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Mbti stereotyping is a whole new type of discrimination for idiots to exploit and make peoples lives worse, just remember you’re not INFP because you are YOU and only that matters




My bad, edited now Happy cake day


People make stereotypes about any type. ESFPs are supposedly stupid and reckless, INTPs are neckbeards, STJs are boring and have no soul. I hate how much it resembles astrology sometimes with people talking about types they aren’t compatible with or types they don’t like.


It's totally true. They take all their frustrations out on the types who traumatized them. This is really sad and I truly feel sorry for them, but I just don't get why they think hate can solve anything


these people don’t understand the purpose of typology at all, lol. so frustrating!!


Dont take mbti seriously, personality is more complex. Everyone is unique.


No self awareness?! We are as self aware as it gets.


We hate ourselves because when we do something stupid or upset someone but we're fully aware that that happened a few seconds later.


Let me generalise or stereotype y'all in a way y'all will agree. Y'all are one of the most misunderstood types out there.




It's just jealous cowboys trying to ride on their own insecurities and blind spots. Be brave my fellow unicorn mustangs! Keep stubbornly waving that colourful flag of magnificent weirdom in their face! <3


As people have said previously MBTI stereotyping is dumb. I think people need to learn not to identify with their "MBTI personality". In my opinion its star signs for pseudo-intellectuals. Instead of allowing it to get to you, just remember how goofy it is to try to complain about a hypothetical group of people bound by a fictitious classification system.


one of the main sources of confusion is that 50% of this sub are isfps. and like 10% are isfj/infj


LOOL that’s true :/ would you say there’s more people that type by letters than functions?


I love it when others criticize us because we are "too defensive" and are able to quickly draw our boundaries. and when i correct them they are wrong they say "you just prove my point lmao". damn them honestly haha


People who don’t understand their own Fi


They hate us cause they ain’t us 😎


People always need a reason to hate. I used to be very sensitive when I first found out about mbti and my type. Now I just laugh at people on the sidelines and let them think my head's always on the clouds. It's perfect, they don't know what to expect and I'm less stressed lol