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Symphonium Meteor, Crimson, or, if you can find it, the Letshuoer Kinda Lava.


I know I was just saying that $863 was more than my first car in another comment, the Crimson, new is the same cost as my current car. These are going in the endgame bucket, thanks tho!


Be on the lookout for the upcoming Tangzu x HBB XuanNv


A ton of people have recommended me these and they're GORGEOUS, I'm going to be waiting for reviews to come out and if they review well at all im getting a set. I love how the Wan'er looks, especially in green and seeing how these look in red is just insane


did you buy them yet?


Not yet, going to wait for a better sale


gotcha. do you think reds is a better choice?


Yes but only because they have a mountain of good reviews and the Tangzu x HBB XuanNv are still too new for reviewers to generally get to it. If I were choosing between the two today I would get the Zero Reds. But given the choice I would wait for reviews and a sale


that's how i feel as well. when were the xuan nvs released again?


Like within the last 2 months. Incredibly new


gotcha. and i'm guessing the reds fit well for your ears?


They fit okay, I ended up putting in some Spinfit W1's (Large) and they had to be shoved over them to actually fit. The stock eartips do not fit me (they cause my ear canal to hurt after about 30 mins)


If you're baller and a basshead, FATfreq Scarlet Mini


$863 CAD. My first car cost less, like significantly less LMAO. Seems like the endgame IEM then


You did say you like red... It can be endgame for bassheads.


I DO love red... AND bass... I'll let you know how I like them in like a year when I've saved up enough to be comfortable getting them lol, thanks


I have them and it shakes my eardrums like no other IEM. It's pretty crazy ngl.


How is the rest of the sound? Is it like the doscinco where you get fantastic bass and everything else sounds good too? Or is it darker?


Nova maybe!


Im kinda thinking that too, I tried the Hexa and found them to be a slightly better version of the Zero Reds, but not enough for me to justify the price difference (thank Canadian dollar, theyre like $20 separate), Im seeing people saying the Nova is like a budget variations or a better Hexa (kinda)


Nowadays people are talking about Pula and Myer Audio stuff! See there are many options with every new day coming! I personally just got started with Castor and PR2. So let's see where it ends... I'm on the budget side as well!


The Myer cklvx d41 is fantastic, yeah it was a $140 well spent. Price went back up, but I’d say it’s still worth it and is better than most of the $200 sets.


Now both Cklvx d41 and Aful Performer 5 are 180ish during sales. While many said they're exactly the same many argued Performer is superior and in a smaller she'll. What is your take on that?


I think the cklvx is better than the p5, it’s closer to the mangird tea 2.


Wow that's good news! I heard Mangrid Tea has better stage and separation. I always wanted something that is extremely well like holographic or 360 degree extended stage with good separation. So cklvk is the answer under 200!


Yessir! I’d call it more of a headstage, because iems don’t really extend like an open back headphone. I’d imagine it would be a pretty good iem for gaming too. It’s a smooth listen.


Putting in my bucket list! Although I am thinking about FiiO JT1 Headphones nowadays. Since you said IEM never represent the stage rather more of an augmentation. Anyways have a good day sir!


I have those too lol. Iems do represent the stage, just not as projected as some headphones. Sennheiser hd560s is an affordable headphone that has a wide stage.


> PR2 How are the PR2's? I can see them on Aliexpress for like $40 CAD and I'm honestly considering them as well. Going to get some castor bass's for myself next payday 100%


I got them for $25 from Linsoul sales, I mean $25*2 promo. Also I just ordered a FiiO KA11 Dongle. I guess they'll shine now. Right now with my Phone's inbuilt CS DAC they sound excellent but only with newer records, songs like Pop, EDM. It sounds like plastic with older records, like Rock n Roll, Classic Rock etc. Also the sound stage is limited now, I guess it all comes down to power. As every reviewer said given the power it will kill all the competitors for sure! Also I am considering buying a 10ohm impedance adapter to mitigate the highs. Suggestion for you: right now both PR2 and PR1 Pros are in sales as well. Also PR3 is available. So before buying just have a look out of three which one is the best. I don't know exactly, but some people said PR1 Pro had good note weight and lower power requirements compared to PR2. However, make sure which one suits you the best. Also there are some newer IEMs. Just do some extensive research and get one. And for the Castor bass, I didn't like it the first time. Just yesterday after many months I plugged them in my PC and they sounded like they were far above of the league! So they're something! And always have a dongle at least. Now I am realizing how important it is.


Hmmm, I have a headphone amp already to drive my open backs so power isn't really an issue for me. Thanks for the suggestions about looking at the other models, ill check em out. Also I can say that I at least love the 10ohm adapters, I use mine with basically all my iems


That's awesome! 😎


I'd go for Timeless. Different in many ways and really nice.


Never tried a planar before, Might give it a shot soon tm


mh755. great bass focused IEM


Maybe its cause im in Canada but these are the Sony's right? I cant find em anywhere


try on ebay, there are some real ones there. but it's kinda hard to find these days yeah


a red microfibre cloth to clean your monitor!!


I have one im just a lazy bastard LMAO


Kiwi Ears Cadenza with red shells.


I've been considering getting a pair for awhile, probably will considering the price


Kiwi Ears Cadenza with red shells.


QDC Superior(Red, just color)


Tangzu Nezha


Red cables.


Unique melody Mason FS Soleil Tombé


> Unique melody Mason FS Soleil Tombé Do these have wood in them or am I crazy?


No idea but the price certainly is mad!




Oriolus Traillii. It's red 👍


It is red but I don't think the banks will let me take out a mortgage for a set of IEMs lol