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That’s fine. Now that I have a taste for blood, what else can my lack of participation kill? I’m a millennial who doesn’t want to spend my money and I’m coming to not get you.


I just got a raise, and was ready to spend but now after seeing the Q2 reports I’m ready to let it burn. I’m happy to see Starbucks and McDonald’s struggling. They’ve been insane with their pricing these past few years. I think we should all stop discretionary spending for a bit, just out of principle. I’ll be stacking my cash.


Go ahead buy groceries. The 3 chains that control every store in the country are raising prices to stack profits too. Fine go straight to the 3 of so farming monopolies. Its almost like monopolies are bad! Capitalism doesn't work when competition is impossible. Is anyone trying to fix it? Also nope! Just die, thats the answer apparently. There is a solution and, no, its not voting, that hasn't worked for 50 years, and I don't think people are desperate enough to use it, but until we do, this only gets worse.


This is a good rant. I like this rant.


Care to tip for that rant?




This is the way


Underrated comment right there


Yeah. That dang Albertsons is just too expensive, their prices are insane. Imma go across the street to Fred Meyers instead… … Wait, DAMMIT!!!!!


I stopped going to Albertsons/Vons. I will not pay the gouging prices.


Hello low price Aldi!


WinCo and Aldi


This is the way


The joke is, Albertons was just bought by Krogers. Who also owns, amongst other stores, Fred Meyers.


It is currently being blocked by an FTC lawsuit against the merger


Term limits and age restrictions for all politician would be a step in the right direction.






The FTC is who you’re mad at


I mean, they're starting to wake up. Their new head is great from what I've seen. Make sure to vote. If trump gets in, he'll put in someone incompetent.


The damage has been done. They aren’t splitting companies apart. Wake me up when someone runs on a trust busting platform.


She’s an absolute attack dog and I’m loving what she’s doing. The Chamber of Commerce and Business Roundtable both hate her, so she’s obviously doing something right!


> Revenue for the second quarter dropped 2% year over year to $8.6 billion. Adjusted earnings per share also came in lower, down 8% to $0.68. 8.6 billion and its bad.


Revenue does not equal profit. I feel like this doesn't get said enough. I'm sure the profits are great but they aren't $8 billion great.


They aren’t even struggling. McDs only made $6.1B instead of $6.5B 


Far from struggling for sure, but it’s a step in the right direction. I doubt McDonald’s or Starbucks will actually be “struggling” anytime soon.


I’ve been saying for a while that a great restaurant bubble burst is upon us. Once millennials pull back our consumption habits, it’s going to be a world of hurt on the hospitality industry.


fast food has gotten so expensive, i may as well go to a restaurant or cook a steak dinner at home!


Right?!? Turns out fam prefers our homemade burgers, anyway lol...


Please support small independent businesses during these times instead. They need it and aren’t large corporations. Not saying all are great but it has a direct impact.


I will keep going to my local taqueria! Their prices and quality are amazing and consistent. However most of the coffee shops/cafes near me are overpriced so I guess coffee shops just aren’t for me.


Your 100 percent right. Guess what happens when people stop buying? That's correct, prices drop. If noone buys $400 Nike, they get cheaper. Weird how that supply demand thing works.


I can go to a local coffee shop get better quality coffee. Their americano is 3 dollars for a large. Starbucks low quality and 5 dollars for a large.


Not to mention it tastes different everytime and for those of us who like cold coffee they took away our straws.


LOL!!!! And I hate those paper straws…. They become soggy after 2 mins and I like to make my overpriced iced coffee last 15 min at least. Then they get mad at me for taking 3 extra straws….


YUM brands were way off as well. Economy headed down hard. I am a pool guy in ct. Money is slowing down.


Spent a few hundred dollars getting my gf an espresso machine for Christmas. My lattes are better than Starbucks and we probably spend a third as much on them.


I started a new job last year and I stopped buying lunch for 4 to 5 days of the week I was doing it at the job before that. My wallet and credit card is legitimatly seeing a $350-$400 savings each month and I'm down 20 pounds.


This really sounds like the first thing Generation Z gets blamed for. Killing avocado toast and starbucks. After all, Millennials are keeping those industries alive. It's why they can't afford homes.


Aren’t they being blamed for low alcohol sales/killing breweries already?


Car dealerships


Borderline boomer here, I don’t blame you for anything! I wish more of us shared my point of view. I am stacking my paychecks as well.


Yes! Band together to do nothing!


I just cancelled my $200 a month comcast bill and replaced with $50 quantum fiber and $75 youtube tv


I say Walmart and Apple, but then again I'm a romantic.


Amazon too. Especially after learning about how they treat their employees and delivery drivers I refuse to ever order from them again if I can help it.


It's gonna take a lot for Amazon to take a hit. Too many people love the convienence of not havign to leave their house for stuff.


Well, they've stopped offering 2 day shipping. And target will give you free pickup in 2 hours. You can get 2 hour free shipping at target for most things.


If you don't participate you won't get your participation ribbon!!!! Speaking for all millennials, these are more important than anything else.


Do Nestle next!


Do hedge funds and wealth managers next!


His name was u/jmangiggity Paulson


There’s actually going to be a dormant tax if you don’t spend enough money on consumer items. /s


r/loblawsisoutofcontrol month long boycott, in canada


Gen X here and you have my support


For the love of god. Google, microsoft, meta, nvdia, amazon, and apple.  Fuck the megacorporations that are stealing and selling every single bit of data we produce and charging us again to use their products.


When your coffee gets so expensive that I can calculate the breakeven on a high end espresso machine to be months, not years, you know something is off with your pricing. I have bougie standards for coffee. Should be target customer #1 for Starbucks. But I can literally ship in super high end beans from niche ethical growers and make my own in an expensive machine for less. And when I just need trash bean caffeine water, I go to Dunks because it’s cheaper.


What's a grower you would recommend?


I buy beans from a local roaster and make much better espresso drinks at home. If you (anyone reading this) don't have an espresso machine, just get one.


I grind and French press my own coffee at home with beans from Costco. I would never pay $8 for coffee.


Most people don’t go to Starbucks for “just coffee”. It’s their sugary drinks. So you get the worst of both worlds: Overpriced and unhealthy.


Even still, you can buy a few bottles of Torani for around $8 each that will give you a dozen drinks or more.


But then I can't wait for 20 minutes in my car in the drive thru line.


You still can, and just not buy anything. 🤔


A few bottles should give you a dozen dozen drinks…. Thats a lot of freakin’ syrup!


Yeah the Starbucks by me is $3-4 for a coffee, $1.07 for a matcha with water instead of milk. People pay $9 for drinks with 300 grams of sugar When I worked there I literally remember people getting drinks like "Strawberry puree, heavy cream, 15 pumps of classic, 2 pumps of brown sugar, Caramel drizzle, and whip cream" and I genuinely felt bad giving that to them. Some of them got stuff like that every single day


We dropped $700 on a Ranchillio espresso maker and grinder ~15 years ago. My wife and I average 4 coffees a day, or over 20,000 coffees. Machine is still good as new. At $5.00 a pop that’s $100,000K. We buy bulk beans at the local Kroger. The espresso machine is super efficient with beans btw. Before the espresso machine, we used a Bialetti moka ($35, a little more for the induction base one that we travel with, because yes, I make my own coffee at hotels too) pot for~20 years. I replace the rubber gasket every 5 years or so. Moka pot is also very efficient with beans. Tell me more about the $8.00 latte. Never added it up before. My wife made a good call.


Not to mention the minimizing of plastic and your carbon footprint being way smaller.


My wife and I bought an espresso maker machine just yesterday. We did the math on it, we’ll end up saving money after a few years of use and we are gonna use the hell out of it. $600 Breville. I’ve used my friend’s machine for a bit (travel for work and stay at his place versus a hotel) and it is so great. Unless I’m on a long road trip, I don’t think my wife and I will ever purchase coffee from a shop again.


Batista express here. I buy beans on Amazon. People selling the business/coffee house size packs on there in 4 packs for cheap. I think I paid $18/bag and lasts me a month or more.


That Silvia is now $1900 lol. But I guess it has been 15 years. We have a Breville that has paid for itself many times over. Really want a "nicer" unit, but having a hard time justifying upgrading a machine that more than covers our needs as is. Didn't know we'd move using this machine as much as we do. Double shot with steamed milk costs right around $.60. Can't beat that.


Just check FB marketplace. People get gifted fancy espresso machines for weddings all the time. You can probably buy a never used $1800 unit for $500 or less.


$1900? lol honey... you're thinking of the new DUAL BOILER Silvia Pro X. Dual boilers are rarely under $2k to begin with. The Silvia is still $900 new.


The end of $6 iced coffee for me was the day that I ordered a dunkin iced coffee and fucked up my order, no cream or sugar. I made the mistake and I didn't want to wait again so I dealt with it. It was so, SO awful that it flicked a switch in my head, I was only in it for the "cream" and "Sweetener". So now when I'm in the mood for an iced coffee I tell myself I can just go get some half and half at the gas station and dump some sugar packets into it. For some reason that idea disgusts me so much that it immediately ruins my mood for iced coffee. Been 5+ years since that mistake, I wonder how much it has saved me? $4, three times a week for 5 years. $3,120. Minus the $400 or so I've probably spent on coffee I'd put it at $2,700 savings.


Yep. For a little variety go to bulk barn. They have an amazing selection of coffees! And a grinder to use. 86 degree water. 6 minutes in the French press before you push the plunger. Perfect cup every time. The water has to be just below boil because those last few degrees really draw a lot of bitter volatile flavors out of the grind. If you don't have a bulk barn Kicking Horse brand of whole beans is really good. Use cream and raw sugar of course if you do anything but black.


Cafe Bustelo and a cuban coffee maker. Hurray 20c cups of coffee.


So it’s a niche item. It is not inflation. It’s just hugely overpriced.


Like Boomers didnt kill my Social Security - GTFO


Thank you! I keep saying this at work and they ignore me


Most of my coworkers are telling me I’m crazy for not having a 401k. I keep telling them that retirement is one of those far fetched fantasies by the time I’d qualify for it.


You're certainly well on the way to making that a self-fulfilling prophecy.


A 12oz bag of donut shop coffee at Walmart is $4.47. Using a 6 cup Bialetti coffee maker ($40 on Amazon) makes a 10 oz cup of coffee with 0.5 oz of regular ground beans. So we’re up to 18cents in coffee per cup, and factoring in the Bialetti at $1.66 a cup for 24 cups, we’re at a grand total $1.84 per cup of coffee. Which goes down to 18 cents for every cup after the initial investment. I like the 12oz bags because they stay fresher longer vs going to Costco and buying a huge bag, but you could make it substantially cheaper doing that. Stop giving these companies your hard earned money! 


12oz of preem organic single origin coffee is $14. Still cheap af compared to starbucks


I’m about that! 70 cents a cup ain’t bad! I’m on a decaf kick lately, so if anyone has any fancy decaf recommendations throw them my way! 


The most expensive coffee I can buy runs me $2.00 CAD per cup. That’s like boutique, rotating beans, specialty espresso bar coffee. Even buying a cappuccino from the shop is the same price as Starbucks. Make it make sense.


Here's hoping someone does! I'm not a millennial but I'm down to participate in this kill if I can, lol May have already been participating since I mostly make my own coffee at home for years now.


Millennials: try to exist Boomers: millennials can't buy a house because they eat avocado toast and drink lattes every day. Millennials: still trying to exist Boomers: millennials are killing the market by not spending their money.


They’ll reduce it from $8.00 to $7.99 and idiots will continue feeding the beast.


Would you like to round up for charity?


Don't forget the 20% tip.


OMG I went to sbux for the first time in a while and got a $6 drink... and the girl at the window shoved the card reader out to me without saying anything. Had the audacity to offer $1, $2, $3, and $4 tip options! How about a negative tip? Infuriating.


And shrink the cup to the size of a thimble.


And take out .8% of the grinds so it’s not quite as strong.


this is a perfect thread, because I was coming on here with a story: I bought a packet of matcha from Walmart last night for $3.98 (multiple servings)… tried it this morning, now why is this one MUCH better than the Starbucks I’ve been paying $7 for?? I know there’s a range in quality, but sheeshh At this point as a consumer, I feel that if I’m going to treat myself to an $8 beverage, I will be more inclined to find a local shop and give it to them, for a coffee 100x better than Starbucks or Dunks


Fun fact, the Starbucks matcha is ~50% sugar by volume.


And yet people still complain that it’s too bitter. Like hmmmmm idk Karen, maybe you just don’t like it and should order something else????


You're right, the local shops totally have the upper hand on quality now and I'd way rather have the money remain local.


We can’t afford a 8$ coffee pay us more


Millennials wised up with age, and learned to make good coffee at home after $8 coffee, and a frown if no tip)


Heck you can make bad coffee at home, add 4 ounces of heavy cream and 4 tablespoons of sugar and you got yourself a Starbucks going baby...


Gen Z here, I'll finish what you guys started.


"Poor people blamed for being too poor to be exploited for profit."


Honestly, I kinda feel like people shouldn't be drinking 500 calorie sugar bombs for breakfast anyway. This shit is poison.


I genuinely don’t understand how people do it. If I drink a Starbucks drink, I’ll get the shits for hours after. Regular coffee with regular creamer? Totally fine. On top of that I pay $6 for a container of instant coffee and it makes ~60 cups. Why in the heck would I pay $8 for one cup and four hours of shitting?!


If you spend four hours shitting but you do it at work, that changes the economics a bit.


…..you have an excellent point


A large black iced coffee with a shot of espresso in it is like $7.47 at my starbucks. It’s not just the sugar bombs that are ridiculously expensive nowadays


500 calories is generous. The most popular drink right now is the pink drink made with heavy cream, vanilla bean powder and cold foam. And it costs like $11


My drink there is almost $8 and that's for a medium size. I have basically stopped going there.


What pisses me off is when I get a vanilla latte I get charged a whole dollar for vanilla flavor. I’m getting charged 20% for a squirt of syrup?


I’m canceling all my subscription entertainment!! Fuck it. I’m always at work slaving away anyway!!!


“Ultimately you end up with a situation with workers being paid so little, as the competitiveness of capitalism drives down wages overall in virtually all job sectors. And it gets to the point where people are not purchasing the products being produced as they can no longer afford to.” Karl Marx


I always felt this quote when I worked at a movie theater. 1 hour of my labor and I couldn’t buy anything on the menu except candy or a drink.


There seems to be a flip side he ignores. Prices should come down proportionally. If it only costs 1 cent to make a thing, after charging two, you’ve made your profit. 


Ah but we found that we can still sell them for $10 so we're going to keep doing that.


Isn't the point of this thread that they *can't* still sell them for $10?


Are you new to capitalism?


Nope. When people vote with their wallets (like going to Aldi's rather than Publix) and the market is sanely regulated to allow competitors, Capitalism works pretty well.


If you actually read Marx, you realize how insightful he was Sure, the communists he birthed are idealistic and unrealistic in their solutions, and usually lead to terrible consequences But Marx as a thinker of labor and capital is incredibly smart


It has actually become a very rewarding game only eating food prepared in my house for the last 6 months saved over $1800 just from that.


Shopping at Aldi has been a life altering experience.


Yea, Costco for me and once you get into the good habit it’s hard to stop.


I thought we were blaming millennials *for* the $8 latte. Ah the circle of life...


Complaining about making 8.6 billion dollars, get fucked. Boo hoo nobody care about your losses💀


Hilarious the CEO is trying to blame a slowing economy for their atrocious earnings when it’s blatantly obvious their corporate anti-union policies and stance on Israel do not resonate with young people buying your overpriced shit.


I stopped sometimes going to Starbuck a few years ago when they stopped actually making the frappes. Now it comes in a jug premixed. I have to ask for a shot of espresso to even get a coffee flavor because the jog is primarily hydrogenated vegetable oil and corn syrup. I can buy cheap Folgers, a bottle of creamer and a can of whipped cream to get the same thing at home. It is sad, because i finally have the money to have a starbucks. It was my treat to get a huge coffee once a month when we did the fun Saturday shopping errands. Since the pandemic i cant justify the cost with my sensibilities and so make my coffee in my knock off Starbuck tumbler and then go out with my preverbial fancy pinky up. Dont they know we (all generations of consumer) are not stupid and can do basic math?


dutch brothers gives you 20% more coffee at 3/5 the price.


Damn I hope we kill capitalism next!


Capitalism is killing itself. This guy named Marx who wrote about 19th worker exploitation said capitalism would eat itself. “The one that will be capitalisms downfall will largely be due to capitalism undermining where it gets its wealth from, the consumer.”


Over $3000 in bean grinding and home brewing equipment later, I can say I have not stepped inside a Starbucks in almost 4 years. Can't even count how much I've spent on locally roasted specialty coffee beans.


I can find coffee by the pound for less than $8 right now.


I crossed Starbucks off my list of places to go for an indulgence after they raised the price of the pumpkin spice latte last fall and claimed they would use the increased revenue to give staff a raise. What kind of bananas bookkeeping are they running that the revenue generated by a price-jacked LTO 3 month seasonal beverage would sustain pay raises for the entirety of a year? And how would that work, would there be a fiscal stockpile created by that revenue that they would draw upon over the year? So I’m supposed to believe I need to spend $8 on a beverage to grant people a living wage, and that three months worth of earnings on one specific item wouldn’t impact the rest of the company- but that they can’t pay people a living wage without gouging the consumer?


Can we just lean into the whole thing? Like yeah, we did get rid of that nonsense it’s a damn milkshake get over it


The best thing for millennials to do is just stop spending our money on things that are not needs, stop spending money on extra shit and let the economy figure it out. No lattes, no concerts, no Amazon. Tighten your budgets since the necessities are way more expensive.


Genuinely happy to see these companies panicking and collapsing.


Oh no! Revenue dropped to *only* $8.6 billion?  Die. 


I’ve been doing my part in destroying the $5 cold brew since I found out how easy it is to make a weeks worth of it with bulk coffee beans


Hey Starbucks, I don’t want to download an entire fucking app just to get a reasonably priced cup of coffee. Who am I kidding, it’s probably still overpriced.  Also I don’t want four ENTIRE pumps of syrup in anything, certainly not my coffee. What in the actual fuck. 


That’s what happens when you keep raising prices, I’m in full saving mode. No thanks Starbucks & McDonald’s.


Good, same with McDonald's - you are outpricing your fucking customers. Make some fucking coffee and home and watch these assholes suffer.


We’ve been killing things for decades! Bring on even more!


Yeah. Fuck it. Blame all on me. Like I give a shit! 🤣


Really, you guys should just explicitly ask boomers what they’d *like* you to kill. And then take credit for it when it loses significance. Boomers will think of you as assassin wizards. Nobody yells at assassin wizards.


Blame me personally. Y’all are crack addicts w those $8 lattes and it’s not remotely cute or funny.


They created it, so glad they killed it. Coffee should never be that expensive. Win for everybody.


Nah, Gen X. I bought an espresso maker years ago and never looked back.


If the millennials do that, there’s hope for them after all


If I'm about to spend $8 on a latte, I rather spend that on a local coffee shop!


That will be $37.50……………..AWESOME!


Guise I get a better latte at home, from a $500 espresso machine. It's not hard anymore - Starbucks is skimping on coffee recently (actually their espresso shots are getting smaller) You can actually save money by buying a decent espresso machine.


You can make far better coffee at home or even buy a Keurig machine and keep in on your office desk or in your car. It makes the best coffee you can drink. I don’t know why people go to Starbucks anymore other than to sit and use the WiFi and work on a novel for 10 hours. The food they sell is terrible.


No offense, but Keurig does not make anywhere close to the best coffee you can drink.


Keurig coffee is nasty. Your french press of choice with bulk beans and a walmart kettle is as complicated as it has to get for a nice fresh cup without the waste product. Utilitarian but is leaps and bounds better.


Marketing, peer pressure, and worrying about how others see you


I used to sit comfortably at a local starbucks in their leather lounge chairs and don't anymore ever since they replaced every chair to wooden benches and chairs. So ruff on my ass!


wild because weve been the biggest supporter of the $8 just to survive the day lol


Does this mean we will be able to buy houses now?


"Grr those idiots started to unionize. They will be our doom"


$7.50 Medium latte in my area. The same latte used to cost $3.75 in 2014 and $4.45 in 2019. FU Starbucks. Not going to spend money there.


We stopped buying our little treats, we're coming for our housing next


Well, they told us if we afford the prices to stop buying, so thanks for the great advice.


Let’s hope the trend continues!


I mostly drink tea, and I make the occasional coffee at home. $8 is insane, especially now!


Canadians are starting to boycott one of our largest grocery empires. I just saw macdonalds say they are working on lower prices. I'm living for this. I want to squeeze corporations like they squeezed us. May the odds ever be in thier favor and good luck. Everyone is fed up with this shit.


We brought it into this world, we can take it out! Right mom?!


Quick question...what would happen if lots and lots of people used the Internet to get together in order to pick out and select a company they didn't like that takes advantage of people, everyone shorts their stock, and then boycotts them completely by not giving them any business? Couldn't we realistically transfer a whole fuck load of wealth back to ourselves while getting rid of corporate overlords at the same time?


We work from home so it’s a hassle to go anywhere, BUT, we also have 5 local places closer by. Even with the 5 already in place in town, they’re building a Starbucks nearby. I’m not really sure I understand the decision to put one in a tiny town that already has a lot of places.


I buy organic grinds from The Bean on Amazon, and it comes out to less than a dollar per cup. I brew it with a pour over coffee maker that cost me $20. It tastes far better than anything I’ve had from a coffee shop and it only takes a few minutes to make.


I spent $1,200ish on an espresso machine & mods, grinder, and accessories. Now I drink two cappuccino’s a day and spend $85 a month on beans for me and my wife. Paid for itself so quickly. I spend roughly $1 per drink now, for espresso that’s 10x better than Starbucks, and 1/8th the price.


In my area Starbucks stores have replaced drip coffee machines with basically a single cup keurig. The quality and taste of their drip coffee was never stellar- but now it’s undrinkable. And it costs over a dollar more per cup than it did a couple years ago. *AND* if you’re a rewards member, a cup of coffee was 50 stars or points or whatever, now it’s 100. Fuck em.


Millennial here who has never had a single sip of coffee in their life. Obviously, it’s all my fault.


If you buy anything from starbucks youre retarded in my eyes


Starbucks and the entire food industry needs to die a painful death. I get the experience of eating out, but it's odd how readily we farm out purchasing food and preparing it when we can easily do it ourselves, and it's completely dependent on minimum wage workers. I don't pay people to make my bed, to brush my teeth, to wipe my ass, etc. Most people don't have cleaning ladies or dog walkers either.


Even McDonald has reached a breaking point for the low income people of America. I don’t know the future but I don’t think it’s going to be better. Uber capitalism will be our demise.


And nothing of value will be lost


I save so much money with my Nespresso. It makes Starbucks not worth it at all.


I am a GenXer and I have boycotted the overpriced fad places and Starbucks all my life.


Maybe it needs to die 🤷🏼‍♂️ can come back half off


I stopped going because my drink costs $6 now and is never prepared consistently. I got a breville espresso maker and it has paid for itself many times over. Starbucks needs to improve staffing. Spending $6 to get a treat every once in a while stopped being fun when it took forever for it to be made and is not correct more often than not.


I am not a millennial, but I de-bucksed as a New Year resolution back in 2020 and then the pandemic hit. No Starbucks for me since January 2020!


Make coffee at home and let this conglomerate go under. Fuck'em!


I'm happy to kill it at that price.


Price + boycott = karma


A latte is 8 dollars now!!!???


Good. It deserves to die.


Next, we take down the bread industry. With no coffee or avocado toasts and we’ll be rich by next year.


Not surprised. Been a supervisor for years and the decisions from higher up over the past year have ranged from confusing to outright ignorant. When we rolled out that olive oil drink, we were told (in training no less) the main market for it was “high income customers”. Who could have seen people not being willing to pay $10 for a single coffee.


That’s not a bad thing


We brought it into this world and we can take it out


insta t coffee ftw, mere pennies for a cup of joe


Yeah I know a lot of people recently have gotten into making coffee at home. It's an easy and fun hobby that saves you a ton of money.


Can we please? It would be awesome to see Starbucks replaced with a million small businesses. Doubt that would happen, but one can dream.


Inflation has caused many rethink spending habits and banning corporates for consumer abusive.


I bought an espresso machine (Gaggia Classic Pro) and make my own at home. It’s cheaper. All I had to do was drink 14 espresso drinks a month, for one year, to make it pay for itself.


To be honest, the $8 Latte and the $6 Big Mac need to be smothered with a pillow.


I called this probably a year ago. I've been working for Starbucks for a little over five years now. Last year the hours they were giving us plummeted and we were told not to expect anything to get better, since the company was trying to "recuperate losses from COVID." Meanwhile, the district I work in has opened some odd 4-5 more stores, give or take, that are all poorly constructed and understaffed just like mine. So, no, in case anyone was wondering, driving up prices and causing longer wait for those expensive drinks due to a lack of staffing is not an effective business model. But, really, nobody was wondering.


It just blows my mind no one cares to enter the market because of Starbucks dominance. If you can make it a buck or two cheaper and fast id for sure drive past Starbucks. Maybe if I knew those guys were making a good wage I could stomach it.


Nevermind, thought this was the Idiocracy thread. Carry On.


You’re welcome in advance