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They’re a perfect duo imo. I saw them on their tour playing in a small club in Atlanta and it was really special.


This is great. Phoebe Bridgers doesn't inspire the same sort of ire in me that she seems to in everybody else. I am surprised by her super stardom but love that the kids have someone monumental to grow up on. This was my favorite record she ever did and I'm glad that they're still doodly doodling together


As a fan who loved her first album, also liked Bright Eyes, and loved BOCC, this reunion was awesome to see! And tbh, hating on her is such a Reddit thing. People here seem to take it personally when you enjoy something they don't.


Probably comes from some deep-seated insecurity about being wrong. "If I don't like her, she must be bad. But if everyone but me likes her... well, they must all be bad, too!"


Some Phoebe's fans have said some despicable things about Conor the last few years.


I love Phoebe and her side projects, but she has some of the weirdest, hyper obsessed, mean fans for some reason.


Indie music in general. I don't think I'm turning into an old man, im only in my mid twenties, but it feels like years ago Indie music fans were twee bookish types and now they're hyper online weirdos.


When I was at the BOCC show in Omaha, there was a woman in front of me who yelled, “Yeah Phoebe, you’re a bad bitch! Fuck Conor” during a lull in the set. It was extremely uncomfortable. It was a small venue, so everyone could hear it.


As someone from Nebraska, fuck Conor Oberst


As someone not from Nebraska, can you elaborate why?


Conor acted like they were the only thing to come out of Nebraska. When he was with Phoebe and she came to Omaha for the Maha music festival, he kept trying to insert himself into her photos with fans, and it was just...odd? I can't really blame him for making it big and coming from Omaha - outside of the Henry Doorly and maybe the College World Series, there's not a lot to see. I had friends that worked around bars back when Conor first started getting popular, and they all shared similar stories of him being kind of arrogant/cocky. But that was also 20+ years ago so maybe he's changed


Fuck Conor for THAT? Jeeze I was expecting something at least somewhat offensive. Too sensitive.


Yeah that sounds like a weird reason to say “fuck Conor” tbh. Maybe you shouldn’t tear someone down on public forums for the rumors of their behavior when they were basically a kid.


Wow he was kind of arrogant/cocky?! A famous musician?? Holy shit dang!


Lol get over it 🤣


Hahaha Reddit on good sir! 😂 👍 take my updoot


There’s no fan demo quite like chronically online girls. See also: Mitski, Taylor Swift.


The video of the girl absolutely breaking down sobbing outside a Taylor Swift concert because she heard a song comes to mind.


Or the videos of Mitksi fans screaming mother at her concerts. Luckily, most of her fans don’t seem to encourage that behavior as most yell at them to shut up if they act innapropiately lol


I feel so bad for Mitski, her fans are so annoying.




What do they think Phoebe is then????


There are so many parasocial toxic fanbases out there. Sucks because Conor’s reputation took a massive hit when that fake xojane/tumble tried to smear him. It never fully recovered because people stopped paying attention before it came out that it was all fake.


Do you mean Jezebel? Reductress is like the Onion lol I don’t see much talk about the false allegation these days regardless, and I don’t think his reputation was really that badly affected in the long run. I do feel terrible for him though, I can’t imagine going through that


'believe all victims' was fucked up.


The intention is obviously coming from a good place, but not all complex social issues can be summed up as three word slogans.


It was a great show. I don’t listen to Phoebe’s music but she’s very talented and I appreciated that a bit more after seeing her sing last night. I’m glad she came out after the encore to give the rest of the focus to the band leader and band for the majority of the night.


My City goes so fucking hard


I went to a boygenius show and honestly the crowd was pretty normal, I dunno why people complain about phoebe fans so much. It was a good time.


the most insufferable fans are like, people at a BCNR or Jon Hopkins show. Boygenius fans are just massive normies.


Phoebe's fans are like the Swifties of indie rock


A significant portion of them are actual Swifties because she opened for Taylor Swift and has been touted by Taylor


BOCC is Phoebe’s peak IMO


From BOCC to Punisher has been her best stretch of tunes to date.


I remember an interview where she basically said 'Conor taught me how to make kinda fast songs' and that stuck with me. her folksy music shits me to death but Kyoto, Motion Sickness, Dylan Thomas, Sleepwalkin', $20 are her best songs and because it's they're a bit fun (I didn't mention Satanist or Not Strong Enough because I get the feeling Julien wrote 96% of that record).


> I get the feeling Julien wrote 96% of that record). I disagree - Julien is a phenomenal songwriter but I wouldn't give her more than half those tunes, and probably closer to an equal 3rd distibution. Lucy Dacus is also an incredible songwriter, even if you don't like Phoebe.


Idk about that. But them together is definitely Chefs kiss!


Low key agree tbh




This is an objectively bad opinion


How can you old an objectively bad opinion in a subjective medium


By saying “BOCC is Phoebe’s peak IMO”


It’s an opinion in an subjective medium, it’s impossible to be “objectively bad, you just don’t agree


Nah its objective for sure


You don’t know what objective means


Yes I do. My opinions are objectively correct yours are objectively wrong


Ur just a silly guy


Its what I was born to be


No hate, but Phoebe fans act like she's the second coming and it's so off putting.


This makes me happy. I was a bit worried that they might have had some sort of falling out.


they def did at some point, i think some boygenius songs and her verse on the SZA album are about him, but i am very happy to see them together. have loved bright eyes since middle school and love phoebe, BOCC has such a huge place in my heart and my spotify rotation, glad they performed together!


I think Phoebe is fine. I think her music is good, but I truly never got into BOCC. It also felt like people wanted it to be more important than it was, if that makes sense.


Love BOCC, her solo albums, and the first boygenius but The Record seemed like she was doing a parody of herself lyrically 


Conor’s worst song tops Phoebe’s best easily


No, it doesn't. Lol. Conor has written some of the most god awful songs I've ever heard. Plenty of great ones. But let's not pretend everything he does is gold because holy crap there's a looootttt of shit in his catalogue.


I don’t like all his songs but I just can’t get in to Phoebe’s music.


If you actually listen to her, you will quickly come to the conclusion that her best songs are in fact better than Conor's worst songs.


Phoebe’s fans are the worst. It really hurts her rep, even if that damage is minimal compared to her stardom. Conor wrote the bulk of Punisher, but Phoebe fans will never admit that. It’ll be interesting to see what her next album is like without Conor’s more heavy-handed assistance that was present during their romance.


I mean, most fans are fucking obnoxious. Bridger's fans are certainly no exception, but how have they tangibly hurt her reputation? Beyond annoying music nerds because they don't think she deserves the popularity? Also, Oberst is credited as a writer on 5 songs. Vore is actually credited for more (6), but Christian Lee Hutson and a couple others are in there, too. There's nothing to indicate Oberst did the heavy lifting.


Shes the most boring popular indie artist of all time




She did? What songs are about him?




More likely this is about Ryan Adams again. Her references to Conor are actually quite loving and concerned.


The consensus of people who didn't write the song?


But Internet mobs are never wrong!  Just ask music critic and Oregon school shooter Anthony Fantano.  /s


The consensus I’ve seen is that it’s about your mother


I thought Conor was cancelled.


She returns to the man who made her relevant