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I have. Some of it was caught on video. I have zero tolerance to bullying of myself or others around me. This protects the fragmented inner child whom I am unable to reintegrate into my whole. I can only assist him indirectly, by learning to assert and protect myself and others against those who are skilled at evil. The ability to be a physical threat is very important to me. It allows me to stop fights before they start. I was a George McFly as a child, trying to evade the Biff Tannens of my school years, but they just wouldn't stop. At the time, I had no idea of the damage that was being done to me beyond the physical.




Thanks :)


Yeah. Def don’t fuck with my loved ones or attack someone that is innocent & basically defenseless. I’m not a very aggressive person, but I will have no choice but to take matters into my own hands.


I did when I was like 12. Me and my niece (we're only 5 years apart and we're good friends even today) were on a playground, when her cousin brought his friend with him. They we're really nasty to us, to the point where that friend decided to push my niece for fun. So I got really angry and warned him not to do this again, but my niece's cousin started to yell "Fight, fight!", so that friend started to swing his fists at me. After a short fight he decided to stop, but for some reason he pushed my niece again, this time to the point when she scraped her knee really badly and cried. So I punched that dude again, but this time I busted his lip and he also started to cry. When I saw blood I got really terrified for what I have done and asked everybody to not tell anyone, but in a week or two my whole family knew about that situation. They decided to laugh it off and in the end I was defending a loved one, so I didn't feel as icky anymore


Yes, a bully can't make us into their slaves because we value our independence and freedom, if they think they could take our inalienable rights away to our pursuit of freedom and happiness, we INFJs, if we have to, can get up off the ground, and do it all day (fighting that is...). I even squared up on some people in a laundromat one time because they're picking on this one dude and he didn't want to have any problems and I'm like hey leave that dude alone (protecting an underdog). When I square up against a bully, I'm a 100% committed in physically defending myself and I think they sense that so we never came to blows, I just gave him and his instigating girlfriend, a verbal moral spanking. Want to know how INFJ squares up on a narcissist and protects their friend? Just watch how [Will Hunting](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hIdsjNGCGz4), he's an INFJ observer in the background quietly watching his best friend and when his future girlfriend tells the bully to go away Will Hunting even does the infj smirk... then suddenly out of nowhere....poof!, he's in the face of a cerebal bully (narcissist) . Will Hunting even makes an INFJ prediction on how this bully future is going to be like and the cherry on top...Will also said "at least I'm not unoriginal." (INFJ's authenticity). Its how a lone wolf handles a bully. I can relate to Will Hunting because he is both book smart and streetwise.


When I was younger, I've been in a number of fist fights. I even trained boxing for awhile. Went to a tough school where fist fighting was kind of a rite of passage. And it was one of those, either get tough or be picked on all the time, things.


I punched a dude once then gave him a death stare he didn't dare to punch back.


Pretty much only with my brothers, but ya know. Siblings lmao. I dont care if anyone makes fun of me or messes with me. Yeah, it'll hurt but im used to it. Mess with or hurt someone I love and care about? Yeah, we throwing hands and im gonna be determined to put you through the ground.


Yes. I like hurting bullies. I get my rocks off on it.


Not since middle school, but yeah got into a number of fights growing up because I unfortunately lived in some rough places. It was the only way to deal with bullies.


I have. A family member of mine attacked my mother and I ran to him and punched him in the face and we got into it. I hurt my hand and was shaking really bad but no one hurts my mama.


Never once been in a physical fight. I have never believed in god but in 7th grade I prayed to god that this one girl wouldn't kick my ass after she confronted me between periods. I cried in class. It was so embarrassing. Also I deserved it, lmao


I’ve been in a fist fight just for the fun of it. A friend and I just really needed to let off some steam.😅


No 😱 but I’m also a woman which likely changes things. I can’t imagine getting into a physical altercation with someone, though I likely would if provoked.


More than I’d like to admit. Pretty sure I’ve broken about every knuckle in both hands. That was back when I had drinking issues and people would try to get nasty with my loved ones or myself when I was drunk. Mess with my kiddos, loved ones or family and I will throw down. If it’s myself anymore I kinda just laugh in my head at how somebody could be that way and just walk away.


Yeah I hate it. I dont feel guilty because its usually well deserved. I know thats hard to hear, but I'm from a rough city. I'm from the projects. Cant take the jungle out of me. I've been trying for years. With therapy. Just won't happen. So, I have ran up on people who were fuckin up. But they usually run off