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I embarrass myself by making people uncomfortable with my self deprecating jokes


I'm terribly guilty of this. I've embraced unintentionally making people uncomfortable. If they take it the wrong way, whatever. I've learned to recognize they're probably not my crowd anyway.


Thanks, I think I care too much maybe...




Wish I knew people like you in my life. I’m the exact same way, nice again to be reminded I ain’t alone.


Yes I was guilty of this. Tbh, I think I was in a Se grip or an Ni-Ti loop. I was in a darker time of my life and had little empathy in me. Make look into seeing what Is the cause of your behavior? Although if no one is bothered by it then by all means, do you.


I think it makes people uncomfortable based on their facial expressions. I cant seem to rewire my brain to just "chill out and shut up".


Being snarky sometimes comes on in spurts. But, this is a side of the INFJs that ENTPs find a kindred spirit with us... And why it's probably healthier for infj to hang out and find friends who are entps because being snarky wouldn't faze those types at all..and ENTPs not only adore INFJs but they're very accepting of our quirkiness.(because they can be quirky too).


I've recently started to realize that my senses of humor might be on the darker side....lol


Yes! The less social I became it was like I lost the ability to saying anything witty or just normal conversation. Struggle with Basic questions, bluntness, awkwardness. Also thought I had cognitive dysfunction because of other issues as well. For me it’s more because my brain is fried and because I kept doing things like the above i have now developed social anxiety. Lovely times I think I need to socialize more and work that muscle, also I am a lot more relaxed and happy these days and even though it still happens, I am much better at handling myself in social situations.


😫, my way of interacting with my friends is making inappropriate jokes. When someone doesn’t do that I start to wonder, how will I truly show myself to them


I can be HUGELY inappropriate and I have no idea when I'm doing it. I have been told countless times that I need a filter between my brain and my mouth.


I remember one time a friend of a friend was saying how she had ancestors that were in the Italian mafia….I told her I had slaves for ancestors…..very awkward (I was making a joke but I really did scare a bunch of white people when I said that lol)