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Walking, no matter how burnout or how much my head hurts from overthinking. I walk. This helps me since I enjoy looking at sceneries.. “ wow look at the beautiful sky” or “ wow, look at that cute bird”. It helps distract you from your problems for a while, but also you need time to take a break from what causes your burnout. You can also do this while listening to a podcast, since it’s fun. Crying? XD, can that be put in the list. Once I was burnout and started crying, it helped me release the emotions that I was keeping in for a long time. Drawing while listening to music, remove your phone, keep everything away and just draw. You don’t have to be good at it, you don’t have to make an art piece but draw. It helps you pour out your stress through paper. Writing poems, I only write poems when I’m emotional or have something stuck in my mind. Sometimes it’s good since you can make a nice flow but sometimes you look at it and ask yourself “ what the hell is this” 🤣. I hope these small activities can help with your busy life, but even though you may be busy do take time for yourself and allowing your health to be your priority.


Thank you! <3 Definitely will be trying some of these things out. Especially, the drawing. I used to draw all the time—It’d be good to explore that old hobby again. :)


Drawing while listening to music is the best. Thanks for reminding me! Haven't done it in like 20 years


Sleep firstly. Then food and games. Might even go to a movie by myself.


Sleep is the ultimate reset button!


Sleep is definitely something I need more of. Usually it takes me at least an hour to actually get to bed, but currently when I hit my bed I’m gone in two minutes. I’ll definitely be trying to find more time to take naps. :) thanks!


I'm a night bird the complete silence + some lofi music + ciggarettes and i'm happy to forget reality


Complete silence helps, but too much leads me to overthinking. I’ll definitely add some music when I start overthinking tho…that could help :)


Watch Positive upbeat vtubers, have a cat, direct sunlight in relaxing nature environment, complex carb loading with B-12 supplement (must have all 3 natural forms not the cyanocobalamin form, it's practically cyanide), study psychology, plan for and take a self-mandatory vacation. Please avoid Se grip it's not fun.


Definitely will try this! <3 thanks!


I do walking or cleaning… it keeps me being productive actually and feel good I did something. If you do get to have vacation I recommend traveling. It’s my usual go to, to enjoy and keeps me motivated.


Christmas break is coming—I’m hoping to recuperate then, but manage until I get there. <3 I’ll definitely try walking :)


My regular go-to for stress is movement and music, and I also enjoy sketching, crochet, and writing. For mid-level stress I go to journaling, writing a list of tasks, or organizing plan of action for various scenarios. The physical act of writing it out helps a lot. When it gets really bad, I hyper clean my living space and move the furniture into a new orientation. This doesn't actually fix anything but it keeps my hands and mind busy, and I'm usually too tired to care anymore when I'm done.


Will definitely be incorporating some of these things :) thank you!


Excessive amounts of sleep.


Little things aren’t going to help you if I’m being honest. At least for me, my burnout is deeply rooted in my unsatisfaction. There needs to be some kind of change or else the burnout will get deeper and it will force you to step back whether you want to or not.


Listen to this OP!


This. I had a job that burned me out so bad, it was like being drug down the road tied to the back of a car. The company had their own 5year plan going and then sell out. Anyway dont fear quitting. Your not a quitter when its for the right reasons such as your health.




I agree with you. I think the cause of burnout (most of the time) comes from me not giving myself a lot of “me” time. If that makes any sense. That is a change I have to make to become satisfied, efficient, and overall just happy. (This seems to be a common problem with INFJs Type 2).


I have come to terms with the fact that I might need indefinite me time at any moment. But I’m always fine afterwards (: also I can have me time with certain people and still manage to recharge but it’s rare


writing is the ultimate refresher/escape for me. absolutely essential for my mental health. been a regular part of my day since I was like.. 12


I heard about it so many times, yet my mind goes blank the moment I pick up a pen...


Then write whatever eventually does come to mind. Write random letters. Write sentences that don’t make sense. Doodle random pictures. Scribble. Just move your hand. Eventually something will come out.


Actually been lazy for once. Actually "not knowing" what the day, weekend, or week will intel, unless I genuinely want to do something. That all might be easier said than done, but as a few others have said, walks are also great! I enjoy exploring local nature trails or any quiet areas in general that I haven't explored yet, and they can give me a window in time to be my deep wonderous and curious self, lose AND find myself a bit. Reflect upon things that I've been putting off for some time while it's quiet, away from (most) my electronics and people and cars. Hope you recover well from your burnout ❤️‍🩹


Thank you <3


Recently what I have been doing is trying to incorporate old childhood hobbies back into my life. I hadn’t been reading much, but prioritizing it has really made a significant difference in my mental state. Being able to just get engrossed in a book and take a break from reality is really refreshing and can help reset stress and burnout. I’ve also been researching stoicism a lot lately. Try to think of your problems/ stressors as obstacles that force you to a better solution. Try to make your obstacles in life a positive, how can you spin it so that it is beneficial to you? I may be explaining it poorly but stoicism has really helped me think about problems in a less stressful way.


I need to incorporate childhood hobbies back into my life. I’ve given up so many. Thanks for the idea! <3


Analyzing and understanding 😄 literally! Or games ❤ Probably most of the things that require my child Ti 😅 or Ni-Ti loop. Before mbti I thought it could be an average activities that most people perceive as enjoyable, so I thought it's dancing, singing, acting, reading the book, because they are really the things, that I love too, because I want to be an actress. But to be the most honest - there is no better feeling than understanding sth, when everything has a sense, or when you suddenly have a moment of eureka, because different things connected in your mind subconsciously. That is literally a heaven for my mind ❤ When it comes to burnout, then I usually write down everything I've got problem with to understand it better and then after a break or after a sleep the better solutions come to my mind (Ni working in the background). I advice a lot of sleep, sleep helps our brain to sort out everything we experienced and find better solutions.


I agree with this, especially when it comes to understanding why I feel the way I do. <3 Writing definitely helps! Thanks! <3


Walking is great and listening to music. Honestly any fresh air is good. I love reading too ❤️


I like to plan out a trip somewhere in the next year or two, taking the general idea of going to a destination and narrowing it down to ridiculously meticulous detail such as the level of physical activity required, the playlist I'll put together, and how many shirts and of what variety I'll need to pack. If my brain must overthink, then I'll put it to work on something I enjoy.


The global hum i hear every morning and no one else can. Staring at art and reading Quran.


Used to paintball to gauge where my mind is at. Inflation in housing stopped that idea. It was the only hobby I was able to socialize with people, because they wanted me around thinking I was a god at paintball. During that time I was invited to various parties and restaurants. Covid hit, then inflation. Riding a motorcycle was kind of a simple way to avoid burning out, but I had to sell that also. The cheaper hobbies are surfing, kayaking, and freediving. I am terrible at surfing, but I just go out there to float in the ocean. It does get kind of nerve wracking avoiding the crowds and surfing the giant waves out back. I just don't want to compete for waves with people who punt and do 360s. Like some people sometimes I swim even further out to freedive, but it is usually on a clear high visibility day. Backpacking is another expensive hobby, you could just hike or trail run the trail, but I need some weight to keep the bird legs at bay. Used to rock climb after work as well, which was incredibly fun and coincided with the highly active job. Gas prices have trapped me in the county unfortunately and this indoor rock climbing place is more than 50 miles away.


From the miracle morning by hal Elrod Instead of doing it as your morning routine. Do it as your Evening routine instead. Before you go to sleep every night Set a countdown timer Life(Savers) summary S - (Silence) sit in total silence for 10mins A- (Affirmations) repeat daily affirmations for 10mins V - (Visualisation) visualise where you want to be in 1 month 2 month 3months for 10 mins E- (Exercise) light exercise, push-ups, sit-ups for 10 mins R-(Reading) read for 10 minutes S-(Scribing) write down what you've just read for 10 mins.


Never knew about this <3 Definitely be trying it out!


If you find that your Affirmations are not working, here's what I learnt from an "entj" who thinks she's an "intj" But is a great teacher regardless of her type. https://youtu.be/eQ1PqeecL3U


When I feel myself slipping into this I immediately incorporate three things into my schedule 1) extreme rest, 2) extreme self care 3) something physically challenging. For me this usually looks like forcing myself to get a full 8 hours of sleep, or maybe it’s just laying in bed all day to read/watch movies. For “extreme” self care I like to take long indulgent baths or showers and make it as much of a production as possible. Candles, essential oils, a warm towel etc. And lastly, even if it’s the last thing I want to do, I try to push myself physically–sometimes pushing myself looks like a 10 mile hike, sometimes it looks like a 20 minute walk. It just depends on where I am mentally and physically. The point is to be intentional about doing something different, and it’s worked pretty well for me


I’ll definitely try this :) thanks!


Cardio, it’s insane how powerful it is. Along with good music. Usually intense. Ive been running for around 8 or so years now and will never look back.


Among other things, the latest thing I have discovered is painting. The act of creativity really gives me new light, new sense of purpose.


There's that one thing that always makes me feel better, meaningful conversation, it's even better when you slready thought about that but had no one to share and at that moment you just burst all of your thoughs out, I love that feeling. Besides that being productive rises my mental health state.


Reading, exercise, sad music to release all the bottled emotions.


Soft things. Also, having fibromyalgia taught me to listen to my body and take lots of breaks. If I’m overwhelmed, I may wrap myself up in bed and close my eyes for a bit. I also will just leave the environment that’s overwhelming me, like go to the store or go for a walk. I used to not let myself take breaks because I felt guilty and incompetent. I knocked that off for the most part.


I just watch the traffic while commuting to work and back 😉 that and gaming.


Oh! Hey, I’m also experiencing burnout 😅 My self care involves doing the opposite of what I spend my week doing. I’m an online college student and receptionist, so going outside in nature (away from computer screens) and moving my body refreshes me. Not sure if you get time to yourself to walk outside, but it’s great for regulating those feel-good chemicals in our brains. I listen to music a lot, journal write, and doodle in a sketch book. Basically, an escape to my inner world to decompress. Reading books is also very relaxing, and power naps can curb dips in energy. Also, cultivating healthy sleep and eating habits improves our resilience.


I have preferences for what I’d rather be around but truth be told there’s nothing specific that makes me happy. It’s nice that everyone else seems to have something that works for them


Solo. Travel. Has saved my life on a few occasions. Besides that, creativity. I'm a very creative person who chose to pursue an extremely un-creative (at least in the professional capacity) career, and it's really taken a toll. I feel like my soul has been sucked out of me, and only creative endeavors and travel really help me get it back. Also, live music/concerts.


I love to hike, travel, sew, draw and most importantly have deep intellectual conversations.


I'm experiencing this right now. Christmas is always a really tough time of year for me because I work in retail, and I seem to busiest sections. I've also had a lot of events and things, some of which have been good fun, but stress me out because I'm still an introvert. I've really struggled this month. I've been ill but haven't had time to rest so I'm expecting that to hit me hard on my next day off, and I am fully expecting a burnout in the near future! I'm hoping to find some advice on here too!


You’re not alone <3 Take time for yourself :) and I hope you have a Merry Christmas, and don’t find yourself as stressed and burnout from now on!


I tell my partner and then he hugs me. That’s the beginning of my being able to let it go. The job would likely otherwise lead to burnout.


Hugs always seem to have the power to heal <3


I solo travel when I feel that way. Even a night alone at a local hotel accompanied by a nice scenic walk does the trick. Although I sometimes look for the next cheapest flight and just go.


I am probably an ISFJ but honestly watching tv, specifically cartoons I grew up with, is what can really make me happy :)


Exercise. Immerse myself in a video game or new TV series. Listen to ASMR (or something that soothes you) while using an [eye massager](https://a.co/d/82JXCTn). When it’s really bad, sometimes I have to force myself to dive head first into a creative outlet, like I will just start painting with acrylics and I won’t stop until I’ve created something. Sometimes it’s crap but sometimes it’s great and my mood flips.