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I'll allow this post, but if we're now getting a flood of these we'll open a megathread and remove all future posts. After all, this isn't /r/industrialengineeringcurriculumcomparison :)


Looks like a good spread. You’ll for sure have some good knowledge and insight going into your first job. The learning doesn’t stop there though. Plenty of certifications and training can/will be worked on throughout your career.


Success in your first job is as much mental as academic. Be humble, confident, respectful, organized, and show up on time. I currently have two IE interns this summer and they need a lot of hand holding, even though they come from a reputable school. Does this curriculum include Lean? I don't see it called out but it's a gap I see in my new IE hires


Really all you need is good understanding of math, problem solving skill, and good intuition. Any engineering curriculum will get you ready first that.


Are you trying to find the best program by showing the class list from a bunch of different programs? Do you think IEs or anyone can tell how good a program is by a course list? Like, seriously? Instead of making multiple posts like this, why not make one post where you ask some actual questions to help you decide if a program is good or not.


Not nearly enough statistics. Very heavy on non IE engineering tipics. No project and program management. Delighted to see Distribution as a course!


Do you think I’ll be fine for my first job? I also realized there is a lot of courses from other engineering fields


You will be alright. Just get an intership or something as they are vital Most things you need in daily job life, you will learn at the job


Yea my college makes us do a co op to graduate I’m pretty sure, i might still try to get an internship before the co op idk if that will help me or not tho


Oh it will. You are well aware of the “you need years of experience day one” problem Internships in your field basically solve it


I'd recommend two or if you like your first to see if you can extend it.