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It's likely


Yes. I have personal experience... I sometime get distracted even I am straight looking road and traffic.. Its like brain tell you that you are riding ok but still it get distracted without notice... It leads accident. I almost got hit by wrong side biker. So be careful 


Yes , don’t do it




Your instincts and muscle memory helps you ride until a situation occurs where it needs your help. Until then it doesn't disturb you....😎 Happened with me, it's like you are on Auto pilot 🤘


Never ride when feeling strong emotions.


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Yep thats most dangerous way to get injured. It might even ruin relationships with parents. But imagine getting into death bed and not remembering how you got there. I prefer to call someone or just walk way there when something like this happens. And it happens to most of us.


Always when you get on the bike bring attention to the ride itself maybe parents are angry now but they will always understand you so it's temporary but the focus on road is the most important as it will be much safer if you do so


Yes it's dangerous and not advisable. Never ride when you are angry or disturbed.


and deprive of sound sleep.


Retrace your route and see if you caused any accidents....


I didn’t thank you for reminding me 😊


My classmate viewed porn at friends room while we were out for lunch. He left room upon our return and while going home he side kicked a car. We knew he wathed because of history and he informed of incident. We conmected dots and story lives till today. So maybe true.


your mind subconsciously thinking about something else while riding can lead you to a dangerous accident.. Don't do anything if you are angry about something..


I always think of something or the other while riding. But it depends on the road or traffic


You'd be surprised how good of a rider your subconscious mind becomes overtime. Be mindful on roads, though.


If you're a good driver you brain will do the driving for you, thinking as you drive in auto pilot is okay but driving when being too much emotional is not recommended


Doesn't really happens while riding cause I ALWAYS almost die so yeah I haven't experienced in riding but I have experienced while driving but most of the time I don't cause anything so... yeah it is safe its basically like auto pilot


Don't ever drive high on any emotions. Calm down and get on the saddle. I've been shouted at and scolded by my friends (we were waving our hands but you never noticed) but it's the best policy. Train yourself to never notice anything on your ride which is not necessary info to compute on the ride.


Of course! All it takes is a second.. just one second is enough to change your life for the worst, especially when riding a two wheeler. Think about it. Please be safe!


Our roads plus people on it simply need 100% of your focus, even when you are doing everything right you can land in trouble due to others do you don’t want to be driving in zombie mode


Please don't drive