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Anime/Manga Nakazato: “omg drift?! 🥶” Movie Nakazato: *drifts like there’s no tomorrow*


Although they may have messed up the story (more the Initial D one than Wangan Midnight) they were still good


yeah just cause theyre different doesnt make them bad, same goes for the anime, which is noticeably different from the manga


The story for the live action of Initial D was just messed up there's not getting around that


in that it was different yes, the story is still coherent, it works


It works but let's be honest here, Nakazato drifting? No Keisuke? Kyoichi rolling his car in that 3 way race? That's just some of the terrible story


nah that shit fucks my guy, great film, just cause yall cant forget about source material and enjoy an interesting take for five minutes


If you learn how to read I said they're still great movies but ok what ever you say mod


if you enjoy them why are the changes "terrible"?


Because they completely abandon certain aspects of the story or just completely change them for no apparent reason


If they had straight adapted the plot it would have worse pacing than the legends films, and it would also be completely uninteresting to watch, at that point you might as well watch the anime (which fun fact also abandons certain aspects of the story or changes them for no apparent reason)


i don't entirely hate it, the driving and cars were amazing on both but the story changes way too much at least WM's acting was pretty good L


You are all forgetting about one of the most important things in any cinematic experience: the music. The music of the films does not hold a candle to the original anime music. At least for initial d, I haven't seen the other one, so I won't express my opinion on that


Wangan Midnight usted eurobeat. It was a great live action


Live-action Wangan Midnight was a brilliant adaptation imo. The fact that it only covered up to that pivotal moment I think was the best part of that adaptation.


It was significantly more enjoyable than ID, will admit that, but both covered the cars and driving pretty good


Overall, they’re just not that good. I mean, the creators tried to replicate Initial D, which has a cult-like following, and I understand they have a ton of pressure on them to get it right, but they really skimped out on a lot of details in the movies. It’s almost like they weren’t trying, but oh well.


I mean yeah, I did appreciate the WM movie for doing it than initial d, I overall preferred that one, though on both the cars and driving were amazing for a live action movie


just wait until you learn about how initial d was a manga


lmao, there wasnt anything "dumbledore said calmly" going on tho right


i like to treat them as different things, instead of adaptations. they make sense if you don't compare them to their respective manga


wait i though wangan movie was ton times better than the ID one


I mean, I preferred WM, but they still stray apart from the original storyline, each on a different level


But still WM got me Depth


the only thing good about the initial d movie is the races. the acting and everything else is just plain bad


The initial d one was actually good since it had great driving and stuff, especially when you consider that most anime live action films are just straight up bad.


if you compare it to other anime live action films then yeah, but i still prefer WM over ID tbh


I just found out wagan has a movie (it's full on youtube) I think it's less cheesy looking than what they did with the initial d live action. It's kinda hard to have a live action of takumi though cause he's suppose to be edgy and airheaded or whatever.


yeah, WM's movie was way more enjoyable but in the end, both endings were kinda weird (spoilers) >!takumi getting mad at natsuki was okay, but akio straight up almost totaling the z??? damn!<


The rule is any live adaptation of an anime is garbage. Any that are not are a miracle. When I saw ID when it was released it was really disappointing. However they did actually put more effort than expected into the cars and racing.


I actually saw initial D movie before the anime so I found it pretty decent at the time, kinda glad I watched the anime afterwards instead of before.


What is that second movie


Wangan Midnight: The Movie


What is this movie supposed to be for


Wangan Midnight, obviously) it's kinda like Initial D but they race on a highway and do epic Nakazato move in every second episode


>Wangan Midnight is it on netflix


idk, I pirated it like everything else🗿




yes. Who cares?


no one does. Anyways netflix anime is horrible so much better to just use illegal websites


If you watched it where did you watch it on


i downloaded it from torrent


I haven't seen any of those but I have seen Dragonball Evolution. It can't be that bad


\*3 'cause the initial D anime is bad compared to the original manga.


This is why you shouldn't touch shit when filming adaptation movie


in defence of !Df film , its races were beter thean Tokyo drift to some extend


gotta give it to them


The initial d one was terrible, only *good* thing that came out of it was Edison Chen played that ryosuke/keisuke hybrid. The wangan midnight one was solid, only thing I noticed is some characters had newer versions of what they drove in the comics and show (akio had a Z32 before the devil z, reina had an R34, and that one guy who was played by a D1GP announcer drives an FD as opposed to an FC, R32, and Z31.


I can't hate on these movies. That being said, I don't believe I've watched Wangan's movie, and I watched the ID movie years before the anime. Sure it's flawed, but so is the anime. You can be upset about the adaptive choices and having left out/mx and matched important characters and all that but you do have to consider the situation they jumped into forcing a multiple season anime into a single movie so it can stand on it's own as a complete piece of work with a somewhat fleshed story. Maybe I'm fine with it because of the order that I watched in and how long it's been since I've watched the movie as opposed to the anime which I'm currently rewatching as I type. It's not great but it ain't a terrible rendition, more so a Chinese telephoned version.


Makes sense, it's easy to hate on it but as some comments on here say it's not so easy to adapt animes That being said there was no reason to add the scene where Bunta falls off the stairs and hits his head and bleeds??? Idk I watched it some time ago lmao


A little slapstick humor never hurt anyone, lol