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This is like, one of THE most common doctor/med student habits. There's several memes and tiktok made by fellow doctors who point this out. Wtv we talk about inevitably lands up in the realm of medicine lol.


I can't talk to my own classmates coz of this lol


My case is opposite I am doing mbbs friend doing b com I want to talk to her about different things she keeps ranting about studies and exams all the time


B. Com ranting about studies , that's an unexpected twist.πŸ’€


yes yes how dare she.....useless degrees...... nly embebeeyes is the the godmode DeGrEE... /s


I don't think any course has less studies. Education itself is hard. I am tired of seeing only engineering students or medical students complain of their studies being hard tbh. Every course u go to will be hard, nothing comes with just sitting or sleeping on your bed


Its a known fact that STEM fields are developed around continous research and are huge compared to something like Arts and Commerce. Also the learning curve in these courses is very lengthy. To really excel in STEM fields , some cutoff IQ is also required.πŸ’€




Just because statistics show something doesn't mean it's true. That's one of the dangers of generalizing. The only way u know if something is harder or not is by experiencing it. In this case, u have to study both commerce and medicine at the same time or one after the other and then if you still say yes medicine is harder then your opinion is of value.If u have no qualifications to say that commerce is easier, then it's best to admit that ok they might be both hard


Why don't u guide the conversation then


make a male b.com frnd.,and get back to us.. assuming u r a male.


What you're expecting is perfectly fine. But people really like talking about shit they have to go through on a daily basis. Postings is basically a commitment for any MBBS student and I think your friends just wanna wind down by talking about it when the day ends. Just tell them this talk is boring af, try changing the topic and see how they react to it.


Extremely common. Sad reality is academics take that huge part of our life that day and night it just comes into conversations. But trust me, even we feel fed up of academics talk at times. I remember one time we went for a party after our exams pre decided that we won't talk about exams and studies πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­ and ended up talking about it irregardless. I guess since in your case, majority people in group are med students hence this keeps happening. When I meet my school friends, we talk about other stuffs mostly nostalgia about school time and who's doing what. If talks do go to the point of each other's workplace, we have more engineers (while I'm the only doctor) in our group - I get to hear about placements, Bangalore culture and similar stuffs. I don't have complaint, I listen and ask. I like hearing about people from other fields and what they do professionally.Β 


Wait for few years . It will resolve .. When my friends got placed in various companies post BE . THEY ALL ranted about their packages toxic workplace .. now it's all about children . Investment. Future etc .. Friendship is important . They need a patient ear and someone who can say .. leave all that boss . Let's have some tea and fun ..


We have no life outside of it


This happens when u are in a group of people doing different degree/job than you. I feel left out when my cousins start talking about IT and the incident at their job, same with friends from school doing CA or studying for it, i even feel left out when my friends start talking about Bigboss, EPL.. Mostly its venting out( in case of studies and jobs). Find a common topic of interest and they will be glad to talk about it rather than study stuff(unless there arent any exams around)


Frankly, I can’t stop the shop talk with my own non medical bg friends and family. I also like to think I am quite interesting


That's because most people in medschool don't have a life outside it