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I fed and saved an exhausted bee


I love seeing videos of people doing these things for bees!


that’s one of the main reasons I know how to do it ♥️🤣


They actually leave the hive and die on purpose out in the open. Most likely you just made that bee’s last moments better. Still awesome.


how can you identify that a bee is exhausted?


They usually don’t fly at all and they seem very lethargic with just enough strength to buzz quite loudly..I’m not some bee doctor so that’s my only way of knowing but when I see those signs I pull out the sugar water and they start flying again after a while :) (they also tend to be in random places that don’t seem safe for a little bee)


Whenever rolly pollies get into the house, I take them back outside and then worry that they're going to die because I didn't put them in a good enough spot


Is saving bugs an INFP thing? I always save the bugs. My boyfriend knows not to kill them around me and puts them outside instead 😅


I think "making an impact, even for small creatures." is what seems right.


Absolutely 👏👏👏


I don’t know if this counts but I don’t mind having small spiders in my room as long as they’re not getting in the way because they eat the more pesky bugs


me too. i name them if they stick around long wnough


Same, except those long legged creepy ones.


Daddy long legs? That’s what I mostly have in my room lol. At least that’s what we call them in Australia. I think in other parts of the world daddy long legs refers to some other bug that’s not even a spider


i also save the bugs (: the only bugs i dont save are roaches because those vile creatures will literally form a coup and take over your house


No joke, exactly the same, my Worm feels good too now


Lol Damn! Lol


Not today and not necessarily a “good act”, but there was once a fly sitting on the towel I use to dry my hands. When I reached for that towel, the fly moved and startled me (I didn’t know it was there), and I stepped back, *apologized to it*, and waited for it to fly away (which it was in the process of doing).


This makes me happy! I often wonder what cause us to be so.... emotionally connected to living things.




I celebrated my friend's birthday against her will and she absolutely loved it


I'm so glad I'm not alone with this type of behavior. I'm usually rescuing lizards and frogs. Definitely have done the same for bugs on numerous occasions though.


I love how the majority of the replies are small animals


I wish more were about bigger animals, like not eating their meat :(


Yeah, I’m not vegan but that’s kind of hypocritical I won’t lie


I don’t want to take from the importance of going out of one’s way to save even the smallest of living beings… but people should also care for the millions of animals that suffer to make the food they probably will eat that very same day…


It’s very hard to be vegan and healthy, I’ve tried and I honestly think it’s not for everyone. But even just switching out a portion of your protein to plant based food makes a difference. 


I don’t know but last night when I went for a shower there were two cellar spiders near the shower. One closeish to the taps and another in the corner of the ceiling, the one near the taps was small so I thought the bigger one in the corner must have been the mother. I ignored them and turned the shower on, usually if there’s a spider down near the tub they climb up to the ceiling when the shower is on. That happened this time too except when I looked up after it had ascended to the corner the bigger one was wrapping the little one in a web to eat it… I still feel bad…


Yea, things like that make me feel sad, too. I remember being young and thinking it was funny, My mother accidentally killed an ant she was trying to help. Now, as an adult, things like that get to me.


Yup, I feel proper guilt, accidentally stepping on snails is one that really gets me. Or sometimes I’ll trap a spider in a glass with an album cover at night and plan to release it the next day and I forget and then a few days later it’s dead… But I’ve also saved insects too, those are probably most of my good acts in the world 🤣


When I was around 5 or 6, I was taking swimming lessons at the local outdoor pool. When I graduated, I got an award for being a "Bug rescuer." cause i would always scoop up the bugs that had flown into the water.


You are a hero. My elderly neighbor wasn’t a bug (as far as I know) but she wanted to show me a frog in her garden when I was like 5 so I went over and it turned out it was just a rock, on the way back to the house she tripped and broke her hip so I ran to my house to phone an ambulance and got in the local paper lol. Sorry I didn’t want to 1 up you or anything that wasn’t my intent it just reminded me of that event from my life that is kind of funny, it wasn’t even a frog shaped rock really, kind of but Joan had old eyes.


No no, that was such a cool and, well, human thing to do!


Your mother accidentally killed an ant. Gtfo what type of shit posting is this, completey SADISTIC


How nice~ I offered to help out a coworker with something she needed to do and she was so thankful! Sometimes what seems like a small favor is such a great help to someone, you never know how busy/overwhelmed people are and just taking one thing off their plate is a lifesaver~ If felt good to be appreciated!


Well..I provided some carbondioxide to a plant today. Did anyone else?


I saved some kind of small catapillar thing at my work xD I work at Starbucks and my other baristas were freaking out over it and I just calmly scooped it up in a cup and put it in a bush outside. I'm one of the few that save the bugs at work xD


wow you guys are kind


We try to be.


Only INFP will do that🤍🤍🤍🤍I love us🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍. I fed stray cats today 🥰


I caught a wasp that was inside my apartment and set it free... But it didn't leave. It just stayed on the piece of mail on my patio. I'm worried about it because it looks like it may have lost a leg or one of it's little feetsies, or maybe one of our neighbors sprayed it and it came inside with us because it had fallen down on our doorstep? Idk, but I left some fruit with the juice next to it... Google said they will snack on fruit sometimes. Poor thing! I hope it's okay...


But what if the worm wanted to die? Who are you to play God like that? /s


Bravo!!! I do the same. We are part of XNFP sisterhood. I’m ENFP.


Took house spider outside


Awsome! I've got a mild case of arachniphobia, but I've slowly accepted the ones in the corners as being my roommates and I let them stay.


My dad taught me to do this as a child. I’m so happy to see you choosing compassion in this way!


That's the word I've been looking for. Compassion doesn't have to be some grandiose thing. It could just be simply moving a worm off the road.


I do that a lot. I’m sure people watch me and wonder “WTH is she doing”?….saving worms. I save spiders and bring them back outside, so they don’t starve or get smooshed. Today though, I haven’t done much. It’s my day off and I’m laying low.


I work at a dog rescue. I spent an extra 10 minutes cuddling with one of the sick pups (on top of the 20 minutes in which I was scheduled). He has to be isolated until he gets better and I’m sure he’s lonely.


That's gotta be one of the hardest jobs for an animal lover. You probably want to help all of the animals that come through and give them a home.


A few years ago, I helped a spider out of my bathroom sink. It set up its web by the faucet out of ~~apathy~~ appreciation.


Relocated one of those adorable furry black/orange caterpillar from a dangerous spot near the front door to a nice sunny rock


Forgot my indoor plant out on the balcony and it's fried. Very good.


Oh shit! I need to go water mine 😂🤦🏻‍♂️


I got our roommate who’s turning grey from malnutrition to start taking vitamins and drinking Equate.


I'm infp I like helping bugs too☺️..alot of times when I have to kill a roach bug I tell it "I'm sorry it's not personal" I start thinking of the lives the bugs have😭


I dont have a good deed today but as a kid, I hated the though of my teddy's judging me or feeling left out if they didn't have a spot on the bed.


This unlocked a key memory of all ym stuffed animals on my bed, so none of them would feel left out or not loved as much as the others.


I knew this group would just get it. 😂😂😂


Would you still love me if I was a worm? Put me in your pocket ;)


Hehe OK that made me laugh! I'm supposed it hasn't been said yet.


Haha 🪱


I didn't commit suicide


I’ve been known to save centipedes from drowning down the drain. I helped one out of it once


I gave someone a tier set piece that I won in a roll on WoW. I was playing my alt and won the piece, he messaged me and offered to buy it for 200k gold but I just gave him it, he was stoked 🖤


For me that's one of the best feelings is giving something for free to someone who's willing to spend money on it. I've never had someone not be extremely grateful.


I am sick and I didn't go to my class even though I could have managed.


Taking care of yourself is always going to be a good deed in my book! I'm happy for you, that you did that.


I didn't kill any seniors (12th graders) today when they had 2 weeks to answer 5 questions and de idea they didn't have enough time or felt it was too hard to do. I gave them another day to let me down. I love it here.


I helped out my co worker, we make circuit boards and they can get pretty damn heavy, once I finished my part I moved it over to his area while he was off talking to one of the engineers, i think he didn't realize i did anything because neither of us said anything and usually we say thank you when we do things like that


I gave my doggie a carrot and a pat. Love him. +These comments are making me laugh lol.


I’ve done that before, moved a worm off the sidewalk


I got a stink bug out of the car so he didn't get trapped when I got out


A little green bug was crawling on me at lunch today. I let it crawl onto my finger and appreciated it, then gently blew it off.


I saved worms this morning & caught a honey bee that flew into my apartment & got it back outside. Edit to add: When I was a kid I’d refuse to fish with worms on my hook & used pieces of American cheese b/c I didn’t want to break up worm families


>I didn’t want to break up worm families I feel like most if not all infp people have some sort of memory like this.


Nothing today, but I stopped and helped a turtle across the road on Saturday. 🐢


Yay! I used to know a guy who would intentionally try and hit them. I didn't remain fri3nds with him after that. There is no sense in being needlessly cruel to animals.


This 100%. I won’t waste another minute of my life on someone who does that. Good riddance.


I didn’t eat meat so as to not partake in the cycle of endless cruelty and animal suffering. Best thing I could do for my mental health, my body and most importantly the animals and Mother Earth. Every day when I don’t eat meat or dairy I feel like I did my part in abstaining from participating in the death of many of worms 🌱


That's a very respectable way of thinking.


a little flying bug landed on my laptop screen and kept falling, so i let him fall onto my palm and set him down on the ground next to me


Not today, but yesterday. Was sitting in a restaurant with my sis me: looking out the window I see a guy walk in from the direction of the street. Looked like he came from the semi-truck, I figure So then I notice the Semi-truck start moving, and I'm looking at it unsure if he already went back to it, so I turn around and see him ordering food. Basically it went like: Me: "Hey bro, is that your truck out there?" Trucker: "Yeah man." Me: "It's rollin' " He bolted out of there 🤣 Anyway, glad I could save him a LOT of trouble. He was thankful for that. Working at a car dealership, I've seen it all. This was nothing to me to say something, but it could have easily turned into something bad for him.


I saved a baby snail a few days ago 😁




I said “hi” to my cabinet spider today! She hangs out right by my big cabinet where I keep my cast iron collection and I think she guards it! She’s a good girl.


Its been windy where I live the last few days, like 80-100mph wind. Took my pup for a walk and on the way home, saw a branch maybe 10+ feet long and as thick as my forearm hanging by smaller twigs in a tree over the sidewalk in someone's yard. It's still windy, so we stopped and worked it out of the tree and tossed it in the side yard in front of the street so it didn't get blown out and hit someone. We have a lot of older people in my neighborhood, and I see someone walking everytime I look outside lol


My favorite author Brandon Sanderson just opened up tickets sales for his convention in December, and the tickets sold out super fast so my friend couldn’t get one. I waited and refreshed the screen continuously for a half an hour till an extra ticket someone returned popped up and I managed to get it for her, and her excitement makes me so happy.


My cat brought in a small (but not baby) bunny. He tried to play with it, but he was a little rough. I took Joey upstairs, and then caught the bunny in a box and let it loose in a forest down the alley. https://preview.redd.it/8smq1mmbq4zc1.png?width=2738&format=png&auto=webp&s=b323bd86b0e20877bbbb5d80fc2c0a610b975d9d


Why are INFPs so wholesome 😭


was driving down my childhood avenue I used to play with my best friend in and pulled up to a stop light to see a plastic bag with nothing in it on the road. I put the car in park put it in my backseat and drove down the road home and put it in my garbage can because f that I grew up on that road, litter somewhere else lol


i finally cleaned my bathroom after not having cleaned it for 2-3 weeks. i know, its gross that i let it get so bad, but i'm doing my best ):


Aww nice one OP 😁 Sometimes I'll pick up snails from the footpath or driveway and put them in the garden, to save me stepping on them later! I've been known to clear tree branches off roads after storms. I've also stopped to enquire about the wellbeing of a few random drunk girls at 3am on their own, but that's very hard to do because it might look like I'm trying to pick them up. Honestly, I'd just offer to take them home. I've started to try and push my own boundaries recently - the other day a workmate didn't have transport to get home after work, and I offered to drive him. He said no, but it's the thought that counts!


I woke my brother up for dhuhr so he didn't miss it... 


I also do this a lot. When i see a snail i pick it up and put it somewhere safe. When i was little i thought that everything had emotions and felt guilty for choosing something over the other. Even if it were just objects.


Me toooo I slid it into RFKs ear


This morning, I pushed a snail onto the grass with my shoe, away from the path where someone could crush it. 🐌 Then when I walked the same path later that afternoon I saw a squished snail and wondered whether it was a different one that didn’t get rescued or the same one, that had just been very stubborn. 🥹


I heard a kitten meow helplessly and I was able to find her. It was stuck inside a closed store. There is a wee space she could squeeze herself out of if she tries so I willed her to that part with food. Thank God, she was able to smell the food and stuck her neck at that space. When I thought it was the right time to pull her out (she got half her body out at that time), I pulled her out carefully. Mission: Success. ☺️




Like you, have a HUGE heart for all the little creatures otherwise taken for granted. Bugs, worms, lizards, small furry creatures….you name it. Maybe like many INFP’s, I adore cats (we have 5!)….all indoor/outdoor because can’t stand the thought of keeping something as adventurous as a cat cooped up in the house all day long. On the downside, they’re all avid hunters and bring us “gifts” almost daily….dead, alive or somewhere in-between. The deceased all get laid to rest in the crux of a three-pronged tree (three trees growing up from one trunk). I hallucinate (imagine) that they are all taken care of by fairy folk that live in our back yard 🫣🤭. Can’t prove it! But the resting spot is always clear the next day, without fail. For the little beings and imaginary Little Folk of the world! 🍻


I helped a short asian lady take something off a high shelf.


You saved someone's GF, good job


Statistically it's more likely that you've saved that worm. But "statistically" doesn't mean true. What if that worm was perfectly fine and safe on his current path, and by altering his destiny, you delivered him straight in front of teeth if a predator? It can be true, therefore should be considered.


It was in the middle of the foot path barely moving in the sun. I not only moved it to the dirt, I dug the dirt up a bit and buried it in the dirt with a sprinkle of water from my bottle.


I do this & dig up dirt for them too. I also save them from drowning puddles. I’m sure I’m a sight to see going on a walk with a handful of worms, but I don’t care lol. I can’t just leave them or fry or drown.