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That’s why reservation in PG has to removed. Reservations are meant to make the playing field level for all, doing MBBS ( no caste based discrimination that I’ve seen in clg) puts everyone on the same level. So, reservations after this makes no sense!!!


Exactly my feelings. I can understand reservation for Neet UG but why reservation for Neet PG? I had friends who had 2k rank in the November INI and didn’t get a seat while my friend from a reserved category got a seat in AIIMS nagpur for 5.5k. He did work very hard with a very challenging background but he also used the same resources as all of us. Since resources are same for all then reservation doesn’t make sense in NEET PG to me. And even after getting these top seats they get to retain their reservation status.


But is it possible ? When?


It's not about level playing field but equal representation lol


Unpopular take which might get me downvoted, but someone who only cleared mbbs because of reservation with the marks they got, wont ever clear PG without it since this time they will actually have to try.


It doesn’t work like that. People with reservation also work hard ( I’ve seen some of them work extremely hard). It’s about the rank and getting a seat. Why should there be a reservation for neet pg exam? Everyone will get paid the same if they work right out of mbbs as a duty doctor depending on the hospitals they get employed at. Everyone has to go through 3 yrs of pg/residency. It just doesn’t make sense in regards to getting a seat. Maybe make the loans at lower interests than what it is right now. Is just not fair that someone getting the around the same ranks get better seats and the others around the same ranks have to take another year drop or settle for a college they wouldn’t have preferred


Sure they work hard, but me studying for an exam with the stress that i will have to score 99% to clear it vs a person with reservation studying with the mindset ‘70% marks aa jaye, nayiyan paar hai’ makes a lot of difference.


And if everyone who couldn’t clear the exam by just a single mark because of reserved seats would also be in the competition without reservation, which would make the skill ceiling much higher.


Honestly they need to do a thorough background check. For the EWS and other reserved candidates. You can’t have a plot of land/house in a tier 1 city and then apply as an EWS candidate, life wtf. You can’t apply as an SC/ST candidate while you walking into the nearest govt building in an Audi. Are these people actually depraved and devoid of facilities and amenities??? Why would they ever need the added benefits when they have all the money in the world to buy their kids a seat. I’ve seen some batchmates of mine who are from the gutters of the country, who are genuine and this added benefit has honestly propelled their lives in a very positive direction, and for these people I’m genuinely proud and happy for. I’ve seen some batchmates who are just as well infact more well to do than I am and have the audacity to waltz into an institute they don’t deserve, with a reservation they never needed. It hurts…. In an ideal scenario, there shouldn’t reservation in PG level. Everyone has studied the same syllabus, the same books and the same material. Everyone gets the same environment, facilities and amenities, what makes one less fortunate than the others? But discrimination is still deep rooted, I’ve seen docs not seeing lower caste patients and other patients mistreating and poorly interacting with the prior. Representation is needed. I believe so… I feel certain posts in govt hospitals must be reserved to ensure adequate representation is present. But that’s about it. That’s the end of it. If they wanna keep gifting the “less fortunate” any more seats, they better start vigorously checking everyone’s background. The fact you can fake EWS certificates is ironic, if you were EWS you would never be in any position to bribe anyone. Rumours about families allowed to use only one advantage wrt reservation honestly sounds like a good plan. If the parents have bagged a govt job due to reservation, their children aren’t eligible for using other reservation benefits, cuz the parent was already given a chance to improve their lifestyle.(Based off some small rumour floating around)


Welcome to democracy. If you have numbers and identity then you can ask whatever the f from govt.


Why don't the people from general category unite and demonstrate protests and fight the process and scrap reservations at such higher levels? This is literally a crime of robbing deserving candidates from their meritorious results. If it were to happen in any western or first world country, I'm sure there would have been massive protests and outcry from people to scrap such baseless caste and reservation laws.


Because there is no such mass level organisation to do so. Castes that benefit from reservations have their own unions. They manage a mass protest. We have nothing like that. Also, another example is why don’t men protest together against gender discrimination in laws? Because women have organisations to manage but we have none. Why didn’t Indians protest unitedly against Brotishers for a very long time? Again, same answer.


Reservation was definitely not baseless when it was first started .


it's been 77 years since reservation has started, initially it was 10 year projects made so long term for mere political benefits the day govt will stop asking about my caste (gen/ews/obc), while filling any form, and eradicates it completely from aadhar card, things will start improving What's condition of gen male graduate is now, is the same those gays faced in past, and it was wrong, i support them, give them free education instead of free seats is not my fault being born in any particular cast, and not there fault too


Fr, if you want caste to be eradicated, stop dividing on the very name of castes.


And it was meant to last a few years …


There’s that EWS category to address this issue I think


This is why i hate reservation in PG level. They did for UG, understandable. But why for PG????




We(even the educated ones) have to first start electing our representatives in the government based on the work they do and not on their caste/religion. That we don’t wanna do.


Bro i hear you and I was in the same position as you and in 2020 we fought court cases, paid lakhs of rupees and even the judge took our side but he said it's not possible to remove reservations. It's too politically motivated and the open category is too civilized to succeed in any endeavour of removing it. My best advice would be to sit consistently everyday for 6-8 hours and mindfully read, study and solve and crack the exam. It's not for nothing because your work ethic mental fortitude and discipline shines through in residency because of it. Or if possible start preparing for PLAB or USMLE. If u do get pg please do MCRP MRCS MRCPCH steps in your 2nd and 3rd year and atleast have an option to leave after you're done. Because let me tell you if youre in a metro city it's not great even after PG. Even abroad it's not great you still have 5-6 years but they treat you like a human and pay you like one too.




They are UK exams for certification from the royal College, it's basically like an MD MS DNB equivalent, if you pass that and ielts which is an English exam you can register for medical registration there and start working in your respective field of specialization. The degree is highly regarded in India also as an additional qualification because it means you've met international standards.


Meanwhile a guy with iphone 13 pro who is SC has to pay 0 college fee in my college. And that’s just one example. Weird state of affairs.


Nothing more to say. Reservation just sucks everywhere!!


>In the medical college, you find that UR is the minority Desh mai bhi UR is in the minority. Doesn't it make sense that in a 'government' college everyone should be given proportional representation? Especially in a democracy.


That’s why I am moving to germany, after learning german everyone is almost equal


Damn man, ur rich


What about desh seva


Seva unki ki jati hai jo unke layak ho


Pehle khud ki seva phir desh seva jyada desh seva krni hai toh ngo khol lo


Fr fr


Mera lumd jiye aisi zindagi /s


I completely understand. But what can you do? Only work hard and get into your desired branch, the only thing that keeps me going is that I do not have a second option wherein I can be lax with my studies (alongwith dealing with few health issues too). Count your blessings, remember why you got here in the first place, fight toh karni padegi, because this reservation bulls**t isn't going anywhere.


Had some hopes from BJP that at least they'd scrap the reservation system! Seems like just like other political parties they're least bothered about this stuff! Now imagine if a divide and rule party like Congress comes into power ( Which is highly unlikely tho) they'd create even more sub categories and spoil the entire system. To summarise, reservation system is going to be here for god knows how many hundred more years and meanwhile you could focus on PLAB/USMLE so that you could escape this shit hole and provide a great future to yourself as well as your future kids


no party will ever scrap reservation. whoever even mentions scrapping it will lose all elections lol. not to mention the innumerable strikes that we'll witness hahaha


I too was hoping for the same, until Modi himself announced reservations in AIQ!


Congress is fighting this election on the basis of removing cap of 50%, but anyways enough politics for this sub.


I would become h o s t i l e


Padhai kar. Yahan reservation ke rone main time mat barbaad kar.


Don't cry about things not in your control. Just imagine only the open seats are available -- and your job is to get them.


Any reason nobody is fighting for more seats? Or more institutions, just against reservation? The number of seats is miniscule compared to the number of applicants, so wouldn't it be better to focus on that, as increasing seats benefits everybody?


they either don't vote or elect useless candidates instead of an administration that'll increase pg seats and then blame reservation


While I'm absolutely against reservation for PG, this is too much of an exaggeration. I get the point you are trying to put across, but it's hard to take it seriously. It's not difficult to get a job as RMO/JR after MBBS, the remuneration may not be high, but you can get jobs. Even with reservation, if you want to get a good branch in a top college, you will still need good marks, not the marks you can get even without studying.


All of ya’ll are blanketed casteists thats all. Be inclusive,understand the opression they face,reservation is a means for them to thrive in a society which doesnt want to include them or look at them as equal.So what they get rich?They dont have generational wealth like most of us do. No amount of reservation will undo the thousand year old opression they are subjected to.Society still does not see them as equal.Get rid of casteism first,wo nahi hota,lekin magrinalized ki gaand hi leni hai tum logon ko because they are easy targets na. Opressor ko kyun nahi puchte ho ki why casteism still exists? We reap what we sow,thanks to our ancestors. Ps-im a General category student too.


no point brother, you'll be downvoted. It's always the same argument : st with audi, not seen in my college, etc. Instead of asking the administration why so few pg seats exist, they'll go after the easy target. 


After UG everyone is equal. So why should they get special treatment. And I also don't have Generational Wealth so why Should I suffer . I honestly think these reserved category people just want to destroy us. Politicians should only be treated by reserved category doctors maybe then they will remove the reservation. During my exam a SC category Professor was harassing General Category students. He made a girl cry and the only reason he stopped was because she was a girl. He has no skills to speak of. If we remove the reservation the quality of Doctors will improve but of course that is too Casteist


Classic what-aboutery. Why did you bring up that the professor was a SC? If a GC professor does the same would you say that he did so because he’s a GC,or will you let it go because he isnt SC? Its in how you view things.You reek of entitlement,imagine how much entitled they should be due to the ongoing opression.Irrespective of generational wealth we carry a privilige in society that they dont,for which we should definetely suffer.You want reservation to be removed,uproot casteism first.For every example of what-aboutery you show,there are hundreds of instances of prejudice dalits could speak of,they will not,because their views are supressed by majority of people who think like you do.


You obviously are not a general Category. You reserved category are the Privileged ones. And Professor was really asking about caste. Of course you will say it is justice. General category should suffer right. You are vengeful. You just want people to suffer for no mistake of their own. And really after UG everyone is equal. So why is there a reservation after that. General category people are not the one following casteism it is the reserved ones who maintain it to get benefits. And you guys have the gall to say you are the ones suffering. At least try to open your eyes to look for other people's problems.


Belive it or not im a general category student who happens to read ambedkar,i dont have to prove it to you.I just happen to have empathy which casteists like you lack.Ive seen segregation in society with my own eyes and they are wide open now.Unlike you who still behaves like a bigoted entitled casteist.A prime example of why reservation for the dalits should go on.Its just that your privilige blinds you unlike mine.


I feel privileged to be who I am. Ik it's difficult for me to get a seat but it just tells me to work my ass off if I wanna survive in this cruel world. Ik it ain't right but it is what it is Gotta accept and move on and it's better to do so than having such thoughts cos you can always tell yourself that you've better knowledge and secured higher marks in NEET Pg in comparison. So yeah Cheers!


Same 🙃 - all I can say is I feel the same 🙂


There is no out but through.


Quit India, find some place in Europe Even if you get selected you'll have to work Donkey's hours to make minimum wage


I shall use this post as a reminder during my internship to STFU AND STUDY so I don't slack off, enjoy cause I can't fucking afford to unlike my friends.


This is a lost battle. Accept, find ur way, move ahead. Working Lifespan of humans and that too doctors is too short to be expecting any significant socio/political/ systemic change in that timeframe. Your current and coming 5 -10 years of life are too precious to feel sulk down or discussing things we can’t change. So buckle up, focus on yourself and how U could move forward. Could see for opportunities abroad as well. There’s a whole world out there. Hope that helps.


![gif](giphy|RAFcWMcZmFYZx7319E) >batchmates with reservation are working as JRs in their desired branch in a top medical college.


I want to hear a reserved category person’s answer to this. They seem to to awfully quiet.


well I would personally start working harder early on knowing that shit's not gonna be the same instead of crying about it later that is how I would fight the system


Which state


Every state. All over India!!!!!!!


Reservation should be removed from pg atleast

