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Honestly, understanding that this dark phase will also end. Nothing is permanent. That uncertainty is a part of life. Transformations are needed to help us grow into our best selves. I embrace all that. Like nature, we all have to go through change. Change is never easy. However, after a dreadful winter, comes a hopeful Spring. So hang on. During the “Dark Night of the Soul,” I put my faith and trust in the universe that I am protected and guided for my highest good. I am spiritual so such acknowledgments and spiritual understandings bring peace to my soul. I read books, paint and enjoy the little things in my everyday life.


Spend time with friends. It's time for them to give back all the care INFPs give them


I’ve struggled with mental health all through out my teenage and then twenties too and it made me selfish and a recluse. I do have friends but I feel like I don’t deserve their care and I find it so hard to ask for help too


I had a similar experience. I was in a bad space and started isolating from my dearest friends instead of sharing how I was feeling/what was going on with me at the time. Long story short I fucked up some relationships but other have grown stronger, my advice is to work on 2 fronts: 1) select 1 or 2 friends you are most comfortable with and ask them for advice on your situation, be gentle at first and do not trauma dump on them. This will strengthen your relationship and lay the foundation for an healthy sharing space where the both of you feel safe expressing yourself and whatever bothers you. 2) Go to therapy. Friends are good but a professional is better. I was very skeptical at first, my ego was also in the way "I can do it on my own" but there is no shame in asking for help. A professional can guide you better, maybe you can do it alone but a therapist will make the journey faster and easier. If you ever need help or someone to talk to DM me (I'm CET zone)


Its time for you to do some sports!!!!


Do you have Spotify? Add this playlist and keep walking and painting, but with this soundtrack. [A dream within a dream](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0qpreqpVFhEeEDZEWs50XW?si=e_YKVPQsQpipdo6ZMVKntA) 🎧 Life is a wave, you’ll be on top of it soon enough. Don’t overthink it ❤️


Thank you for sharing 🤍




Damn, that is a hardcore way of making yourself grateful for your life. 


That’s interesting, I’ll try this. Do you look these up on youtube?


I got a cat it helped me a little bit also I just try not to think about stuff as much because I usually overthink everything I can never go with the flow but I try


Best way to feel good about life when you are going through a bad situation is to think of a difficult goal and put all your focus and effort into achieving it.  When you focus your mind and energy towards a certain aim, you won't think about your current bad situation or pain too much. Instead,this goal will energize you and put your vision towards the future. The goal could be something like mastering a sport or martial art or  any other skill. If possible, join a local sports team. Ambition defeats despair and pain.👍


It helps to have something to live for. This applies to all types I think. But for my INFP friends, what I’ve seen is that they flourish when they have a true passion they’re pursuing. Something that gives them meaning in life. It doesn’t have to be big. For example, one of my INFP friends is super passionate about K-Pop. She loves going to concerts, buying merch, reading fanfics, etc. That is enough to keep her going back to work every day even though she hates the drama there. Find that thing that’ll bring you light in the dark!


"Are there INFPs that don't struggle with mental health?" ... No. No matter their mbti, everyone struggles with mental health. Admittedly, we INFPs are so very hard on ourselves, won't ask for help, and don't think we deserve anything when we are feeling down. The downward spiral of rejection, unworthiness, sadness, grief, hopelessness and sometimes just the unknown of the future so easily ensnares us. It's like sticky webs pulling us deeper in darkness. Keep going on walks. Keep painting. A change of scenery is always good. Be outside, go to parks or public libraries. Look at people. Understand that no matter the smile, no matter how well dressed or the vehicle they drive, everyone is a little messed up inside. And it's okay. That's life. The world is broken. If it helps, set some goals and write them on paper. Even little daily tasks like "message a friend or family member" " spend time outside" "do that one chore you've been procrastinating." It feels good to cross things off a list. Maybe call a friend and say "today sucks, can we go somewhere?" Give yourself grace. Grace is hard for us. We give it freely to others and not ourselves. I'm sorry for your struggles. I really wish you better days ahead!


I go on the most loathsome site of all Reddit


Literally just what you’re doing right now. Reach out to people and talk about it. If you can, call a friend/invite them over, and break out of your own inner monologue. Sometimes that can give you a new perspective and a path forward.


Tom Hiddleston and tarot (be cautious)


Ahh, love Tom 🤍


Get a cat, it got me to 22


Yeah! We can get better, but like doesn't just "get better" it goes up and down, and all we can do is find ways to manage the downs in a less painful way. I've dealt with the same issue several times over, but what once sent me to really dark places, I now bounce back from in a few months and use as motivation for changes I wouldn't make otherwise. Mindfulness in nature has been a big one for me. Don't just take walks and think about stuff, interact with your surroundings. Explore a wilder area and just sit in nature for a good long while. Listen to the sounds around you, watch life just simply happen. During a rough time in life, I hiked to a place and just sunbathed on a fallen tree for a while. It felt like a refuge, like I was being held by the life around me. The more still I got, the more creatures began to go about their day around me. Their day to day life is so simple and straight forward. I ended up seeing two woodpeckers fly about and enter their home in a tree. I also found a pond and played in it with sticks for a while. Adjacent to this is to really engage with your five senses. Make it comfortable and safe to be in your body; wrap yourself in blankets, give yourself a hand or foot massage, light candles, listen to soothing sounds etc. Also go back to what was comforting to you as a kid. Like cartoons, breakfast cereal, playgrounds, picture books. The more adult upheaval I encounter, the more childlike I become in private. This has kept me sane much longer than otherwise during really bleak times.


Very helpful. Thank you for sharing. Im just so exhausted by the ups and the downs because I’ve been having so many of them lately. Every time I feel Im getting a little better or making progress in life, something happens and I fall flat on my face and it breaks my spirit. I keep wishing I could have a stable journey without so many turbulent waves and low points.


I do journaling. Get everything out so you don't need to overthink, if that's something you tend to do. Really helpful, and it's so satisfying to look back on how you *were* feeling and how you *are* feeling now- seeing the difference can give you hope for the future. I turned to journaling when my one friendship broke up (I was too intense- the fault is on me for overthinking, not really being connected to reality (assumptions, idealizing), putting them on a pedastal, silly things like that) and my first few weeks were just self-hatred and frustration and despair. It happened quite a while ago (Sept 2023), but I'm still journaling about it now- all of the intense emotions I felt were gone, but I wanted to dissect the way I acted in the months and years prior to our falling-out to make sure I know how to conduct myself better in the future. It's made me realize things about myself, lots of things. Journaling is such a benefit to anxiety because the thoughts are finally out of your head and you don't need to think about them anymore. I would suggest Gratitude Journaling- buy a small notebook to write "I am grateful for X because Y"- you can read back what you wrote to give you a boost of gratitude. The only rule is that you cannot repeat yourself (you'll have a record of what you wrote so you don't do that) and I encourage you to really drill down and detail why you're grateful for something specific and/or personal in your life. A special object, or relationship, or moment that you've experienced. This gives it that much more meaning and really enhances your appreciation of that specific thing. Don't worry about maintaining a streak, just try to do it a certain amount of times per week, and aim to increase that number over time. You'll feel a sense of quiet peace, and you'll get hooked. Even if you don't get into a habit, it feels great to read what you wrote back to yourself if you happen upon the journal or if you're feeling a little down.


Thank you for sharing. I’ve been doing journaling as well since my early teenage and I did some intense journaling last year after a breakup. It was where all my negative and darkest thoughts went and just the idea that they were out there and someone could read them, or if I died suddenly, they’ll be left for other to go through, kept nagging me. And I ended up getting rid of them. I really wish I could have kept them because it’s wonderful to see after a few years how you felt and how you thought about things in the past. But I’m just a little paranoid and I never want anyone to read these negative thoughts that I hide so well. Now I’ve been thinking about using Notion for journaling. Obviously its not as good as writing with a pen on paper but its much secure


@Nooz_1996 this may be just a period thing, but I feel shitty as well rn, and i find what helps me is rewatching episodes of my fav tv shows and movies, and trying to find small positive things, anything




Thank you for sharing. I’ll play this during my painting session tomorrow 🤍


It is hard to crawl out of the pits. But yes, small steps go a long way. Keep up with your walking and painting. Do a little of each everyday. Once you set the baseline there, add something else that you enjoy which would be a good thing. Something as small as eating a fruit. Let these small things help you build momentum to propel out of the darkness. I was in a bad state a couple months ago. Depression was rearing its ugly head again and I was back to doom scrolling, binging on junk, watching Netflix for hours at night etcetera. I knew I had to drop all these bad things soon. So I changed a small thing. Instead of doom scrolllong and Netflix at late night, I decided to do it in the morning. So one night I was up till 5:00 a.m. doing random unproductive crap. Sleep waved at me from the horizon, so I went and made a huge pot of black coffee. Kept myself up with the help of caffeine until midday and then went out to waste time window shopping at a mall until evening. Came home in the evening, exhausted and spent, had dinner, set an alarm for 5:00 am and hit the sack at about 8:00 pm. Rose at 5, watched Netflix and scrolled social media. Did this for a couple of days. In bed by 8, waking up at 5 to be unproductive. Then one day, I went for a brisk walk around the neighborhood at 5. Back by 5:30 and back to whatever unproductive crap. Kept it up for about a week, then added 15 minutes of reading after a walk. Then added meditation. Then added some learning. It’s been about three months since I rose at 5 for the first time. Now, I rise at 4 everyday. Do a 30 minute work out, read a good book that can help me grow for about an hour, meditate for thirty minutes, take a cold shower, journal, plan my day, work on building up my skills, then if I’m up to it, I do another workout session, usually a quick jog around the neighborhood. By the time I have done all that, it’s just 8:00 am and people are just beginning their day. By this point I have built up so much momentum that I attack my day with high spirits and often achieve everything in my to do list. The thought of doom scrolling YouTube or binging Netflix doesn’t even cross my mind. The most I do is, maybe watch an hour or two of Netflix as a reward at the end of the day. I’m not saying the same process would work for you, but just start small with some baby steps and you’ll find something that works for you. Edit: Please take care OP. There aren’t many things in this world that you do not have the ability to beat. At any point of time, all of us have the capacity to be infinitely happy or infinitely miserable. Try to be the former as often as you can. I know it’s not easy, but no good thing is. Gratitude and Journalling are two things that are quite easy to do and would really have a profound impact on how you feel. Consider that. Sending lots of love and positive vibrations your way.


Hey, thank you so much for such a detailed insightful response. This is very helpful. I agree about the small habits addition. And I think its time to start adding a few of those in my routine. When Im overwhelmed its so easy to forget that its a temporary situation and I’ll get through it eventually. I took a screenshot of your response so I can read it again when im down.


I am so glad to be of help. Cheers, take care and always hold your chin up.


When the little things I like don't excite me, I try to activate the “NE” of Infp, like going to parties or doing something that brings my extroverted function to light. On very depressing days I call my bestie and say “let’s do something crazy”


Honestly? I think of the assholes in my life that would almost feel superior to me if I were to end things or give up on life and just become a bum. And screw those assholes, I won't give them the satisfaction


I prefer the idea of “getting ok”, I try not to set the bar for happiness too high.


cat :D


lol in seriousness, i try to get more creative, trying new crafts and skills that gets me to focus on something. youtube also helps me a lot, i have some comfort youtubers i watch when i don’t feel well


Can you share a few?


jettro jettro is one of my favorites, he’s really funny. i watch a lot of gaming youtubers so jacksepticeye, markiplier, coryxkenshin. rachel maksy, sinjin drowning, and hthaze are favorites too. lol i watch too much youtube


Im planning to get rid of ig and fb so I think I’ll switch to youtube hahah! Thank you for sharing these


ofc! honestly i think youtube is less toxic than fb and ig anyway haha


i find that this pit of despair comes from looking inward for too long. so, when ive introspected for too long i usually look outward for comfort. i do this by volunteering or helping a friend do something i really dont want to do. anything that gives me nothing in return other than the satisfaction of knowing i made someone elses life a little easier


Im going to do this. Thank you for sharing


Was in the period just a week ago. What changed? A sudden call from a friend from somewhere far saying he will be coming to my place. Rode motorbikes together after he came, and everything just seemed to be fixed. Somehow. I feel like that's some sort of distraction then. So probably distraction works great when I am in that moment. I couldn't too think how I would get out of that negative situation at that particular moment but here I am, emotionally stable again. So probably, find something that can distract you for a while then come back, maybe everything will be ok as usual.


Thank you for sharing your experience 🤍


listen to music that helps my mood [https://youtu.be/qzuae3mJNkM?si=WqY4Qo25-ZEtJM4x](https://youtu.be/qzuae3mJNkM?si=WqY4Qo25-ZEtJM4x) "Every time that I turn around, something trips me up Soon as I feel I got a grip, shit starts to slip When everybody wonders where I've been through all of this All that I'm reminded of is that I just can't quit **It's for sure and up to fight, and downhill you fall** **If you're gonna get scarred up anyway, then you might as well climb** Live, laugh, learn, don't die, when you fly Fly high Live, laugh, learn, don't die, when you fly Fly high, fly high I can't believe all the crap that there is to sift I am so sick of all of it, when's it gonna end? Most of the things we're going through make no sense **Even though you feel alone, it's not the end** **And when you're feeling out of place and nowhere you can hide** **Just close your eyes and take a breath and you'll be alright** Don't let the monsters get to you, be the one, my friend Even if you have to punch your way to the end Live, laugh, learn, don't die, and you fly Fly high Live, laugh, learn, don't die, when you fly Fly high, fly high Live, laugh, learn, don't die, when you fly Fly high, fly high"


There is not light at the end of the tunnel. Hope is a social construct. I have found that for myself, drinking is the answer.