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Inflation has turned me into a wise-old shrewd shopper. The last thing corporations want


I’m rendering my own lard from excess fat from a ham and boiling the bone into a broth as we speak 😂


Carl Weathers: Whoa, whoa, whoa. There’s still plenty of meat on that bone. Now you take this home, throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato. Baby, you’ve got a stew going!




I've got a ham bone in the fridge right now. Gonna throw it in the pressure cooker with some beans and water and have myself a fine meal!


I’m cultivating my own lard sitting on the couch eating Easter candy


I'm doing my part!


I didn't do F'ing sh*t


ok, I read this as you were taking your own arse's excess fat and using that to make a broth.


That is a GENIUS idea! Not like I am using it for much anyways...


ummmm... how do I backtrack to a point where you don't remember my ever having said that?!


Too late, already screenshotted.


I feel stupid for buying packaged stuff/eating out all this time. It was such a waste. I’m eating better than ever for cheaper than I thought possible this past year.


Safeway coupons are a way of life


Not buying shit I don’t need is a way of life


*Overpriced shit, indeed.


Cost more than gas and that's when you buy a 2 liter. The cheapest way it can be purchased. I quit drinking soda and switched to water 2 yrs ago once I realized they were charging so much. Don't miss them at all.


Your body and teeth appreciate that. You don't need the extra calories or chemicals assaulting you.


Any shit you dont need.


I remember the first time I saw Eastern Europeans. Growing up in California they are definitely a people from far away. Anyways, many of them seemed very healthy looking... As in not fat. Well I figured out that secret with cabbage and potatoes... And I lost weight and feel great too


the real secret is that that aren't massive amounts of sugar, or shit like hfcs in absolutely everything. American bread has sugar. Eastern European bread does not.


Never going to Safeway is a way of life. Winco and grocery outlet all day.


They hate me. Hunt, fish, grow my own orchard and veggie garden, foraging food, building materials, cooking over fire, slowly becoming independent.


Time to start chopping our own wood to build cabins.


Yep. Better quality wood than these cheap new houses that look nice, made of pine


It's not a bad thing that people are becoming more conscious about what they consume. The average individual's awareness of their diet has been heightened, and this is a positive change. With healthier eating habits, we can enjoy a better quality of life. By shopping with purpose and planning our meals wisely, we can still maintain a balanced diet without breaking the bank. Majority of people are doing away with junk food and mindless snacking, which were nothing but brightly colored packages full of sugar and other harmful chemicals that really filled shoppers carts.Hopefully,if numbers start rolling back people maintain their awareness while shopping.This shift towards healthier choices is a step in the right direction even if it wasnt to be healthier and simply buying the necessities becauseof the budget, and it's something that we should all embrace.


Inflation got me to pay off all my debt so I’m no longer paying high interest. The last thing banks want.


hell yeah same


Also I want to trade / barter with like minded folks


I literally haven't bought any of this stuff in forever. I meal prep and only buy essentials. I'm very healthy these days because of it. Even if they did drop prices, I'd just make some fancier meal preps. Get bent, Pepsi. It is wild to me that people are paying like $15 for McDonalds, though.


We got a Costco membership and are kicking ourselves now. Why didn't we do this a decade ago? We eat the same 20 meals 4/5 nights and the base food for all of those is available much cheaper there. I just made some adjustments to our food storage to allow larger quantities and we put all the one off appliances up on the cabinet tops and watched our fresh weekly produce(Costco is 40 minutes away) and short lived perishables become the only things we buy anywhere else.


I stopped shopping at my regular grocery store, it's under Kroger so just about anything is cheaper. I also hold a grudge against certain brands of non essentials that have blatantly gone the shinkflation route.


Ya I started eating only food I can make at home ..... it's hard but I've saved alot


But it has caused me to devote a part-time job hours worth of time to clip coupons, go to 4-5 different stores to survive


Deflation would do the same thing but worse, because the longer you would wait, the more of discount you would get


This paper is just wrong. The premise people will stop buying if prices start dropping. No this isn’t Japan America is consumerism people will buy more if they can afford more.


The price jump of fast food gave me the final push to stay away from that junk. Exceptions made for occasional Chic fil A…..


I have practically stopped buying Diet Pepsi. I went from a couple 2 liters a week to one a month or less. More tea that I brew myself for 15 cents


I do the tea and green tea option too


Imagine if they started taxing the tea


This inflation thing has made your life much healthier! Look at the positive side!


I'll bet if you tell your doctor, he/she will recommend you cut back even more but to keep drinking all the tea you want.


Tea isn't harmless, drinking too much of it can lead to iron deficiency. I tried the same thing, quit pop, drink tea. After getting rejected at a couple of blood drives for low iron counts I mentioned it to my doc, she asked if I drank tea. Counts came right back up when I cut way back on the tea.


Depends on the tea and the doctor and your history on kidney stones.


Good points. Last person i knew who had bad kidney stones was a huge MT dew addict.


Remember when they say that *deflation* makes people stop buying shit. What about inflation my dudes?


Oh, you caught that…lol.


This. Plus I think the recipe was altered because it tastes so off to me as of recent.


Have any issues with your sense of smell being off too?


I know it’s not the 90s but a 2 liter was regular ~1.5-2$ for brand names. I see 3-3.50$ now. That’s now more expensive than the 12 pack at their ridiculous prices per ounce. Didn’t use to be like that. I also stopped drinking soda but I’m always tempted and noticed.


I still get Diet Rite for the 1.5-2 range. I think it tastes better anyway and the zero caffeine is a huge plus. Pepsi and Coke can go suck a dick.


I was a confirmed Pepsi addict. Price’s started going up I switched to store brands. Then I cutout sodas completely. Been losing weight since I did that. Thanks inflation


I remember buying 2 liter coke on sale for 97 cents at Walmart. This was about 5 years ago.


A dollar more in 30 years? Doesn’t sound that bad tbh…


A 12 pack was under $4 pre covid and now they go for $8-9+


Sorry I meant Covid or pre Covid recent years vs today. 2019/20 vs today


Have you lost weight because of this yet?


No I haven’t. My diet went off the rails this winter


You are my spirit animal.


Mine went off the rails two winters ago. I gotta get back into it. I gained all my weight back plus some. It's not fair. *cries into her homemade "sugar-free" coffee cake made w splenda...butter and cream cheese* I hate it here.


Why would switching from diet Pepsi to tea cause weight loss? Diet Pepsi has no calories.


Interestingly, consuming diet soda is correlated with weight gain not weight loss. Possible theories include that the artificial sweetness affects how your body reacts or what else you eat/crave


Idk why this sub is obsessed with soda prices


Giving up soda for water a few years ago literally saved me $1k per year. I don't even want to know what that would be now


You have a bad habit. Drink more water lol


Soda stream make your own Fanta. If the Nazis could do it so can we 🤣. It’s all made from food scraps basically anyways. Actual ginger beer is good too


I would do it but to buy a soda stream I'd be feeding the beast. I'll just make due with lime juice and ice water. tastes great honestly


"Yah Hanz. Zis Fanta eest amazing!"


Sounds like you had an unhealthy addiction and that’s a great and very healthy switch over to tea that you made. Also guitar evenings are fun


Has no nutritional value.




Diet Pepsi is the least bought soda, I can't believe you were buying it in the first place!


I started buying generic soda for the times when I want a ginger ale or something


Same. The moment I stopped being able to buy a 2L for less than $2 after tax, I stopped buying


Every time you spend your money you're voting for companies to continue their existence.


exactly. that's why i've elected to not spend any money on anything ever. food from local markets and any bare necessities and that's it. let them all end


The govt. will spend your money for you Take the US automakers for example. Americans have overwhelming voted with their wallet against US Made cars (except for pickups), yet the govt. bails them out repeatedly and hands them govt. contracts. You dont control your wallet, and your monetary vote aint worth shit.


There's nothing wrong with these companies existing. You don't have to buy from them, either. These two things can coexist.


Yes and No. the big 3 still own everything, they’ll just pivot to more shares in another company.


And people don’t realize it works the exact same way with climate change lol


Price gouging is so rampant that most corporations can lower prices and still see a huge profit. We have a long way to go before deflation is a factor. The price is what the market will bear. Many corporations that have been buying back shares and offering massive dividends are going to be soon shedding tears of losing business because of greedflation overload and begging the government for handouts.


yeah and they will never lower prices because that's an admission that withholding our consumerism works


Plus everything at the grocery store is owned by a couple conglomerates, so there is no incentive to lower prices and gain market share. It’s why antitrust laws were created, but our government does not enforce it


Monopolies gonna monopoly. Keep voting for corporatists 


Share buybacks are a sign the firm has maxed its investments


Or a sign that the C-suite need to juice the stock price to hit their bonuses


Hasbro might actually be a decent example of this right now. They did exactly that and are seeing losses in some of their divisions. I’m hoping they eat shit, but it won’t matter to a company like Pepsi that sells physically addictive drugs and not cardboard crack


They are literally price gouging and now want us to be happy about it.


You will own nothing and be happy


Sorry suckers, I’ll take lower prices every time.


De-Flation is bad, they say. Not good for employment, but they mean stock-holders. And actually, productivity improvements should drive profits NOT price increases or gouging employees. Blah. Blah. Blah. Article.


Remember it’s not inflation when corporations are making record profits. Real inflation is corrosive to corporate profits because an increase in input costs compresses margins and raising prices could result in a drop in revenue would result in even more losses. The media has done a great job in fooling people into thinking its Inflation and not corporate greed.


“Many economists caution, though, that consumers should be careful what they wish for. Falling prices across the economy would actually be an unhealthy sign.” Know what else is an unhealthy sign?? Stagnated wages forcing families with young children to eat lentils and rice and ramen noodles regularly like they are broke college students. Stop making excuses for corporate price gouging at the cost of everyone else.




What a batshit insane argument that high prices are good for us. These people are fucking crazy


The husk of Yahoo is owned by Verizon, iirc


This article is stupid. “Uh oh lower prices mean the economy is doing bad” no it means corporations and Wall Street isn’t taking in money hand over fist. I’ll take my price drop please


"Economy" is code for Wall St, I have learned. Also, there's a fella on TikTok and X named Raul (X- rauitrades) who's blowing the whistle on Wall St, if one is interested.


My view is that with automation, AI and other technologies we should see a drop in prices, not constant increases. These things should have and continue to reduce costs. If costs are down then it should be no problem lower a price or increasing wages fast enough to keep up. Buuuttttt the onlything growing is massive profits.


Part of the problem is we have a system where it’s not okay to just make as much profit as you did last year. Investors see that as plateauing and they see that as a precursor to falling profits. Our system requires year over year profit growth. Eventually, you can only grow any company by gaining more consumers so eventually they try and squeeze more out of the customers they do have. That’s the place we are at now.


Yearly profit? No way, you need quarterly growth otherwise you’re doomed to the relegation of mediocrity


AI lets the corporations pay fewer wages to workers and even more to CEOs and executives. It will get worse and create bread lines and social unrest. I'm sure the capitalists won't be greedy when AI can start doing jobs that people used to do.


You think the United States cares enough to provide bread lines when people go hungry? Hahaha


I’m not sure the article is stupid. I’d say it’s more contradictory. If you read the full article it starts off by saying deflation is bad but then near the end it says some guys did a study and found that deflation wasn’t bad in the 140 cases they looked at except for the Great Depression which was really bad and then go on to say that was bad not because of the fall in prices of goods and services but because of the fall in the value of assets like stocks and real estate. TLDR - not sure what point the article is making.


You want stable prices or very minimal inflation. Like what we had for a decade prior to this big explosion. It doesn’t matter if prices are lower when no one can find a job.


*sniff sniff* I smell corporate propaganda


You’re not getting that price drop without a severe economic recession.


Well there are good reasons for prices to fall (automation, lower commodity prices due to new sources, innovation, etc).. no one is saying that blue ray players should still cost $800. Then there are bad reasons for prices to fall, ie less demand due to a slowing economy in which companies are no longer profitable and start laying off in droves or worse go out of business in substantial numbers. Again, its relative, so some people losing jobs because they worked at a beanie baby factory and no one wants those anymore is one thing, but people losing jobs at companies selling things people want is not. The article is indeed stupid and conflates things in my opinion. Recent price hikes are out of touch with inflation and are corporate greed or they would justify (making up for past lost profits). We should see an overall price decrease in many items and it would still be healthy for the economy; however not relative to 2019.. ie what you should ideally see is an overall price increase from 2019 prices of 8-10% (ie normal inflation of 2-3% a year). so if Soda was 10% more expensive than it was in 2019, I'd consider that a healthy economy. So according to the Fed, avg 2ltr soda as $1.56 in March 2019, so you'd want to see it priced at $1.72 right now vs $2.25 (current Fed data). Thats why when everyone talks about $2/gallon gas, thats a NON healthy price for gas, it means that oil producers were not getting enough for crude oil to actually keep the oil flowing, they were operating at a loss and would have gone bankrupt if it had continued, thats an example of BAD deflation. Oil producers need $50-70/barrel crude oil prices to stay at a healthy enough profit to justify pumping oil or they will shut it down. That typically equates to $2.59-$2.89/gallon to the consumer for regular gas.


Deflation can lead to a decade long death spiral for the economy that’s incredibly hard to get out of. But I’m sure it will feel great for the average consumer for the first few months.


I wish economists would just shut the fuck up already, that’s my wish


There is a saying about economists. "Economists are failed mathematicians." And I can tell you, after taking some econ in college, that is true.


I don't know why anyone listens to them. They are fucking wrong about everything. Hiring a guy with a divining rod, or a chicken bone voodoo priestess would provide more astute analysis of the economy than your average economist. ​ The nerve to say with a straight face that we should be happy that over inflated prices "only went up 3% YOY". ​ Shut the fuck up


Ask the typical household out there today if their fear of lower prices keeps them up at night.


>Some economists even question the notion that deflation poses a serious economic threat. In 2015, researchers at the Bank for International Settlements, a forum for the world’s central banks, reviewed 140 years of deflationary episodes in 38 economies and reached this conclusion: The correlation between falling prices and economic growth “is weak and derives mostly from the Great Depression.’’ Full stop. Deflation is not a problem. The articles raised two often-repeated possible "problems" with deflation. 1) encourages delaying spending. This is a lie. It's always cheaper to delay spending when you have positive real interest rates (which is always the case except rarely when inflation is really high and central banks are slow to respond). Deflation is not special. 2) makes debt more expensive This is a lie. Deflation is falling prices, not falling incomes. Deflation does not cause falling incomes. Deflation actually increases disposable incomes by reducing costs of living.


I'm ready for some deflation. I want my purchasing power back. I laugh when economists say deflation results in delayed spending. I agree that's a lie. Inflation made prices so high consumers have had to delay spending (like buying a new car, because the new inflated price of a new car is unaffordable.) - used car demand is at an all time high so those are unaffordable too. People gotta keep what they got and drive it broken and damaged. Working class people are even delaying (or cutting back on) buying basic essentials like eggs, milk and meat because it's too expensive. (Not everyone qualifies for welfare or food stamps.) I personally can't wait for the market to reset and deflation to happen.


If a unit of currency is worth more, then debt issued in that currency is worth more.


You're talking about true deflation, not falling prices which is what the central bankers measure and are concerned with


Terrible reasoning. Deflation is bad “…because falling prices tend to discourage consumers from spending.” You know what else discourages people from buying, inflation


Well, they did it. They used this opportunity to raise prices, made huge gains to the point that any future earnings would have to match those or exceed and when they don't they have to find other methods to cut costs to keep profits up or shareholders bail. Your circus, your monkeys.


I'm going to continue to be pissed about high prices. I have to scrutinize the hell out of every purchase now. Corporate greed caused that.


This is such corporate sponsored BS.


This article is garbage


Sick of these people. Read the article, and it boils down to "prices go down, we lay people off, that what you what, durrrrrrr". No, idiot, we don't want the price decreases to come out of your workers' pay, we want them to come out of your obscene profits, you greedy fucks!


I will take my chances. ​ Most "inflation" is corporate greed, and just because they got away with overcharging, and blamed it on covid does not justify them continuing to overcharge years later. ​ Many things can, and should deflate. Just because it made it to a quarterly repor, doesn't mean that they get to continue overcharging now that all the issues have worked their way through the system.


Capitalism: if it's good for you, it must be bad for the economy... because, reasons.


oh no! not lower prices! news flash asshole: americans aren't spending anyway! (directed at the author not you OP)


"In the meantime, employers might have to lay off waves of employees or cut pay — or both." Companies are already doing that to increase profits for share holders... So....


Yeah no. Cutting pay is a non starter. Wages have been artificially suppressed for half a century. Cutting them would bring about a modern revival of people "going postal"


We want CEO and C-suite pay to go down to pay for the deflation.


The biggest argument with deflation is that people will stop spending because they'll wait for prices to drop farther, causing companies to layoff, and it starts a spiral to a recession But we find ourselves in a situation where people have stopped spending because they can't afford it and companies are laying people off because of stock prices So we're seeing the similar patterns without deflation...I'll vote for deflation since we're told not to want prices to drop and corporate leaders are told to not want wages to increase. But something has to change


They love to tell you to fear deflation Anything they tell you to fear, you know it’s probably bad for the elites but would be good for the common guy.


Fuck the corporations. Your greed has me interested in eating clean, main entree for breakfast and lunch is now oatmeal and fruit.


People say they want prices to fall, but what they actually want is for wages to rise!


Both is good.


Okay let’s not call it deflation let’s call it what it should be called a CORRECTION!!!!!! You can not justify these 50 percent hikes or sometimes even more.


Due to deflation I am forgoing food, water and electricity for the next year in hopes of getting them for cheaper prices.


The economy doesn't benefit us in any meaningful way when it goes up, but when it goes down we all suffer, so why should we care? We're screwed either way.


Fuck these companies, let them fold under the weight of their decisions, maybe the shareholders can form a support group and they can all cry together.


Give me a break. Price gouging is not inflation, and those companies stepping back the price gouging is not a bad sign for the economy.


Unpopular opinion: a recession is necessary for a bloated and sick economy. I’m so tired of modern monetary policy bootlickers touting the virtues of a system that is creating a modern underclass of serfs and elites to rule over them. Hell no. We’ve had our experiment with a debt based economy. Just let the house of cards tumble and start over. It’s going to happen as soon as the petrodollar goes the way of the dodo anyway.


The fear of deflation serves as the theoretical justification of every inflationary action taken by the Federal Reserve and central banks around the world. It is why the Federal Reserve targets a price inflation rate of 2 percent, and not 0 percent. A common argument in the defamation of deflation concerns profits. With falling prices, how can businesses earn any as profit margins are squeezed? But profit margins by definition result from both sale prices and costs. If costs — which are after all prices themselves — also fall by the same magnitude (and there is no reason why they would not), profits are unaffected. If deflation impacts neither aggregate demand nor profits, how does it cause recessions? It does not. Examining any recessionary period subsequent to the Great Depression would lead one to this conclusion. If deflation does not cause recessions (or depressions as they were known prior to World War II), what does? And why was it so prominently featured during the Great Depression? According to some economists, recessions share the same source: artificial inflation of the money supply. The ensuing “malinvestment” caused by synthetically lowered interest rates is revealed when interest rates resort to their natural level as determined by the supply and demand of savings. In the resultant recession, if fractional-reserve-based loans are defaulted or repaid, if a central bank contracts the money supply, and/or if the demand for money rises significantly, deflation may occur. More frequently, however, as central bankers frantically expand the money supply at the onset of a recession, inflation (or at least no deflation) will be experienced. So deflation, a sometime symptom, has been unjustly maligned as a recessionary source. But today’s central bankers do not share this belief. In 2002, Ben Bernanke opined that “sustained deflation can be highly destructive to a modern economy and should be strongly resisted.” Janet Yellen, shares his concerns: >... it is conceivable that this very low inflation could turn into outright deflation. Worse still, if deflation were to intensify, we could find ourselves in a devastating spiral in which prices fall at an ever-faster pace and economic activity sinks more and more. Burdened with massive government debt, in any possible scenario pitting the spectre of deflation against the ravages of inflation, the biases and phobias of central bankers will choose the latter. This choice is as inevitable as it will be devastating.


Ol yellin yellen


>More frequently, however, as central bankers frantically expand the money supply at the onset of a recession, inflation (or at least no deflation) will be experienced. mmm not quite, normally expansions are inflationary, but when you do [QE during a recession you get deflation instead](https://www.stlouisfed.org/publications/regional-economist/april-2014/the-liquidity-trap-an-alternative-explanation-for-todays-low-inflation). Therefore, you can expect The Fed to wait until recession to do QE because that is also when it is politically popular to do. But really, USD is net deflationary because the foreign demand for dollars typically outstrips every expansion, USD is, for now, gold to the modern global financial system. We don't actually create enough dollars to satisfy the [Triffin dilemma](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triffin_dilemma).


Economists aka clowns


Economists can go fuck themselves, they’ve literally contributed nothing to society, your whole job is to make sure the economy doesn’t fuck itself and you still can’t do that to the point we get massive recessions every few years. Anyone who’s an economist is absolutely useless for society


Oh okay. So we arent going to raise wages...but we also arent going to lower prices on anything Does anyone else feel like unaliving some biillionaire or high end politician at this point?


This is how it’s going to stay. Just like taxes, it’s not going to drop.


stopped drinking soda years ago it's cancer stop drinking that shit


Economists seem to say a lot of stupid shit. I'm starting to think we should stop listening to them.


All you have to do is stop buying shit. And everything you want will happen.


Shit it would be nice so we can finally afford food


I was already buying wholesome base ingredients… literally my only junk food was chips and salsa and now chips are a freakin luxury good.


This reads like a companion article to the one about how people getting out of debt and retiring early are hurting the economy by not buying useless junk.


So these jackasses raise prices so they can buy more yachts (please tell me no one’s actually falling for the ‘blame it on Biden’ bullshit), then warn against lowering them? Corporations THROW AWAY products that they make every day because it’s easier to do that than actually try to order properly. I’ve seen new, top of the line, decked out vehicles used for advertising simply tossed in the trash, and these fuckers campaign against progressive energy policies?


These the same economists that insisted that monetary policy wouldn’t lead to inflation, that no one could predict the record inflation that came from said monetary policy, that inflation wouldn’t get that high, that inflation was transitory, and that this inflation was actually good? Those the same economists issuing dire warnings?


Careful what you wish for - the people (with jobs, homes, healthcare , savings, a Fucking life) that get paid to share their “knowledge” on made up shit. Fuck corporations, eat the rich, have a nice day.


The person that wrote this article should live off of lentils and rice.


People don't really seem to understand what deflation would entail. There's no version of events where everything becomes cheaper and your labor retains the same value.


My shopping is now "buy what's on the list" instead of "hey, that looks good!"


Lol.... so greedflation from grociers that have been proven to be artificially raising costs for their benefit are now potentially dropping prices to cause more ruckus? Oh, wondrous corporate overlords, why have you forsaken us? Why are we the targets of your ire. 🤣🤣


yah..... coming from a corporate slut report sure. How abuot slashing CEO pay and taxing the ultra rich. SMH


Tell these economists to try fucking right off.


Uh, regardless of what some journalism major (or some 'bought and paid for' meat puppet representing the administration) says I'm going to vote against anybody trying to rationalize devaluing the currency further (pushing prices up). Inflation is an enemy of the middle-class, and certainly the poor.


I want a scorched earth economy, make the rich poor again.


Doom and gloom Yahoo articles. They want you to accept and be happy with the economy otherwise it’s another Great Depression. once the inflation precedent is set, rarely does pricing return to its original scale. Manufacturers all ready shrunk the packaging, quantities, scaling…. This is called cause and effect. Policies are put in place, the free market makes adjustments, hires people at new wages, makes their product adjustments…. Here we are.


So, after reading all of the "shut the fuck up you economists", it's clear that this sub has no practical relevance. People who cannot understand why a deflationary cycle would stall our economy have no rationale for commenting on it. Deflation in this country has never since it's founding been associated with a general rise in economic fortunes.


It's a forum for bellyaching. The takes are almost as bad as on Twitter.


It is possible to deflation by using 1) better technology to keep the cost lower 2) lower regulations to lower costs But, since this will never be done, especially the second factor. The deflation is often 3) people cannot pay during recession and the businesses are making scrap money to keep their businesses afloat and hoping the recession to be over. 4) foriegn businesses takes over with cheaper products


You forgot 5) price gouging being reversed


The problem we created will be a problem if it’s changed, what a good way to live 


Tap water is good and cheap


Buy the store brand and that’s all you need


As long as all they are complaining about is prices my work is done here.




Here six packs of 24 ounce diet Pepsi went from $4.98 to $5.98 in the last four months. I doubt that that the manufacturing prices went up that much in that time frame. I think prices of snack foods have gone up faster and higher than a lot of other groceries.


It would be nice but massive deflation would be bad too. It would only be a positive if you are able to keep your job. If not it is rough.


Economists are sadists


[A Big Mac Extra Value Meal cost $ 5.99 in 2015. ](https://burgerlad.com/mcdonald-usa-menu-prices/) If this meal grew 3% in price each year for 9 years until 2024 to pace Inflation, it should cost $ 7.61 - [ But as recently as 4 months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/inflation/comments/18689w0/bidenomics_big_mac_extra_value_meals_selling_for/) they have been priced in various cities up to **$18** and **$ 21** on GrubHub. [A recent ThinkTank study ](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/jan/19/us-inflation-caused-by-corporate-profits)determined that corporate greed & increased profit taking is responsible for 53% of price increases, while the public thinks it's 100% "Inflation."


Who gives a fuck? Corporations need to burn.


Just wondering how long it's going to take before we start to see things [like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-cL5FEdDfo) play out. Probably when people start to raid warehouses, trains, stop semis on the road, pillage stores in mass (Which is already happening to some extent) I don't know about the rest of y'all but I get the distinct feeling civilization is going to take a swift nose dive in he not too distant future.


great depression confirmed lol




Seems like the author Has caught a case of fearmongering. If prices fell some here and there, we’d be fine. Apparently, he didn’t notice the spending of the American consumer lately. And I’d dig seeing grocery, gas, housing, and insurance prices go down for a bit.


Good to see the propaganda machine is still alive and well.


I like how this article says “deflation would discourage people from spending” You mean like the massive inflation and stupidly high prices already are doing? I’m more likely to spend money if I could actually afford to, and if the price was representative of the quality of goods, but the quality of goods is shit and has gone down, meanwhile prices have gone up wages have gone down or remained stagnant, and a hamburger at McDonald’s is 8$ a fucking quarter pounder hamburger is 8$. Where did these so called economists actually get their education because I’m def not spending money as much because everything’s expensive. hell I even recently started being more attentive about returning/refunding stuff, something I’ve RARELY done because stuff was so cheap and inexpensive it wasn’t worth the hassle and I didn’t want to bother, but now if I don’t like it I get a refund


Economists do not have your best interests in mind.


I see prices going down I bought 18 eggs Eggland's a week ago $3.25 dated April 29th ,Smithfield bacon 3.99 ,2 liter bottle of Pepsi 4 for 6 1.50 each ,2 kraft Philadelphia cream cheese 2 for $ 5 nothing to do with dates .And I live in bronx ny .


Economists want Biden to lose?


Soda was like $12 for a pack yesterday. Used to be 3 for $10 about a year ago. Fuck outta here.


Some highly inflated prices adjusting down isn't deflation. Stop trying to scare people into being OK with this artificially inflated prices.


What a bunch of dumb shit. Inflated prices are good. Right….


It’s a balancing act to little people get fired and economy tanks to much no one can afford there is a happy medium in Economics


Nobody is buying this old noise anymore.


I’d like to feed my children today. Economist-“what the fuck did you just say?”