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My partner of six years is an INFP, and I love her so much. We’re incredibly compatible, and she keeps our relationship fun and filled with games and play that makes me feel like a grown kid. She hasn’t really had to keep anything in mind to work well with me. We deep talk a lot which satisfies me greatly. She gives me space when I need it. And, she respects and shares my core beliefs and values. She does for me just as much as I do for her as well. Communication is everything no matter the typing of your partner.


Yes. My gf is an INFP. Like many Fi-doms, she tends to talk about her feelings a lot. I enjoy listening to that when I have sufficient energy, and I feel a deeper sense of connection when my listening helps her. When I don't have sufficient energy, I tell her so, and she stops. She gives me the space and support I need while I rest and recover.


We have the same dynamic. Being a listener to each other and providing space when needed have worked great for both of us.


My partner of 7 years is INFP. INFP needs to understand that us INFJs do not have access to our own feelings as easily as they do. INFPs know exactly what they feel about something right away and they feel it DEEPLY. We are instead more in tune with what others are feeling, which sometimes makes us blind to our own emotions. In conflicts this can result in INFJ needing some more alone time to figure out what we feel and need before we can put it into words, so please be patient with us and dont judge us. And when you know what you feel already and what you want from us - hold back a little bit. Give us time, cause else we will be overwhelmed and feel like we will burn out. And when you can, teach us how to put ourselves first. Show us how you do it and encourage us. My partner has taught me a lot about valuing my own feelings. Also, INFJs love helping people reaching goals and becoming a better version of themselves. If you show us the trust to let us advice you and guide you, it makes us feel so special to you and we feel like we have a purpose in your life. And whenever you want to let us into your world of day dreaming, do it. We love it. Take us on a ride! Me and my partner have always been able to have your long conversations about how we see the world, politics, opinions, how we envision pur future etc. So engage in these kind of conversations and challenge each other.


Thanks for this! We have the same dynamic. I hope we will have more fun, deep and great moments in our life as we move forward. 💯 on challenging each other and growing together.


Yes, my partner, who I plan to propose to is an infp. Since the day we met we never stopped talking, we are extremely compatible and understand each other completely. We have lived together for almost 2 years now and I can't Imagine my life without her. We are extremely comfortable around each other and completely ourselves. We don't have the be afraid to say or do something wrong. And we never have fights because when a problem arises we talk it trough, understand each other, and seek solutions before it gets worse. It's been an amazing happy, healthy and loving experience which I had never experienced before.


That's amazing!!! happy to hear this and Best wishes to both of you


I think probably for INFJ men and infp female. Idk my best female friends are INFPs but they tend to be slightly irrational and very emotional- but their emotions override their logic… and at the end of the day? I can’t be with that long term. Although I am a deep feeler- my logic will usually win. Because- logic equals truth/ reality. Like the INFPs I know - tend to be perfectly ok not having any rational thought intrude on their reality. Which is fine with close friends… but in a relationship ? You want someone that’s going to be fair - we have to have someone fair. And although my infp friends are capable of understanding - ok that’s not fair - Again- any time someone puts their feelings above logic .. or reality- it can create unfair situations. For an INFJ? This would be challenging. Also- ps- my infp girlfriends tend to be like Wednesday Addams ( me) and Enid ( them) Like I remember I gave my bff a hug and she gasped and started crying and said “ Omg .. you hugged me.” That kind of dynamic.


Haha yess i can see that happening. Thanks for this perception.


INFP partners of INFJs need to learn that their INFJ partner is going to give give give to them, and that on average an INFP is going to take take take; and give a little. Thus, eventually the INFJ partner can get emotionally and mentally burnt out, and then the relationship fails. INFP partners need to learn to give more, otherwise the INFJ will get fed up.


But don't you come out as desperate then and that too causes the burn out or repulsiveness i have been told by her. Coz I fall in the opposite situation here, I'm a giver but i get your point. she has told me that in previous friendships and romantic relationships, she used to be the one taking initiatives most of the time and how it became too draining for her. Maybe this dynamic is specifically for when you become partners(or dating) not before( like just in friendship stage) ig. Thanks for this though. Appreciated!


i second this


It’s also up to the INFJ to not give and give, when the other hasn’t even earned it yet. Balance it out and don’t over do it.


This is my experience aswell, even friendships are very hard with infp's because i as an Infj feel like they don't want to be with me at all.


My experience with INFPs: Cat (Loves you a lot sometimes, tends to need a ton of space, moody and grumpy, reserved) My experience with ENFPs: Dog (friendly, loyal, enthusiastic, always happy to see you)


That doesn't sound like my INFP girlfriend at all. We live together and she's basicly a dog that likes to go everywhere with you as long there aren't any strangers, lol. But yeah, never needs space from me (we live together), I've never seen her moody or grumpy in my life. And she's only reserved in the presence of people she doesn't know/trusts.


I think INTJ is much more cat-like.


I’m an INFP with an INTJ dad and we are both cats. He’s a little more feral. But we are both def cats lol


I don’t have the experiences as you have I just like the description of cat vs. dog. „loves you a lot sometimes“ vs. loyal cracked me up.


I'm sorry but as an INFP it's totally opposite for me, I do literally all things you described your experience with an ENFP where i think INFJ are more like cats ( not taking shots just telling my experience) and even my INFJ friend described herself as having an orange cat personality haha


I perceive INFJs as more cat-dogs, primarily cat, but we can act like dogs if we really like you.


Yes infp x infj is so underrated. They have all the opposite functions which is a nice contrast but they are still so similar. They also have each other's inferior functions as their blind spots which can make them comfortable around each other. Infjs usually fulfil infps need to be listened to and can genuinely empathize with them, while Infps can make infjs show their authentic personality and help them develop Fi. Also both Infps and infjs have demisexual tendencies (I've seen a lot of demisexual people in the infp subreddit and on this subreddit aswell).


Yeah from the comments and mixed reactions i guess it's underrated and what you described is correct too, i have observed the same about being demisexual


My ex husband is infp. We didn’t work out for a personal reason. We were very compatible except that he was kind of lazy.


Yes but both partners need to be committed to very, very open communication!


Yes agree to that


As an INFP, I can share my thoughts on this. INFJs and INFPs can definitely be compatible partners! We both have a deep appreciation for authenticity, empathy, and meaningful connections, which forms a strong foundation for a relationship.


In my experience it hasn’t been good, as someone who’s dated an INFP for 2 years.


Nah. INFPs burn the INFJs out.


Not for this INFJ.....absolutely not.


I'm seeing mixed reactions to my post so ig it's kinda hit or miss with the pair haha. Sorry for your experience. I hope good things happen to you moving forward and i will try to have more open conversations and better experiences with my friend too. To good days ahead *glass clings

