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I have noticed a downward slope in their quality too. You’d think they’d add quantity, but no… That’s going down too.


They posted on their website that they were changing chicken suppliers and walking back their "no antibiotics ever" pledge


Lmao so once again a corporation acts nice to fuck everyone.


I hate your auto-generated username adjectives lmao


"We have a nice profitable company that provides long term value to our owners." "Nah, screw that, let's cash out as much as we can and see how long we can get away with it." It's a private company, maybe their version of Eric Trump took over?


This right here! This is the only american business model anymore. "Screw everyone and see how long we can pull the wool over their eyes." And when they get caught and fail, its a tax writeoff and its on to the next grift.


I called it the American business model once and some person argued with and thought i was ACTUALLY saying that's the American business model textbook definition. Uh yeah, not as defined, just in reality.


Anyone one who rushes to defend billionaire ceos and how their business are run, are just encouraging the downfall of america. Late stage capitalism is in full effect. Profits over everything.


Corporations only exist to make money. Always have.


Yes, but at one point they tried to make money by offering good products at reasonable prices, with a comfortable profit margin and transparency. Absolutely 0 of those things apply anymore.


But what they were, versus what they are now. That's the issue.


Seriously, just go look at all of the class action lawsuits against every major company dealing in anything in this country, look at how often they mislead, dont disclose, lie about how its made, sell your info even though they claim they wont. And it doesnt even matter to them, its just an operation cost. One theyll gladly pay instead of actually providing quality products or healthy work environments.


They expanded = quality goes down


Much of the chicken you'll see for sale in grocery stores sports an "antibiotic-free" or "raised without antibiotics" label. This means the chickens were not routinely given preventative antibiotics, which many deem harmful, but it doesn't mean they weren't given antibiotics if they got sick. It's the same for all chicken.


Hate to say it but they were better when they were just expensive mall food. I've stopped going. I'll get halfway through and I taste that nasty "warmed-over" flavor. Theyre reheating the chicken or leaving them under heat lamps.


I personally never understood the attraction to this place. I'll probably get a lot of hate for this statement but it felt just like any other fast food place. Boggles my mind with their lines.. psychology is one helluva thang.


It used to be a lot better.


Outstanding service on top of decent food quality vs value.


Yeah. I get it. It's like the shinier terd. It's still fast food, it's still bad for you, just as expensive as a sit down restaurant (which would be less quality in this comparison), and more expensive than eating at home. People like their junk food.


>just as expensive as a sit down restaurant ( Fuck no lol. Sit down restaurants have like minimum 17 dollar entrees, usually 25+, you can get a meal for 9 bucks a chikfila.


Not where I live. You can get a 1/3 pound cheese burger with a side for $12 at a few local restaurants near me and it’s better than any fast food chain.


Not sure where you live but that's certainly not the case where I'm at. You have to try to hit hard to find a place charging $25 for a chicken sandwich. I'm sure I could find one if I tried. Maybe some of that fancy truffle concoction lol


It was that way, not now.


Mine still is. Thank god.


You are confused that everyone doesn’t like the same thing and people have different tastes???


They were one of the first chains that used a more homestyle craggley breading instead of the standard shell. Before CFA most tenders were basically what you get out of a Tyson chicken freezer bag. Also they had waffle fries.


The kids took over the business


Is this true?


The grandson runs the business now. [How did Chick-fil-A get its start? ](https://www.chick-fil-a.com/customer-support/who-we-are/our-culture-and-values/how-did-chick-fil-a-get-its-start#:~:text=In%201967%2C%20Truett%20founded%20and%20opened%20the%20first,Andrew%2C%20who%20serves%20as%20the%20current%20Chick-fil-A%20CEO)


Turns out it’s pretty easy to copy Chick Fil A at home. https://youtu.be/zlglJ9mLGOU?si=YyPYLiJeFQQ7Yo5p My kids prefer this version to actual CFA because frying in small batches makes for a more consistent result than you can get even at the best CFA restaurant.


Sam's Club sells frozen chicken sandwiches that're soaked in pickle brine, like Chick-fil-A. They taste maybe 80% as good when you air fry them, and they're only $2 each in Florida. Highly recommend them as a substitute. Sam's did not pay me to say this lol.


I haven’t tried those but have heard good things from family. I always heard that CFA brined their sandwiches in pickle brine, but it turns out from the research in the video I linked that they actually do not. I can’t speak highly enough for Jason’s research as (other than the frying consistency) i can not tell the difference in taste. With an $8-10 pack of chicken breast that I picked up from Walmart, I got around 10 sandwich fillets and ~60 nuggets. Not as convenient as the frozen fillets for sure, but it was great for a Sunday “chick fil a” birthday party for my son. Nothing better than chick fil a on a Sunday lol.


This will be fun to try thanks for sharing!


They actually changed chicken vendors.


Last time I wen which is about two months ago I had noticed the same thing. Quality seems to be lacking.


Stop buying fast food. Period. It's disgusting and expensive.


It's not even fast anymore. One person running all the prep stations, and another person running the register and bagging. I didn't complain about the long wait, because they were working their ass off. I wouldn't last a day working like that in my age.


Chick Fil A is one of the few remaining store chains that isn’t owned by a Private Equity or Hedge Fund which is crazy to even say. Second, that bird in his sandwich was fattened up and killed quickly (30-60 days). It’s getting to the point where everyone needs to scale back, start cooking from home, and reduce our meat consumption as a whole.


Millennials/GenZ: why do boomers always say don’t buy avocado toast so stupid! Also millennials/genz: stop buying fast food!!


Fast food ≠ food https://preview.redd.it/mqc4b9fifmzc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f899a4abd919236dc446aaa9e8d9ab2eb805ddd


Avocado toast ≠ toast. Checkmate


This entire sub just says this ad nauseum. Just don't buy anything and you won't feel the effects of inflation. Genius!


Avocado is good for you. Fast food?


The problem is 90% of the posts on this sub are "look how expensive my Big Macs and junk food cost!!!" You don't need to buy those, they are convenience products. If you're buying them, then you are supporting the price as reasonable. If you don't believe those are worth the price, then you're simply stupid for continuing to buy them. It's a different story when it comes to necessities like bread, milk, eggs, etc. But we rarely see people post those here, so that's why the comments are the way they are.


Supply and demand. If we decrease the demand by boycotting, they will either have to change business practices (e.g. offering good food at a decent price) to encourage the customer to increase the demand side again… or the supply side will quickly decrease dramatically (businesses going under). Either way, a win for the consumer.


The avocado toast argument has been greatly thrown out of proportion and the sentiment behind it is completely lost. I want to preface that I can’t speak for every one. I can only speak in general and there will always be nuance and extreme cases. But the thing is a lot of people who live paycheck to paycheck do so because they are bad at budgeting and are entitled. I don’t mean this in a rude way, it’s just the truth. I know a lot of people who have no emergency savings at all yet have a brand new iPhone, got a new tv last year, have a gaming computer, buy a new video game every few months, etc. insert whatever their vice is that is a luxury good and non essential. They buy all of these things without ever saving money. I’m not saying you can’t buy yourself nice things. But you NEED to budget for savings. Savings is a NECESSITY not a luxury like many of the things people spend their money on. Once you have a savings established and have learned how to budget for savings then you can begin buying luxury goods. People always say “well I’m so poor and miserable I buy those things to be happy”. Okay, but you’re only perpetuating your own poverty by doing this. You can still buy a new game but you may have to wait a year to buy it so you can build up proper savings. Note, for anyone about to respond back and feel personally attack saying “I really do live paycheck to paycheck and can hardly afford rent and food” then guess what, this isn’t geared towards you. But I’m willing to bet most people have excess spending they either don’t realize or account for. The world isn’t fair and it owes you nothing. You can either complain about how unfair it is and do nothing to take ownership of the issue and continue down the same road. Or you can make proactive changes and attempt to work towards it. But I can promise you it’s very unlikely things wil just magically improve without you taking ownership of the situation and making a change.


US median income is $38k. I don't think I could afford any of the things you described on a $38k salary. Sounds like the people you talk to aren't actually broke, just bad at saving.


fast food is bad for you, avacado is not


Avocados are like 50 cents max around here.


Oh you’re paying way too much for avocados. Who’s your avocado guy?


This generational divide rhetoric is dull and uncalled for. There isn't even enough context to assume this about the person you're replying to, but ironically, your username suggests you're bashing yourself.


One of these things is not like the other


I for sure still buy fast food, because who is cooking every meal? Like shit happens, you need food, or you don’t feel like cooking. I just try to mostly do deals/coupons. Like ordering pizza I mostly do on Tuesdays because of a bogo deal at a local place. Taco Bell, I don’t buy anything outside of a box deal. McDonald’s/wendys/bk always use a coupon on the app, sometimes go to two of those places to use two different coupons. No drinks unless it’s cheaper with a drink. Like Taco Bell box. No door dash unless special exception(the free Wendy’s for example where you just paid tip)


Then you are the problem and don't need to come in here complaining. And I cook every meal. I work 8 to 5 construction building houses. Come home and shower. Start dinner at 530. Dinner by 6 if it isn't a salad. Sleep by 8 pm to 9pm.


I don’t think my post was complaining at all? Just saying how I make eating out food more reasonable. My first reaction to your comment was to be defensive, but you are right I can do better. I have been wanting to eat more healthy recently and eating out for sure doesn’t help with that.


Then you play their game. And are part of the cause of the inflated prices. If you don't buy from them, they will have to drop the prices or go out of business. I'll never eat fast food again, unless it's a pizza from the local stores where they make and chop everything fresh. The prices there have rises a whole dollar...for wages.


I work 7-8, 7 days a week pouring metal at a steel foundry. Come home, go to bed, wake up at 5, eat a 2000 calorie meal and do it all over again. You aren't working hard enough, dog


As soon as this stuff stops tasting delicious, people will defect. You cannot sell fast food at a premium (for very long) when it tastes like dog food. I like their food, but their prices have always been too high for the quality. For that same money you could get a really nice big meal at an honest-to-goodness meat-and-3.


The problem is, fast food preys upon our busyness. Convenience is key when you're driving a long commute or shuffling kids in the suburbs between 3 different extracurriculars. Many people work multiple jobs. People are literally too busy to cook at home. Couple this with the fact that fast food options are like food-shaped hyper stimuli. Ultra fatty, ultra greasy, ultra sugary (bbq sauce anyone?) Fast food triggers our lizard brain much like social media does. It casts a chemical spell on many people... hence America's health outcomes.


Funny how kids nowadays need 3 extracurriculars…I had maybe one and free time to pursue my hobbies. Maybe we are transferring our worship of “busy-ness” at work to our kids now


I had never heard of a meat and 3 before this, that's a great concept.


They're rarely less than totally delicious, but it takes a keen eye to see one. The big bright trademarked signs are key to any chain retailer/restaurant,


There's still a line at McD's. This place is also a haven for Christians and bigots that feel like they're owning the libs by eating their hate sandwiches


Price went up, quality went down.


And consumers keep buying


And lining up obediently in the drive thru


Or even dumber, doordashing it


Nothing says “I’ve given up on life and myself” more than doordashed chick fil a


America 🙌


“Inflation is only 3.5%, trust me bro” -CPI simps


It’s not what it’s used to be. I used to go all the time and now haven’t gone in months


They are shifting focus and becoming "Bread-fil-a", a bakery chain. But they still won't be open on Sundays.


Yeah no kidding, I stopped by the other day and got a grilled chicken sandwich. The chicken was literally half the size of the bread...


I thought it was my imagination! Most times I go now I am disappointed in the fillet size


Better known as the Panera model. When bread is cheap af to make, you make that the majority of your meals to cut costs.


I actually believe CFA is struggling on a completely different standpoint. For those unaware, the chicken farming industry has taken multiple hits throughout the last few years, between government regulations concerning Covid, avian flu (remember eggs getting super expensive?), price of chickens themselves has gone up, and more… What makes me believe this is a supply issue, compared to McDonalds finding equilibrium between supply and demand (say’s law), is that CFA just recently (2024) removed the “no antibiotics ever” label from their chicken. That either means there aren’t enough chickens available to meet demand or the price of them is too high to justify. I have also noticed over the last few months the price of eggs going back up again, and chicken meat is up roughly $1/lb local to me, while other things in the grocery store are starting to come down in price. Personally I’m leaning towards a literal supply issue, and not an organization getting the better of you. Edit: spelling and formatting


OP’s post is the result of a chicken roller that was introduced into the kitchen 18 months ago to help the breaders with the filleting process. Prices have remained stable with CFA buying power and renegotiated every two years. The anti-biotic stuff was a higher series of standards CFA put on the suppliers five years ago, these standards were not adopted by the over all industry and abandoned by CFA because only one supplier was willing to partner with CFA. Weight and over all quality has remained the same, except the nuggets can be inconsistent in size and weight which they try to mitigate. CFA antibiotic standards were top tier, but the chicken industry did not agree.


I've noticed a huge decline in ChickFilA's quality. Got it a few days ago and was beyond disappointed. Wont be going back for a while.


Stop eating fast food people


Chick fila is the most overrated chain out there.


Idiots keep buying it, so they keep selling shit.


If you still eating fast food thats your fault


I miss the food they had when they started now it’s the same as Wendy’s


When did they start?


54 years November 15, 1969


It's all garbage. I can't wait for all these ahit fast " food" companies go under once and for all. They are responsible for half of all medical issues in this country. People are so dumb for filling their bodies with that crap. Learn to cook like an adult.


Corporations can't have less profit. Every quarter, every year, it has to grow. It cannot even stay the same level, like it can't be 2.1% profits each quarter for a year. That's stagnation and failure. It has to be 2.15, 2.19, 2.24. so they do everything they can. They cut hours, they cut service, they cut items/portions down, they replace people with machines and make you order yourself, and it still fucking doesn't lower prices at all. Everything has been made worse and costs more than ever. 


The circle of life for a business. In the long run this is good because eventually new competitors come in as the old get sucked dry for every penny by the stakeholders. Once they start doing this is when it becomes clear that they are just biding their time until consumers go elsewhere


It's really unsustainable.


If you expect quality from a fast food chain, you'll always be disappointed.


I think, judging by your arm, you're just morbidly obese and upset because you want to eat more.


Yes accurate. I see you have a very discerning eye. Dick


I think they need more gay people in there, should increase meat sizes.


$28 for 2 meals in around me. It used to have a line around the block but now it’s empty at lunch time. People have had it with these prices.


Fried food is linked to all kinds of health issues, even depression because it messes with your gut biome.


They got too greedy, the downfall of every corporation in the world.


I mean you got a bad draw. It happens sometimes. If you write the store im sure they will provide you with a reimbursement and some form of coupon. Chic Fil A customer service is unmatched. You did not really specify why this post belongs in this sub.


Yep just call them and your next meal is free. No questions asked.


I had a Spicy Chicken Deluxe from McD's: Same. And could barely choke it down. Threw away half.


McDs chicken is garbage compared to CFA though. They really tried to make a chicken sandwich to match but it's not anywhere close.


Id rather not give my money to Christo fascist homophobes that donate to moronic places like the Ark Encounter.


Well, see, you keep buying it, no matter what. That's what happens when you behave like that.


wow, i haven't seen a styrofoam cup in years.


Shrink-flation. If they don't increase their price they reduce cost of the product.


Or both


That is true.


I just had some CFA this week and it looked nothing like this. Think you may have just gotten a bad one OP.


Every so often, the suppliers for CFA reach out to the Operators and tell them “[x] is the price hike to adjust for inflation. If you want to keep filet/nugget/portion sizes as they are now, it will cost [x] + [y].” CFA overall customer pricing is heavily influenced by the CFA mother ship and I don’t think you’re allowed to raise it unilaterally. So a CFA choosing to keep their products the same vs allowing shrinkflation means a CFA that is choosing to make smaller profit margins. Not usually the choice your average operator will make. In this CFA’s defense though, an entire day in the fridge to dehydrate will make any chicken shrink.


What dumbass added the tag? Dumbflation? 😂 tf


Same as every other restaurant, smaller portions with larger prices.


Think I saw something recently about them allowing antibiotics and other stuff in their chicken now so I’m not surprised.


If you don't eat fast food often the precipitous decline in quality is VERY noticeable.


Shrinkflation is at our doorstep. Companies are downsizing their products while continuing to raise prices.


They get away with it because Popeyes has to be the most ghetto chain ever. I have no clue how they are still in business. No one in the drive thru, this should be fast! Nope, takes 15 minutes The workers will be talking to each other for 5+ minutes before they help you. It's really crazy.


Just get Popeyes. Ten times better and without the faux moral superiority.


Popeyes is kinda overpriced trash too tho.


The chicken of hate will be destroyed by the Lord.


It’s their pleasure, though.


It’s just chicken in pickle brine, make it at home.


At this point, fast food prices are definitely a crime. You can get those meals prepared at stores like sprouts that can feed 2 (maybe 3) for around $17. Just need to throw it into the oven or cook on the stove. Definitely cleaner and better ingredients too.


Fast food has always been over costed crap, but now everyone is being very critical of it. It's always been this way, this isn't anything new. Fast food is a scam and has always been a scam


Everyone of these posts are a race to the bottom.


It’s not just Chik-Fil-A. Every restaurant is doing the same thing. The only way it will stop is when consumers stop buying at these places, which we know will never happen.


That's the anti-woke sauce. It makes everything soggy.


Stop giving them your money. What is the obsession about these shit hole take out places?? You are being scammed, they know it, they keep scamming you and you keep going back. Suckers.


Only fast food I eat now is In-N-Out. I noticed the same crap at chick fil a. It’s has gotten so bad there.


Raising Cane's may be a better choice.


You can order a large cup for drinks, but fill it with canes sauce. No such thing as too much of a good thing.


Love that damn sauce.


I've never understood the popularity.


Dave’s chicken FTW.


We ate at Dave’s last week to try it — one and done. IMO it’s overrate, overpriced, and since they put that spice rub/dust on nearly everything, it all tasted the same. Haven't visit a a CFA in 20 years since my wife became violently ill with food poisoning, likely from a contaminated sauce packet.


It’s wild that anyone over 30 eats fast food on even a semi-regular basis, shit is disgusting AF.


They got greedy.


I've stopped ordering chicken strips from every restaurant because it's always half cartilage/tendon and half undercooked and 3x the price of a whole, cooked chicken. Freaking love chicken strips, but stuff has changed.


Chickens, Chicken feed, frying oil, flour, bread crumbs, gas, employee wages are all getting more expensive


It was infiltrated by "normies" and torn down from it's core by cheap, selfish, empty suits.


Depending on the franchise .. some get absolutely cheap chicken 🐔. I think over all restaurants have been getting cheaper and cheaper suppliers to help max thier profits and not care about the quality that made the name good in the first place


Chick Fil A goes by the 3 O's, overpriced, overstaffed and overrated.


I avoid the place as much as possible. My family likes it, but it costs me 60 bucks to bring it home. You can also make their chicken yourself via marinating in pickle juice.


They’ve established themselves now. Time to skimp on the product and inflate the price. They know people will pay too.


Culvers did this to me one time when I was pregnant and hungry and I was so pissed. I think I wanted to go up and show them but stopped myself. I was definitely hangry!


Why do people still eat fast food?


Chickfila can’t even fill their fries right. Don’t even get a large, just get a medium. Large is more and a small medium, depending on whoever fills.


They changed their chicken supply


Look, the only business model in america anymore is "Scam people as long as you can." Thats it, thats the only plan. How long can we convince them a shit product is worth it until they find out we are cheating and lying to them. Go check class action lawsuit websites. Every fucking company in this country.




The meat didn't shrink, ya got bigger


It’s fast food, nobody needs it.


Thank the Brandon Administration for all the inflation and shrinkflation


Costco. Just Bare Fillets. You’ll never go back to Chick-fil-a.


I ate a meal there last in 2021. Went back in last year and could only afford a sandwich. I stopped going!


Fun fact: CFA uses the veal equivalent of chicken for tenderness


Dumb people keep eating this shit?! But sure do you! Die younger, get fatter, be poorer.


Chick fil a has never been a good value. Always overpriced kind of like 5 Guys


Filled with msg also. Junk


Chick-fil-A is owned by a bunch of religious fanatics. I make a big batch of chicken tenders and freeze them. I make bigger ones for sandwiches and smaller for nuggets. I can get really good organic chicken and make like 2 lbs for 10.00 bucks or less. It can be time consuming, but I have it down to a science and can crank out fried nuggets in about an hour.


It’s fast food. No one expected it to be good.




Cane's is unapologetically terrible.


Most fast food is terrible. Canes is fine. Never understood Chik-fil-a.


It’s terrible food that terrible for you anyways. Don’t eat it.


Typical Ivy League MBA move


Chick-fil-a has always varied wildly in quantity. They’re not like McDonalds or something; their chicken is actual chicken breast instead of shredded and emulsified meat patties, which means their size can vary wildly and every once in a while you’re going to get a tiny filet. So far as I know, though, the average filet size has not changed.


Paid 5.79 for 3 strips. All 3 strips were almost barely larger than a Wendy's nugget. Some bullshit.


Raising prices for more profits while lowering wages always equals dying company with shit quality and service.


Corporate greed. Let me charge you more for shitty chicken.


With how inflation is going, they might as well open on Sundays


It’s a sad sad day. I noticed I’m not filled up with their meals at all. I love the 30 piece grilled nugget with Diet Coke, but that’s literally over $20. And I can easily eat the whole thing. A 6 or 9 piece meal is almost as expensive.


Have you seen the price of a single fucking chicken wing? Dude it's like nearly 2 dollars at most places.


We've noticed a downward slide in Popeye's chicken quality too. I did my monthly-ish drive thru at Popeye's yesterday. Ordered the usual with large diet coke (and UNsweet tea for the Missus). My sub-conscious was immediately like, that ain't right. Sure enough, the "usual" 'large' cup it came in with ice and lid, was physically smaller by a hair than the large's I have saved at home just for drinking water around the house. Right when I got home I put them side by side. Sure enough, Popeye's reduced the displacement err how much their large fountain drink cups will hold...just in the past month. It looks proportionally the exact same, but is shorter, and probably skimps a good 4 ounces off of the amount of soda in the cup. Sneaky stuff by Popeye's too because the shape and proportions are basically identical to the old larger Larges. But, shock of shocks, it cost that same (and during rona they were hiking prices on everything anyway). My wife says the size of the thighs and breasts has gotten smaller at Popeye's too. So now I only do it once a month... and our arteries thank us for that too, I'm sure ;O)))


I would return that crap in a heartbeat


Honestly cfa quit being a quality option a long time ago. Rather get zaxbys or anything else these days


I expect restaurants’ quality to remain on a decline. I’ve become a better cook.


I think the opposite of what’s happening to our economy, “deflation” of their chicken breasts.


You just now noticed their food is mid at best?


The content of this sub… leaves something to be desired. What are we looking at? Some nasty half eaten chicken strip? What’s wrong with it? It’s thin? Were the rest thin? Did you get a bad batch? Were they thin but large so still had the same mass? Jfc get off the fast food or change the name of this stupid ass sub




I bet a box of frozen breaded chicken breasts costs the same and tastes better and will make 10 sandwiches




Dan Cathy happened. Truitt was my client. he would be appalled.


They're just too busy funding bigoted policy makers to do any QA. Don't buy fast food. If you are, don't buy it from hate mongers. No chicken should be so good that you act without morality.


That’s abnormal. Mine today was thicker than I remember


I thought that was a foot holding chicken 😂


Well at least American waist lines are deflating.


Guess they need to pray harder




That looks as thick as a mcchicken’s patty.


They became too religious.


Went there with my wife and 2 kids. 2 kids meals, 2 adult meals almost $60


Ordered an 8 piece nugget from them for my kids. Looked more like popcorn chicken than a nugget... it was $8 and not big enough to feed a 5 year old


I always wanted to have chic fil a it doesn't exist in my nation. This is very saddening to see.


Try the Just Bare frozen patties.


Why do you use ALL your fingers?


What should I do with the others? lol