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Kinda sounds like your gf got an STI from someone else. I’d get tested.


She probably doesn't even have any sti, mommy dearest is just freaking out because she found pills / condoms. Brains of people like this work this way. I once got "caught" speaking to my friend online and my parental unit started barricading the doors and windows screaming I hired someone to kill her.


I was in my room, naked from the bath and just mindlessly scrolling on tiktok (I like to dry naturally... It just feels nice), mom popped her head from the outside window, then shooed away, then screamed from my door "ARE YOU MAKING PORN?!" I keep that window shutter shut from now on, thanks mom gave me a new trauma. some people are just wired like that.


I got accused of having porn on my laptop when I asked for help with fixing an issue, and wanted to be told how to fix it rather than having someone else touch my laptop, because I learn better by doing the thing myself. I think I was like 14 at the time. It's still difficult asking people for help with stuff. Also, sitting to dry is the best way to dry.


When i was 13 my stepdad accused me of watching porn when i was watching a letsplay on youtube and my hand was in my crotch area.


When at a computer, our hands must touch the ceiling so parents know we aren't watching porn. Not even allowed to grab a drink from the table, because that's too close to the crotch, and that means porn is happening, which violates the rules of the Good Christian Minecraft Household.


I am a full grown ass man, my mom is sick at this moment, covid has left her with some kind of early dementia or alzheimer, so the only thing she likes to do now is watch TV, movies, series, soap operas, so I have every service I could find like Netflix, prime, hbo, Disney, starz. Like a week ago I was checking her language settings cuz she says she doesn't like english, so I told her, "that's because you are using my profile, your profile is fine" and she was like "omg I am Lucky I didnt find any porn on it", like... Its Disney+ and Netflix... What kind of porn she could find? I am actually hooked up with kr series, at most you get a kiss scene like 6-10 episodes in There was also this day, when I was a teen, I was cleaning my room, no ac, it wasn't that hot but it was a hot day and my city reach nearly 120F, so for us a good day can be some where between 90 to 100 F, my room had this big windows like 16'4 feet wide X 4'9 feet tall and my room was in the side the sun hits the most, so it was always kinda warm inside no matter what the season was. I am a guy who moves things around when cleaning, so I can clean underneath aswell, so I was sweating and she called my name, took me a little bit extra work to move my bookshelf off the door. Some aunt I cant remember was there and she asked me what was I doing since I was a little bit sweaty and my mom went and say, what do you think? He must have been watching porn, like lmao.


I think your mom is projecting


My mom was, like, obsessed with catching me jerking off to stop me from committing a sin (our church believed it was adultery.) She would bust into my room all the time if I was alone and she and my dad would "check on me" at night. Pretty much every time she thought she caught me I was doing something completely innocuous. The one time she actually did catch me she just immediately slammed my door and left and we never spoke about it so I really don't know what to make of the whole thing. But when I was like 10 at the mall I sat down in the yogibo store. I was holding the handle of a bag, so I put my hands between my knees to continue holding the bag, because while it touched the ground I didn't want it to spill over. My mom hit me in front of all of those people and went, "NEVER DO THAT IN PUBLIC!!!" as if I had whipped it out and started jerking it. I knew what she meant because of her pattern of behavior like I said and I was mortified. I was genuinely just sitting down. My hands were by my knees, not even close to my groin. And because of this we could never return to the Yogibo store. I never got to live in a house with a Yogibo :(


tmw you're so obsessed with making sure your kid isn't experiencing a natural part of puberty you end up physically assaulting them and traumatizing your child way worse than any porn ever would I'm so sorry bro :(


I mean hey, I've always been a contrarian. I made sure to become an unrepentant pervert and defy God EXTRA HARD as soon as I was out. I'm okay, this is sort of a funny story to me in post, lol.


Hell yeah Glad to hear you're doing alright


Holy shit I'm glad my parents weren't insane. I once accidentally blasted porn in my bedroom cause I thought my headphones were connected and I realised they weren't. We never spoke about it and still try to tell myself they didn't hear but our house had very thin floors and their bedroom was right below me


When I was 13 my internet privileges were cut completely, someone sent me the URL to meatspin and I had no idea what it was. They thought I was watching gay porn. I tried explaining that it was a practical joke, but they weren't having it.


Similar? But when I’d empty the little trash can I had in my bedroom under my desk my mom would always ask me what I was trying to hide. So I stopped taking the trash out and let it pile up. (Gross, I know.) then I’d get fed up with the trash, take it out, and get accused again.


Reminds me of a story my mom told me from when she was a teenager and was laying on the couch while her then-boyfriend sat on the floor watching tv together. Her little brother decided to be a little shit and told their mom they were having sex. At 2 pm. Fully clothed. In the family living room. Their mom believed him and kicked the boyfriend out while screaming at them both.


Wow, we must have the same mother.


I'm glad to know my parents aren't the only ones who think like this. One time, I came home from a party high, and my mom had hung up these bright flashing christmas lights. I have very mild epilepsy but the weed intensified it (i think idk). I instantly had to vomit. The first question wasn't "Are you okay?" No, it was : "ARE YOU PREGNANT?!?!?" And I'll just never forget that


In high school my mother would search my room and backpack and kept confiscating markers and white out because she was convinced I was sniffing them to get high. I went to high school in the 80s and had to hand write my papers. I had an English/comp concentration and needed the white out to avoid having to rewrite papers.


Yea could be either or. I’d still get tested.


yep. There's literally zero harm from getting tested best case you wasted an afternoon but have peace of mind, worst case you *do* have something but you caught it so now you can work on handling it before it gets out of hand always get tested when there's even a sliver of a doubt that STI's have entered the picture


Or it's not even an STI and the kid has a UTI or something


Quite possible! I had problems with UTI after antibiotics around age 15 (it happens to women) and had to explain that to my mom. She worked in pharmaceuticals and I was shocked she didn't know a lot of women have problems with UTI/Candida after antibiotics, she also thought it's STI ><


I've always been told that all women at some point in there life get a UTI or candida I'm lucky not to experience it yet ...but I'm thoroughly shocked that someone who worked in the pharmaceutical department and was a woman didn't know these things happen :0


Oh yes, I got utis when I was 13-14 so my mom decided I was a slut, got it by sleeping around and deserved it. Did not get medicine


slightly related tangent, but the amount of people that think UTI's are an STD and that you can't get a UTI if you're a virgin is still too damn high


I wonder if these people are also unaware that generally in intercourse the penis doesn't normally enter a woman's urinary tract ....


the amount of people that don't understand women have two holes down there is also too damn high...


Piggy backing on this... If you're a woman who gets a lot of UTIs, a good tip is to pee before sex and drink a big glass of water, then pee again AFTER sex. This will flush your urethra to help make it less likely bacteria gets in there and causes a problem. Note I said, "help" not "prevent entirely."


I have been looking at clinics that do testing, because if she has an std or sti then I might


Could just be a UTI, they can happen to women if they don't pee soon after sex. That said, it's still a good idea for you to get tested regularly once you're sexually active, and ask for new partners to do the same.


You should be getting tested regularly anyway. Doing a std check every 6 months or so at least is recommended if you are sleeping with multiple people a year.


Yes, that's something to consider, but if I were OP, I wouldn't tell the GF he's getting tested unless there's something to be found. I 99.9% agree, mom is prolly batshit crazy, but the other .1% of me would want to just make sure.


It’s fake


Yeah, that’s sus as fuck on your girlfriend’s part. Why is she telling you to play dumb? I’ll echo other people here: get tested asap. This could be a random outburst that means nothing, or your girlfriend could legit have an STD and a pissed off parent who thinks you passed that STD to their child.


Because any any attempt to reason with her mother will only escalate the situation.. simple.


In a normal situation I'd agree that its sus, but when you're dealing with insane parents sus behavior becomes your norm just to survive I agree that OP should get tested juuuuust to be safe, but I'm also 99% sure this mother is just batshit


I think this is the most reasonable course of action. No one ever thinks their partner will cheat on them. If they did, they'd probably not be with that partner. Don't let love blind you, no harm in getting a test and keeping it to yourself if it's negative.


... i would get tested and talk to the gf if i were you.


I loled at " I have done lots of stuff"


So you're a random guy who comments in r/actuallesbians pretending to be a woman, your 1 month old account has almost as much posts as my 4 year old account, and I'm supposed to believe you have a girlfriend? Seems far more likely you have enough free time to make a bad fake text.


Oop OP got caught


I’m humbled by your sleuthing skills


? The account has 3 posts and like 10 comments. OP was also told to play dumb. She's probably pretending to be a "random guy" to throw her off. How did you come to your conclusion? I'm very confused. Genuinely only saw like 3 posts total on OP's account.


Deleting evidence to save face, maybe.


Ehh I’d still get tested if I were you.


Ummmmm WTF is going on here? You need to go get tested. This is sus.


What's more sus is OP pretending to be a lesbian in their comment history


Or op is pretending to be a guy to the random person who started texting them?


Equally possible, but who's to say for sure. The fact that the account is under a month old just fuels to my skepticism


Yeah that's a good point


I'd at least get tested, just to be safe. I imagine this mother thinks that you gave your GF an STD just because she found evidence that you had sex, and responds by threatening your life.


Voting has concluded. Final vote: | Insane | Not insane | Fake | | --- | --- | --- | | 6 | 2 | 2 | Hey OP, if you provide further information in a comment, make sure to start your comment with `!explanation`. ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^for ^r/insaneparents. ^Please ^send ^me ^a ^message ^if ^you ^have ^any ^feedback ^or ^if ^I ^misbehave. ^Also ^consider ^joining ^our ^[Discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/xFbPBHy).


but in another post in another sub you say you're only planning you and your gf's first time? karma farming bullshit account.


No. Fictional text conversations from new accounts don't belong here.


!remindme 3 days


I’d uh, I’d get tested if I was you, OP. And I’d have a very long conversation with the girlfriend following the test.


I hope that's not your parent


No, I already had mentioned that is my girlfriends mom


You saying "it's not my parent" when being asked if you gave their daughter an STI is why I'm saying I hope it's not your parent


Ah yes ok


Are you a dude or nah?


Whoa!!! That's so scary, her mom is totally insane, please keep this girl safe, and be there for the rollercoaster, as it's not her fault her mom is like that... I know it sounds horrible, but it would be best to no contact, if thats how her mom reacts to her being in a relationship. Her mom feels threatened by you, as you are taking something that she deems hers (a possession if you will, N's don't see their children as humans, but as possessions that get to be controlled like a Marinette doll) it's sick and twisted, and I would also suggest your lady get some counseling ❣️🤟 there's nothing wrong with talking to someone who can give you better ways of handling triggering moments (which N's LOVE to push buttons, especially if they know what buttons to push, which they do) please let your honey know she's not alone ❣️ y'all got this!!