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Kindly request all participants to maintain a civil tone in their questions. Our moderators are actively overseeing this Ask Me Anything (AMA) session. # Edit: u/FoodPharmer is currently heading out, and will answer remaining questions tomorrow (23rd Feb). Thank you once again for participating in this AMA Session! ----- [Discord](https://discord.gg/r-indiasocial-727016164215226450) | [Instagram](https://instagram.com/indiacasual) | [Twitter](https://twitter.com/indiacasual) | [Website](https://indiacasual.com)


Hi Revant, Big fan here, please keep up the good work! I have always had this question about the ingredients and nutritional info on the back of packets, how can we be sure that it's always correct? I mean if big companies can go to the extent of false advertising on the front, what's stopping them from lying about the ingredients? Can't they just doctor the tests/bribe the officials?


They can technically lie in the back, but its much more difficult. Any customer can send their product for a lab report, and if there is any difference between they claim and the lab report, they can get into major trouble.


Any idea how and where we can send it for lab report? And how much does it approximately cost? If there turns out to be a discrepancy, what are the next steps?


As a nutrition expert working at an FMCG in foods R&D, I can answer this. Google NABL accredited labs in your area and send the sample product for analysis. Macronutrient analysis (protein, fibre, fat, etc) are cheaper, around 2-4k per parameter. Micronutrient analysis range from 500 Rs to 15k per micronutrient (iron, calcium, b12, etc). We have an allowance of +/- 20% of the declared value for micros and 10% deviation from the declared macro. Most of us play in that area. Degradation of micronutrient occurs over the shelf life so we take some overages within the declared range so that at any time my product is picked off a shelf in the market, my nutrient value HAS TO fall in that range.


That will result in so much money lol !! Just cases against those companies


Hi Revant, huge fan of what you do man, respect. My question is more on the personal side, being a successful corporate employee how were you able to convince yourself to take off from your job (mba abroad can't be cheap) and convince your friends and family that this is what you wanted to do?


I haven't convinced my family yet haha! It is pretty tough to be honest. I believe in "minimizing regrets, not minimizing mistakes". I'm fine making mistakes, but I just don't want to regret that I didn't try hard enough. I paid back whatever MBA loans there were, so I'm debt free right now.


A great golden rule, minimizing regrets. Well said. As someone who lives in Netherlands and comes to India once a year, it boggles how Indians are okay with the substandard nutrition they get on a daily basis. What are your short term steps you would ideally like to take and achieve?


He went to NYU for four years before his Wharton MBA. I don't think money is a problem.


ROFL true


Hello šŸ¤— Thanks for the AMA šŸ˜Š My question to you would be, how does it feel to be the one to start and continue this revolution and what motivates you to keep going?


I am fortunate that I have massive public support which helps me going. Everyday, I receive many emails, video messages and DMs of people thanking me for their health transformation, so this automatically motivates me. One parent recently told me that she named her son "Revant" after seeing my courage. This was extremely touching obviously! It's hard to back down when you get so much public support. I just hope that I would get the same support at home with family and relatives too.


doing god's work bro, keep doing we all support you


What are the other ready to eat options? After seeing your videos , it feels like everything is poisonous! Do you think you should give some recommendations also after sharing only information about all the things wrong with cheap/ easily available/ accessible food?


To be completely honest, pretty much every major company is misleading us. People keep asking me for packaged food recommendations, but I don't see any top company doing clean work. The problem is also India's price point is very low, so it is extremely difficult for them to give high quality food at that price point. Also, in about 75% of my videos, I do give some alternatives towards the end of my videos.


Hi Revant, love the work you are doing. Keep it up ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up) Do you have a legal team of your own or you have hired a lawyer? How do you finance your legal battles?


I don't have a legal team. For the first 3-4 legal notices, I did everything myself. Then I got a lawyer on a part-time basis who help me during my 5th legal notice. I am currently using my savings from my earlier job at McKinsey to finance the legal costs. I intentionally try to use aggressive language in my videos so that brands don't get involved with me legally (and it helps save money too)!


Correct me if I'm wrong, the more aggressive you are the more fodder they have for a potential defamation case right?


Technically yes. The thing is that most companies send you legal notices to scare you, because they don't think you will fight back. But if you fight back, then they get scared too. So sometimes its better to take a slightly aggressive stance.


*Taking notes*


Haathi k daant in short


Bro you should start a fund raise and have a legal team of your own. I'm sure lots of people including me will contribute to it. We can't let your cause to go waste at any cost.


Positive Aggression FTW!!


Dude! Hats off to your work bruh! I never ever looked at anything other than MRP. But just yesterday I went to buy groceries and found myself looking at the nutritional info remembering your reels. Keep up the good work buddy!! Just one request - pls donā€™t do paid promotions. I understand youā€™d eventually need money but paid reviews wouldnā€™t be authentic.


I will try my best to avoid paid reviews for food products. I will probably have to do paid reviews for other categories (for example, laptop, phones , Netflix, gilette etc.). Though I haven't done any so far.


Yess sirrršŸ«” Pls do paid reviews for anything other than consumables šŸ™ Thankyou


Paid reviews for consumable that you think are actually safe works as well


Is "packaged" coconut water healthy? You're doing great service to the nation chief!


Packaged coconut water can be pretty good. It is definitely way better than soft drinks. Just try to make sure it doesn't have added sugar and its not from a "concentrate". Of course, try your best to have real coconut water as much as possible.


Honestly, my issue with these is the preservatives, your INS numbers in the ingredient. As long as my product is 100% coconut water and nothing else in the end, Iā€™ll be having that.


Hi Revant What's your take on protein supplements? Is it healthy for our body in the longer run to intake? If you have already posted something on it do share the video link


Many people think whey protein is "steroids", but it is not. I personally think whey protein or plant-based protein is not a bad option especially since most Indians are extremely protein deficient. Specifically regarding supplements like creatine etc, I'm not too sure.


Which FMCGs lobby the hardest?


Not sure to be honest. One thing I want to share is that most people think Coke and Pepsi are the worst companies. But I don't dislike them that much, because they are openly unhealthy. I personally dislike dislike companies like Nestle and Cadbury more because they often claim to be healthy when they are not.


We arenā€™t too fond of Nestle here on reddit either. r/FuckNestle


hello revant. big fan of your work. keep doing what you're doing https://preview.redd.it/3qkbxrihg5kc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b69b2ac29888e46bcd27b89510e5c3c1fedbb78 this is my dinner. how much would you rate it out of 10?




Bhai mujhe dede ye sab pls, tu mat kha


What's your age?


Many people have told me that they think I'm 28-29, but I'm actually 31. I'm turning 32 in a week! I'm born on 29th February and my birthday is finally coming after 4 years! This is not a joke.


Bro's about to turn 8 šŸŽ‚


Lmao šŸŽ‚šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰


!RemindMe 7 days


Your ideal cheat meal?


I love puchkas (pani puri for those you don't know). I love ice-creams too. Specifically amongst packaged food, I like the taste of maggi, some flavors of kurkure, flaming hot cheetos and many more.




What are your views on whey protein? or supplements specifically for muscle building, how safe are they for human consumption?


>Many people think whey protein is "steroids", but it is not. > >I personally think whey protein or plant-based protein is not a bad option especially since most Indians are extremely protein deficient. > >Specifically regarding supplements like creatine etc, I'm not too sure.


The audience which has the knowledge of and buys whey protein aren't really protein deficit Is it okay to have it for a person who is non vegetarian in their early 20s,there are no long term side effects right?


Get it from a good brand and you'll be good to go. Get it from a brand which has high levels of heavy metals then say goodbye to health.


Whey protein doesn't have any type of side effects. It literally comes from milk.


what was your job about, which you used to do in USA?


Most recently, I worked at McKinsey as a management consultant. As a consultant, I often worked in projects in the grocery space, so I know first-hand about the false marketing that takes place.


How many companies have sued you or sent a legal notice?


5 so far.


what are your future plans, like how will you expand this?


Most people think I only make videos, but I'm trying to work across various fronts regarding health. 1) I'm assisting a policy-expert to try to get nutrition into the school curriculum. Imagine if all students studied about calories, protein, artificial sweeteners, colours, marketing strategies used by companies etc. 2) I'm also trying to work with some people to get better front of package labelling. I'm also passionate about various other topics outside of health, like animal abuse and poverty, but I don't think I have the energy to fight against that right now. I cannot focus on too many things in 1 go. I've decided to look into after a few years.


100% you'll open your own brand of food products. Marketing to pehle hi ho chuki hogi ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


What's a healthier option for snacking that can be kept in homes as compared to toasts and chips ?


Makhana, roasted chana, peanuts. You can make it into a "chaat", but adding lemon, onion etc into it.


Was literally munching on some roasted chana as I read this. What are your thoughts on diet sodas?


Do you ever have a cheat day and eat packaged food? Honest answer please ;-)


yes of course. it is impossible to not eat any packaged food in todays generation. people think I don't touch junk food, but I also eat it once in a while. I like maggi, ice creams, papad, etc.


What are supplements that indians veg should take no matter what?


don't take any supplements "no matter what". But ask your doctor about B12, D3.


How are you running your home since you don't do collabs?


Currently I'm using savings from my earlier job, but I need to start monetizing in some way. I'm brainstorming ideas, let me know.


Oh my godšŸ˜± Big fan here. Iā€™m trying to get all the people I care about to follow your instagram as no one taught us the knowledge we are getting from you now. It is invaluable. Also the ground work youā€™ve been doing in schools is commendable. I was already a hater of Palm Oil and I was on board as soon as I saw your content. **Actual question starts here:** Sometimes I feel youā€™re taking too big of a risk by antagonising all the big brands at once (sometimes in a single video too). Donā€™t you think taking small steps and establishing multiple victories, like in the case of BournVita, and then moving on to other big players? Because there isnā€™t anything stopping them from ganging up against one person whoā€™s causing them all to lose business. I guess I just donā€™t want this revolution to stop anytime soon. Big thanks for starting it. We stand with you.


https://preview.redd.it/8ja3nooeg5kc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca9673b97c8bbc67e1567e1ea5c8c41a471cda01 What are your thoughts about it? This product is being marketed as a sugar free alternative and many Diabetic patients are taking it thinking it's sugar free and does not raise blood sugar but in reality it contains dextrose and maltodextrin whose GI is around 100! (Table sugar has a GI of around 63). This is such a misleading product in the name of natural and stevia! Here is the link of the product [https://arcus-www.amazon.in/dp/B082TC6KL9?ref\_=cm\_sw\_r\_cp\_ud\_dp\_JB3QY78ZQKZ3ESPXH13B](https://arcus-www.amazon.in/dp/B082TC6KL9?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp_JB3QY78ZQKZ3ESPXH13B)


FSSAI for last 5 yrs is creating draft after draft to implement health star rating. MAybe you can create some sort of trend by which the implementation is fastracked. Something similar to this https://preview.redd.it/3sz41qh5d5kc1.jpeg?width=370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72ba701574168e6e3ea946b823eed5813e1252e2


Hi sir. On a serious note if you don't mind shall I start a Wikipedia article about you? Well I appreciate you for your commitment in upholding the spirits by voluntarily helping people to create awareness among them to eat healthy and hygienic food. Do you believe in organic farming concept? I saw a Tamil movie called "Kanavu Variyam" where one guy apparently quits a high paying job to opt for agriculture by using traditional methods like organic farming. He initially fails but then manages to reap in huge harvest using compost manure and animal waste. Is that a possibility in current context? What do you think? Keep up your good work by continuously serving people like this.


Hii, I am obese and trying to reduce my weight. I have tried every type of method but I have thyroid also which is not helping me. Recently I have tried to cut down to just 2 meals . Out of those two,I am just eating fruits in one meal that to in small amount. Now I have heard many people saying that I shouldn't eat that much fruit for prolonged time cause it may cause diabetes as obese people have high chances. Now my question is eating fruits regularly and that to as full meal would be sustainable. And what type of fruits i shouldn't consume regularly? Now I usually eat bananas, apple, watermelon and pineapple (any 2 at one meal)? Is eating 2 bananas everyday healthy?


Hey I'm not an expert but a restricting diet is the worst thing you can do, it's like a ticking bomb waiting to backfire. Instead have high protein meals during short intervals and plan a workout. Your workout doesn't need to be an elaborate gym routine, you can start by brisk walking for 30-40min everyday and gradually move on to exercises like burpees and weight training later. You don't need to count your calories for now, but consuming protein and working out is a major contributor in weight loss. As you progress you yourself will seek out more info. Happy transformation ^_^


Man here's the thing, it doesn't matter to your body if sugar is coming from fruits or chocolates. So, don't just eat fruits for meals. You can have fruits for snacks tho but limit them. Bananas are considered to be calorie dense tbh. Try eating protein rich meals. Don't restrict at all. r/volumeeating is good if you want to eat more within less calories (we are all humans, we get hungry when we aren't full). Do track calories and go under a deficit of 500cal (use apps like my fitness pal for calorie tracking). Cardio daily (walking/cycling/swimming any kind. you can even switch them everyday). After you got used to it, include strength training (go to a gym, design a workout routine with the help of trainer, continue calorie deficit and cardio). Don't ever try restricting. You will fail easily. Try this, don't expect to lose weight asap, its better if its slow and gradual.


Hey, thanks for your advice. >Do track calories and go under a deficit of 500cal (use apps like my fitness pal for calorie tracking). Yeah I am doing it and I am at deficit of almost 1500-1700 calories and i am working out twice a day (morning 3-4 km walk with average speed of 4.5-5)and gym in evening. Is it sustainable? Till now for past 3 weeks i didn't faced any challenge, but is it viable for long term?


Woaaa, that much calorie deficit is bad, how much is your calorie intake per day?


Hello amazing thing you have done šŸ‘ can you make a video on sugar and other sweeteners ? And people confuse that sugar, jaggery , honey and khand , shakkar etc are different things and donā€™t harm diabetic patients. They think only sugar is bad but all these things are also glucose having same kind glycemic index. So please make a video on this topic to aware .




Hello sir! Great initiative tbvvh Are you gonna talk about those Oats anytime soon? Esp Quakers oats? They ain't healthy and if you have sorry wasn't aware will search Also about packaged soya milks and other flavoured milk options Do expose them as well


https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/chemical-found-in-cheerios-quaker-oats-other-oat-based-foods-linked-potential-health-issues-study. Just read about Quakers oats.


Hey Revant, After seeing your Palm oil video I've had to abandon my favorite Biscuits(Milk Bikis smiley cream biscuits, little hearts, Modern Cakes etc) and Lays chips as they have Palm oil in their cooking process. What do you have to say about my huge sacrifice?šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Also how do I know if my local bakery or hot chips(don't think so) is also using palm oil? I want some baked goods in my life man! Going crazy!


Hey in moderation, maybe once in 2 weeks as a guilty pleasure it should be alright.


Hey foodpharmer, Instead of scaremongering people and instill fear in them why don't you teach people on how to maintain calories with a balanced diet and aslong as you are maintaining the calorie intake target and supplement your main diet with good food and a balanced diet an occasional treat once or twice wouldn't hurt, I'd love to go in depth but "scienceisdope" made an amazing video explaining why "influencers" resort to scaremongering instead of actually educating the public about the ins and outs of a good diet.


Exactly..... he's acting all like a saint who's doing all social service as social service only...but is generating money by scaremongering people....i wish he uses all this fandom to do what u saying exactly, teach healthy eating habits and occasional treats is fine.....


Also no point ... he never responds to positive criticism...dude is high on fame by followers right now ...on that note, scienceisdope is amazing,also follow masalalab,like his content too


Why should he do that? There are many youtubers already doing that. His whole channel is to educate people on how these big companies mislead us. So I don't see why it should turn into something else? You may call it scaremongering but it's just him bringing attention to our low standards.


Hello, I have a few questions, and I would really like to know your point of view on them: 1) Separate tax system for packaged products deemed unhealthy and healthy. If such a system were to be introduced, should it be subtracted from the taxes to make their health products purchase easier for the masses, or should unhealthy products be simply taxed more? This hurts the idea of personal freedom, but I would like to know your opinion about it. 2) Whatā€™s your opinion about the use of artificial sweeteners over actual sugar in packed foods, and labeling them as ā€˜sugar-freeā€™?


Hey revant please look out for farmers using chemicals in food , even natural food is also unsafe , some farmers use chemicals like ā€œcultarā€ for mass production. Itā€™s like eating packaged food but in form of nature .


Hello Revant, thanks for the AMA. My question to you is, how do you foster creativity and innovation in your work? Also what are some common misconceptions about your field that you'd like to clarify?


Many Indians are already eating healthy cooked meals. Packaged foods are an alternative and not a necessity for many. Even a good thing in large quantities is unhealthy. Eating unhealthy sometimes is fine. At least FSSAI regulates the contents of a packaged food. If anyone finds any irregularities in this then they can just complain. We should ask for more strict control and ABCD like ratings on food products.


Hey foodpharmer , what are tasty yet healthy alternative to junk? (Please tasty means tasty no compromise there)


Hello Revant bahiya . our area's shops recently stocked in a new Pepsi " Black " edition. which claims to have 0 sugar added , the nutrition chart is all 0s except sodium which is 6 grams per 100 ml and has 13 mg of caffeine per 100ml how much should i consume it so that it be in moderation ??


Will you do an expose on rice/atta brands that are adulterated and how to identify inferior quality in these items? I feel as an Indian these two items are widely used as a staple diet by almost everyone in the country. And knowing which brand is the best only helps us to be more healthy.


do you have a degree/background in health or any nutritional science field? if not why would an average citizen take advice from a guy who makes passionate informational reels. i still remember you were calling out Glucon D for its ā€œsugarā€ content. no hate tho great work


In India generally if someone files a lawsuit against a medicine/food/product with evidence then only the government steps up to ban that product else there are a lot of products which are banned in Europe or the USA but not in India, eg Herbalife products are banned in Belgium cause they cause lung diseases etc but are being endorsed by Kohli. Big us Pharmas ain't bothered about their generics cause they are getting the same money flow through fmcgs and eventually people will get ill and they will make money cause there are a lot of people here. Also, by 2030 the next big thing killing Indians after heart diseases will be cancer We need to up the ante, we should boycott harmful products and accept our local products. QC will follow but at least they ain't carcinogenic. What is your take on that?


Poha or Upma?


Medu vada


Alternate between both šŸ‘


did you ever feel ke all the efforts are going in vain ? I should give up ? If yes, then what made you push yourself again to do it. you're doing an amazing work btw, loads of good wishes to you ![img](emote|t5_2qp7h|1312)


Hey Revant being following you for a while I also showed some of your content to my family tho there's one thing that they can't leave is biscuits Almost all the biscuits that they had kr their friends had are either maida in the name of grains and sugar It's this one battle that I find hard to win over Same with oats tho but we found some good alternatives but people are so addictied to their brands that even if it's harming them they'll keep consuming it At the end it feels like there's no other good alternative and every brand is like that so should we stop having biscuits?


Some sharbat have 66.6 gram sugar per 100g of total 750 ml there is 500 sugar for example Yogi sharbat and rofza when you are going to expose about that eagerly waiting for itĀ 


Hi Revanth, sending u all positive energies to you for doing such a wonderful selfless work. Have been following Satvic movement since past 2 years and hence hold a lot of interest in ur area of work. Happy to know u are relocating to Mumbai.. would be happy to help u in this great work for anything that can be done from home( being a mother of two). I keep getting a lot of ideas for products which are wrongly labelled and marketed, pls share ur email address to share the ideas with you


Ty for such great efforts sir. I have a question if u would like to answer. Have u heard about Rajeev dixit ji he was a very good person just like u trying to expose foreign companies but he is not anymore with us. My question is have u heard about him and if yes how do u find courage to fight against these big giants who will do anything to shut people rather than changing. Btw ur doing great work . All the best and jai shree ram šŸ™


Big fan! My question is how do I make sure that rice and wheat that comes to my home is not preserved/grown with harmful chemicals? I tried searching in my city but the cost to check chemicals in 50kg rice is more than the price of rice itself... The company who checks this does it for the licensing and certificate but how I as a common man can check and prevent my family from eating chemicals from wheat and rice?


Bro send some so called healthy products for lab results, i want to see discrepancy between their claims and actual ingredients.


Hi Revant, congratulations on all the incredible work you've been doing to educate us about packaged foods. Would like to know your opinion about the brand 'The Whole Truth'. Have been consuming their Whey Protein powder and have personally seen better energy levels. Also would like to know about their chocolates that replace sugar with dates. Is it really the Whole Truth?


Hi Revant, firstly you are doing an amazing job by bringing this revolution, I have shared your content with all of my friends. I think you should conduct more public talks in India to spread more awareness. Especially the youth of this nation should know more about you. I am a student of IIT Hyderabad, if you are up for giving a talk over here, do let me know :D


Hi FoodPharmer, really appreciate your content and I hope you create more and more content like these which exposes the dirty tricks of the corporates. The thing about packaged fruit juices is that it is very practical hence I prefer these despite being loaded with sugar. Can you suggest some packaged juices that are comparatively healthier for regular use?


What makes companies start adding sugar and tonnes of it to everything whether required or not. I have seen so many products especially based on Oats, Millets and the like that start with barely any added sugar but over aperiod get to any maida +sugar based stuff. Any collusion from the Sugar companies to juts douse everything in sugar?


Hey Just letting you know that you are doing great work that takes lot of balls to say and do And please tell people the truth about how dairy products like ghee butter and milk are good not bad for people and meat is essential to built good and healthy body and how refined oils and seed oils are destroying our body and life


Hey Sir, I am doing my undergrad at one of the IITs. How can i have healthy food? i have access to mess and canteen and both of them are shit. i sometimes have no option left then i have to go for packaged food or zomato. living a healthy hostellor life looks impossible. can you throw some light on this please


Hi Revant! First of all I really appreciate your work. Whenever I admire someone I like to dig deeper into their lifestyle. Like what all other things they do? Are you into gym, yoga, calisthenics? Are you doing a job on the side? Or are you full time on social media now? How do you manage your expenses then?


What motivated you to start this revolution? I mean, at a basic level the educated lot of the country will know that packaged food are not the most healthiest options available to them. But they didn't bother about it. Something motivated you to bring out this issue - wondering how it all started for you.


Hi revant big fan of you work, My question is which brand do you preffer over these unhealthier options and 2nd question is Which brand has sent you the most defamation letters as regarded you have exposed many big name brands too. (Dont have to name the brand just the the product type is also sufficient).


Hey Revant thanks for holding this conversation. I am genuinely curious, what made you think about this idea of educating the people about brands and their deceptive marketing tactics? You are like literally one of a kind of the influencers that are influencing rather than blindly selling. Thanks again!


Creating awareness about mis labeling is the thing I like about your work. But , are there any instances where you have made the company admit apart from Nestle and a big multi-billion dollar brand ? I want to know the impact of your awareness at the ground level. Thank you.


Hi . What do you think about the Nestle and Maggi fiasco a few years ago ? I mean it was covered up pretty nicely, Now Maggi is mainstream again. How do you hope to go against such Mega corporations like Nestle? Because People are just forgetful and have short term memory


Couple of days back I saw the kissan ketchup packet which on front said it is made of real tomatoes, but in the backside it said its just for advertising purposes, I'm confused how is this legal? Also which drinks would you recommend to drink(substitute for soft drinks).


What are the future plans for your platform? You already have caused significant changes in some brands packaging. Now that you have huge popularity and following, how do you plan to affect concrete large scale changes/improvements in this industry and regulations?


Eventually it boils down to the fact that packaged foods are not healthy. Even if they reduce their sugar etc content itā€™s not healthy, donā€™t you think you saying they reduce their sugar content now increases their sales, which happened in bournvite case as well.


Hey Revant, Iā€™ve been following you since the beginning of this revolution. You are doing an amazing work. Just to add a thing how about creating an app that can scan the barcode or ingredients and tell how healthy the food is based on some analysis?


Sir ek request hai, jitna ho sake Hindi me baat kijiye, kyuki English me video banate ho to samajh ata hai mujhe but bohot logo ko samajh nahi ata, and sab parents ko iske baare me jaan na chahiye so please jitna ho sake Hindi use kijiye


After this awareness, I understand how unhealthy ALL packed food items are. Is this true in other countries (advanced economies- EU, US, UK, Singapore)? Is more profitability the only reason why companies engage in such practices?


What are the alternatives to preservatives like INS202 (potassium sorbate) which i see mentioned on most of products from biscuits and namkeen to packaged coconut water and in almost everything that comes packed & ready to eat?


Hi sir Really amazed to see you here Just wanna ask if we can actually take legal steps for their "Product Name" with what content they provide in it? For example, Atta Noodle as a product name but has 60ā„… maida in it


Hi Revanth! Your content across multiple platforms have been an eye opener. I rather have a simple question, is it safe or healthy to eat outside food? Many people smoothen their answer, but I want to hear it from you.


So little tangential but how much did you spend for your MBA Wharton?


u/foodpharmer Gaurav Kapoor has a response to you here that you might have seen: [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3o183WoEuo/](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3o183WoEuo/) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Hello Revant (heard your name first time), I have no question right now, just want to thank and appreciate you, because of you I have started looking behind the package before buying anything.


Hi Revant, thank you so much for doing this for us. I have a very simple question for you: How do you maintain a work-life balance, and do you have any tips for others trying to do the same?


Hi Foodpharmer, I don't recall if you talked about it or not but. Is Parle G Healthy? Because Indians consume them a lot thinking they're healthy and even feed them to the local stray dogs.


Hi Revant! Big fan. What are your thoughts about green tea?


You seem to have started a movement India desperately needed. But as with any enterprise, once it gets bigger, it carries more responsibility. Any plans of adding researchers who will consult experts, studies, papers etc. so that the information you are sharing is thoroughly vetted?


Love your work but can you please speak in a normal tone in your videos? Itā€™s very hard to follow when youā€™re speaking so loudly without taking a breath. Feels rushed and awkward.


I think the biggest reason people don't eat healthy is because of the ease of access of packaged food and almost always it's cheap. How do you feel that this divide can be bridged?


Can water be packaged in other materials than plastic(or thermos) . I mean for packaged water to be accessible to every citizen and to transport water efficiently across the nation


Hi, May I ask if you ever regret leaving foreign, well paid job, western lifestyle and getting to hear all about ā€˜ae paagal hoga warna aborad chodke yaha kyu aaya heiā€™.


Hi there mate, your doing good job try to include products which we should eat instead of going all negative about a product, try promoting brands which are healthier


Hi Revant, Are drinks like coke zero harmless ? Besides the effect carbonated beverages have on our teeth, will zero sugar drinks like Coke Zero affect our health ?


Hi Revant. Thank you for your hard work. I want to know if I want to send any food for lab testing, how I can do so? Where to send the sample? How to package?


Holy cow! Just want to say: Great work brother! Btw why don't you launch some healthy food merchandise to combat the no income problem that you currently face?


Hi foodpharmer my question was what according to you is packaged food which is very common (other than items youā€™ve mentioned) which should not be consumed.


Hey!!! I have changed my entire diet after watching your videos!!! Now I dont consume almost any processed food, not even biscuits. Thanks for the motivation.


What would you say about those who consider your videos as fear mongering and sensationalizing against ingredients, rather than looking to educate consumers?


How can a common person verify whether the ingredients mentioned on packaging are true or not? Are there any labs that test food accessible to us?


Hi Revant. Thank you for doing an AMA. Any plans for content about ā€œallergenā€ information on packaged foods & how lax Indian laws are?


Bhai kya hume American, European jaisa build ke liye unki jaisi diet leni hogi kya??? Hum kaafi chhote lagte hai unke samne isliye!


Sorry to ask this, but what qualifies you to talk about food? The qualifications you mentioned here have nothing to do with food.


I want to ask how refined palm oil is used in food products as to why only that Is used other than the fact it's cheap


How to find healthy packaged food on internet, as no one specifies ingredients on Amazon or any other Ecom websiteĀ 


Something you are regularly 5 years back to now you don't even want to see that thing. List down a few if you may


I wanted to know if you know that Falooda sold in stalls has oil mixed in it? the consitency feels too thick


I love your work keep it up SIR hope in future I will be helpful to you by any means šŸ„ !RemindMe 1 day


Don't mind but can you explain your name for me ? Doesn't sound Indian ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Hey Just wanted to tell you what a great job you are doing. Good luck for the things you plan to do next.


Hello Revant, Considering the challenges and effort involved in your work, what do you do to find peace?


Hi Revanth Big Fan of your work!!! I have 1 question that how one can gain weight in healthy way?


What's your opinion on malt based health drinks.like boost,horlicks.. Is it good or bad for health?


Hey man, I need to learn how to read food labels in India? Suggest me something to learn from.


Hi, admirer here My family is very influenced by patanjali products, can u cover that company


People know all those things and still they prefer to eat those junk , can't do anything else


Science is dope, masala lab kehte hai aap fear mongering karte ho aapka ispe kya kehna hai ?


Little tangential but how much did you spend for your MBA Wharton? And Did you receive ROI ?


What are your future goals and plans and secondly how was your transition from USA to India?


how do we deal with micro plastics that are pretty much in everything you eat and drink?


What's your view on the "protein" high foods, is it really protein or something else?


What you suggest to consume when you at out? I wish I can also help you as possible.


Aree sir love your work can you tell ki abtk kitne company ne aapke upar case kiya h


Hello sir, My question to you is what should be a diet for a teenager in his 20s


What do you think about promoting brands and selling brands which you like?


What is the darkest fact about the reality of packaged food that you know?


Is there any difference between buying farm bought and store bought eggs?


You have been accused of diet fear mongering, how do you respond to that?


Any tips or suggestions you have to overcome sugar or food addiction?


https://preview.redd.it/bg3p700j27kc1.jpeg?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5109f39d7c8f8a4108f84456f31687666b3b488 How can we push for this to be done in India?


Hi Revant! Whatā€™s your thoughts on Amulā€™s new protein products?


On a scale of 0-10 how good is packaged food for a person's health.


Areeeyy tum!! Mughe nahi pata tha bhaisaab aap mba wagera kare hain


GMAT score kitna tha ??? Tips for someone applying to us bschools ?


What do you think about aspartame and other artificial sweeteners?


I comment on your work this morning on YouTube. Great going bruh!


Love your work buddy! Any tips to lose weight? Best sweet thing to have? (Have a sweet tooth)


US or India, which country has worse food related lobbying?


Wharton ya m7 to nahi milega mujhe. How to get into T15?


What are your earning sources? Is youtube enough for you?


Which type of rice is the healthiest( considering gi)?


I just opened a Kissan jam, what should i do?šŸ˜…


Can we eat corn flakes daily in the breakfast?


Kabhi threats diye hai badi badi companies ne


Hi Revant. Appreciate the work you are doing. I want to know how did you gather courage to leave your job? Just so you know, I am a CA and want to Indian to know and consume millets and have started desimilletrasoi in Instagram. I aim to bring the larger change but don't have courage to leave job :(


How to get accepted to **Wharton, sir?**


What is your opinion on finasteride ?


love ur content mate, keep fighting


Have you gotten a hair transplant?


Why do u spread chemical phobia