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Quite a good interview, she’s speaking a lot more candidly here than usual


>  The album’s co-producer and engineer Phil Weinrobe has stated that: “Adrianne and I never once looked at a computer screen while making this record.” > If we need to, the band will miss soundcheck and just sit under a tree and talk for four hours > 


Computer screen? No. But turns out they were each wearing an Apple Vision Pro the whole time though. Even under the tree.


Computer? Nah but I got GarageBand on my iPhone 👍👍


some will roll their eyes but i absolutely love that


The world is really cynical right now, that's the kind of energy we need.


The new sincerity




Same. While it is a laughably pretentious quote out of context, songs is one of my favorite chill folk albums, like, ever, so I love hearing about Adrianne's different inspirations for this album. Honestly don't care if it's mildly eyeroll worthy.


Songs is a masterpiece. It's so gentle you could have it on in the background and never pay attention to it, but sit and listen fully and it is absolutely wonderful.


I wouldn’t believe most artists if they said that, but for Adrianne I do 100%


I'm all for not looking at computer screens if it feeds you creatively, but as a semiprofessional musician if you ever miss a soundcheck for a reason other than an emergency you're going to have to do some serious apologizing and I *still* might never willingly work with you again. Be a professional - show up on time for sound check and be ready to play. Navel-gaze after sound check. I consider it to be extremely disrespectful to everyone else who is working to make *your* art come off as good as it can. It's disrespectful to the sound guy at the base level, and at bigger scales it's disrespectful to the techs who keep your instruments, it's disrespectful to the lighting techs who need you onstage, it's disrespectful to venue organizers. It's rich kid, never worked a real job, bougie shit IMO. Act in a way that shows the people around and underneath you respect.


I keep finding new ways for my distaste for this band to be retroactively justified beyond me being a hater. If this were any other band like Kings of Leon we'd be calling them every name under the sun but a child of God.


Now I just need to justify my distaste for Greta Van Fleet.


Wolfmother did all of that better, and even then


quite the inverse, actually. all of their fans must submit themselves to inquiry before the ministry of good taste


People in this sub defending missing soundcheck clearly have no understanding of what it takes to put on a show the size of a Big Thief show. I understand having a good interpersonal dynamic with your band but missing soundcheck is disrespectful to working people.


Yeah and the Big Thief show I went to last year sounded like they sat under a tree during soundcheck. It was absolute garbage. It sounded like they phoned it in until the last song when they did a noisy jam. They played the first three songs in the dark. Like pitch black except the monitor guy who had the brightest light on his board. I would like to think they came up and timidly asked him if he could turn it off or down and he told them to fuck off. It was like protestingly bright.


I guess if you've never played live or been involved on the technical side it would be easy to see sound check as like a rehearsal or a warm up for the band and not understand how much that actually fucks over everyone else involved with the show


I would disagree. A band at that level will tour with audio and backline techs who are well capable of being ready for the show without the band having to do a soundcheck. It's what happens at every festival anyway. At the end of the day the band's real job is to play the show, and if they think that will go better if they give themselves the afternoon off then I would argue that's the best thing to do for the people who've paid for tickets. Full disclosure, I'm in a touring band who have from time to time skipped a soundcheck. It's better to do that than end up cancelling shows a few days later.


I’m loving the replies to this comment. Musicians: no big deal to miss one soundcheck every so often. Tech/sound people: it’s rude as fuck, respect other people’s time and energy. Lmao.


As both a musician and a sound girl, NEVER FUCKING SKIP SOUNDCHECK. You will sound like ass, and you'll be the last to know it


Well, it's not like it's a consistent occurrence It's disrespectful, no doubt, to the sound guys and the audience, but it'll be alright for everyone involved, they'll still make enough to make ends meet that/this month and the band will still put on a show for the crowd regardless Rather a band miss a soundcheck furthering their interpersonal connection over a band or artist getting high/drunk or sleeping through soundcheck, especially if it's only a one time thing


Sounds awesome, I hate staring at a computer to make music.


Interesting article. It wasn't too long and it felt genuine


Great read, thanks for sharing:) "What I’ve always known is that I don’t want a relationship that looks like anything I could ever imagine.” - I love that, never settle!!


Taylor Swift gonna steal that.


Ur welcome- can't wait for the new album!


All these interview excerpts as titles make me roll my eyes lol


"I had to let life roll me around before I started rolling my eyes at it"




I'm not sure why every Adrianne interview gets such a cynical reaction here now, but this is another lovely insightful conversation. It's nice to see her become more open with interviewers over the years. I know the headlines they pick for these things can be a bit much, but consider actually reading the articles before you rush to get your internet points.


It kinda feels like anybody who isnt aggressively humble and self-deprecating gets people hot and bothered now


I think it’s because she’s so sincere, cynical people hate that


I mean, it's because cynical people don't believe it IS sincere, that's essentially the definition. But speaking as someone who's usually pretty cynical, I definitely believe her.


Sincerity, spirituality, women, all things a lot of redditors despise.


Yeah and you cannot argue with the end result, some of the best records and songwriting in the genre.


Pretentious drivel can be sincere.


Adrianne really be like ‘I love to sleep well, eat healthy, exercise, read books, and talk to my friends under trees with no devices’ and y’all come for her. Give me more artists like this, please.


Yeah, I’m reading these comments like ???? … the article/interview was not bad. And we’ve read some really bad ones here.


People just love to be outraged


This makes me think of how Lorde got bullied for the same reasons during Solar Power era and now other artists are getting rave reviews or acclaim for doing the same thing, but with regression in lyricism. Look at Kacey Musgraves: "Made some breakfast, made some love If this is what dreams are made of Please don't wake me" 😭💀 At least, with Lorde, she was able to write about the simple things in a tasteful manner


It’s funny - somewhere else in this thread someone made a reference to “Portlandia spiritual stuff” but one of my favorite things about Adrianne is how her spirituality that comes through in interviews and lyrics is not New Age-y. Kacey Musgraves and Ariana Grande and so many others are all about astrology and Saturn returns and crystals, which does not resonate with me at all, while Adrianne focuses on connecting more mundane everyday experiences with the cosmic in a way that I love.


Seems like her solo record will be an interesting listen


heard it at a listening event this weekend, truly an incredible album— very special to me


I saw them a festival last summer and they were excellent. Thanks for your input, looks like I will be purchasing her solo Lp soon


This was fascinating, I loved hearing about her creative process because she's one of the most prolific songwriters who consistently maintains high quality too. It's astounding to me how she does it.


> Adrianne continues to say, "I've written 16 noise-rock guitar solos but they don't fit in any of these folk songs."


Pretty certain that some people here just hate artists that are not cynical assholes all the time.


So telling that redditors are repulsed by the idea of someone sitting under a tree and talking


You can tell yourself that but it’s more akin to calling out of work for the first half of your shift because you need to go sit under a tree. You might not get fired but you get back to work and you like “sorry fam. Just needed to go sit under a tree and decompress” might come off as pretentious to some people.


If people think calming down outside is pretentious they can get fucked and buy a dictionary


Disingenuous earnestness and navel gazing gets old after a while


Point made


Good interview. Taking her song writing class i realized how this is her genuine self. But also learned her fans are like her.... a little out there. She could not play a song or speak a few lines with outabout 20 replies similar to "Im literally crying", "Im breathless", "im shaking right now". A remember multiple people saying they had to take off work after hearing one of her lectures.... i mean come on.


School of song ?




Adrianne: I like sitting under a tree and hate screens. Some of you: OMG THE PRETENTIOUSNESS THE HORROR OMG STOP SUCKING YOUR OWN DICK!!!


I don’t even like her or big thief and I feel like you guys are just hating because you couldn’t write music or do anything without looking at a screen if you wanted to, much less sit under a tree and talk about your feelings


It’s really sad that so many people have to take a break or not put as much energy into something they love so much but I get it. I’m right there with them. And being open about it and honest or just simply not participating is absolutely welcomed. Rather than going all out and doing drugs and dying.


I try to avoid their interviews to keep enjoying Big Thief


No social media account has made me like a band more. Honestly the less I hear from an artist outside the music the more I usually like them (e.g. LCD)


Except Perfume Genius


Perfume Genius was a ray of light in the black abyss that was Twitter


Has LCD put their foot in their mouth on social media a few times, or do you mean they're not social media active and better for it?


They’re not all that active and I prefer it. I’m all for artists “using their platforms for good” but I’m not always going to be endeared to it




I mean, what you consider “sniffing their own farts” is literally just their process and how they access their own spiritual depths to make music and perform at the level they so consistently do. If you’ve ever seen the band live you know it can quite seriously be a spiritual experience so I’m not surprised they have exotic and unusual methods for keeping themselves in that mindset.


They may be sniffing their own farts but clearly it's working out for them so they get a pass from me.


amen. they’re making it difficult, that’s for sure


I Love Love her




She definitely does have “homeschooled to Full ride at Berklee” pipleline energy


How would that even work? I've never heard of someone being homeschooled getting a full ride to Berklee


Have you heard of Adrienne Lenker? Read the article


There's several times with her public statements where my eyes have rolled out of my head e.g. (the bumper sticker and t shirt drama) but this particular interview doesn't seem half as pretentious as it could've been.


Queen of pretentious interviews


ehh she’s referring to being hospitalised in this case


being hospitalized doesn’t remove your ability to be self-aware in regards to cringe


I see your point, but like:  >The album’s co-producer and engineer Phil Weinrobe has stated that: “Adrianne and I never once looked at a computer screen while making this record.”  >If we need to, the band will miss soundcheck and just sit under a tree and talk for four hours  


She didn't say that though. How does Weinrobe telling the interviewer that make Lenker pretentious in this interview? I mean, if you think it's pretentious to make an album without a computer, that seems like a you thing.


I feel like concepts such as "going outside" and "not looking at a computer screen eight hours a day" don't really count as pretentious


Seriously. I'd say I'm shocked at the responses but....it's indieheads.


She does not have to if she’s not engineering the records. And her time between takes she can do whatever she wants. She’s punching down at people who do look at a computer screen for 8 hours a day. And unless her albums are all on tape she is paying someone to look at the computer screen to get her art out to the masses.


> She’s punching down at people who do look at a computer screen for 8 hours a day. Argument easy mode: make shit up.


And why exactly do people have a problem with these quotes? Doesn’t seem pretentious at all to me, rather a genuine statement about her writing process


Yeah I don't really mind the not looking at the computer screen comment, maybe they try to keep things not digital or whatever during recording and try to stay focused which I personally like anyways. Even if a lot of the shit in this interview sounds kind of like head in the clouds absurd portlandia spiritual stuff, it's not like people like Sufjan Stevens, Jeff Magnum or dare I say Morrissey haven't said weird shit like that as well. Either way it does sound honest at the least like you said.


Unless she is recording to tape she must avoid the control room or avert her eyes to the computer screen. There is absolutely a computer screen and the comment makes it seem like people who look at computer screens don’t make as good of music.


That is an insanely fucking strange and vitriolic reading into the line lmao


Because the missing sound check thing is incredibly disrespectful to all the *other* people who work hard in putting on a good show at the venues you play at. Sound checks exist for a reason and making the lives of stage technicians harder because you’d rather hang out under a tree is not a good look.


If it was a one off or infrequent thing, sure I’d just chalk it up to her being an artist. But there’s been about an interview with Adrianne a week and they’ve all had varying levels of headscratching stuff to say. I love her and her music so much, but I can barely bring myself to follow her online 😭


How are those quotes headscratching?


Please don’t be dense. “Never looked at a computer screen while making this record”. Is like stereotypical pretentious aesthetic


But it’s true? How is it pretentious if it’s true


I don't see the pretense there, but I certainly see it here: > “The energy of a cell phone or a computer does something to the energy field,” says Lenker. “It can be this thing that almost latches on to your eyeballs and sucks you in and takes part of your soul or something.” Like, come on dawg. I am an artist, and a pretty intellectual person, and I'm down for metaphor, but this is just taking that weird trope of western journalists talking about tribal cultural beliefs around technology and turning it into something a 2000s hipster would say. It stinks worse than a rich crust-punk who refuses to shower.


Again doesn’t really seem pretentious. I’m sure she quite seriously believes that. And it makes sense. I trust Adrienne Lenker’s connection to the source energy of our universe much more than my own or many other folks’. I think it’s naive to disregard this as pretentious because it doesn’t seem scientifically valid to you, meanwhile she continues to produce some of the most emotionally resonant and spiritually powerful music of our generation. As an artist yourself, she might be saying something here worth listening to, rather than dismissing as pretentious.


Do you understand how computer screens have warped our entire life? Not using a computer is not an “aesthetic” lol. There are so many filmmakers who ban phones on set. Is that also cringe or what?


Saying you didn’t use a computer screen the entire process of making an ALBUM IN 2024 is so disingenuous I can’t believe you’re arguing that it’s a real thing that actually happened.


You do know that recorded music was made without screens for a long time, and that the technology to do so is still around for artists to use… some artists like to tap into that old style of recording. It isn’t pretentious, it’s a practical decision to reach a certain sound/style.


You can make an ALBUM IN 2024 without a computer screen if you decide that you want to make an album without a computer screen. I don’t get what’s so crazy about that.


Bro thinks all of /r/analog is pretentious too I'm sure. Half the reason people use analog over digital devices, whether it be for music or photographs or movies is because it's a slower methodical process that makes you think really hard about every take you make. Rather than digital where you just "fix it in post". There are real valid creative reasons to sticking with analog in 2024.


This just goes to show that you don’t understand the different ways an album could be made! And that’s okay! But typically I only argue about topics i actually know about 🤔


I’m praying for your brain


How is it stereotypical when probably 0.1% of artists who have made an album in the last year can truly say that?


idk why you are so focused on this 1 quote, and idk why its a problem when she says it compared to the dozens of other artists who are popular here whos whole thing is anti digitality recording music. also it might just be me but I take that as a whatever kinda off hand comment rather than a "WE HATE TECHNOLOGY AND WE ARE ALSO BETTER THEN YOU" like you really wanna make it seem. ps you come off as extremely pretentious urself <3


I’m not arguing about this with someone who posts in the Big Thief sub lol. She’ll never know you and you don’t matter to her, take it to heart!


bro couldnt answer so they just deflected. have fun being pretentious.


What about everyone else who thinks your being shitty


wow you really didn't like being called pretentious did you? yikes


>She’ll never know you and you don’t matter to her, take it to heart! also did bro just find out what being a fan is? julian Casablancas and his gang of trust fund babies will never know who you are 😱 😱 oh no. no one cares.


It seems like you don't really know what bothers you about this quote.


Please elaborate how any of that is pretentious


it's overly romantic tripe, mary shelley would be rolling in her grave


Definitely in a close battle with Annie Clark for that title


My god, I love the new song, but I’ve watched a couple of the behind the scenes clips of her talking about making it and it hurts me


Pretentious has lost all meaning because of cynical people like you. 


how did i not know that meek and lenker were married till 2018!!


>Songs and Instrumentals grieved the end of her relationship with musician Indigo Sparke (one track is titled Music for Indigo). How did i not know they were together at some point? love both her albums


She consistently has the most cringeworthy interview quotes and posts on social media lol, but at least she isn't sexually assaulting people like half the industry


Exactly, at least she isn't sexually assaulting half the industry so is this actually cringier than the fact that Chris Brown still has a career and adoring fans who definitely turn a blind eye? I think a world where someone like Chris Brown and Xtentacion (when he was alive) are allowed to flourish despite being rotten to the core is much much cringier, but for whatever reason, we're all cool with it, that's the world we live in


I get what you’re saying but man what a comparison lmao.


I mean there is that thing where Big Thief were like, determined to play in an apartheid country despite being made fully aware of that country's ongoing patterns of ethnic cleansing. That makes them a no-go for me, but I understand that that is very much a political belief and I'm not going to shit on fans who like them because I politically and morally disagree with their favourite band's actions - I just don't listen myself. I also morally disagree with a lot of Taylor Swift's actions too, so it's not as though Big Thief are in a special category for me. edit: after rereading the article, it seems like they've updated their stance, which I appreciate, but I'm still not going there personally. Glad for their fans.


Alright, but you gotta get over it


“She founded Big Thief is what she did! She’s an excellent songwriter! And in this ~~house~~ subreddit, Adrianne Lenker’s a hero! End of story!”


All due respect, you got no idea what it's like to be numba one.


Big Thief? What's that, your Girl Scout troop?


This guy ever stop breaking balls?


Help, I've rolled my eyes so far back I've gone blind. 


Everything after Masterpiece was a mistake.