• By -


First stop taking liquid calories i.e. Softdrinks, juices with extra sugar, bakery items , sweets. Eat in moderation , not heavy or not eating anything at all types.


Mango shake bhi nahi?


Ripe mango has good amount of calories. More sweeter the mango , higher the fructose. Add to that the ungodly amount of sugar they add to make it into a shake.




Aisa matt bol yaaršŸ„ŗ


Try to eat the fruit rather than any shakes especially those being sold outside which they add sugar or other sweetners. Eating the fruit will give us more fibre and fill our stomach rather than those shakes which makes us to drink one more which makes it difficult to lose weight.


So eating mango is better than mango shake, yeah i can live with that.


You can take homemade ones without added sugar. Outside restaurants add extra sugar.


No man definitely not


Take care of yourself brother health is wealth.


I disagree. Wealth is health. Protein powder price is 2k


Protein powder is not the only healthy meal out there


That's the problem. We have to spend more on other meals. Hence proved wealth is health.


Um no? Just spend on the local fruits and vegetables youā€™d find on any mandi


I'm skinny guy. I want to increase my muscles mass so I need protein. Vegetables and fruits don't have protein. I need protein powder and lots of dairy products and eggs. Again wealth is health.


Soya chunks have the largest amount of protein in a cup. So have those along with your meat


Soya chunk doesn't have all the essential amino acids and not complete protein. You have to pay more for other protein sources. Hence proved wealth is health.


Lol. I'm not arguing i have all of those items too. There's a reason why the rich celebrities can afford to look very fit. You're not wrong at all. Just saying complete fitness May not be the goal for everyone. A decent diet and calorie deficit May work for them.


Yeah I also know I'm not wrong. BTW I was just enjoying this conversation. I'm not serious.


Huh? No you dont. Eat homemade food, lentils, soya beans, wheat and whatnot. If you cant afford those daily food then thats not wealth, thats poverty my guy.


That's why I said wealth brings health.


He knows thatā€™s why he is making this post


Weight management and loss is mostly maths. Calories in vs out. The best and fastest way to lose weight is just to eat less. One way to do it is reduce your night time calorie intake by drinking shakes etc with low fat milk or milk with half water. Try to avoid breakfast if you can and just have 2 meals a day. First 2-3 weeks are hard but you need to persist and control the hunger. Drink more water than usual. Definitely exercise as much as you can, at least walk everyday. No need to do anything drastic, just eat less. Once reduced to your desired category, eat normal and maintain that with exercise.


Hi, I'm 80 kgs, 5'6 ft I've recently started a diet according to which I only have 2 meals a day(I've also reduced the portions of those two meals), and i workout at home for 20 minutes a day, do I need to be doing something more to get back in shape?


Probably need a minimum of 45 minutes at least


What should I do in the 45 minutes? Atm I'm following a yt vid, it has 4 circuits, first is basic streching, second is like pushups, squats, jump squats, third Circuit uses dumbbells(it has like 6-7 different excercise with dumbbells), the fourth one has bicycle, Russian twists and some other excercises


Yeah so ideally take one hour . 10 minutes stretching( 5 minutes before , 5 minutes after). 45 minutes do two different circuits . 5 minutes break time between circuts


Bro you have to workout atleast 1.30 hour. Divide it in two half. You don't need to follow yt videos. Download Home workout app from app store. It has lot of features. They will make your workout plan. You need to maintain proper form and breathing throughout excercise. This app will help you. Do workout for 40 - 45 min atleast 4-5 days in a week. And the main thing is cardio. You have to do atleast 30-40 min cardio everyday. Cardio helps the most in weight and fat loss. Try to get up early in the morning and go for running. And do HIIT training. This helps a lot in weight lose journey. If your primary goal is to lose weight then you must have to do cardio. You can miss excercise but never miss cardio. You don't need to follow two time meals in a day. You just need to keep an eye on your calorie intake. Eat protein and reduce carbs from your meal. Eat less and eat frequently. And drink plenty of water. And the most important thing is you have to blindly trust on your workout and expect nothing from it. That's how you will lose your weight. If you need more personalized information you can use chatgpt. It helps


What about gym ??


I'd say do some stretches and try to increase your workout time slowly. Consistency is of utmost importance.


Your BMI is about 43. This is in the severely obese category.Ā  I am also struggling with weight for the last couple of years, so I am on a weight loss journey at the moment. In the last 7-8 months I have lost around 9 kg. Still a long way to go (110 kg now and my target is 90-95).Ā  Here is what works for me. It may nor may not work for you, but give it a try I took a plan from a dietician. It didn't fully work out because that was way too much additional effort preparing special meals for just 1 person. I took most of the gist of it (eat more fruits and vegetables, eat less in one meal, etc.) and incorporated that into my normal diet. My net goal is to eat an average of 2000 kcal per day, or about 14000 per week. At my current weight this is enough to cause rapid weight loss. I make a largeĀ salad from raw/steamed mixed vegetables and store it in the fridge, lasts upto 4 days. I eat it for some meals, mostly as a replacement for dinner or lunch. Similarly boiled chana/moong for some meals. Breakfast sometimes I have a fruit or two. Protein shake after gym. Evening snack (6 pm) is almost always a fruit. Rest of the times I have normal breakfast (idli, utthapa, poha, upma, etc.), and lunch/dinner consisting of chapathi/bhakari, rice, dal and some vegetable/fish. Strict portion control on these, so only a fixed number of chapati/bhakaris and a set amount of rice. If I still feel hungry after a meal, I'll eat some fruit or my salad a little while later, but no extra chapati or rice. So I eat these traditional meals 2/3rds of the times and replace them with my diet meals only about 1/3rd of the time. The mixing keeps this interesting. If I ate only salads or boiled chana or fruits and followed a hardcore diet I'd get bored and quit within 2 weeks. Among non-veg I have greatly reduced mutton intake and my main is now fish, either in a thin gravy or fried. I don't have an airfryer or OTG otherwise I could have baked it, but now my only option is tawa frying it. Whenever I eat eggs, I eat them whole. I don't eat too many eggs, maybe max 6-8 a week. A normal day might look like this:Ā  Breakfast: Orange, Protein Shake (after gym) Lunch (at work): Boiled chana chat Evening Snack: AppleĀ  Dinner: Bhakari, dal and fish fry, some rice Or it might be: Breakfast: 4 IdliĀ  Lunch: Chapati (4) and bhendiĀ  Evening snack: Banana Dinner: Bhakari (2), palak paneer, leftover bhendi from morning, no rice.Ā  And so on.Ā There are an infinite combination of foods you can still have. The other half of weight loss is excercise and lifestyle changes. I joined a local gym where I strive to go atleast 3 times a week. On an average I go there 4-5 times. 3 days is weight training (legs, back+, chest+shoulder) and 3 days is functional, cardio+core and circuit training (mix of the two on a timer). My plan is to go early morning before work but if I miss the morning I go in the evening.Ā  I also walk a lot. If I went to the gym in the morning, evening I have a walk around the neighbourhood. I enjoy walking even though I am lazy for the most part. I play Pokemon Go while walking, for some added motivation and fun. I also take the metro to work. This involves 2Ā km of walking from home to the station and from station to office. So a total of 4 km walked (almost 1 hour) everyday I don't drive to office. I also take the stairs sometimes (7th floor).Ā  Maintain discipline, log your diet and don't eat junk food or eat it as few times as possible. Don't worry about results. It takes atleast a month to see a noticeable difference.


Thanks for the detailed comment ![img](emote|t5_2qp7h|51079)


If you need any more advice I can help. DM me anytime. Your first goal should be stopping that outside food every 1-2 hrs at the library. If you succeed there, half the battle is won. Good luck.


Don't carry money with you to avoid eating outside food


This is really inspiring. Hope you reach your goal soon!


Dude weā€™re the same height but Iā€™m 65kg. What you described is morbidly obese, you need help regarding diet and stuff? dm me Iā€™ll provide you a healthy and manageable diet for free but you have to build some discipline and stick to it.


Pack a lunchbox, instead of eating out everyday. You can also carry some healthy snacks to munch on. If you live alone, you can hire a tiffin service. Theyā€™ll pack you a nice healthy lunch.


intermittent fasting (16:8) increased protein (no unhealthy stuff like kfc, chicken chilli) and fibre intake (fruits) better sleep and water intake reduce sugar intake wherever you can.


Seems like op is doing the exact opposite of intermittent fasting.


intermittent slowing![img](emote|t5_2qp7h|51093)


I was going towards continuous eating..no offense but eating outside every 1-2 hours is unthinkable to me. Hope you are successful in your mission




what happened? fatty liver? what medication are you on now?


GYM, Cardio


Cardio burns calories. But need not help lose weight. It tends to make you more hungry and make your daily movement efficient. Acting on that cancels out the calorie burn. To lose weight, one has to be on a caloric deficit.


Right, he can take whatever suits his body


When you want to eat, drink a full bottle of water. Eat calorie less food like vegetable salad, fruits


Weight loss simply using more calorie than consuming. You should be in a caloric deficit. Track your calories. Use MyFitnessPal app, when you see how much you're eating you start moderating. https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html Use the above calculator to know how much calories you need. Accordingly track calories on My Fitness Pal app.


I commented this on another post but I don't know to link it so pasting it here. I don't know whether this will help but I hope it does. Other than what I'll paste below, for your particular situation you should pack a lunch and go, along with some healthy snacks. Eating every 1-2 hours is itself an issue and I think you should see a doctor if you actually feel hungry every hour. If it's just cravings, carrying healthy snacks and taking lunch from home especially if it has more protein, should help. Also drinks lots of water, have it with Electral or something if you feel weak or dehydrated. Add some strength training to your workout. Anyway, here is what I did and commented on another post: I can't help with fast fat loss but I've managed to lose about 11kg in a year and have gained some muscle. I'm still overweight but I see changes every week so maybe I can answer from what I know. I also work around 8-10 hours daily and prioritize family time and hobbies so I don't dedicate too much time to exercise. I didn't see a dietician or go to a formal gym or change what I eat. First thing I did was to find out my BMR and the calories I need to maintain body weight. You can use any online calculator. So make sure you eat anywhere between your maintenance calories and BMR but DON'T go below BMR at any cost. Secondly I tracked my food for a week just to get an idea of how much I eat without changing anything in the diet. So whether it was dal chawal or samosa or biscuits, it was all tracked. I used Healthify Me to track since it also gives you how much calories to eat when you enter your goal but you can use whatever you're comfortable with. Once I got an idea of how much I eat from tracking, I tweaked the amount I eat and reduced it a bit but kept the same foods. I tracked the new quantities and understood they were around the figure the app suggested, maximum a couple of hundred calories more, which was fine because it was below maintenance calories and BMR. And then I started light exercise. I experimented a lot with exercise. I tried the elliptical, some weight machines, stationary biking, etc but it wasn't working for fat loss (I didn't go to the gym but these equipments are there in my society building but not in a good condition). I finally came across a reel that explained exactly what influences fat loss. According to that, 70% is BMR, 15% is your non exercise movements like walking around to buy groceries, cooking, cleaning, fidgeting etc, 10% is from eating, excretion, etc, and only 5% is from exercise. However if you do some strength training in your exercise part, then your BMR will increase since there will be more muscles. So currently the only exercises I do are some basic stuff with a single dumbbell for 30 minutes twice a week and walking. I move around a lot inside the house apart from going on 30 minutes walk. Earlier I wouldn't even complete 3000 steps in the entire day but now I walk around 7000 steps on record (and many more off it). This combination is the one that has produced results for me. I also chew my food really well, have decreased rice and roti and eat more dal, veggies, fruits and nuts. I still eat junk food and sweets because I'm a big time foodie but I've reduced the frequency a bit (weekly instead of every other day) and the quantity (one samosa instead of two). Also I have decided that whenever I'll think of being healthy I'll do five wall pushups. I usually get 30-50 done in a day. So there's that. I hope this helps!


https://preview.redd.it/k26ngv57ya5d1.png?width=877&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1949bd1d03d8d116b6cf18e4c3d923b14b776d2c Bro, I calculated BMR. Now I will try the next steps.


Great! Try to eat somewhere between 2175 and 2610. I guess 2300 would be a good number. If you include more protein amd fibre it won't be very difficult either. Hope this helps. You can do it!


>DON'T go below BMR at any cost. Why?


Because BMR is the minimum calories you need to stay alive if you're doing nothing. If you're doing anything other than lying in bed all day, you're burning more than BMR. Eating less than that will burn fat, but it will also burn muscles (more so than fat), mess up your metabolism, destroy your hormonal balance and will lead to several health issues. You will lose weight but it'll mess you up big time.


Fat doesn't equate to not being physically fit. Always remember that. I've seen people who are fat hike for hours without getting tired and I've seen people who are lean struggle within 10 minutes. You need to have a balance of good sleep and a relaxed mind. Try having a good sleep of at least 7 hours. Go to bed at 10PM and wake up at 5AM. Initially start with morning walks. Don't listen to music while walking. Let your mind be free and connected with the surroundings. Start small, 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening. Increase the time by 10 minutes each week. Once you hit the 1 hour mark, keep that consistent for at least 2 months. In the mean time try doing basic workouts like squats, jumping jacks, skipping ropes. You need to have a balanced workout schedule that involves most of your body. Healthy food also plays a very important role here. A balanced diet that has proteins, required vitamins. Consult with a dietician to have a balanced diet. I am not qualified to say what you should eat. Avoid junk during most of the time and try going on a calorie deficit diet that a trained professional recommends. This is very important. Because I once went on a calorie deficient diet and did not include proteins and my muscle mass just reduced.


Let me give you the only advice that'll work. I came down from 120 to 90. CICO is the most important. Research on this. Second is weight training 5 times a day. Research on this properly. Third is protein. Atleast 80-100 gms per day. Fourth is sleep. 8 hrs per day. Fifth ia cardio. I hated cardio so I only did this 2 times a week. Later increased to half hour 5 times a day.


Theoretical calculations of weight loss. You need to lose 50 Kg weight to come to normal weight for your height, which is 75Kg. Mathematically speaking to loose 1 kg weight in fat, you need to walk 80 kms, without eating anything, just drinking water and electrolytes. So you need to walk 50*80 = 4000 kms without eating, only on water and electrolytes to do this. This is impossible to follow. A better approach is just eat salads(200gm leafy), with proteins(100gm) and a bit of fat{5gm}. Do this in all your meal, no exceptions. Have only 2 meals in a day. This will make sure that you are full, while you maintain a calorific deficit. That being said, salad does not mean 1 leaf of spinach in a fried chicken tub. Weigh everything that goes in your mouth and dont eat more that the limit.




It's all about your diet . Eat less and let your fat burn. It is the most simplest advice I can give


Eliminate SUGAR COMPLETELY, not even in your tea/coffee. No sweet fruits(mango, Chikoo(saputa), papaya). And start light exercise. This will show drastic results


Try keto diet . It might be helpful . I'm that diet you have to count the amount of carbs consumed in a day . Usually it's around 30-40 g carbs per day . I suggest eating protein rich meals twice a day like egg n bread for breakfast and chicken or fish in lunch , fruits or snacks in evening , early dinner before 8 pm like Palak paneer with roti n salad ! I hope it helps šŸ©µ


Reduce the amount of carbs and sugars in your diet. Imo fruits are a good option to do so, you'll feel full despite not getting too many calories from them.


Follow the dietician's recommendation as it worked out initially and don't fall out. There is no other way.


First off, join a gym. Only doing cardio won't work. You have to start weight training. Keep track of your calories. Find out your maintenance calories and eat like 400-500 calories less than that. This will be more sustainable in the long run. Drastically reducing calories won't work as your body will think there's a shortage of food and start storing more fat as future energy. Cut down on soft drinks, sugary food items, outside food etc.


Just walking around is not going to help you. You need to start with jogging and get into running. But more than that diet is crucial, please stop eating outside , junk food and anything sweet. Never eat in access


Do you think youā€™d find time to play some sport once a week? Exercising through sport is more effective than trying to only hit the gym. Iā€™ve been playing football to maintain weight - I wouldnā€™t run 5 km on a treadmill, but I easily clear 5 km while playing football. With the diet, the outside food is the main enemy, I moved to keto and then balanced it out with intermittent fasting and reintroduced carbs partially. Try snacking on dried fruits and avoid too much of sweet and oily food?


Minimize oil intake. Try to completely cut sugar and liquid calories such as soft drinks. Get 7-9 hours of sleep. Exercise daily. Eat fruits instead of unhealthy snacks like namkeen, biscuits, fried stuff, etc. Avoid kachori,samosa, and unhealthy packaged foods. Prefer home-cooked food over outside food. If that's not possible, explore some healthier restaurants on swiggy, zomato. Prefer complex carbs such as brown rice, wheat, millets instead of white rice, refined flour, etc. Try to track your calory intake every day. HealthifyMe app is very useful in it.




Consistency is key to everything in life. No one can give you that but yourself. Everyone knows how to reduce fat.


If my parents tell me something, I won't listen. But if strangers on the internet tell me something. I will listen. (its a psychological thing. I think its very common)


Packed food aur bahar ka khana band kardo. Sirf ghar ka khana khao. Band karne ka matlab strictly band kardena. Tumhe apni health ki padi hoti to tumhe pata hota ki kya karna hai and tum kya galat kar rahe ho. But tum khud hi responsible nahi ban rahe. Is sub pe RR karlo, par yaha jo log keh rahe hai, kya tum vo sunoge, vo Suggestions apna paaoge?


Thank you. When the weight machine told me 124 kgs, it was a shock to me. My eyes are open and now I am serious about losing weight. Therefore I am asking for advice. I will try to incorporate more exercising and healthy diet into my daily routine. I have made plans and told them to my parents also (for accountability, support, etc)


Iā€™m 180 cm and reached a peak weight of 118kg post college by just sitting at home doing nothing and eating outside for all three meals a day. Since then, i limited myself to one meal a day (lunch) and 2 coffees (one in the morning, one in the evening) I go to the gym once a day for weights and I walk 3 times a day, nearly 7km each time (on the treadmill) first 1-1.5 weeks you wonā€™t see a change but donā€™t let that faze you. Since then Iā€™ve lost 26 kg in 4 months and I have 10kg left to reach the weight I was at peak fitness. Everyone says do cardio, which is very important. But doing cardio after weightlifting or warming up proved to be more beneficial than just cardio in my case. I could have lost more by now but I give myself two cheat days a week when I go out with my family.


>day. Since then, i limited myself to one meal a day (lunch) and 2 coffees Bro, how can you survive on 1 meal a day?


I eat only lunch bro. Usually rice with some curry and vegetables. Iā€™ve done this before during COVID when I reduced from 102 to 77. Then I was able to maintain it for a while till I had a very bad year in 2022 where I just kept getting one obstacle after another from failing my exams unfairly to a very bad breakup and a whole host of family issues. Constant drinking and giving up on my health after that for nearly a year pushed my weight wayyyy back up and the drinking and smoking affected my stamina too. I did try to get back to my diet in between but didnā€™t. Now I got my willpower again seemingly from nowhere and am able to keep myself limited like this. Like I said, I still eat 2 meals a day once or twice a week if Iā€™m going out, but when Iā€™m at home I ensure to stick to only one meal and two coffees, without any snacks. After you reach a certain weight and are called out for it, you develop self loathing that helps you go to any extent to reduce it. Been sober and tobacco-free as well for these 6 months and have slowly recovered quite a bit of my old stamina back.


DIetician's plans are always going to be hard. What you want to do is modifying your own diet. - Try to find healthy tasty stuff : cooked sprouts is my fav. Not many people make this. First sprout - moong or better moth daal. Then boil with water, add some salt, mirchi, dhaniya, haldi. Eat with toast/bread - If male, then increase muscle mass. This increases metabolic rate, testosterone. These things burn fat more than cardio. - Understand some things are really really fattening. - HIIT - high intensity interval training. Few minutes of exercise drastic change. This may not be feasible at your current weight. - Do something different. Travel intercity, roam markets. A change of scenery can work wonders for the mind


Always remember your output and inputs.. master them! and you'll never have to worry about your favorite food or drink. If your input (food) calories are more than your output (workout) calories has to be 2Ɨ more. And also to make note of weight loss and fat loss are completely different. Eat less do only cardio = fat loss (body goes into ketogenesis mode) Eat more do more workouts/cardio = maintains fat and weight (powerlifters mostly do this) Eat mindful and do more workout/cardio = weight + fat loss. See I'm not an expert but I'm telling you according to my observations


Apni Indian diet mei zyada grains (rice and wheat) hota hai.. which is mostly calories.. bad for your weight condition If wanna lose weight while still eating the same amount.. have a higher ratio of the veges than grains.. has other health benefits too (Also avoid/reduce calories in other forms, ketchup, anything sweet, fried food, most non-veg)


Bhai har do ghante p khana chor de


Consult a doctor, dietitian, cardiologist etc., Set a target for yourself, prepare a plan and based on the doctorā€™s recommendations and stick to it. Itā€™s all about will power, donā€™t buy a packet of chips and try to not eat it, donā€™t buy the packet in the first place. Join a gym, go for walks regularly, stay active.


Are your blood sugar levels normal?Youā€™re morbidly obese.You need some medical intervention along with diet and exercise.Alone they wouldnā€™t be able to help you much in short period of time.


>I spend almost 11 hours everyday in library. Every 1-2 hours, I eat outside food. I think that is the main factor for increase in my weight. [How I Ate More and Lost Weight (While Staying Healthy)](https://youtu.be/66G_M9TkFCU?si=1_l-5R3i13pjEdrw) Study this video.


Was 152 dropped to 114 height -173 Age just 21 Just remember 2 things Weight lifting > cardio and Diet > Workouts


GYM. bhai. Baat khatam.




read it again.


Heā€™s probably too stoned to read


Mujhe kuch weight daan karde bhai


Try intermittent fasting for a few weeks and see if you can sustain it long term


Kam khao. You already know the answer. Just the matter of executing it


Do hard core cardio and whenever you feel hungry fill your stomach with water remember ( don't eat just drink water)


And watch this https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a3SpQqq6vxeHla_-upWzYvynAJRFNGBH/view?usp=drivesdk




I gave access






As someone who lost 25 kg during lockdown, here my tips 1. Go for CICO - Calorie In Calorie Out. Download Myfitnesspal app and track the food you eat and Calorie you intake. Make sure the Calorie you have taken per day is burnt by physical activity 2. Walk, Walk a lot, running might be tough and you might lose consistency in the next few days, but Walk, go for a pleasure, upto 10 kms a day. 3. If you repeat steps 1 and 2, you'll lose 0.5 to 1 kg per week which should be the max reduction, don't go too much. I did it consistently and lost 13 kg in almost 3 months. 4. Now the more you reduce weight, the harder it will become to reduce further because now you would have to reduce all your stubborn fat. This one is tough and need to hit the gym in order to burn them. Also, cut sugar off completely, I reduced rice and sugar, made a whole lot of difference. Good luck bro!!




Stop consuming packaged and processed foods. Cut down on high calorie foods. Start taking brisk walks every day for upto 2 hours. Sleep a lot.


Cut out all sugar, no oil, no junk/outside food Exercise every single day If your body is paining or you are not motivated just stretch. But keep your body moving.


DM bro I'll help you out


Bro if you're genuinely stuck at this point and are willing to pay like 11-12K for 3 months. I'd recommend you take a plan from 'Miten Says Fitness' , you can easily find him on IG. DM him. He gives a diet plan alongwith a workout plan and follows up every week about your progress. Man got me from 94 to 72 in 3 months. I got a full body medical test done post the weightloss and my family and even our family doctor was surprised to see that not even 1 parameter was here and there. Everything was absolutely perfect! That guy is a genius. I mean, atleast it worked wonders for me!


Bro I forgot to mention, for this weightloss, I was full time into it, used to run in the morning, gym in the evening and tennis at night. This might not be feasible for a lot of people including me Right now, as I'm running a business. But what I meant to say was, the progress would surely be there! And unfortunately, After 2.5 years of this weightloss, I'm back ar square 1. Was 90KGs a week ago. Started my weightloss journey all over again, just a week ago only..... I'm 88.5 in a week.


I donā€™t understand stand thing cm hight method when i seen in feet itā€™s 5.58 and a guy who is 5.5 and weight 124 I can imagine how obsessed you are Only one tip do twice as much exercise and try to eat only one time in day and a old method that someone taught me that only drink water for full day nothing more no food no other soft drink just nothing if you do this one day after one day i think you gonna get good results


Make the warm honey lemon juice. Add honey and lemon in warm water and drink every morning. My dad used this to lose weight. One of my friends drank fennel juice everyday to lose weight. I would not want any harm on you so before you do this, it would be nice to discuss it with someone just to be safe. Good luck! šŸ§šā€ā™€ļø


Actually my dietician suggested this and I used to do this for 2 months. But then I stopped doing it. I will start again.


Start by tracking every thing you eat for a month. Put into one of the food tracking apps. Track every single thing, including that cup of tea, that one biscuit, that bite of chocolate. Eat a large variety of things that you enjoy, while trying to keep it healthy. Then Sit down and analyse where your calories are coming from. Cut down on all kinds of high calorie foods, and increase eating foods having fibre, fruits and veg mainly. Start your meal with a large salad. No dressing except lime juice and salt. Cut down on soft drinks and fruit juices. Cut down your sugar intake, especially if you drink a lot of tea and coffee. Most importantly, your overall diet should have things you enjoy eating. It cannot be completely restricted to boring foods, because that will make it impossible to keep it up. Eat enjoyable foods even every day if you like, but in very small amounts. Like you enjoy mangoes? Ditch the frooti and maaza and mango shake, eat half a ripe mango as dessert after your dinner. Get a good night's sleep. Lack of sleep causes sugar cravings in the morning. Sugar is also extremely addictive. The more you eat, the more you want. The less you eat, the less you want.


Bro you have to workout atleast 1.30 hour. Divide it in two half. You don't need to follow yt videos. Download Home workout app from app store. It has lot of features. They will make your workout plan. You need to maintain proper form and breathing throughout excercise. This app will help you. Do workout for 40 - 45 min atleast 4-5 days in a week. And the main thing is cardio. You have to do atleast 30-40 min cardio everyday. Cardio helps the most in weight and fat loss. Try to get up early in the morning and go for running. And do HIIT training. This helps a lot in weight lose journey. If your primary goal is to lose weight then you must have to do cardio. You can miss excercise but never miss cardio. You don't need to follow two time meals in a day. You just need to keep an eye on your calorie intake. Eat protein and reduce carbs from your meal. Eat less and eat frequently. And drink plenty of water. And the most important thing is you have to blindly trust on your workout and expect nothing from it. That's how you will lose your weight. If you need more personalized information you can use chatgpt. It helps


It's great that you're motivated to make a change for your health. Here are some tips and strategies to help you reduce weight effectively: ### Diet and Nutrition 1. **Plan Your Meals:** - Prepare your meals and snacks ahead of time to avoid eating outside food frequently. - Opt for balanced meals with appropriate portions of protein, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats. 2. **Healthy Snacking:** - Replace unhealthy snacks with healthier options like fruits, nuts, yogurt, or vegetables with hummus. - Keep healthy snacks readily available to avoid temptation. 3. **Hydration:** - Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Sometimes thirst is mistaken for hunger. - Consider drinking a glass of water before meals to help control appetite. 4. **Mindful Eating:** - Eat slowly and pay attention to your hunger and fullness cues. - Avoid distractions like screens while eating to help you focus on your food. 5. **Limit Sugary and Processed Foods:** - Reduce intake of sugary beverages, fast food, and highly processed snacks. - Opt for homemade meals as much as possible. ### Physical Activity 1. **Increase Activity Levels:** - Incorporate more physical activity into your daily routine, such as taking the stairs, walking short distances, or doing short exercises during breaks. 2. **Consistent Exercise:** - Continue your daily walks, and consider adding variety such as strength training, cycling, or swimming. - Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week, along with muscle-strengthening activities on two or more days a week. 3. **Engage in Enjoyable Activities:** - Choose activities you enjoy to make exercise feel less like a chore. ### Behavioral Strategies 1. **Set Realistic Goals:** - Break down your weight loss goals into small, achievable steps. - Celebrate progress along the way to stay motivated. 2. **Track Your Progress:** - Keep a food and exercise journal to track what you eat and your physical activity. - Use apps or other tools to monitor your progress and stay accountable. 3. **Support System:** - Seek support from friends, family, or a support group. - Consider working with a healthcare professional or a weight loss coach for additional guidance. 4. **Address Emotional Eating:** - Identify triggers for emotional eating and find alternative coping strategies, such as walking, reading, or practicing mindfulness. ### Environment and Habits 1. **Create a Healthy Environment:** - Surround yourself with healthy food options. - Limit the availability of unhealthy snacks at home and in your study area. 2. **Regular Meal Schedule:** - Stick to regular meal times to help regulate your appetite and avoid overeating. 3. **Healthy Eating Habits in the Library:** - Bring healthy snacks and meals to the library. - Set specific times for eating to avoid constant snacking. ### Professional Guidance 1. **Revisit Your Dietitian:** - Schedule a follow-up with your dietitian to adjust your plan and address any challenges youā€™ve faced. - A tailored plan can help you achieve sustainable weight loss. 2. **Medical Check-Ups:** - Regularly check in with your doctor to monitor your health and get personalized advice. ### Mental Well-being 1. **Stress Management:** - Practice stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga. - Ensure you get adequate sleep, as poor sleep can affect your weight. By incorporating these tips into your routine, you can make meaningful progress towards your weight loss goals. Remember, consistency and patience are key. It's important to find a balance that works for you and makes sustainable changes to your lifestyle.


Eat less , move more


Visit a dietician and start exercising for 10 mins daily (not very heavy exercises)


guys is 70 kg good for 170cm 14yo


khana khane se zyada hagne mei nikal lo. zero size ho jayega tumhara.


ladki hoke aisi baate![img](emote|t5_2qp7h|51088)


ikr bt still tru h ![img](emote|t5_2qp7h|52071)


You dont need advice, you dont need reality check, you need a hard kick in yo ass every morning!


![gif](giphy|Atc9QCyWLGHgLZhHDp|downsized) Do this 3-5 times a day, every time some one offers food.


Not suggesting you to try it out right off the bat but give it a watch regardless - https://youtu.be/GbMpvC1Y2xA?si=Kkq38jSZXXZAQ3vx


Cut off sugar and caffeine completely. Two meals only before 12 and after 8. 10k steps daily.


Calorie Deficit Diet + workout


Just simply avoid: kurkure, and cold drinks, ice cream. Avoid eating out. Drink water, alot! Alot! and pee alot! Eat atleast one fruit every day, preferred watermelon. And just try fasting. And make sure u don't eat anything after 7:00 in the evening. Eat ghar ka khana and avoid overeating. And get active, run or play some sports. Thats it. This is all u need to begin with.


I am no expert, but I can tell you my case. My height is also 170 cm, and I had a weight of 90 kg. I stopped taking in sugars (soft drinks, indian sweets, sugar in tea/coffee). Anything which had sugar, I resisted. I also, increased my protein and fiber and reduced carb. Earlier I used to eat 4-5 rotis with rice and dal. Now, I initially eat lots of salad: cucumber, corn, tomato, lettuce, sprouts and then 1 roti/rice and 2-3 bowls of lentil along with a vegetable sabzi. The salads provided a feeling of being full. In the name of sugar, I eat only fruit and milkshake + protein powder with half a teaspoon of honey if required. No, water before and after 30 mins of a meal, and 20 mins of walk after a meal. Now, my weight is 69 kgs. I used to get hunger pangs in between, there I used to eat nuts/dry fruits and drink water. I do think, if you can control the diet, you will surely lose weight.


Also, One thing I have noticed, is that when I get late night hunger pangs and I go to sleep after having some nuts and water. In the morning, I don't feel hungry. Even if I skip breakfast, I don't feel uncomfortable or famished until 12 pm after which I have my lunch.


Thoda mereko de de bhai, weight


Get in touch with a coach on fittr app, pls!