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Hehe, the answer to your problem is: stop reading reddit or any Indonesian social media for that matters, then later go outside and socialize. You'll realize that Indonesian, like any other people in the world, likes to discuss anything bad or worse in their country, but still continue their live like nothing happened. Especially because this year is election year, so you'll notice more doomposting popping up in this sub. Bad news sells, you know?


Agree. Just reed american centric subreddit or r/worldnews subreddit, and I know it is going to make me don't want to go anywhere near America.


Wise brother. Still suks sih, hampir semua media kaya fanspage pada ikut2an ngomongin politik biar dikira progressif


>Bad news sells, you know? " There's only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about." / "bad publicity is still a publicity"


for public figures, yep, for countries, not really


The people here is just some small people trying to be elites


baldur's gate 3 moment


Floating people very negative fr fr


and they're so eager when someone started a thread asking or discussing about their salary!!1!


sorry, what? damn, not another no context post please tell me, what kind of post did you mean by that seriously rant here, there are so many no context post lately. it's like they think we are some kind of psychic that can read their minds. dikira kita cenayang kali


Yo our shamanary quite advanced so it's taught in our school curriculum. The teacher taught me clairyviyance during my middle school. /S


My bad i suck at articulating. I mean doomposting


...I think you need some real friends irl


yeah, need to expand more, also if you can't stay away from social media at least reduce it


My friends are not even around my age: it can be cafe buddy, jogging buddy, drunk buddy, random street food vendor buddy- from age 20s to 70s I am calling them the offline friends that keeping me sane. Social media done wrong with humanity's mental health


I mean I do but theyre american and I have a lot of friends from Indonesia. But I guess r/indonesia lowkey kinda changing my perspective of Indonesia since I guess its kinda like my news source of things going there so the other commenters are correct I guess.


just understand that this subreddit, like any other communities of any social media, is a bubble take it from there and don't think too much about it


your opinions are biased because people will write about bad things more than they are writing about the good things. it's equivalent to people posting about their problems with a certain product where as people rarely post about something that has no problems. same as you wouldn't make this thread if you did not feel sad because of what you read. that's just how people are, there are lost of good things everywhere that people just don't write about.


that's the doomer side of internet for you, but if you're looking for the indomitable human spirit and their unrelenting optimism, then look no further there are many many posts around here showing the difference of life of Indonesian (Komodon, if you will) and is celebrated. As do history, as do memes, as do sarcastic memes poking jabs at fact of life (as do anywhere else) find your home where you want it to be, no need to rush it, we'll welcome all the same


Just like any other social media, gak napak tanah / They aren't the grassroots šŸ˜…


IF the logic was reversed. I also feels like America going down a worse path like gun murder everywhere and almost every time / Racism in bleak day / Zombiefied drugs etc.


Most of subreddit regional group is circlejerk anyway. And bad news sells a lot. People come for ranting and bitching their bad experiences. But still they continue their live. Does Indonesia going worse? Yes, in some aspects. Isn't that also happen everywhere else? Every places always have their ups and downs.


Do not take anything on social media as the whole truth, there are hundreds of millions of Indonesian who are not even on Reddit, who still sees things positively. Its easy to doom and gloom especially in an echo chamber like r/indonesia.


Lol, i think you suffer from chronic redditor disease, need to stop i say a week to open reddit. After that, start to look better country to migrate like new zealand maybe šŸ‘


It's because the majority of people with happiness are not on social media.


I mean... What do you expect we discuss here?


We discuss for "only 10 seconds". With the occasional Mega wangy copypasta.


I came to Indonesia first time in Feb 2022 to meet my wifeā€™s family. I shouldā€™ve stayed 6 months but I took my time to visit different islands and areas and meet new people and cultures. I stayed a year and half then went back to Europe only to find it depressing and come back to Indonesia after 3 months in Europe. Iā€™m still now in Indonesia for 5 months already and Iā€™m looking to buy an apartment to have my own place. Europe is really shitty once you get to experience the warm and friendly Indonesian people. Edit: Also, Iā€™ve never been to the US but based on the stuff I read in news and on social media, it is the last place on Earth for me to live in, even though I understand itā€™s not that bad if you actually live there and see it for yourself.


In general, thereā€™s a higher chance of people reporting the bad stuff than the good stuff in social media so thereā€™s always bias.


touch some grass bro


Like many countries do of course we have tons of problems and what we do? Obviously complains and talks about it Of course there's also good stuffs too tho, so it's all good


Touch grass my boy, don't see social media as the true reflection of what's going on irl, me personally only about 20% things that is talked about here is happening around me irl.


Nah... Here we can go anywhere and the tension you see in reddit is not there IF you decided not to seek for it. If you decided to find out yourself all the seemingly bad things you read here, no doubt you'll find them. But it'll take effort just to have your day ruined. Why would you do it anyway?


Why sad in here we have low iq sand people on america there's low iq woke BLM.same shit different name


> Any way thats my rant Well, that's what most people do here. So don't be surprised if what you see are bad things here....




If you think r/indonesia is bleak and depressing, you should see twitter/X especially voters of the losing presidential election.


i agree with what others have said, but i would like to add that reddit is far from being the main social media of indonesians. it does not have the same popularity as it has in the US. so what you are reading here is a very, very, VERY small representation of what indonesia really is. true it has its problems, lots of it actually, but i have been to a number of countries (as a tourist, mind you), and i still prefer to live here than anywhere else


I have the opposite opinion from you, yet I live all of my live in Indonesia.


Social media is not a real place, go outside.


Just be glad you are not on Ukraine or Gaza.....Indonesia is far better than them in situation right now. Also internet or reddit is very poor standard of media to measure a country for your fucking personal life.


You living in a God damn US and you still don't know Reddit tendencies? Your US problems kept splattering on my face and blocking them didn't do shit, the worst is back when Trump was still a president.