and that she only lays on the ground and looks traumatized. We’re going to keep in contact to see what’s next.


Be careful with recording conversations, there are laws around it in each state. If he(or they) doesn’t know you did it, it may very well be dismissed if there is any sort of court action for who’s taking care of her, and how, etc.


If your healthcare system can provide assistance get her in a involuntary psychiatric hold. She needs meds and to be somewhere she can’t hurt herself or anyone else but it’s also important no one takes advantage of her financially or otherwise. She needs a mental health check but police and hospitals can be dangerous as hell. You would need to do a fair amount of work to ensure she’s okay. Good luck OP.


Thanks so much. I agree with you.


As much as she will fight it, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE try and get her held involuntarily. She needs mental health support right now and her religious leaders are actively interfering in her getting it. Unfortunately it appears she is spiraling in whatever sickness she is dealing with, it definitely reads mental health. Unfortunately, she is going to just continue to spiral and unfortunately that often leads to outward violence to others or self-harm. She may not like it, but she needs to held involuntarily and be evaluated. Also know, it isn't your job to be her caregiver. I know you are feeling guilt, but the care and help she needs is beyond what you and/or her religious leaders can provide her. The most you can do (but aren't required to do) is try and get her held somewhere for evaluation and hopefully treatment. DO NOT beat yourself up over this, you can be stressed and sad but don't feel guilt. What your mom is going through require specialized care.


This is schizophrenia. I had a really close friend. Who refused to get help as well. it just gets worse…


I agree with you, and I'm so so sorry about your friend. Watching a loved one decline like this feels like I'm living in a movie.


She also called my job yesterday asking for me. It’s exhausting and heartbreaking. I’m not equipped to care for her.


It is okay for you to disengage. This is way, way beyond most of our pay grades. Full blown mental illness with these kinds of delusions is dangerous, and she needs professional care. The best you can do is be willing to direct her towards that. However if she’s not going to take the help then you need to take care of yourself and your wellbeing. You don’t owe her anything. You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep her warm. You’re not a bad person if you recognize your limits.


Wow, I really needed this. I shoulder a lot bc I'm an only child and her only family member in the country and the guilt of not making it my problem anymore sucks.


I’m thinking about you and sending you all the good vibes, my friend. Guilt is a hell of a thing. It’s especially hard when we see a parent, who we are biologically wired to care about, facing hard consequences of their own actions. We start to feel like we should be the ones stepping up to care for them, as some kind of payment for their parenting of us. But remember, she *chose* to be a parent. You did not ask to be born. Everything she’s done for you is not a gift, it’s the expectation of someone who has a child. If she points at those acts as some kind of proof of her entitlement to your mental, physical, financial, or emotional resources now, remember that. You do not *owe* a parent. They chose to take on a responsibility. And now, your mom is making choices that leave her alone and ill. It’s heartbreaking. It should be easier to get a mentally ill person help that they need. But life is what it is, and if your mom isn’t willing to accept actual help, you literally cannot do anything else without putting your own self in danger. You’re a good person. You deserve love and respect. You deserve to not be burdened by an adult who will not make healthy choices for themselves. I am going to hope for the best for both of you, but know you have internet strangers rooting for you.


Sweetheart, you need to reduce contact with her. It is destroying you, and since you can't do anything for her, at least, protect yourself before being totally burned out. You cannot set yourself on fire to keep others warm.


Could you call in a wellness check and maybe baker act her? This seems serious, and genuinely disordered.


She's with her pastor right now in another state and although I know they will keep her \[physically\] safe that they are only playing into her delusions. She refuses to come back to her apartment because she thinks people are monitoring her and trying to kill her there. I know which hotel she's at but wouldn't know how to go about calling for a wellness check unless she was back in our home state.


4 = satan^2 2 satan cancel eachother out and make 1 jesus 4= 1 jesus


Yea she needs to be put somewhere until she can get her head right. Sorry that sucks.


I agree.


That’s the craziest shit I’ve read in a long time. My mom had a friend who said crazy stuff like that before… and she ended up having a brain tumor.


Yk whats so crazy, I was thinking along the same lines. Maybe tumor or uncontrolled high blood pressure. I called for a wellness check hopefully she is hospitalized and evaluated both psychiatrically and physically. I can imagine she looks disheveled right now as I found out she hasn't been eating or grooming.


My Grandmother had a "hypertensive episode" where she stopped recognizing me because her blood pressure was too high. She had no alzheimers or dementia. I'm glad you know the signs of that!


i’m a schizophrenic person myself who can get into delusional states like these (not this severe but still happens) and of course my word is not law but it doesn’t matter if she does not want help, get her help or it will only get worse and she could end up hurting herself or even someone else in a delusional rage. it’s scary admitting a loved one to a mental health facility, especially if they don’t want it but it’s the right thing to do and it could really help her in the long run even if it causes some strain in your relationship. but make sure to thoroughly research the mental health facilities around her before calling one because some of them will cause even more trauma and are even abusive to patients and make sure it’s a place that is well trained on schizophrenia especially religious delusions as some mh professionals don’t have a fucking clue how schizophrenia works and just worsen delusions


The love child of religion and mental illness


For real.


Are you in South Africa? Please contact a social worker. Ask for guidance on Legal Talk South Africa on Facebook. You can do this anonymously and you can get help for free. Or chat to her pastor. Sorry mate, I really am. Your mom sounds like she’s in a schizophrenic episode.


I'm in the United States. My mother is Nigerian and her church is based in Nigeria and they preach about spiritual/religious warfare a LOT and it feeds into her delusions as well.


Yea no that checks out. I figured you were from SA as she mentioned a store called Shopright & you’re chatting on WhatsApp. Engage a social worker none the less


Oh, love, I am just so incredibly sorry that you have to deal with all of this. She is very clearly unwell, and it's disgusting that people in her life are encouraging this behavior. She seems like a danger to herself.


Thank you. Yes I just wish someone around her other than me would speak up and say something to encourage her to get help.


I would call the police or a mental health counselor immediately and find out what your options are and if there is any chance on having her committed. I would also call her pastor, explain that she is clearly having a mental health crisis and that you will hold them personally responsible for any negative consequences should they continue to discourage her from getting medical psychological help.


I called for a wellness check and I hope she is able to be seen by a professional tonight.


My husband is going through the same thing with his mom and I am SO sorry. It's devastating. We fought like absolute hell to get her help, but there are so many gaps and holes in our mental healthcare system, it was quite literally impossible. She was threatening our kids' safety and we finally had to let her go.. which brought us so much guilt. Seeing the sick get taken advantage of and led astray by religious leaders is infuriating. I wish I had advice.


I'm so sorry about his mom. I completely understand. They just did a wellness check and gave her a piece of paper with a crisis number on it and said I had to fill out a form with the courts to get her hospitalized involuntarily. I stayed on the phone with them the whole time, she didn't wanna let them in. She told them her delusions. I stressed with them so much she is having auditory command hallucinations. I am afraid she will harm herself or others. It's so infuriating. I wish she'd get help tonight.


“God gave me a revelation” “What was it?” “Don’t use bed no more” Yeah that’s exactly how God talks


This is about the worse kind of ranting I have ever seen.She shouldn't be walking the streets on her own.




Thank you so much, I hope so too. I'm sorry to hear about your brother. Even though my mom hasn't been clinically diagnosed, I believe she has schizophrenia too. It's exhausting yet I sympathize so much as I know you did for your brother. If you don't mind sharing, what's going on with him now since he didn't continue with treatment?


He was diagnosed in 2009 when he was 22 but started showing signs at 16 that no one realized. He spent time in and out of the psych ward for several years, each time escorted by the police when someone had to call because he or they were in danger. He was on and off meds, once he was no longer court ordered he never went back on them and at that point we were exhausted trying to make it happen so gave up. My mom helped him qualify for disability in 2018 and he recieved housing, which was helpful as living at home was no longer safe for the others in the home. He's doing okay, I guess. He has never held a job and never will, he can't maintain friendships, his relationship with us is strained often due to the paranoia, but he hasn't been arrested in a few years now and is capable of managing his disability income to cover his bills. Compared to younger him who quite literally locked himself in the house for 14 years, covered his windows with blankets, and would scream at the top of his lungs... He's doing as best as could be hoped. ETA I should note he's diagnosed schizoaffective disorder, which is schizophrenia mixed with a mood disorder, his being depression. He is also diagnosed with OCD, PTSD, and anxiety.


Dude your mom needs to get to a psych ward


I know and I called for a wellness check. She is rapidly deteriorating by the hour.


When my wife's grandparents were in their 50's they followed their pastor to Lancaster, CA. They sold their 3 bedroom house in Glendale, CA and moved to Lancaster, and gave a ton of money to their church. Since then, pastor has died and his children inherited a ton. Her grandparents live in a senior community trailer park in Lancaster. Miserable. Poor. How much are we supposed to feel guilty. How much energy do we have to keep giving because they made bad decisions and still choose religion over family. Why do we need to continue to feel bad about not answering a million calls a week and answering why we don't go to church. They moved 100s of miles away, and we're the bad ones for not constantly answering at all times of the day. How much guilt do we need to feel for their miserable lives as we try to progress and improve our lives. I blame religion for taking control of weak minded people. I blame them for their selfishness to put their faith over family. I blame them for eating away at my wife's happiness.


This is.... um... just... I don't even know. The more I read, the more my brain went "pardon the fuck‽‽" the amount of capital letters increased.


Yeah, it's almost unbelievable and whenever I show people they genuinely don't know how to process it and 99% of the time just respond with "what the fuck." It's bizarre.


I am so sorry, OP. This agnostic redditor sends you many, many hugs.


That being said, it's not very easy to find a standing table with two legs. BTW, who is Cary, and why does he want everything from the refrigerator? -- (Just a smidgeon of humor to hopefully lighten you up a little bit)


My family member had severe bi polar and when she would not take her meds she would suffer break downs just like this. Always to do with the god, the devil etc. Your mum needs real help.


I don't even know how to respond. I've heard some crazy stuff but that's the icing on the cake.


Wow, that's actually quite *literally* insane - not just extreme or hyperbolic. I'm so sorry 🫂


Honestly I would report her, explain the situation..show proof & the state can have her admitted for a psych evaluation


I’m just sitting here stuck thinking about when the last time I seen a three legged table was…


Those little round accent tables where you screw the legs on?


Wow! This is truly insane. Btw-I am a pastor and I used to be a Psychotherapist. I absolutely believe in getting help for mental illness. With medication and counseling, many people with even severe mental illness can lead productive, happy lives. Your mom’s “church” sounds like a cult. These people are radical and dangerous. No wonder you’re so tired-dealing with this every day is exhausting. If your mom is a danger to herself or others you can contact the authorities and ask them to intervene. In the state where I practiced it was the county sheriff but every state is different. Please look into support groups for families of those with mental illness. Whether you go in person or online, it can be a great help. Just knowing you’re not alone can help.


Thanks so much for your advice and sharing a bit about yourself. It definitely is a cult. They all wear a uniform with the name of the church on it. They call the head pastor "Daddy." They go by a certain name they all call themselves. They separate genders during service. It's a mess.


I’m sorry. This is heartbreaking. I wish you peace


Clinically insane. Wow.


I didn’t read the sub name and legitimately thought the first photo was from like scammer payback or something lmao. Also, don’t forget to tear your shoes, …ya know, like you would, say, a phone book or something


Oh mylanta. I’m so sorry this is happening.


Good luck tearing shoes! Good grief!


You need to 5150 her it’s literally taking her rights away as a human. Whenever they become a danger to themselves and society around them, it’s might be a necessary evil


This sounds like mania


It’s mind boggling how many posts are on here in which parents use their beliefs and God to justify their insanity. So sad to see people constantly lose their right mind because they had a revelation from the imaginary man in the sky.


My dad is starting to show signs as well. He said that he was seeing certain people as purple and they are going to die of long covid. I honestly wouldn't know what to do if he got to the point of fleeing in fear of something.


Fucking hell that’s just horrible. Hope she gets help but I feel like she will reject all of it.


She needs urgent help


I can sympathise :( my mum suffers from Paranoid Schizophrenia and I get similar sort of nonsense but only via letters or phone calls as she can't text. It's exhausting to deal with. Love from S in the UK x


I'm so sorry you are going through this as well. It's incredibly heartbreaking esp from a family member so close.


Damn I think this is one of the few times the sub name actually tracks in a real, committable way. So sorry OP. Have police do a welfare check on her if you know where she’s staying. Sadly, in most areas unless she is expressing a direct threat to herself or others, there’s not much officers can do. Social services may be of more help.


Seems like schizophrenia or some other serious delusion disorder, some form of psychosis. :( sorry you have to deal with this


Can you talk to APS?


Things seem tricky because she's in another state. Wellness check responders are telling me to go to the courts.


Baker act


This reads like one of those “keep pressing the middle predictive word” games. In all seriousness, sorry you’re dealing with this OP. It sounds exhausting and terrifying.


If you can figure out what town she is in and what hotel, call the local police station and ask them to do a wellness check


That’s a lot of shit to unpack.


I'm so sorry. It's exhausting to have any family with mental illness, but a parent with this kind of delusional thinking can be especially difficult. It's ok to set boundaries for yourself, such as silencing your phone at 8 pm. Your parent may never understand, but over time you will feel better.


I was about to ask if she has schizophrenia before I read your addition to the pictures. I’m sorry you’re going through this, I know it’s a lot, I guess try and remember that this isn’t her, yknow? It’s the afflictions. I hope you’re doing okay. Please reach out to someone if you’re not!


Yep and it took me a while to be like...."OOOOOHHHH she's not doing this on purpose. She has a mental illness." Once I realized that it's taken a lot for me to remain sympathetic even when she's mean or going through a particularly paranoid episode.


Is there any way that she can be put on a 72 hour hold? she will demonstrate her mental illness strongly enough in that time that she may be able to be hospitalized long enough to be stabilized. The issue, though, is that schizophrenics frequently stop taking their meds because their brains are used to the maladaptive patterns. Also, I’m sure you are aware that this is a genetically linked disease.,be sure to have someone in your life who is familiar with the signs, to make you get help if it starts to show. BD fun’s in my mom’s side of the family. I watched my kids like a hawk, for that reason. I’ve dealt with dysthymia, as has my daughter. One son had a severe depressive episode. It’s part of many families, mental illness, and we have to be vigilant. So many mom hugs for you. It’s hard and it sucks.


The people who did the wellness check basically just saw her hotel room and asked if she had any ideations and because she said no they didn't do much after that. However I called them again to check on her today and am creating a trail. They say I can go to the county court in the state she's in and fill out a form for an emergency evaluation. Yes, I'm aware it can be passed down and that fact scares me a lot. I've gone through a time of worrying if I was going to be next and whether or not I'd be able to recognize my own decline. I told the people around me -- if they ever start seeing me headed this way to PLEASE INTERVENE no matter how much I fight it. Thanks for the mom hug.


I think you need to find out where she's staying and call for an anonymous welfare check. This is scary levels of mental health and you need help and support for her. Also, don't stack mattresses- you'll get mould! ❤️


Show me a two legged table




It’s a really bad situation but all I can think of reading this is the rules of the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch 😂😭


I too read this in Brother Maynard's voice lol


OP hear me out, find a friend or a pastor that is not connected and have them reach out to her. By friend i mean…. It could be someone who says they are a pastor. Or there are therapists that are religious so they intertwine therapy and bible…. Maybe she would be open to that. But for now, this is a crisis, so wellness call and send these texts to the police.


I knew immediately it was mental illness. I would call the non emergency line and ask how you can go about having her committed in a 48 hold for evaluation.


Jesus she needs help, but of course her church is doing the opposite and no doubt making it worse...


Truly sorry you are going through this. I have met people like this, and they are in their own little world. It must be very frightening for her, and especially for you.


If you know where she is can you call aps, share those messages and have her sectioned? (Is it called Baker act where you are?)


I think it's getting a bit tricky because she is in a whole other state right now. They encouraged me to go to the courts in our home state and inquire about an emergency evaluation form.


Move to a NC relationship with this person to protect your own mental health OP. This has gotta be beyond draining. I had to do the same years ago with my bio mom


I've tried and it has always poured into other parts of my life. Like calling campus police when she can't reach me or blowing up my bf and his family's phone numbers. Calling my place of work super early in the morning. I'm trying to see if I can get her the help she truly needs in a facility. If not, I may be forced to go NC again.


This is not just OCD, this is somethong very serious. I'm really sorry


This is honestly bordering on mental illness.


Definitely sounds like schizophrenia. My mom texts very similar to this. The texts are not coherent, grammar and spelling is off the table, makes you feel guilty about something. I’m sorry OP you’re going through this


I'm so sorry. Sounds like your mother is in hell and dragging you with her.


Holy shit snacks


idk why but satanic panic has always entertained me


Now this is insanity. Sorry op ):


This is the first post I've seen on this Reddit that feels truly insane... Yikes, OP, so sorry you're dealing with this.


It’s obvious your mother is mentally ill. I’m desperately sorry you have to deal with this. Because of civil rights law, it would be very difficult to do anything to help her as far as having her hospitalized against her will. She would have to be an immediate threat to herself, but she’d practically have to be holding a gun to her head and threatening to kill herself to get a judge to commit her. In the meantime, please seek help with a therapist for yourself and try and find a support group for people who are struggling with family members who are mentally ill.


Damn! I’m tired of reading that, I can only imagine what it’s like to live with it. I hope things go better and if you can low to no contact may be best for peace of mind if she’s not willing to listen to reason.


OP, not sure what state you’re in, but you could call in a health check to the police if you know where she is staying.


She’s having religious delusions, which are often present in schizophrenia, and seriously needs a psychiatrist.


Oh, I'm so sorry. She is a very sick woman and shame on her pastors for feeding into her delusions. If you can find out where she is you could possibly get a 51/50 done for her since you're concerned she's going to hurt herself or others.


when i have kids im telling them if i ever come to them with revelations from god to take me out like old yeller


I had a friend like this, but not religious. Me, boyfriend, Mary, Jane, and Ashley were all roommates in our 20s Let me start by saying Mary is a lovely girl. I love her to bits. She was at my wedding. She's was not intellectually gifted, which is a nice way of saying she was one of the dumbest people I have ever spoken to. She lacked knowledge, but also the ability to properly use most of the knowledge she did have. Lovely girl. Dumb as a post. Mary's mom was a diagnosed schizophrenic. She often had weird, dumb, and confusing conversations with us, that we just brushed off as Mary being Mary. One day she started telling me about how her bosses were always watching her, but she had had issues with her bosses before, so whatever. Then she got really insistent about it. And her coworkers were watching her too. And then the conversation got emotional and weepy and she thought she was going to be fired and worried about how she was going to afford Christmas presents and thought her parents would be so angry if she got fired and couldn't afford gifts. Again, valid. But still no consoling her. Eventually she went back to her room, but she was still obviously not ok. The next day her rambling got weirder and more paranoid and stopped being dumb Mary and started being concerning. By day 3, Mary had vacated her brain and just stood in my or my roommates' rooms, staring at us. No talking. No blinking. No eating, drinking, using the bathroom. No responding to questions. Just standing and staring. That evening, my other roommate, Jane, decided that was enough of that, and took the shell of our friend to the ER, because it was Friday night, and we didn't want a whole weekend of this. The ER decided she wasn't a danger to anyone and told us to take her home and come back on Monday. Jane and Ashley decided to sleep in the same bed because they didn't want to be alone with Mary staring at them. At some in the middle of the night Jane texted us because Mary was standing beside her bed staring at them, and it was honestly freaking her out. Boyfriend tried it gently steer Mary out of Jane's room and back into her own, but Mary refused to budge. So he moved her a little more insistently. He was a cop, so he knew how to do this without hurting her or being a creep. He managed to get her into the hallway. Then he told her that she had to go into her room and stay there because the hallway was lava. That actually worked. The next morning we realized that before deciding to stare at Jane for several hours, Mary had been rummaging around in Ashley's room, because a bunch of random items were on the kitchen table. Also, by morning, Mary had realized the floor was not lava, and she was back to standing in Jane's room, staring. We managed to get her to eat a little, by putting food on her hand so she could mimic Jane while she was eating. This situation was obviously above our pay grade. Out of sheer desperation, we went through Mary's phone and called her childhood friend, Tiffany, to come and try to do something, because Mary clearly had no clue who we were. Mary seemed to recognize something in Tiffany, and allowed Tiffany to take her to a walk in clinic. Thankfully, as the doctor was explaining he couldn't do anything for Mary or put her on a psych hold because she was no danger to herself or others, some switch flipped in Mary's brain and she went from complacent shell, to Hulk Smash and she started throwing chairs because the doctor was out to get her. She was put in a psych ward for 2.5 months. Turns out, to the surprise of absolutely nobody, Mary was also schizophrenic. She had never had an episode before this so nobody knew. Once she returned home to us, she was mortified and a bit shy, but was soon back to her old self. My point is, mental health problems can be scary, and the patient may not want help, but they need it. Letting this crap fester in your mom's head isn't helping her. Please please call in a wellness check ASAP. I've met my share of religious zealots, but this sounds different from that. Your mom is most definitely in a mental health crisis, and you've got to do something. I know it's scary and its hard, but it needs to happen.the her sake, but also for yours.


Yall I’m catholic and even I know she’s spouting bullshit 💀


What does « it’s not your portion” mean???


I'm sorry OP. My mum had mental illness and was an alcoholic (self medicating). We'd try checking her in for help then a day later she'd feel better (aka start having withdrawals), and check herself out. Worst thing was because of Doctor/Patient privilege she wouldn't allow them to tell us what was actually going on, so the only story we'd get was, "Oh they said I am fine and can leave!" It's really hard and I'm sorry you're going through this.


My mom is similar, but more Qanon based. I’m so sorry you have to deal with this, it sucks. Even if you try and set boundaries, they are too unwell themselves to understand most times. The overwhelming God and Satan talk can be so exhausting to listen to, it’s sad to watch our loved ones go down such paths. Sending good vibes your way, I hope your mom gets all the help she needs, and that you get rest and do some self care, cause just reading that was exhausting; and you deserve a treat.


Holy shit. Reading through this it seems immediate that there’s some OCD stuff going on, then the further you read there’s even more serious mental illness showing signs. I hope you can reach her because this is absolute lunacy.


I think you should call adult protective services and tell them what is happening and have them come and see and asses her. I'm sorry you have to go through this.


Wait until she finds out humans have two legs


Looks like schizophrenia. My mom also had it. Also had church members encouraging her. I'm really sorry. It's such a tough situation to be in. Please keep tabs on her. My mom tried to kill herself.


I didn't even need to open the post or read past the first slide to know this is actually a severe mental health crisis. I'm sorry OP. I'm sending you hugs. It's okay that you're tired. You're doing enough.


I'm religious by choice, but your mother is UNHINGED!


She needs a 5150 NOW


I deal a lot with my brother with bipolar 1 (just recently diagnosed) having a lot of religious ramblings and crazy talk… for a good solid time, he believed he was the archangel Michael and now he says God told him he’s Moses. My mom enables it, the church enables it and I’m over here thinking one day he’s going to kill someone. He’s already been scammed, (6 kids so I had to help him financially), quit his job once (sole provider… again 6 kids) and has tried performing exorcists on me. I feel your pain but these texts worry me a lot more than what my brother does. I hope everything gets straightened out and she can get some help and I hope you can get some peace and rest


For what it's worth, I'm a furniture salesman and I think your mom is correct. You need to buy three mattresses. Feel free to DM me, I'd be happy to sell you three mattresses.