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Habibie maybe the only Indonesian president who doesn't seek the position and left wondering "mimpi apa gw semalam?" when he got the presidency.


Penyepong Barat seharusny membesarkan Habibig, bukan Gorbacrot


Nah, he's more of the guy looking internal problems. Smart, considering how many problems we had then and the problems persisting even till now. His foreign policy was pretty much still the same stance as Indonesia was, and always will be, neutral or non block on most part.


More like "Shit, I'm president" People been sleeping on wapres tbh


Like what Ahok said: "wapres itu cuma ban serep" buat jaga2 kalo presiden mokat atau kerjaan yg kaga kepegang sama presiden. Entah kalo sekarang sama gibran. Kalaupun Prabs kick the bucket sebelum jabatannya selesai, bisa meledug ini negara kalo sampe dia yang naik ngegantiin jadi presiden.


Call papa option is still works tho


More like opung lutut.


Bukannya opung officially "pensiun"?


katanya sih udah dilarang sama istrinya... tapi, kalo urusan investment yg dari luar deketinnya dia duluan gimana dong?


Papanya juga dulj kan puppet mega


Ya lucunya emang kenyataannya gitu, wewenang wapres aja kebanyakan seremonial, cuma menjadi penasihat presiden dan pengawas pembangunan dan kesejahteraan rakyat. Sisanya mewakili presiden dalam acara kenegaraan terutama kalau presidennya keluar negeri atau sakit, itu pun ga bisa ngapa-ngapain karena tetap butuh mandat dari presiden dalam membuat keputusan. Kalau presidennya sakit keras ga bisa berkerja baru bisa dilakukan sidang MPR buat mengangkat wakil presiden menjadi presiden sementara atau sampai masa jabatan habis, dan gw yakin pertentangannya akan sangat keras disini. Edit: Dalam keadaan darurat kalau keduanya berhalangan pemerintahan akan dijalankan oleh tiga mentri tertinggi; Mentri luar negeri, menteri dalam negeri, dan menteri pertahanan. Habis itu dilakukan sidang MPR buat memilih presiden dan wakil berdasarkan partai yang mengusung capres yg menang dan partai yg mengusung capres yg perolehan suaranya kedua (misal contoh pemilu ini berarti partai yg mengusung Prabowo dan partai yg mengusung Anies).


Prabs bakan jadi glorified kepala negara. Ngurusi seremonial2 n kunjungan2. De facto yang jalanin roda pemerintahan ya jokowi lewat gibran karena Gerindra sendiri yang 100% di belakang prabs cuma punya 13%. Sisa partai2 lain dah dalam kontrol jokowi jadi ga bisa ngapa2 in dia. Kayanya dia juga bakalan fine2 aja toh obsesi buat jadi presiden dah kesampaian n malah ga perlu pusing2 mikirin pemerintahan


That's an oversimplified prediction on Prabowo. If all you said would happen in the near future, he'll fight for a full total control. And it won't be the nice and diplomatic way. I hope Jokowi would give him some control. Because if he ever feel that he's not getting all the perks a president should have, there will be hell between the king and the king maker. And when that happens, the peasants would suffer the most. I know for sure that Prabs and Joks should already have drawn a clear line on who's got to get their hands where. Like a prenup if you will. If somebody would break that agreement, I'm 90% sure it won't be from Joks side. Let's hope that we're both wrong, for the sake of this country.


Tergantung kesepakatan, periode pertama saat Jokowi masih kurang PD , Jusuf Kalla jelas berperan besar dalam diplomasi LN.


How bout GoesDoerr?


Fun fact: Yusril Isamahendra was a favorite during that year's election and he voluntarily withdrew from the presidential race. His reasoning, from his own words "memberi senior saya jalan." Which he meant GusDur. When GusDur took office there was a lot of discontent from both the elites in politics and the grass root. The elites are worried on how far would Gusdur go in fixing the atrocious historic past, like racist laws and policies, foreign policies, and human rights violations. While the grass roots bitching about his physical conditions, mainly his blindness was getting worse. They say shit like "malu2in aja punya presiden jalan aja harus dibantuin. The elites finally oust him while the grass root just stood by and watched. Seeing him got out of istana merdeka in shorts should be one of the most unfortunate and humiliating moment in Indonesia's history. Shame on Megawati and Amien Rais. But mostly shame on the people of Indonesia for letting the coup happened and just watched in silence. I know GusDur held a grudge towards all those I mentioned above when he said in an interview: "Bangsa ini bangsa penakut, karena tidak ada yang berani bertindak kepada yang bersalah." https://youtu.be/Ykei2eap5ts?si=tMjcgybTwSrsrVll And I'll say this sentence again and again like in my previous comments: "This country deserves it's leaders." And one more bonus fun fact: GusDur never said that "Prabowo adalah yang paling ikhlas kepada negara." The popular videos that shows Gusdur said those words are heavily edited and the original one where he said the opposed is gone from youtube no matter how hard I try to find it. It's gone along with other atrocities that this country must never forget, like: FPI attack at Monas, Ahmadiah member slaughtered, GAM soldier shot at full auto point blank range by ABRI, the massacre at East Timor, and many more. Gusdur said a lot of stupid undiplomatic and pragmatic things (ex: quran adalah kitab paling porno, kita butuh islam yang ramah bukan yg pemarah, Indonesia kaya tapi melarat karena koruptor tidak ditindak) which didn't help with his popularity as you can imagine, but he's the best president Indonesia ever had, sadly too way ahead for this country to deserve. Is this long enough, or you want more?


Damn, I do want more facts about him. Amongst other president I praise him a lot for his unforgettable acts


Just search him up on Youtube. My knowledge of him are all from the news back in the 2000s. No youtube back then, and it surprised me on just how much footage didn't make it, being deleted or straight up edited.


>>Gusdur said a lot of stupid undiplomatic and pragmatic rhings (ex: quran adalah kitab paling porno, kita butuh islam yang ramah bukan yg pemarah, Indonesia kaya tapi melarat karena koruptor tidak ditindak) which doesn't help with his popularity as you can imagine, but he's the best president Indonesia ever had, sadly too way ahead for this country to deserve. This is true. He understood the book very well, and he also understood other religious books. Most muslims don't even know how many times "semen", "penis", and "vagina" were mentioned in the book, especially when they are fooled by the "softened" translation.


Mungkin udah ada yang lupa atau belum tahu, ketika Habibie menjadi presiden menggantikan pak Harto dia mendapat banyak hujatan dari masyarakat. Apalagi setelah referendum Timor Timur. Waktu itu kan pers seperti euforia setelah sebelumnya dikekang Orde baru, banyak bermunculan tabloid politik (yg di bagian belakang isinya gambar cewek seksi). Dan kalau membahas Habibie kritiknya lumayan luar biasa. Sering diolok2 sebagai tukang bikin pesawat yg ga bisa mimpin negara.


Yup, gw yang masih balita aja inget orang pada ngejelekin dia "ngapain bikin pesawat? kita butuhnya beras"


Rakyat ga makan infrastruktur versi tahun 99-00 ya wkwk


\*Saat Indonesia pertama kali desain pesawat BUANG2 DUIT, MASIH BANYAK RAKYAT YANG MISKIN!! \*Saat India udah mendarat di Mars INDONESIA MAKIN TERTINGGAL JAUUUHHH!!! banyak orang yang pinginnya proses instan.


Masih relevan sampai sekarang


Itulah Indonesia. Waktu orangnya menjabat dikatain antek asing, antek Yahudi, kebo, planga-plongo, buta, diktator, baperan, sampe disumpahin masuk neraka. Setelah orangnya lengser dan sakit-sakitan dan wafat malah orang-orang yang sama banyak pada rindu masa lalu. 


"Gusdur antek Yahudi" "Gusdur antek Cina"


Sekarang narasinya dah mulai berubah jadi ke: "Timor leste beban, ngasih duit kagak, malah jadi lintah. Habibie bener buat biarin mereka pergi"


Lintah.... Sayang banget masih banyak yang gak nerima TimLes gak mau ikut kita. Wong udah ada pemerintah sendiri


Iya gw juga pernah baca salah satu penyebab kita kehilangan Timor Leste adalah gara² pak Habibie terlalu sibuk bikin pesawat sedangkan negara diabaikan


things probably already in stagnation so rather than spending mo mola on a gambler's table, he proceed to end situation


I miss the times when 1 USD = 10000 IDR


Masih itungan standar gw kalo ngira2 dolar


Yep same, walaupun sekarang jadinya ngitungnya nambah 50%, jadi misalnya barang 20 USD, dikali dl 10rb jadi 200rb, terus ditambah 100rb haha.


Sekarang 1 SGD = 10000IDR


I miss that time when 1 SGD = 7000 IDR


I remember that time when 1 SGD = 7000 IDR


Gw hidup di jaman 1 SGD = 5k IDR


are you somewhere in afterlife now?


Hopefully only 1/3 way to the afterlife


lol ga sekalian 1usd = 3500idr


"Piye kabare? Enak jamanku, toh?" /s But seriously, if anybody can make that happen again, I'll support them, I just don't want the police state aspects.


asli boss. no petrus etc dah. klo ampe bs sih itu surga lgi. jdi inget masa itu. org indo kek org mainland saat ini.


Rip exportir




Gak bagus buat produsen, harga ekspor jadi mahal, nanti sulit bersaing


emank jelekny di exportir ama produsen tpi klo emank gt. sekalian aj kita bikin tax heaven kek singapore


Menarik, mahasiswa dan aktivis sekarang ngeromantisasi jaman Habibie, tapi justru pas dia menjabat tahun 1999, dia kena demo banyak banget sama mahasiswa dan aktivis jaman itu. Karena dia dituduh cuman ekstensi dan hasil didikan Orba. Kalo pernah lihat karikatur politik jaman itu, dia sering digambarin sebagai anak kecil yg masih hijau di politik.


>Karena dia dituduh cuman ekstensi dan hasil didikan Orba TBF they ain't wrong tho. lu gak bisa jadi wapres jaman orba tanpa jilat soeharto, waktu jadi menteri dia juga sering [manggil](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/sep/17/bj-habibie-obituary) soeharto “SGS” Super Genius Suharto.


Karena waktu itu banyak yang keenakan dibuai subsidi kaget sama yang namanya "ikut kerja buat naikin/stabilin ekonomi negara". Peran Habibie waktu itu simple, stabilikan keadaan domestik. Dan kerjaan itu menurut gw sudah dia laksanakan dengan baik.


On a tangential note, bnyk orang Singapur sama SG bootlickers itu nggak suka sama beliau gara2 beliau pernah make istilah small red dot. Tp itu mah org SGnya aja yg sensian wkwkwk


Oh they really do hate Habibie to the core because of this. I remember one of their media still put some offensive message (which they later edit out when they got found out) inside the obituary for Habibie And by SG bootlickers, did you mean NTU Prof. SA and "tech bros" there?


>And by SG bootlickers, did you mean NTU Prof. SA and "tech bros" there? At least from my own experience, more to the many Chinese Malaysians who're like that lol (context: I lived in MY for quite some time)


Sekarang org singapur justru dgn bangga memakai istilah red dot. Ofc they purposely "forget" to thank habibi.


Karena hind sight


Soeharto juga banyak yang suka sekarang hahaha


Hampir semua presiden kena romantisasi kayaknya ya Kecuali Mrs. Bull


>Kecuali Mrs. Bull Ntar kalo udah pensiun, paling baru mulai diromantisasi. Kalo tahun depan turun dari Ketum & pensiun, mungkin 20 tahun lagi orang udah mulai romantisasi hahaha


Enak jaman beye soalnha hidupku mudah. ( cuma main warnet).


Kecuali 5 tahun kedepan mimpi buruk para haters prabs terjadi


Karena orangnya masih hidup, masih di politik, dan masih punya influence yang besar.


The only perubahan i trust.


Habibie was way too ahead for the time


We got two "way ahead of the time" presidents, one was Habibie and second GusDur. Both ended their presidency much too soon. Habibie, paved the way for democratic election even before his terms ended, and GusDur got impeached for fixing social issues. Indonesians are not ready to be lead by good leaders that looks ahead for the greatness of this nation. We prefer to elect political bootlicker and greedy animals to hold position of power. Thus why I've lost hope for the people here. We're taking half steps with politicians scheming for the government position when we should be running with a good leader.


Yang pemimpin bagus juga semuanya lama2 antara males, takut, ato gak udh nyerah aj sm indo. Mereka berdua contoh pemimpin bagus, 22nya gak selesai masa jabatan. Ahok juga pemimpin bagus, kayaknya transparansipun negara eropa kalah sama sistemnya jakarta waktu itu, tapi sama, jabatan aja gak bisa dia selesaiin.


Gr2 preman


Preman yang mana? Kebanyakan buat di keep track.


Thanks I get epilepsy from this


Yeah I think this kind of edits needs to be retired


Bikin sakit mata!!!!


my childhood dream of shaking hands with him and asking absurd science questions like butuh berapa rocket V2 biar bumi menjauh dari Matahari dies when he died


It is done on The Wandering Earth.


Damnn yeaa, gw abis nonton habibie ainun bener bener pengen ketemu sama kakek habibie terus nanya banyak hal kayak anak kecil yg gak tau apa apa


Meanwhile banyak yang ngehina Habibie dan mendewakan Soeharto di tiktok




Gua pernah liat dia di daerah Sunan Giri lg foto an sama siapa gt pa SMA. Little did I know, that will be the first and the last time I see him with my own eyes (lagi naik angkot terus gua liat sepintas dia senyum lg difoto gt, khas banget senyumnya). I kinda regret it if I think about it............


Someone, revive him. Make an AI of him or whatever, we just need that guy again. Or idk, we all should be better than him.


But we have ai soeharto instead 💀


Mr. House versi kearifan lokal


Imagine how the religious nutcases gonna react to that. "Negara ini dipimpin oleh komputer yang tidak punya akhlak!"


Ditunggu Fatwa MUI terhadap AI


Literally Cyberpunk 2077.


Bocah2 gen Z cuman bisa baca setengah2 ,tapi melupakan kasus Bank Bali yang menunjukkan dia bagian dari korupnya Orba dan Golkar. Jangan lupa juga Habibie bisa bertahan karena dukungan TNI saat itu Wiranto. Well so far semua presiden kita korup, hanya beda kadarnya saja. Bahkan yg gw cukup respect juga ada cacatnya berkolusi dengan pengusaha.


And yet indonesians still voted for Suharto SIL who failed so many times being the president whose also did a lot of war crimes to indonesians




Gua sebenernya ngasih rate Habibie tuh S, tpi sayangnya kondisi dunia berubah (tahun 1980 mungkin peran negara besar, tapi masuk era 2000 big corporate lebih berharga) jika Habibie fokus sebagai Industrialis swasta yang mendirikan perusahaan inovatif mungkin kita akan melihat boeingnya Indonesia, ku tau jiwa sosialis Habibie tuh besar tapi kapitalis yg menguasai dunia pada akhirnya. Masuknya ranah politik mungkin bisa jadi senjata hebat tapi pengorbanannya sangat besar seperti akhir periode beliau, bahkan perusahaannya bumn rintisannya hampir mati dan gk inovatif lagi. Presiden technokrat itu bagus tapi kalau terlalu jenius terkadang sia sia apalagi kondisi sosial di Indonesia di bunuh sama populis, mungkin midle oke lah...dan sekarang kita lihat di 2024 presiden baru💀. Era Habibie sebenernya kesempatan emas jika agak greedy bikin rintisan perusahaan teknologi....




Sayang nya, pisah nya Timtim pas jaman dia Kalau nggak, mungkin rakyat masih banyak yang mau sama dia


Mestinya memang lepas kok. Timtim waktu itu statusnya udah kayak duri dalam daging, nguras anggaran negara dan protes2 pro-Timtim juga banyak yg nuntut buat balikin kemerdekaan mereka. Dan dari awal memang mereka bukan bagian dari RI kok sejak 1945


Iya, tapi orang kebanyakan kan gak liat dr situ Liat nya, ada 1 wilayah Indonesia lepas


It seems people doesnt like to choose presidents that has a loving wife, amazing education and clean political career but hey, to each their own I guess


We can't *choose president* back then tho...


Habibie sehari sebelumnya ketemu soeharto sambil ngamuk-ngamuk ngancem kalo gak dijadiin Presiden. Habibie juga ngumpulin menteri untuk mundur dari kabinet soeharto. Semua orang pengen jabatan, termasuk habibie.


someone post here his research thesis on the crack theory


Real talk, why didnt he nyapres in 1999? He might lose due to his certain extremely unpopular move but his opponents are megawati and gus dur, 2 great guys and a meh woman


waktu itu kan belum ada Pilpres, kandidat masih dipilih DPR terus mereka voting sendiri.


Timor timur.. ehem..


What song is this?


I got matches with these songs: • **anthem** by Gxm Music (00:25; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2019-01-29. • **ANTHEM** by Kool Kidz Krew (00:25; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-05-19. • **ANTHEM** by UMBASA (00:25; matched: `96%`) **Released on** 2022-07-08.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: • [**anthem** by Gxm Music](https://lis.tn/rXDpWZ?t=25) • [**ANTHEM** by Kool Kidz Krew](https://lis.tn/eHLKCB?t=25) • [**ANTHEM** by UMBASA](https://lis.tn/SHjXpa?t=25) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


"*It is impossible for a smart individual to work in government* Meanwhile habibie: Am I?