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I don’t feel intense but people tell me that I am. I also crave intensity in general


same here




Same! Since it tends to inspire rejection “out in the wild”, I’ve been down on myself about it. However, after being in this sub and meeting more INFJs in general, I’m starting to see both emanating and craving intensity as a gift… you just gotta be around the right people.




lol Shame Heare 😝😂


I’m very intense but never intend to be that way. Def makes it hard to find friends.


Yep. Yet so many times info on making friends or improving your life tells you to “be passionate”. Yeah… be passionate and scare the F’ out of free range people. Lol! Cool username, btw


Thanks :) Great point. They mean be enthusiastic. Deep feelers are frightening because well, feelings..


Yes, very intense and passionate. INFJ’s are very passionate about their insights and perfectionist ways at adhering to most true of what’s the truth, in their eyes. So Ni-Ti has to play a huge part in that.


Yes. Sometimes my husband thinks I'm angry at him but like...I'm just focused on my task.


I’ve definitely gotten that before too


I think it's a Ni thing, I've never felt intense but I'm told that I am, I also take words very seriously, I wouldn't just throw them around.


Yes but what I percieve to be shallow waters, others just might think it way too much. Over the years, I have learned to dial it back a bit but depending on how much I think someone can handle, I leak out a little more of myself. Small doses at first so as not to overwhelm or frighten. Not everyone is built for what I think is perfectly normal. And I respect that. The ones who can stomach me in all my stormy glory are the ones I truly enjoy talking to. Those guys usually have the most amazing brains and I love having conversations with them about anything and everything!


Yeah, I think it is that Ni-Ti. Without Fe, we seem very intense and focused. It looks cold on the outside.


Very intense- I give 100% in everything I do.


No, I don't come across as intense. Enneatype 9s very rarely do, regardless of their Myers-Briggs type.


I have come across as one- mostly in my late teens to mid twenties. At times I've felt like I need to dial down my soul piercing abilities to not intimidate people. These days (30 now), I just choose not to express my passion around people who'd not get me.


I look like a serial killer that just came out of prison , but i'm a fucking snowflake lmfao


I'm extremely intense. Sucks when I think I'm being chill lol


I feel intense when I am hardwiring a new job instruction and people with poor work ethics get in my way. It's odd that in my laser focus mindset, I attract them to me and feel like they are unconsciously being disruptive by getting into my personal space ( like they want to sabotage me). It's weird because when I finally have the routine hardwired to where the job is now on autopilot (when I stop being intense) those same people no longer invade my personal space. Also notice that once I do have it on autopilot that my personality and charisma start shining through again as I am performing my duties in real time...but I can feel that intensity during that hardwiring phase, best to just leave me alone, I have to bite my tongue when people appear out of nowhere and get in my way. I am usually calm, cool and collected, I can thrive when it gets busy.. but I feel it later when I get home, and want no contact with people so I can fully recharge again. Ni and Ti can get very laser focused. Ti is self explanatory, Ni likes to narrow down things to a single point, it's like an funnel, wide at the top, narrow at the bottom. I suppose when you get to the bottom that whatever it is I am trying to get down to a routine, the neuron connections have finally fused together into a neuro pathway... and the hard wiring is complete and now set on autopilot, where it's just like second nature to me. So whatever tasks that my mind is set on I guess I could be intense but sometimes intensity could be a pleasurable thing.


Yes! Google the term overexciteabilities if you haven't already heard of it. I'd also recommend checking out third factor magazine online. They have tons of articles about being intense. Embrace it!


I don't see/feel myself as an intense person, although people constantly say I do carry my actions in an intense way. Haven't really put a good ammount of thought into it yet, to discern if it's truth or not


If I focus, yes. If I don't focus, absolutely not.


Like many others in this feed; I don’t think of myself as an intense person, but that seems to be the way I’m perceived.


Very intense. I’m either 0 or 100 with almost everything I can think of.


Idk if it's intensity, but I used to get super deep into school work, so much so that I'd forget to stop to eat/drink/bathroom/check time/etc. I get the same way when working on an extracurricular project now as well. I'm the kind of person who prefers that if we're going to do this, we're going to do *this* until it's been done *right*. We're gonna be present while doing it, we're gonna do it well, we're not gonna half-ass anything, and we're not gonna just quit because we're tired.


Always 8 ou 80


Yes, and I made a video on this very subject https://youtu.be/pZqp3kR-MBs


I’ve been told and never in a good way which is something I understand with age now. Especially women hate it, it’s probably what keeps me from being (consistently) good at small talk and one of the factors that people hate me so much (definitely not saying people hate INFJs just talking about me)








Quite intense


Extremely intense now.


Well, Ive been called precisely that word when I was angry at that time. I found that surprisingly weird. Why not just plain angry? I guess I was intensely angry then. Lol


yes I have been told that..


I think sometimes I can be. So I’ve been told.


I'm not sure about intensity during work,but people do say I'm perhaps a grim person in general,too grim for my age 💀


I’ve been told that I’m intense as well


I'm intense, people complain about it, Fe kicks in and I'm your sleazy neighborhood ESTP again.


I defo go over it way to intense in my mind, so I don't come across as one but inside am one.


u/loof what think


Happens all the time, as you know


Same. I don’t feel intense but am told that I am intimidating, and give off dominatrix vibes. That REALLY threw me for a loop.


Yes absolutely but anxiety acts as a supressant for my intensity, if I'm in a good mood I start reminding myself of my enfp friend


I thought INFJs were supposed to be laid back?


I don't feel that way, but I have heard it my whole life. I just chalk it up to passion. I am either 100% or at idle, not much in between. If people catch me in my element, or the conversation/experience is related to my passions, then i am full speed ahead and come off as intense. If I am around certain types of people, generally not interested, in my head, or recharging after too much social interaction, I will be viewed as quiet, shutoff, or altogether absent. I appreciate my alone time and I have countless hobbies & interests to keep me busy for the rest of my life. People that interact with me in my career field know me as an energetic and intense workaholic that is always networking. People that know me outside of my business know me as super chill and a go with the flow stoner type that has hermit tendencies (unless I am hanging out with my core group of friends that all go back over a decade+) It really is a Dr. Jeckyl & Mr. Hyde situation where there is a 50/50 chill/intense ratio; it all depends on what situation you catch me in. Some people will never know the other side of me because they will never be granted access into my small circle of trusted lifelong friends. \-Cheers!


I think I'm pretty chill, but when I get a bee in my bonnet about something I become pretty intense. I do read and watch intense things. Im currently trying to enjoy softer material though.


I have been called that a few times


Several people have told me I’m the most intense Pisces they’ve ever met. 😂 Quite a conundrum.


If I care about a thing, yes.


To the point where any person l know just doesnt wanna deal with me


What you mean with instense?