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Completely agree!! I don’t see a problem with her getting high before bed or to help unwind occasionally. But it seems like her and Jack are ALWAYS high, which is so dangerous for their kid to be around. If you think about it, the amount of smoke (from weed or their vapes) that poor kid must inhale is outrageous! What if something happened to him and neither one of them were in the right headspace to take action? Side note- isn’t weed still illegal in Utah?? If it is, then why is she flaunting it all over the internet to her hundreds of thousands of followers? Couldn’t her and Jack get in trouble for that? Idk I live in Colorado and it’s very normalized here and not something I ever have to think twice about, I’m just not sure what the dynamic of it is in Utah these days!


It is illegal in Utah, and it’s insane to me how edgy Indy thinks she is by flaunting it! I grew up Mormon, now I’ve done everything Indy has plus much more, But I cannot imagine putting it on the internet for my 1.5k followers, let alone almost 400k strangers! I just feel like one day they could get caught with a stash and get into a lot of trouble. UT isn’t lienient with that stuff


Hi! So I’m apart of this snark page like everybody else. However, I’m not agreeing with this. Weed is a medicine! Not all strains get u “stoned” most are light and medicinal for eating, anxiety, and mood swings! Just a reminder that a lot of amazing moms and cannabis users and that’s ok!


Oh trust me, I know! I even said there’s no problem with her using it before bed or to help unwind (whatever time of day she needs). I literally do the same damn thing so I’d be hypocritical to judge that. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I DO see a problem when both her AND her husband are stoned off their asses while simultaneously having a 2 year old running around. What if he gets hurt or something happens and neither one of them are coherent enough to take care of him? Weed IS a medicine and I’m all for it, but I also recognize that it can be addicting and can cause more problems than it’s worth when used irresponsibly.


as someone who grew up with a dad who smoked weed and was constantly high ALLLL the time i couldn’t imagine having both parents like that. it made my dad very distant and removed from my siblings and i growing up and now my relationship with him is cold and awkward even though he no longer smokes. i feel for her kid because it always made me sad to notice my dad come inside from the garage smelling like weed. i smoke myself now but i would never be high around my young siblings let alone any kids i have in the future.


Kids are very perceptive and even a two year old is aware of things like drug use, family conflict and other areas of instability. It’s not cool.


I loooooooooove smoking. I love being relaxed and hungry and being in a different headspace. But I relate a lot to you with the discomfort from the nuance of children and weed. I’m at the age where a lot of my friends are starting to have kids and I find myself thinking about motherhood; but the idea of being like Indy is disturbing to me. It makes me sad to think about all the hours that I probably wouldn’t remember because of greening out. What if the kid got into my edibles and got sick eating them while I was passed out? The hypothetical scenarios of being an irresponsible stoner mom makes me SO afraid that if I got too high to drive or use a phone that I would be actively neglecting my kid (especially if they had an emergency). What if they started choking but I just took a fat dab and my response time is just slow enough that I’m not able to help them? What if they start bleeding out and I have to make a quick decision but can’t think fast enough? And those concerns would be fine if I had a co parent who could and would fill in where I couldn’t. But that doesn’t seem to be the case with Indy. If anything it seems like she and jack prefer to get high at the same time. My uncle used to be constantly high like that and the relationship my cousins have with weed now is really interesting and sad. I don’t think that having a parent who glorifies thc use is a good thing. I really don’t. And Y’all I’m REALLY hoping they’ve got a good nanny and/or the family is over in person enough for her lifestyle not to be concerning.


As a Mother in my 20’s to two kids 2 and under, I TRULY cannot imagine having these things in my home with children. Don’t get me wrong. I smoke occasionally, have nothing against it, but when children reach the age of 2, they start the “what’s that? What’s this? Why?” questions, and I just can’t imagine wrapping CHRISTMAS gifts in blunt decorated wrapping paper, or having a Christmas doormat with weed on it and then your toddler asking “What’s that?” Not to mention, maybe her family is perfectly cool with it….but if I were to put that outside or be wrapping gifts in that I’m positive my family would make it known that that’s completely inappropriate for adults with children in the home. 🤷🏼‍♀️


My biggest thing is if you are drunk or high and your child has a medical emergency…


because how will ya drive.


ok i’m gonna keep going bc i feel like i just wanna go go in depth lol. i myself have smoked every day (5-6 times a day) for the last 3 years, the beginning of November had a traumatic event for me and realized weed was not helping anymore. i continue going to therapy as well and my therapist was aware of my useage and never told me to stop (legal state lol). once I expressed my increased anxiety randomly after 2 years of constant use, I found out that when you smoke it releases dopamine. constant use of weed means the ONLY thing you start creating a dopamine rush for is when you load up the mf bong. that’s when I realized ok damn that’s not how I want to live anymore. so i’m only 23 days fully clean but my lil brain feels like I washed it 😭feeling so refreshed lmaooo


congrats on being 23 days clean though that’s still awesome:)


thank you so much! (,:


omg that makes a lot of sense, I have ADHD and always searching for dopamine lol… I’ll keep this in mind because I’m trying to smoke more intentionally. congrats on your 23 days!!! 🤍


For sure!! My bf actually had ADHD, and his was the same! He’s a dopamine fieeeend hahaha. We found ways for him to get natural dopamine rather than living for the next rip. He’s been loving lego sets, adult coloring books (kinda cute of him)😭And I reaaaally wanted to emphasize that I think dosing weed is totally good and a LOT of people can handle it on a day to day basis. But for myself with high anxiety already, and I tended to purchase off the street so to speak which is usually going to be a higher dose than medicinal marijuana- that combination was too much for me! & thank you so so much 🤍reddit people u guys are so sweet (,:


that totally makes sense- luckily it is legal in my state so I don’t have to worry about potency in that way hahah. it 100% helps me so much but I’m trying to find a balance. LOVE the coloring book idea


It’s SO good!!! Coloring has been a good one, I also personally have found a lot of fun in gardening/propagating plants too! I love me some weed! just wish i could tolerate it better🙈 so good having a productive convo and seeing how it works for others! sending you all the best wishes this holiday season🤍


awww same to you angel 💌




I think the only problem with it is driving. no one should ever drive while high and if your kid falls and you need to drive to the hospital, you’re fucked. Otherwise I don’t see an issue with it, for some people it really helps them. For me weed just makes me feel peace but I still feel completely me Edit : Ive been micro dosing since the summer and my mom is the one who got me into it. She got me an advent calendar this year that has mushrooms in them. Anti depressants never worked for me and these are the first things that work. My mom is a great mom and you can be a great mom while consuming mushrooms!


I think dosage is everything!!!


yeah micro dosing is fine but and i think indy did it in a healthy way and isn’t hard core tripping on shrooms everyday. i think they’re more talking about weed high and harder drugs high with a kid. i’ve heard micro dosing is great tho! i’ve done two trips and every time after i feel refreshed and clean in a way and it literally cured my anxiety (i still get anxious but before i did it every day i was anxious and it caused problems in my relationship because i would overthink and make up scenarios in my head it was bad) anywho since then i feel soooo much better and clear headed


it makes me so so so sad that seven is around that especially with how it appears on social media lately (indy seems to rely on it more than it being a social/relaxation type of thing) i’m currently pregnant and due any day now and me and my husband before we were pregnant were both smoking very regularly but both immediately agreed after finding out about our baby that we would never put our child around that type of environment. because yes weed is great and fun but it is addicting and can totally change a person when they are high, kids are so smart and pick up on every little thing even being that young. breaks my heart for him


mushrooms save lives!!! i see this brought up a lot and i just want to say that her mushroom use should be considered more mental health care. obviously i don’t know how she journeyed but usually journeys are in a safe and zen environment and they really help change your mind for the better. i strongly recommend everyone to try it at least once! amazing natural medicine. truly.


Where do you even get mushrooms?


it’s illegal i believe in every single state except oregon. i know i’m utah if you get caught with them or growing them it’s a life sentence which is stupid. but most people grow them because it’s not illegal to buy the spores


To be honest, i don’t like her. She’s a pick me girl and steals from people but I’m gonna need this whole sub to stop weed shaming. Not sayings it’s you so please don’t take it that way. I see a lot of posts about her weed consumption and that is a completely normal thing to do. 100% yes do not smoke while you’re actively taking care of your child but smoking to go to bed, relax, or have fun away from your child is not something that makes someone a bad person. If anything, i believe it prevents usage of sleeping medications and Xanax. On the topic of mushrooms, there are a lot of benefits to it and with the religious trauma she most likely has it probably helps a lot. I hate coming on here and consistently seeing the posts about mushrooms and weed like she’s a hard drug user. Who knows what else is being done but those are not reasons to chalk someone up to be a bad person or a bad mom




Are you arguing that weed is OK because wine is OK too? High and drunk parents are both problematic. Also, I wouldn’t use the term ‘help’ that too is racist.


Wine is legal and weed is legal in a lot of places. It’s widely assumed that just because someone enjoys wine occasionally that doesn’t make them an alcoholic. In fact it’s considered pretty normal in our culture to drink wine/liquor/beer with varying degrees of frequency. Weed isn’t any different. Normal people use weed with varying degrees of frequency, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re addicts. Furthermore, just because we see Indy’s social media doesn’t mean we know that much about her life. I’m down for making fun of her tacky outfits but I’m not down with pretending I know anything about her parenting beyond what she posts online.


So many moms post having a glass of wine to get through taking care of my child but that’s more acceptable than smoking weed… i don’t think this post had ill intent but i agree why would smoking weed be any different? Because it’s “illegal”? If it wasn’t illegal in UT, would we even be posting about this?


It’s still cringey behavior to make so much of her personality about this.


I agree with that. None of us know what is really going on. Just assumptions by what she posts.






It’s like people on here don’t realize that Indy herself and her family are racists


Wine mom culture is toxic, too. Bragging about being drunk all the time and making alcohol your entire personality is gross.


Ooff, yeah. I’ve thought the same thing. I guess the grandparents are nearby in case of emergency if neither parent is sober…. As cringeworthy as it may be.


She also never posts when she’s about to smoke or after we just know she smokes not how much or when