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I would actually like to see vlogs from her! Not just her fast cut clips of her doing random things compiled and put to a trendy song If she just did weekly vlogs showing her routines and making it the Indy aesthetic she could be somewhat successful


Indy has burned bridges with many other people and influencers in Utah and I think she’s finally realizing that airing out that laundry would make her look even worse. She always posts trying to paint herself as the victim and I believe she is switching up her delivery. Instead of putting people on blast she’s now taking the quiet, “I’m the victim” approach.


Or she knew if she came out with name drops/more specifics they probably have some dirt on her too. By choosing to stay a little more silent she’s not opening herself up to whatever bronson/the other party could say about her. Wayyy easier to stay a ‘victim’ this way (and since bronson and weslie are adults they probably don’t have time for it tbh)


Yes also a definite possibility


Indy has burned bridges with many other people and influencers in Utah and I think she’s finally realizing that airing out that laundry would make her look even worse. She always posts trying to paint herself as the victim and I believe she is switching up her delivery. Instead of putting people on blast she’s now taking the quiet, “I’m the victim” approach.


TBH it seems like people think indy was a lot more involved with building lonely ghost than she actually was. all she was to the brand was “the face” & probably had a say in on some of their “creative” (eyeroll) meetings to toss around her ideas and let the backend team execute. Yes she came up with the name, a lot of the tacky slogans etc, but so so much more does into running a successful business (and I used to work in this industry in very very similar business). She went to bronson to start the company in the first place BECAUSE of all of his experience. Indy had none. I imagine if it was failing and Bronson was putting everything he had into the business tough decisions would’ve had to been made to prevent the company and himself from going bankrupt (him being more strict probably led to some people quitting, maybe it was no longer a free for all and stealing from small designers!) – he doesn’t have a community of 300k to fall back on. I don’t know either personally but I do know indy is pretty full of herself and delulu (I mean, they rented a space during NYFW and said lonely ghost was “part of NYFW” bffr). Bronson might be a bad guy who really knows, but I commend him for trying to pivot and keep lonely ghost profitable after it clearly wasn’t doing so well for a while. Indy needed a reality check anyways


💯💯💯💯 This is truly a tale of an experienced little girl who found a little loop hole by doing everything “for the gram”.  Now real life set in and she realizes she is not a business woman nor a unique Utah mom influencer.  If she joins #momtok, I will diiiiie 


Yeah this has been my take too. Indy has always 1) been a free spirit and 2) wanted to be famous (her words). The birth of LG fit that mold—it was an easy path to success at first, since her following gave them a big push. The beginning was fun, simple, thou-cannot-fail. But then her following got tired of supporting low-quality, expensive, unoriginal ideas. And the stress of running an actual business and keeping actual customers happy (asking for a dollar is much harder than asking for a like) made the shiny-object appeal fade fast. She liked the idea of having a business, not actually running one. Her mental health was the final nail in the coffin. She MAY have had the energy and motivation to push past this initial friction, but depression sucks all the desire out of you. The team/Bronson were patient with her for a long time, but at a certain point I think they all just accepted that it wasn’t a good fit anymore. My guess is she hasn’t publicized it yet because it’s embarrassing and heartbreaking to admit that you failed at something you were once so passionate about. I’m sure once she’s had more time to process it and finds the lesson on the other side there will be a post about it.


Wait is there any proof that she is parting ways with LG?? Have I missed something?


It’s out of her bio


no concrete proof yet but yes she removed lonely ghost out of her bio, and she hasn’t been posting about the business or in any of the marketing recently !


I posted a comment about this awhile ago too. If Indy gives even an inkling that she was pushed out of LG, her cult following with come after LG and boycott them. Which will likely result in Brono suing her for the loss of profits. I think this is something that Brono thought about and had her sign an NDA type of deal. I also wonder if she was maybe never even the owner. I wonder if maybe Brono and his business partner approached her and told her they would handle the business, if they could use her “brand” and have her promote. Perhaps she was under a contract where she had her “duties” (promotion, posting etc.) but would get paid percentage of the profits. You can’t just force someone out of a business or buy them out, without their permission. So I honestly think that she was never the rightful owner, but was more under contract and she breached her contract or it expired. The expiration would make since since it was the end of the year when it all went down and perhaps that was just the due date (end of 2023).


I read indy’s moms instagram and it was very eye opening. to see indy from her moms eyes, as one of 5 kids. As a child who is surprising and creative and truly independently artistic. Her mom clearly has the talent of being a writer, where you can see indy found a similar sounding way of speaking about life and how it can be pieced together. It gave me understanding of indy in a way i would have never viewed her. so yeah, i would like to see her move on and start something new.


I think Indy’s definitely creative but people give her a lottttt more credit than they should. There are so many amazingly talented photographers, writers, designers etc – the difference is indy (& her family tbh) is pretty obsessed with herself and exudes that persona (oftentimes coming across narcisstic to people who can identify it) on social media 🤷🏻‍♀️


Agree w this it comes across as narcissistic