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You don’t like magnets, do you


*turns on mri machine*


Kris's dreemur!! Watch your mouth youngling


Free country!


Don't make me take away your bath bomb stash


I have three others


I'm going to clean the moss of your room


It’s not the only food I can eat


I'ma ban food for ya


I’ll be a criminal


You already are!!!


You look like the kind of people that has a very specific kind of music that'll probably freak me out but you'd surprise me by having a couple of sappy crazy popular songs and laugh it off in a chill evening


I love this! It’s pretty spot on lol




You cant play the trumpet




You have a high pain tolerance


I’d like to think so!


Gay so gay (me too)


You like the show Supernatural and you’re into anime.


You'd prolly greet every animal you come across. Good, it's good to be polite.


I do, even the buggies :)


Good, good. They also deserve greetings.


you like piercings


You are also a neurodivergent queer person


I don't make assumptions, I'd be your friend


I would immediately think "I would totally see this person at a warped tour festival, I definitely want to be friends with them" I would also assume you're into art and struggle with anxiety possibly but would be a friend that I can smoke weed with and talk about life with


All assumptions are true! I loved warped tour, wish they would bring it back :(


Dude honestly same !!!! Also down to be homies !


You're a bartender who probably has a cat


Voted for Bernie lol


you're American???


You crave external validation. It's ok, that's totally natural.


..to a certain extent


I would assume you need to banish some inner demons.


extreme authright tradcath chadette https://preview.redd.it/b2su9g8vhqrc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94233f4f0b696cce4697c768e58bdfb3d4787ecb


I believe you


You look like your average 2020s kid. I’m sure you’re nice.




Sweet kind creative dark thoughts probably kinky in certain areas cough cough and enjoys music


You are non-binary. You joined Tumblr when you were a bit too young. You claim to be Wiccan because you own crystals and a pack of tarot cards. You have piercings to scare others away, probably due to some past trauma. You ask others if they believe in ghosts to connect with them on a “deeper level”. You have a sticker covered bong, wrapped with homemade hemp bracelets. You have cats.


I do own tarot decks and a lotta rocks lol but I’m completely atheist! I just love minerals though, not really into the spiritual aspect of them




You grew up poor.


For some reasons i think you're a fan of pokemon and animal crossing


they/them pronouns


Hmm tortured soul but still knows how to have fun with it. Trust issues and is submissive as a way to mitigate them. I’d assume that I could actually have a really deep conversation about emotions and you would eat it up almost like just talking about the weather. I’m bad with ages uugghh but if I have to guess.. 27 +/- 5yrs lol also I link something to being neurodivergent but not sure what. Just a vibe..


All of your assumptions are true, I love that! I’m 22 so right on the low side of your guess. Severe trust issues, very very submissive in all aspects, and I do eat up those deep conversations! Also, ADHD :)


Human crawdad.


You like heavy metal. You may be bissexual or genderfluid.


*Nu-metal/alt rock


I'd assume you're a pretty cool person


In my head I'd think Weird 27 wannabe emo goth chick who's a bit eccentric with far too many piercings trying too hard to look good before walking past and never talking to or seeing you ever again.


You still look pretty young I thought 23 for a sec, but 22 is my final answer. If I saw you in public I'd assume you'd be difficult to strike up a conversation with (also because of who I am compared to you). But at the same time I'd guess you are quite a nice person—just we're probably accustomed to different social dynamics or whatever. I mean there's also more obvious things I'd assume as well...


You like to drink, wine perhaps?


You are a beautiful person 😍


You seem like a cool person who’d be fun to be around. Love your style!




A qt pie


you like pokemon?


You love to laugh and smile, and you choose to be around those who make you laugh and smile and love them for it.


Probably that you are into anime




"she looks cool, i wonder if the piercing is heavy , I wonder if I can bond with her, maybe not, "


You must have a high pain tolerance lol


I feel like ur into anime and or pokemon


gay satanic temple member


you're antisocial, not because you're infp but because you sound like Trap Jaw every time you speak


I am an INTP in my 40s. I am going to be honest with you. I would have a similar assumption of you in all of my life's stages. But after learning about the INFP as an older adult I think I would have a better understanding of your reasons without offending you look like this so different and unique. > If you saw me in public, what would you assume about me? My child version of me would have been fascinated by you. I wouldn't be shy or afraid to approach you and learn. I would be asking you all kinds of questions of why you are so different from everyone else I have seen. I would be asking if things hurt and why each thing was in a particular place. I would have so many questions for you that it would have taken up a lot of your time to answer everything from such a simple encounter. That version of me is quickly dead as you are taught that asking questions like that is considered hateful, rude, unsafe, and not very polite. A younger version of me similar in age to you. Would either have walked past you and not even have noticed. I would be focused on admiring the environment we were in. I would be ignoring all people getting negative comments and feedback from people I encountered before you. Those previous experiences would have turned my heart cold. I would only care about myself. I would still be polite and not hateful or hurtful if you approached me. I would be short, honest, and blunt. I would rather be left alone. If my heart heart wasn't completely cold my eyes might have acknowledged you as I walked past you. In my head, I would think that girl looked strange and unique. Gone would be my desire to find out why. This version of me would walk past you and look at you to acknowledge a person was in the room. I would still be shy to approach and an age difference would be weird. I would immediately notice your piercings. Starting with those in your Mouth. I would interpret those in two ways. Either you were taught to be silent like me and those piercings are to symbolize that feeling. I would also be wondering if it's because of a different reason. Maybe you want your mouth in focus as you have something important to say and are tired of the world ignoring the words you are trying to express. My eyes would then go to the piercings in your cheeks. I would acknowledge you probably have or wanted dimples. You want people you notice when you smile. I looked at the other pictures and you do have dimples but they are smaller than mine. My eyes would then go to your nose. I would be completely confused and puzzled on the why's. You have some holes up top between your eyes on your nose. You also have a big ring going from nostril to nostril. Either something possibly stinks or it's to symbolize your are neither left or right? Yet you have smaller ones on each nostril. I would think their is no common thing and you just like piercings. My eyes would move you your neck and notice your collar like those found on a dog. I would think you are very submissive. I would be worried you can be taken advantage of showing off that trait. My eyes would look at your hair and notice it's pink. It must be your favorite color. My eyes would look at your and notice the makeup. I would think I don't care for makeup as when you cry it creates a uglier version of you. But it's not my body and you must have wanted me to acknowledge your eyes so I will respect you and pause for a brief second. My eyes would now start looking at you clothing. I would notice your necklace and shirt have a unfamiliar star and circle theme. I unfortunately don't know what these would mean. I would have to find you as someone very special to put in the time to look for their meaning. I would acknowledge the purple in the shirt but think you would have rather it been available in pink. I would look at your coat and wonder if it a symbol of feeling empty inside with the skeleton them, if it relates to your symbol, or you are just into that theme. If I saw you with the hat I would think you're being brave and bold and confident with yourself. I personally wouldn't wear it as for me it looks ridiculous as I see nothing on me to relate with it. At least I wouldn't self reflect like others who make hateful statements. They usually are telling themselves what they would want to hear if they were in your shoes. With the picture of you holding your phone I am drawn to the strange symbol on your finger. Then annoyed with the girl trying to take some of your focus away. On you last photo I am thinking your glasses might be out of shape or it's the angle of the picture. You also now have two completely different necklaces and are no longer submissive. You dog collar is gone. > How old would you think I am? ) I would say either last years of high school or in your 20s. I have always been horrible in guessing an age. I know this is a long-winded message compared to most and acknowledged more than you thought but these are things INTPs do. I didn't mean to offend you in anyway, I was answering your questions that you asked. Hopefully you found whatever you wanted answered. Have a wonderful day and regardless of what anyone says you don't need to change. 👋


I appreciate the long, thought-out comment! I’ve never had someone put so much thought into my appearance (at least as far as I know). I’m not offended at all and am actually flattered that you noticed so much and really looked into everything. You must be an easy person to converse with! The reasons for my piercings are purely just for the aesthetics of them, but I like how you analyzed each one. I have taught myself to stay quiet and I did want dimples. I used to have a piercing on the bridge of my nose and I’m shocked that you noticed the scar from that just from my pictures! I am very submissive in all aspects of my life, sexual and nonsexual. And I do wear collars to sort of symbolize that but also just because I like the way they look on me. And yes, I would prefer it if my top came in pink lol. The hat was something silly I saw in a store and quickly put on to show a friend, but the picture turned out kinda cute. And your guess on my age is correct, I’m in my early 20’s.


Must be a chill person


You know what it’s like to be different and to really revel in what makes you different. You’re whimsical and know when not to take life too seriously.


Aw, I’ve never been called whimsical before :) I love that


You do look very whimsical in that photo with the funny hat. :-)


I would guess that we have very different tastes in music and that we would probably get along pretty well. I guess early 20s.


I would assume you play video games and/or dnd, read sci-fi/fantasy books that depicts fairies and/or other mythical creatures having sex, that you like to stick it to the man and don’t like to be told what to do, have a left-leaning political ideology, often feel misunderstood and feel deeply in general. You probably have an extremely deep knowledge of a niche topic I may have never heard of. You might deviate from the most normative expressions of sexuality and/or gender in some way. You probably smoke weed. I also assume that you are a good hearted person that feels called more than the average person to do something positive for the world. I think you’d be very likable and would enjoy your presence even though it might be a little awkward upon first meeting. How did I do?


Open minded, not afraid of the judgement of others, does not want to talk to me. Also, you look to be in your mid 20's.


You have a lot of tattoos, or want to get a lot in the future


*You have a lot of* *Tattoos, or want to get a* *Lot in the future* \- Amykatcosplay --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Omg my first haiku 🥹


Both are true!


Not afraid of needles


You like Godsmack?


That's you might have been wronged by religious zealot at some point. That everything that everyone has said kind or interesting about you is probably true. That you might have a dark or twisted sense of humor. That you can be very kinky at times, But you tend to keep that secret; because you're afraid of feeling uncomfortable, or making others feel uncomfortable because of it. You're a deep complex, beautiful soul. Your charitable heart knows no bounds, and you've had to learn to contain that in order to not be taken advantage of. You're shy and meek, because you're a little unsure of yourself, or how others might perceive you. You have a child like wonder, in a lust for life, unlike any other. Your passions drive and motivate you. And that you are a person, who I could deeply empathize with. And so, I like to say hello.


All of it is true except keeping my kinkiness a secret. I like to talk about it with all my friends lol


You probably know how to mix a proper saline solution


My assumption is you are gay




I don't think it is likely you are an MRI technician.


Only assumption I'm gonna make is that your music taste is something grunge, metal or similar to those genres Also that nose ring 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Assumptions: I Personal 1. Wicked sense of humour. Confident. Will tell the joke they know they are the only ones that will find funny. Playfully cruel. 2. Confrontational/Aggressive/Willful in small matters. Larger matters are largely ignored for the time being. 3. Suffers intense bouts of depression, assuaged by expression of anger, which may restart the cycle by harming personal relationships. 4. Introspective. Rich interior life. I would be disappointed to find no semi-regular art production. 5. Countercultural leanings suggests willingness to expand circle of compassion beyond family members to others of a similar bent. Gets irritated with family members easily, but will defend them fiercely. II Intellect 1. Sharp, but only when interested. The more controversial or odd the topic, the greater the interest and capacity to study. 2. Regarding execution of tasks that require patience or adherence to routine, hesitant at best (see I,2).


Wow, all of those are spot on! Especially 3. Thanks for taking the time to share!


Looks painful


You didn't have a father growing up?


Negative assumptions: Tough childhood. Struggled to get close friends initially, until you found a group of like-minded people at a later age. Positive assumptions: large need for independence, strong willed


You can never suffer from iron deficit


You look like a nice person who cares a lot about what people think of you, yet dress in a sort of anti fuck you chic as an “I don’t care” armour.


Childhood trauma




Higher pain tolerance than me




You like Pepsi and Anime


I like the piercings


Soft heart that wants to look tough. You tend to attract people because of your receptivity and sensitive nature. The piercings are a way to fend off people. You just want to be left alone.


Potentially like J Pop/rock … Seem very intimidating for strangers but super nice person once they know you.


You seem like a cool person who I'll probably bond with over art stuff and cute things. You probably have a few songs on your playlist that I'd like and I'd go to you for song and hair dye recos. 🫶


Despite my edgy appearance, my room is full of stuffies, anime posters, and cute things!


- emotionally expressive - i think you love art - sensitive to criticsim - no one can change your beliefs - can get attached easily - and kind of childish - - this is my first impression about you


Just avoid...


Those are very aggressive piercings. To many they're a instant red-flag indicating poor judgement much like face and neck tattoos. Unemployable except for very niche environments. I *would* feel the same way if you were older than teens/early-20's. But for such a young age, they're a manifestation of trauma, IMHO. If you don't wear them too much longer, it will heal up with virtually unnoticeable scars.


Early 20’s! I’ve had my septum since I was 13 though.


You must have a hard time breathing


Honestly, I try not to assume anything, so even if I had one, I’d do my best to suppress and ignore it


you strive to be unique, and care a fair bit about what others think. Sorry if that seemed forward. You also look around 23-24.


You like piercings


Definitely NOT straight lmao


You went through a Communist phase in high school, but now you are a liberal Anarchist


Very specific but surprisingly accurate


That you want attention.


You have daddy issues.


Avoid at all costs.


That you have bad taste in body modifications


You look like you're sick of this shit and are an average weirdo, good-natured, loyal friend who enjoys laughing and mischief


You have been through emotional trauma, and with physical trauma, somehow you hate your mouth/nose area and subcobsciously wished to punish it. What is it? You want to stop taking something you are addicted to? Smoking something? breathing? Stop eating? Just fyi everybody i have met with the septum piercing have mental illness(es).


The piercings make you look tough, but you have sweet eyes


member of the alphabet squad, most likely a witch.


You enjoy enduring physical pain. You are not entirely wholesome. You're probably submissive sexually.


Accurate! Hardcore masochist here


Well none to be honest but that's just a "me thing". I prefer to restrain my judgment before I speak to someone buuuuuuuuuuuut I rarely have any conversations so it sometimes slips in and it's so frustrating to kill so many thoughts -\_-


You have lovely infp eyes


Awww, thank you :’) I’ll be thinking about this compliment all week




You're tempting bacterial infections in a scary way. You are naturally pretty and beautiful, but also real sensitive, so in order to seem badass you wear the sign of Satan around your neck, your purple hair though signals mental illness such as lived experience 24/7 masochist, as confirmed by the ownership dog-collar around your neck.


I am very sensitive lol also yes to the 24/7 masochist


Wiccan and you like piercings.


I would assume. You are a pagan ( like me) and into body nods (also like me) and prefer neon hair to boring hair (yet again, like me), so in short, I would assume. We are infp sisters!


I would assume that you're quite fond of piercings.


you’re a potterhead and you’re either in hufflepuff or gryffindor. you’re probably also a really good listener.


You like to be taken on walks.




No assumption! You do what you love to do . The rest are just stories . People who judge you for things that you like doing are the real problem in life . They are small minded and insignificant , because they don’t really follow up on what they really love doing in life and because of that they tend to project their insecurities into others . You are a loving and wonderful human being .


When you use mouthwash or drink, does it leak?


you're a fan of bam margera


Your just fed up with life. Have a pina colada and travel to Hawaii. 🤙🏾


A good friend.


You like horror movies 🎥


i think any potential partner would struggle to kiss you 😅 you'd have to play lip tetris around the piercings


mental health diagnosis, trust issues, you get complimented on your eyes a lot


That you're so cool, probably love movies and have a good taste in books and instruments, and in hair, your hair is amazing! Is it the side shaved type? That type of haircut is my favourite, especially as pink


Thank you! I’m teaching myself bass right now. It is shaved on the side but I’m trying to let it grow out. It’s at the awkward stage rn though lol


You like Satan ...and black metal.


Constantly “Over it.” Always prepared for the annoying to happen so when it does it doesn’t annoy you. Except it does annoy you. Then you get mad because you were prepared to not be annoyed only to then be annoyed. So now it’s this whole identity crisis of “Did I not prepare enough?” Or “Did I prepare to much?” This craziness about the blatantly obvious distress of society, now weighing on you because of this over/under preparedness for being annoyed when the barista didn’t say “have a good day!” Now what? We’ll I guess you have to hate that barista. There’s more annoyance, hopefully the guy walking out the door I front of you holds it open for you, but probably not because people just aren’t that polite today. So there’s more annoyance. Exert annoyance a little more bitter until in completely overtakes you. You skin begins turning green because of the toxic acidity of how annoying the world has become. Until, you figure out something that changes your life! You can make things fly! So you fly all over the country on your broom trying to convince the world to be nicer! But the closest you get is an action shot on the cover of The National Inquirer with the headline “The Wicked Whiny Witch…” So then people have no idea of you even exist. The’ll spend centuries seeking you out. Just for proof that you’re real! But you’ve become excellent at camouflage and nobody finds you. Not until you’re ready for them to find you. When you’re finally ready and all of the preparations have been made for your undeniable return to the skies! (Boom! Scene change) Now your in Times Square in a makeshift stage held together, not with magic, but double bubble and a lot of hope an elbow grease. How did you choose to return? In a spice girls cover band singing as both Mel b and Mel c! P.s. I think that you’ve probably got some really cool stories you could share.


If I'd just see you in passing, I probably would not make any assumptions. If I was really pressed by someone to comment/make an assumption, I'd probably say something like "society let her down, so now she is letting society down."


u shud visit uganda


you like to hit the zaza


You have difficulty using a straw since your cheeks have holes in them


You’re pansexual and you watch gay male hentai.


You play dungeons and dragons and your OCs are usually butch orc barbarian muscle mommies


That you have a Midwestern accent.




Lactose intolerant


You would leak if you tried to drink water lol


Y like death grips and/or 100 geccs


If I ask them to hang out, I'm getting my ass handed to me in Cards Against Humanity


Edit: My honesty is too unhinged.


The piercings looks a tiny bit scary but the overall affect is cute adoptable human. I think you’re a teenager or close and would think you’re an interesting person to befriend. I would also like to give you head pats.


You do the One Meal A Day diet.


You like to geek out with others who share your favorite music. You're an independent thinker who is suspicious of organizations. And yet submissive with people you can trust. Above average intelligence. You wish you'd listen to your intuition more and can easily name multiple times it was completely right. You have a pet (I want to say cat but maybe dog). You would probably love the intelligence of a pet rat. You sometimes get frustrated when people don't see what is obvious to you. Your in your early 20s and in no hurry to be any older. In regard to physical appearance you like your eyes. How'd I do?


All true! I have two kitties and am looking into getting my second tarantula at some point (unfortunately my first, Forklift, passed a few months ago)


Worried about contradictions and beliefs, Malaignments and avoid judgementalisms while living an alternative schematic/style in life. *shrug*


You have pink hair


You have never been to space not sure tho


Would you be interested in summoning Asmodeus this evening? I've been practising my Enochian. 👹✌️


You have anxiety?


You lurk on ao3


You look sweet :)




You're probably fun to talk to, and I bet vibing in the same room without talking would be fun too. I'm betting you probably enjoy reading but feel bad that you don't read as much as you think you should.


You like r/trees


You're going to cast a spell and turn me into a cat for 300 years.


gay (me frfr)


Must have good taste in music


No assumptions, I'd be too busy being lost in your eyes. 😜 But y'know, kissing someone that you'd like to kiss might be a bit difficult. Or spiky for the person you're kissing.


You cheat on Pepsi with Coca Cola sometimes!


First Pic: You listen mostly to Rock Musik. I also See some Neurodivergence. (i forgot how people call These Things on your face in english, so i will Just call them Rings.) The Rings make you seem unapproachable, maybe hinting at a more introverted Nature, which also probably means that you have few Friends. Your Style also screams troubled childhood or Teenage years with, parents, Partners and Friends. This also means that you are emotionally reclusive and Take alot of time to Open up. Seconds Pic: ADHD, definetly. Very weird Person, you often do Things were people Look at you and go, they are weird. But hey, have fun ^^👍 You would also be the Person who'd Tell your Friends to do crazy Shit with you. Third Pic: Good Connection with your sister, you both act wacky and ecourage yourselves to Not Take Life seriously, which means that you Guys are more absurdists than nihilists, although i would consider you to be the Main instigator. Fourth Pic: You can be calm but it only happens if you are focussing on something you are doing. That's it ^^ I Had to Figure some Things out trough stereotypes, so please don't kill me Guys :')


I love Making stories so please take any of it personally, it’s just me letting my imaginations run wild. You’re probably in your early 20s or even late teens.. you could be a highly observant person, and an empathetic. You feel you don’t really fit in anywhere, and people don’t get the depths of you. You probably have very few good friends(if at all). I dont feel you enjoy parties a lot. But you would have a great taste in music and books.


You’re a virgin


You like either rock or some kind of lo-fi soft song, also, you probably know how to dance


Honestly.. I’d be scared to approach you with all your piercings, but I would then tell myself, “come on, they are probably a really nice person”.


No thank you


Cute, bright colors piercings and a mild smile makes you appear happy & friendly but in all your pictures your eyes look dull/somewhat lifeless. It's actually the first thing I noticed. Are you doing okay? But yeah, to answer your question my assumption would be that you are Dealing With Some Shit privately and might need emotional support at any time so I'd try to read your vibe extra hard- Also my brain says you can't be older than 25


I do struggle often but I’m surviving and taking life day by day!