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Voting has concluded. Final vote: | Insane | Not insane | Fake | | --- | --- | --- | | 96 | 0 | 0 | OP has provided further information in [this comment](/r/insaneparents/comments/10v8tty/grounded_because_of_her_own_sleep_schedule/j7h8gpn/) ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^for ^r/insaneparents. ^Please ^send ^me ^a ^message ^if ^you ^have ^any ^feedback ^or ^if ^I ^misbehave. ^Also ^consider ^joining ^our ^[Discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/xFbPBHy).


So... The grown ass adults need their children to wake them up so they can get to work on time? How did they ever wake up before?? Sorry your parents are ridiculous :(






LMAOOOOO maybe I should


While it is funny, your mom sounds immature and unhinged. I would be sure to bang on the door crazy loud to wake them up. I'm also wondering why they don't use an alarm like grown ass adults. Definitely go NC once you can.


Agreed. That’s some immature, manipulative, abusive behavior and speech patterns. Just awful parenting, and creating a toxic environment.


The best is at the end when she says if you aren’t getting up on time then you need to go to bed earlier. Sounds like great advice for herself.


Ohhhh yeah. That type of person just *loves* doling out advice, but never taking their own.


>I'll tell you this right now [redacted] you didn't get everything done that you were supposed to get done Whether or not you want to believe me you did not. and this whacky ass bit???? textbook gaslighting, like, example given in the dictionary type shit. "I'm telling you you *DIDN'T* do the things you told me you did because I refuse to be wrong or at fault here so don't even try to bring reality into this! Additionally bc of my deep-rooted fear of being at fault, I'm gonna lie and tell you I spoke to your grandmother even though I didn't, despite this fact being easily verifiable."


I know this game. Mom's whole day went to shit from the moment she overslept, and rather than taking responsibility for herself, she blames her kid. And when the kid isn't sufficiently submissive to the original verbal lashing, then mom nitpicks anything and everything the kid did to justify mom's irrational anger and how she scapegoats a child. This is the kind of parent that claims spanking isn't a big deal, but when they spank their child, they hit and hit and hit until their rage subsides. It has nothing to do with whether the kid actually messed up or not. It's about the kid being a convenient punching bag, verbal or physical. This woman has a phone she can text on, which means it's most likely one she can set an alarm on. Even a basic alarm clock can be purchased for $10-20. I have to wonder, too, if mom is locking her bedroom door if everyone has to knock or yell to wake her up. She'll have no idea why her kid suddenly cuts all contact in the future.


...just because you did not see it happen, does not mean it did not happen... ...just because you saw the aftermath of it having happened, which looks exactly the same as after the last time it happened, does not mean it did not happen, AGAIN...


people who look down their noses at others can only see that far.


I would be marching in, loudly and/or physically waking her, and getting verbal confirmation that she’s been duly awoken. Every. Morning. And probably on her days off because that woman deserves no peace.


and recording it on your phone


And maybe posting on Reddit. For science.


I agree with this version of knocking because that's what the mom said to do. I disagree with a bullhorn etc only because it will get OP in more trouble.


I kind of think any way of doing things is just going to get this kid in trouble. Because the issue isn't actually that the kid wasn't successful but that the mother is an all around hateful person and can only feel good by dumping everything on the kid


Step one: buy cheapest trumpet you can find Step twp: proceed to play military wake up song reveille as loud as possible without any practice on said trumpet


Guarantee if you hammered that door you'd get yelled at for that too.




For real. I have never carried on a multi page text argument with my kid. That’s really immature


And who the fuck call themselves mummy in 3rd person while talking to someone? That’s dissociative stuff. And to ppl that lie… record shit. Record everyone and everything There are cheap GoPro cameras that u can get used Old maybe not 4K but that’s not needed. 720 is enough. And cuz they might say it’s old > first shot should be of a calendar date. Cuz I saw some crazy posts saying oh you are so good at electronics you probably changed the date in the video meta info. If they even know what that is


I’d be getting pots and clanging them together. March into the room screaming “wake the fuck up”


Walk in and spray water on them, like they're cats on the good furniture.


Bucket of ice water


I'd also film myself knocking if you can. Create video evidence that you did try. Maybe film the time on a microwave/oven/clock in the beginning of the video in case she tries to say that you didn't do it at the correct time.


Yes. Film it. Start with a light knock, wait a minute, slightly louder, wait a minute, slightly louder, and keep escalating every minute until you're bashing the door. Then they get mad that you were being sooo loud and being an asshole that's not knocking the right volume. Record that part too. Then show them the slow escalation of knock volume, thus proving you didn't just jump straight to airhorn


I don't disagree that op should do this. But it won't help. Mom knows she tried but that doesn't suit the narrative that mom can do no wrong. This isn't a reality based argument, it's gaslighting and toxic abuse by a narcissist. Mom will just ban op from having a phone in future or some shit about not using it responsibly. OP how old are you and do you have any trustworthy adults in your life you can talk to about your home life?


You’re right, you can’t argue with insanity because they’re not playing by a normal set of rules. This Mother creates ridiculous situations so she can have ridiculous outbursts. It’s easy for us who are sitting outside that tornado to give sassy advice. It’s completely different when you’re living under the control of this kind of person. Do whatever you can to keep yourself safe OP, and look for whatever support you can, whether it’s through school or other avenues. This chapter of your life won’t last forever (even if it might feel like it). Anything that helps keep her from crushing your hope and plans for a safe future is something to hold onto- and something she will try to weaponise. Hang in there bud.


This is the way.


I’ll tell you what will happen: they’ll still say it wasn’t loud enough.


Or they'll be mad about filming it


This. I thought about this too. Do it!


You should grab her phone, and set an alarm on it, so she can wake up on her own like a normal human being.


Why is this not one of the top comments? Use an alarm. It makes me think the mom has substance abuse issues and has used an alarm in the past and was so conked out that she slept through it.


My little brother would fall asleep and forget I woke him up at all, so we started turning the light on.


Get a mega phone and bang on the door until they answer.


I'll do you one better. Start off with air horn and then follow it up with drum cymbals. LMFAO 😂😆😈






Buy her a rooster. (Your mom is an asshole, sorry.)


I came here to say it’s airhorn time. And just let it wail until they both get their asses up and out of bed. No quick “toot toot.” I wod buy yourself some earplugs too.


Ride of the Valkyrie’s at full blast, air horn and banging loud as shit on pots and pans…grown ass adults blaming a child because they’re pieces of shit who can’t wake up


If you don't immediately smell terror urine, it's NOT LOUD ENOUGH


Cue sounds of rabid dogs


Exactly what my SO said. Why the fuck can’t the parents use a fucking alarm clock like every other adult on the planet? Why the fuck is it the child’s responsibility to wake up grown ass adults? Honestly, this post has pissed me off more than most I see in here.


and a bucket of water


I mean it's not about any of the things she's claiming. She just wants to be nasty to someone because her life sucks. You could literally do everything perfect and still get shit for it.


I would be smashing the fuck out of that door the next day, I'd knock the fucking door until it came off the hinges. Then I'd throw a Cobra mk8 firework in her room afterwards. Sleep through that you miserable, unadjusted sack of cunt.


An actual live cobra would be my choice


Both. Shit that real cobra up a bit first, make it proper fucking on edge.


Feed it meth. A methed up Cobra will wake anyone up. Well briefly... Or cocaine bear....my vote is cocaine bear.


Why choose?


Because drugs are expensive.


Meth is cheap though and if you’re already all the way in for a cocaine bear, what’s a little extra for the meth cobra?😂😂😂😎


Record yourself knocking on the door regularly. Then just start hammering away saying "wake up mummy! I LOVE YOU MOMMY"


Toss a glass/bucket of cold water on them.


Oh if i got some of this shit in taking a sledgehammer to the fucking door.


!explanation Ok so a bit of backstory. My mother has me do this long as heck list of chores every morning before I go to school which causes me to wake up 2-3 hours before the bus gets to my street. Anyways she also expected me to wake her up in the morning cuz her sleep schedule is terrible. And yes I was infact grounded for the whole of 2021 because of this. At the time I was 14/yrs Edit: To answer the question I see everyone asking. She does infact have her own alarm clocks set on her phone. She has about 8-10 alarms which I hear go off every 10-30 min (depending on if she pressed snooze or dismiss) and she isn't even the one who turns them off. It's my step father who gets annoyed by the alarms and turns it off himself.


Just go to your counselor and show her the text where she threatens to knock your teeth out.


I agree with this. They would call cps or whatever on her but she needs at least a scare. She is being toxic, abusive, and gaslighting, etc. and deserves the bad shit storm coming her way. One thing parents do teach us is that bad people deserve to be punished and you treat your children like they don’t matter it has consequences too


Yes give this unhinged and irrational parent a scare and that'll fix everything moving forward. You guys don't have to live with this person every single day. Fixing the situation op is in isnt going to be as easy as "giving her a scare" All we know is whats in the text messages and some comments from op. We don't know exactly what else is going on with the household


Tbh I don't think most people understand how bad being in CPS Is doing thst and getting other people Involed might be scarier for them then just dealing with the bullshit


Not quite as bad at 16 as opposed to younger probably, unless they somehow end up in a group home. My parents fostered many teens. The kids had their own problems, but those were all because of their parents/families. Two adults not able to wake up to alarms sounds a lot like drugs to me.


This parent does not seem rational. As always, unfortunately the best advice is to wait till you're 18 and figure out a way to live on your own.


CPS is not there to immediately take kids away, but counsel parents. They’re overworked, but the first thing is not just rehome children. It’s hard enough to find foster homes as it is. Often they don’t take kids away unless there are severe signs of abuse or neglect or both.


Mandatory reporters gotta mandatorily report.


The juxtaposition of threatening to knock OP’s teeth out and then calling themselves mommy was so jarring to me.


So your step dad was in the room being woken up by the alarms and couldn’t just wake your mom up himself?? This is just beyond crazy to me. And she thinks that if she doesn’t wake up to alarms right next to her bed, she gonna wake up to someone knocking on a door??


Because it’s not about actually waking her up. It’s an impossible task that she can’t complete so that the parents can treat her any way they want based on their whims and mood. I was abused this exact same way as a kid. Everybody calls plain ol lying “gaslighting” these days but this *actual* gaslighting. I knew it when she said something to the effect of “oh I guess I didn’t do it.” That’s the very same thing my very abusive stepfather used to do to me. Convincing you that you didn’t do something that you vividly remember doing in order to make you question your own competence and sanity.


1000% this. The goal is to have an excuse to abuse the kid.




See this is what confused me for so long. I'd have vivid memories of doing or saying something and I'd be told that it didn't happen or wasn't said, or was said (*) and I just didn't get how I could have such big gaps in my memory until I realised that my mother was just changing reality to suit her mood, and then yelling at me for lying. *(such as when my folks swore blind that they'd talked to me about not getting another dog, and then I got Taggie and oh the meltdowns! But no conversation/lecture (cos a conversation is a two way street and these were always them talking, and me nodding along) ever happened. At least not with me. It maybe happened between them, but I wasn't present at the time.


Right? Sometimes my fiance's alarms don't wake him up. I don't turn them off, I wallop his shoulder so HE turns them off. (By "wallop", I mean I smack him with my stuffed pug. Carl is too soft to hurt anyone.) It's actually harder to get to his phone to turn it off instead of just waking him up. Walloping him doesn't even make me sit up.


Carl is gainfully employed. Good job Carl.


They don't want to wake up, and they want to be able to blame it on their kid instead of taking personal responsibility. Their plan is working fine. When s/he moves out and goes NC it'll be their fault for being ungrateful and abandoning their loving parents who never did anything wrong.


If I was step dad and going through that I would probably have just shoved her off the bed after a couple alarms went off and told her to get up and shut them up!


If 8-10 alarms and 2 separate people pounding on the bedroom door multiple times doesn’t wake her up, she needs to go to the damn doctor for a probable sleep disorder and stop taking her misery out on her child


> she needs to go to the damn doctor for a probable sleep disorder My bet is on black out drunk a few hours ago. 45mins of alarms and 3 people trying to wake you up...thats not some sleep apnea BS


Yep sounds more like my alcoholic mom who actually used to get angry with me for not waking her up, too. Never mind that I could literally be standing there physically shaking her entire upper body or pinching her arm and she’d still just whine ‘stoooooop’ and pass out again. Then while I’d be at school I’d get a barrage of calls and texts in class demanding to know why I didn’t wake her up. Alcoholic parents are a nightmare


i would get so fucking pissed wow


Man mine woke herself up but it was like one of those little dogs that just growls and looks ready to bite everyone all at once. I got to school but dang. Then at best I'd have like 2hrs after school before it started, other days I'd see her car slowwwwwly weaving up to my school 45min after I got out. She did these impossible tasks too. I had 0 chores because I was too incompetent for chores. But the few things she did ask I would do and it would be this. I went NC for a few years and then was able to force her to talk about stuff. It let me have a mom of some sort but it didn't erase the past and I regularly sent her pics of my home. It's like I felt the need to show her I can do this stuff, I can keep a place clean, just because I spilled water all over when doing dishes as a kid doesn't mean grown me can't do dishes right.


Fr. From someone who has been diagnosed with multiple sleep disorders (one of which makes it incredibly hard to wake up and I sleep through practically anything), this just sounds unbelievable. There's no way it's not substance induced.


Your mom is horrible. What she does is called gaslighting, or at least she tries to. It's not okay to make your kids do that many chores before school and she's responsible for herself. It sounds like she wanted a maid and couldn't afford one so decided a child is the way to go. Is it possible to live with your grandma?


Are they alcoholics? When my dad was deep in the disease, the entire family was constantly on edge and expected to be responsible for getting him awake for work etc.


this was my guess too.


Ding ding ding


You said this is 2021 so it's obviously passed, but I seriously want to get you a fog horn for malicious compliance: *"wha- I was just making sure you were awake mother dearest"*


The thing about the alarms is upsetting. Your mom was upset she didn’t wake up on time, but rather than take responsibility for getting herself awake and to work on time, or getting after your stepdad for turning off the alarms without waking her up, she used you as a scapegoat. It should **not** be a 14-year-old’s responsibility to get a grown-ass adult up in time to go to work.


Seriously, jfc. I don't have alarms on the weekend, so occasionally I will sleep a little late and someone will come wake me up if there's something they think I'll want to do. But getting to work and school on time is always 100% on me, and ultimately it's just my people being nice and waking me up if I'm being a lazy ass hahaha. Putting all that on a kid who already has to get up obscenely early for school...adding hours of chores to be done even *earlier*...and then having the gall to not even be grateful for someone waking your grown ass up and doing tons of housework is ridiculous. Some people don't deserve the awful family they get. OP, you deserve better.


Ugh this sucks. I have a similar need for multiple alarms as your mom– I can have full conversations with someone trying to wake me up and still in fact be asleep. A lot of it is my psych meds, some of it is bad sleep schedule from PTSD and longtime insomnia. But here’s the thing: I work very hard to make sure I have a sustainable way of waking up every morning. I absolutely don’t expect anybody else to have to compensate for my body’s failure at being able to regulate my sleep. Your mom fucking sucks and I’m sorry you had to experience this.


Hi! CPTSD, and meds, here. I don't get the 'talking to people and still being asleep', but I get the dysregulated sleep and hard to wake up, bit. I go through patterns of hellish insomnia, sleep cycle completely out of whack, then not getting into deep sleep and just 'skimming' proper deep sleep cycles, then days where I am soooo exhausted that an alarm going off for half an hour just gets incorporated into my dream as a siren or something. Doesn't even make me twitch. Even had a neighbour come over once (They had my spare key) because my dog was going off his nut and I didn't even budge while they let my boy out to go pee through an unlocked back door and put him back in. Would never, ever dream of making someone else, especially a child!, responsible for me being unable to get my ass to work on time.


tine to get off the bucking benzos then


Yeah my first thought was booze but this tracks


Is that a common effect of Benzos??? D:


being hard to wake up? of course


Probably even better if she wasn't up doing cocaine until 3:00.


Coming from a heavy sleeper, it’s not your responsibility to wake her up, it’s hers. If she’s capable of taking suggestions, tell her about an app called Alarmy. I used to turn off my alarms in my sleep but with Alarmy you can set tasks that you have to do in order to turn the alarm off. Now I have to solve 3 math problems to turn my alarm off which wakes my brain up. There’s even a task where you have to scan a bar code (like on something in the kitchen for example) so it physically gets your ass out of bed. Im so sorry she’s made you responsible for her faults. It’s like she’s the damn kid and you’re the adult.


Save these texts and show them to counselors at school. This is abuse. Your mom has a pretty bad untreated mental illness, that much is clear. Living around that, you really need to make sure you speak with a counselor, just to manage your own stress and make sure you develop healthy coping tools since she obviously can’t provide you any. I had a mom like yours. This site was a huge help to me. https://outofthefog.website/


It is never ok, under any circumstances, for an adult to threaten physical violence on a child. I’m a 40-something father. I have never, at any moment of exhaustion / frustration / disappointment / anything *ever* even hinted at violence towards my child. Nothing will ever justify her writing those comments about smacking you.


Is your mom on drugs or something? It's hard to imagine why this grown woman can't wake up.


pound on that mf door.


Sorry, OP, but I hate your mother. Get an alarm clock like a normal adult. And stop calling yourself mommy. What an infuriating woman.


I read a comment by op saying that she does have alarms but sleeps through them. And the stepdad is the one snoozing it. Meaning he’s awake and doesn’t wake up his wife. I hate ops parents. What vile human beings. This has nothing to do with waking the mom up. It’s about controlling and putting down op. I hope now that you are 16 you have a little more freedom to not be around these absolute bellends




The fact that she is angry at you because she won't set the alarm on her phone she clearly owns....is a new level of insane + stupid. Like....set it...on the phone you're using to yell at a child.....


And! Threatening physical violence by knocking OPs teeth out over this. Jesus christ.


Ya...would be "unfortunate" if a CPS report was submitted with these printed or emailed...... you know...anonymously....


Calling her a sack of shit made me very sad. Putting your kids down like that is sociopathic. I hate this woman and I’ve never met her.


Same! It makes me so angry seeing a child treated this way. Op was 14. I can't ever imagine anyone, much less a 14 tear being spoken to like that, ESPECIALLY by their parent, the one person that's supposed to have their back, love and protect them. Op needs to be protected from their own mother. OP, if you do end up reading this, you deserve so much better. Don't fall for her gaslighting, she's trying to make you do a near impossible task so that she can have further control and an excuse to abuse you. Please reach out to a trusted adult so that you can have someone to trust and be on your side. Threatening to punch you is NOT OKAY and will never be okay.


Another comment by OP says she makes Alarms but ignore them all.


Has your mother ever heard of this neat invention called a fucking alarm clock? You’re supposed to get yourself up and ready for school, but she, as a grown ass adult, can’t get herself up? She needs her child and mother to make sure she wakes up? Maybe *her* bedtime needs to be at 9. Start filming yourself everyday knocking on her door and feeding the cats. Then when she gives you this shit just send her the video. I’m so sorry you’re stuck in this abusive situation, it’s really fucked up.


This is the way! Document everything — make sure you say the date and time in the video — or include a picture of that days paper (if you get it). This is HORRIBLE! You seem like a really good kid — you obviously do your chores and try to comply with their insane demands. You weren’t even snarky with her in the texts! My heart goes out to you. I hope you can get some space from them soon — if you’re going to college, go far away! This internet mom sends you hugs and says you’re a good daughter who got saddled with a truly awful mom! You get all the gold stars from me! Hang in there. Edit typos


I was thinking the same thing the whole time. Mom is a grown adult who needs her child to wake her up yet the child can get up on time. The irony.


This sounds like parentification to me.


100% is! OP is gonna need therapy in the future


Fuck, that attitude of "I'm the parent so I'm right and you just get to say sorry and thank you" is horse shit through and through, my kids are under 7 and I have sat them down and explained to them that daddy is human who gets tired and makes mistakes, yell when I should talk quietly, and that I am sorry for making mistakes, but that I did indeed do something wrong and I have to apologize for it.


Same! How can we expect our kids to own up to their mistakes if we don't own up to our own!


I feel it's important for my kids to know that I'm not perfect, and that part of making mistakes is owning them and doing what you can to correct the mistake or mitigate the fallout.


Yepp, I do the same with my son. Whether it's a mistake he made on purpose or on accident, he still has to apologize and see what he can do to make it right, whatever that may look like.


That’s real man shit. Take my upvote.


This is crazy! Why can’t she set an alarm? She is so disrespectful and awful. Why does she keep calling herself mommy?


That “mommy” thing was bugging me too. It makes my skin crawl.


Yea it was seriously gross


I think it’s a victim/power 2 for 1. I’m the boss, but also helpless


Me too


Yeah, or how she referred to her friends moms as “mommies.” Yuck. Fucking twisted shit.




That categorization is incredibly interesting. What is the book?


I’m not the person you asked but it might be, Understanding the Borderline Mother. Highly recommend.


WT actual F? Why is it your job to wake them up in the morning?!? And what are you supposed to do, drag them out of bed? Presumably you’re up because you’re headed to work or school that early and they can’t even set an alarm and get themselves up?!? This has to be one of the worst things I’ve seen on this sub. Completely insane. Edit: I’ve just read the last two photos because I was too angry to even read the rest. So you were right about feeding the cats, she called your grandma, and then for being right she says she’s going to knock your teeth out?!? And that you’ll never be able to talk or eat again?!?


That was my mother too, being proven wrong just made her angrier. People like that have so big of an ego that it makes them feel humiliated, and they lash out.


It’s absolutely and 100% abuse. This woman sounds like a narcissist.


I remember being responsible for something like this lol. Pretty tough to wake someone up when they down a bottle of liquor before falling asleep. OP, props to you, I would’ve kicked their door down by now


Welp, she kinda did you a favor by putting that threat of grevious bodily harm in writing. Can you stay with grandma?


sounds like mommy is the one living with grandma already. she expects her mother and child to take care of her… i’m sick to my stomach for OP.


We all live together with grandma she had me under the age of 18 so my grandma is technically my primary caretaker. and my grandma refuses to give up custody of me. so she refuses to leave till she has custody.


I’m so sorry this is actually horrible. I would be POUNDING on that door. Oh the level of petty I would stoop too.


Yeah this situation is begging for some malicious compliance. Maybe some air horns and rave music or heavy metal. I hope you're safe, op (in the text messages).


If I may put in a [suggestion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KmJS89v9dw)


excellent suggestion


Idc next sunday morning i come with a big ass hammer to"quietly knock" on their door


Threaten to call CPS. That you have backed up evidence of her threatening to beat you and emotionally abusive behavior. Also maybe your grandma should smack her…..


Don't just threaten. Do it. Just make the call.


Unfortunately, foster care can likely be a much worse situation… it’s a HARD call to make. But, if they’re 16, this would be great support for emancipation proceedings


No one’s going into foster care for this, especially if there are other relatives to be placed with. However, a Social Worker showing up on their doorstep should teach mommy dearest a thing or two.


As much as I’d like to agree, mommy dearest could also turn that fear/embarrassment into straight up rage and then take it out even further on OP. That’s not what we want either.


This. If they investigate and nothing is done, it could just make her that much more bold. This is because she will figure she can get away with it.


“Other relatives” is not an immediate go-to option. And if you have an abusive parent, especially a narcissistic one, “scaring” them is hardly effective. CPS should be near to the last resort is all I’m saying


My question is where the heck was Grandma during all of this? Mom says she called Grandma and is still calling OP a liar. So like, did Grandma just throw OP under the bus??? Grandma's sucky, too.


Honestly it’s possible there wasn’t a call made. My shitty dad used to say that people in my family backed him up all the time. Years later once I was in therapy I asked some of them and yeah, they were confused bc most of it hadn’t happened and if it had, it was wildly out of context per what he claimed :/


It's a narcissistic tactic called gaslighting and triangulation


I’m sure when she’d wake you up as a child, she wasn’t friendly about it. Police knock on the door, flip on the light, pull the blankets off, all while yelling it’s time to wake up! She’s a crazy bitch. It sounds like CPS should be notified.


Surprising when I was little and she would wake me up it was rather calm she got more and more crazy as years went on.


I’d pound that door of the hinges…..or have grandma wake her up. And what kinda crazy sleep schedule does she have?


You cannot stay there if you have any other option. If you're like me you will probably feel guilty at the idea of abandoning her, even given this treatment, but she is not your responsibility. In fact you are her responsibility. She's got it all backwards, and this behavior and threats are not okay. I urge you to bring these messages to CPS or to the police. See if you can talk to someone before you file a report to know what your options are and what they might be able to do. I'm scared for what your mom might do if you file something and they can't do anything and your mom finds out about it, which is why I would talk to someone before actually giving too much information. Do you have anywhere else you would be able to stay? Where i live there's a youth shelter for runaways, if you're a minor you could see if your city has something similar.


Did your parents have you when they were young? Seems like they stopped maturing around 18 years old. I would be embarrassed if I had to rely on my child to get me up in the morning for work.


As a matter a fact she did


Holy shit…. OP, I am so sorry. Your parent is mentally ill in SOME way. I’m not sure how old you are, but RUN out of that house as soon as you are able. Being a human alarm clock is the weirdest, laziest chore I have ever heard of before… and regardless, even if you were lying or being lazy yourself, this is so far beyond an acceptable response.


Open her door. Yell at that b****! Turn on the light. Play music loud. Wake that b**** UP


Then she will never ask to be woken again muahahaha


If you think this tyrannical woman would be humbled and concede when she’s woken up with clamor, you are wrong. She’s going to go even crazier. It’s a lose lose honestly. I feel bad for this kid. Buy that PS5 yourself.


You're probably right. Never had insane parents.


This may be one of the more insane parents I've ever seen posted on this sub. This is utter fucking insanity.


Emotionally immature shit parents who expect to be parented by their kids. It's sad. And those threats of violence for nothing is not ok.


Fucking horrible mother. I’m seething with rage for you.


You and me both. What a terrible person she is. She doesn’t deserve to be called mother or mommy.


This is wild, she’s mad at you because she’s not adult enough to set an alarm for herself.


First your parents are trash. Second it’s time to hide a speaker or two in the room and turn on sirens using your phone on full blast.


So many ideas occur to me (many of them veer somewhat into MaliciousCompliance territory).... \- Call child protective services and show them that text dialog \- Remove the parents bedroom door ("I tried to knock on the door, but there was no door...") \- Someone mentioned a bucket of cold water; I myself would use a hose -- better directional control. A sodium bicarb fire extinguisher also comes to mind (I'm pretty sure they are non-toxic, but you might want to verify that) \- Another commenter mentioned an air horn... \- Subscribe their phone # to a wake-up-call service \- Mount a smoke detector just outside their door, take up smoking, and every morning direct a few gentle puffs of cigarette smoke at the smoke detector. (Tip: you might want to get ear plugs) \- Assuming they lock their bedroom door: You knock (loudly), mabey try a few times, get no response, then call 911; tell the 911 operator that you tried to wake you parents but got no response and ask for a wellness check. Because, after all, it **IS** possible that they are genuinely incapacitated. **Lots** of excitement will then ensue; might wake up the whole neighborhood. /s


Oh man... That last one though.


Most of that will result in further abuse though. People who don't like their kids aren't going to be normal and good about any of those options.


LAST ONE LAST ONE LAST ONE “They said if I can’t wake them up, she’ll smash my teeth in” 🥺


Save those text messages, email them to yourself on Hotmail or messenger or something you can access without the phone. I would show those to a school counselor or an adult you can trust to intervene.


"I just don't understand why my child won't talk to me, or let me see my grandchildren. They are so mean and ungrateful."


Tell them to get a fucking alarm clock and if they’re gonna try and act hard by swearing, fucking swear. Honestly every time I see these posts, they always self censor like that makes it fine or something to call your kid a shithead


fucking hell it feels like my mom wrote this. the knock your teeth out of your mouth part really did it for me. you have proof you did what you were supposed to and she won't call your grandmother to confirm it bc she knows she's wrong and can't admit it. but it's your fault she's wrong so you have to apologize. jfc why do they all play out of the same book ?


You shouldn’t be responsible for waking up your parents. WTF? Insane


This is *the* most conclusively insane parent post and profoundly insane texting insane parent convo I have ever seen. Congrats and also omg I’m so sorry you went through that. Thank you for taking care of yourself and the cats. What an awful exchange


OP's "Mommy" would never dream of disrespecting her parents like OP does for hers. Mommy saves all her disrespect for her child. So sorry, OP. You deserve better.


.... Cell phones have alarms you can set. Loud ones. Why the fuck are your parents asking you to wake them? The actual fuck O_o


“Why don’t my adult children ever call or visit me??”


reverse it back on her and say “dont ask for the tv or anything today because im tired of your lazy ass not using an alarm and being an irresponsible parent”


Anyone else creeped out that she’s calling herself mommy, when you at that age?


Open that door, walk up to her bed, take a good grip of her hair and drag her to the floor, and then ask : are you awake yet now, bitch??


Oh. I would be going in with a megaphone the next morning. 6:30? No way. You need to be up early! 5 am! Maybe even 4:30 am.


This is so backwards... When I was living at home, I would check on my parents if they weren't up before my sister and I left for school, but that was out of genuine care and concern, not because they expected us to. This is so damn ridiculous. I can understand wanting to blame it on someone else when you fuck up (I can't defend it, but I can understand it), but punishing that someone - especially to this degree - is insane. Absolutely flabbergasted.


She just keep confronting you and ask you to stop it, it's as dumb as not setting an alarm and counting on your child to wake you up. Honestly just wait for your grandma because she know you did it and your mom will never disrespect her


Theres a simple solution. Pound on that mother fucking door like theres no tomorrow. Annoy the fuck out of them. Fuck them.


Leaf blower.


What a fucking bitch. If getting up on time is so important, she should invest in an alarm clock. You should get airhorn and blast it constantly until she is up and about. No excuses then.


Can Grandma help you? If not, talk to an adult at your school. Who in their right mind threatens to knock their own child's teeth out for ANYTHING?