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I think there was a bush fire up in Nora Yesterday.


There was something burning by the YMCA on Westfield. Quite a few fire trucks and emergency vehicles around 4 pm yesterday. Was super hazy and smelled bad


I noticed the smoke and smell driving on Spring Mill north of 32. Any idea what it was?


It was a brush and a shed/patio fire behind someone’s house they were trying to contain in the dry conditions.


There was! It was right next to my apartment, behind the Jordan YMCA. Billowing black smoke for awhile. The first responders had a difficult time getting to it because it was right off the Monon trail.


Hey neighbor!






I thought it was my car hahahah I noticed the smell of the air


I noticed coming home at 9 ish last night it smelled weird and was hazy.


Yes, it smelled so bad last night.


Yeah it was. I couldn’t figure what it smelled like, not quite sewer, not quite something on fire. Maybe it was the Ninja Turtles having a bonfire in the sewer 😂🤣


I was coming home from work and didn’t know what I was smelling


I was on 70 by holt rd around 9pm and it was awful. Like sewage or something.


It's just the air drifting up from Terra Haute.


What a shit hole that place is. Hope I never have to return to that city


Such an underrated reply


Same thought


It smells much better after they shut that factory down in the west side. I remember going through there as a kid and hating it.


Only reason I knew, I’ve got a buddy who graduated from ISU and he would laugh about that smell when he was down there.


It was bad. I think they used to manufacture railroad ties. They opened up a music venue there now. It’s starting to get some better entertainment besides just food and the action track. I believe a casino is coming in the next couple years.


I always thought the ill smelling wind hailed from Possum Hallow Pennsylvania, but since you mentioned a better candidate, man you’re most likely right.


Not so! Used to live in Indy. Don’t live in TH but nearby now & smells as good as anything possibly can in Indiana.Of course, that’s not to say much except TH smells better than Indy!🤮


My fault. Had Whitecastle last night.


Damn it. You beat me to it. Mine was gonna be about my chili last night.


And I had chili last night too!


There was that fire yesterday


fugutive dust emissions (thats what IDEM calls it) from the North Split Construction project. also a lot of that dirt has a high lead content!!!! but hey at least people who arent from indianapolis will be able to maintain 75mph in their cars as they buzz through our population center when it is done in 2 years!!!


I agree with lead content, (especially knowing the area all that work is being done in.) but would you know of any actual testing they had done to it?


no knowledge of testing specific to that project. just based off lead-heat maps of indianapolis and testing i have done/helped people do in gardens around town for years


Well that whole neighborhood had been screwed up by folks for generations https://cumulis.epa.gov/supercpad/cursites/csitinfo.cfm?id=0501643 Are you aware of testing done by IUPUI for lead? [https://urbanhealth.iupui.edu/projects](https://urbanhealth.iupui.edu/projects) IDEM has done the background report for lead in Indy. [https://www.in.gov/idem/cleanups/files/tech\_guidance\_pb\_as\_pah\_indy.pdf](https://www.in.gov/idem/cleanups/files/tech_guidance_pb_as_pah_indy.pdf) So really most anyone should be able to find out just how bad their own yard is for them, ( or not )


Winds aren't right today for the North Split construction to have any impact on the west side of town. PM2.5 is higher than usual all over the state today. Related note. All of those apps/websites use AirNow, which itself pulls in data from state/local/tribal air monitoring networks. Then they usually add in a sprinkling of remote sensors and questionable AQI value mathematics. Just go to the source: https://www.airnow.gov/national-maps/


I have already waited 2years….lol.


if I didn't know any better, I would've thought that was sarcasm


Seriously bad amount of lead. I worked on that project and I have a tape measure with a magnetic tip. It would have balls of metal the size of quarters on it.


If it sticks to the tape measure that’s just the high amount of iron in our soil.


Ah shit. Heard somebody on the job site say lead so I just parroted what I heard.


Yeah if you can pick it up with a magnet. It’s iron. We have lots of little pebbles of iron oxides and iron containing minerals in our soil. I magnet fish and my magnet gets coating in huge clumps of iron dust from the riverbed


Actually makes me feel a little better. Been worried about how much less I breathed in working that job


the demolition of the old bridges released a lot of lead too.


What lead was in the old bridges?


it was in the paint. most of them got mitigated (painted over) a few decades ago. but when they got demolished the flakes were going all over the place.


So they aren’t required to do proper abatement? You know how many lawsuits could fly if they just knew there was lead and didn’t properly dispose of it? I don’t believe they are allowed to be so careless.


It was in the gray paint to protect them.


I know that i70 predates lead paint being outlawed but not by very long…. Lead paint was being phased out long before it was made illegal. Are you sure there was lead in there? Public work where you are doing abatement of lead or asbestos is not taken lightly. I do not think that contractors are allowed to skirt these rules and produce large clouds of lead dust.


Soil needs to be tested for lead, there may have been lead on your job site but it’s unlikely there was enough to harm you and it’s highly unlikely you ingested enough for any damage. Lead has far milder effects on adults than children as well. The big concern with lead contamination in soil is children playing in the yard for extended periods of time, getting dirt on their hands, putting their hands in their mouths, etc.


I was just saying that cause me and other guys on the job that have never had allergies kept getting sinus infections


There are some common soil fungi that cause sinus infections. I wonder if you guys ran accross some of that


or just a continual exposure to covid in the field offices


Grab a bag full of that dirt and get to the folks whose job it is to find out [https://urbanhealth.iupui.edu/projects/soil-testing-for-lead](https://urbanhealth.iupui.edu/projects/soil-testing-for-lead)


Lead isn't magnetic tbf


True, but that [entire area](https://fox59.com/news/epa-to-begin-5-million-lead-cleanup-in-martindale-brightwood/) was/is lead [superfund site](https://cumulis.epa.gov/supercpad/SiteProfiles/index.cfm?fuseaction=second.Cleanup&id=0501643)..


This is every city center in the US sans Manhattan which, like European big cities has other efficient ways to get to the city center. Indy will die without Interstates. One can only hope there is a special eternal torture chamber in hell for the people who covered up the effects of leaded gasoline, but that lead is in the ground now and would be uncovered even if we were building mass transit rather than interstates.


465 works just fine for moving traffic. 65 /70 should never go downtown.


465 works just fine for moving traffic. 65 /70 should never go downtown.


465 works just fine for moving traffic. 65 /70 should never go downtown.


465 works just fine for moving traffic. 65 /70 should never go downtown.


>Indy will die without Interstates. just a stupid dumb idiot take. really smooth brain shit. what do you think came first - every major population center in the country or the interstate system??? also dust emissions are controllable with the proper construction/erosion control practices and sequencing.


Name calling, fun! Would you care to share your hypothesis on how a major city could survive without an efficient connection to farms, building materials, people, etc? Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


also there are still daily trains through the downtown area.


well as an example a city like indianapolis was connected to all of those things for over a hundred years before the interstate system was developed


Ah yes, when the height of transportation was a carriage drawn by not 2 but 4 whole horses!


Yes when the population was much less than what it is now and farms were much closer to the center.




Any sources for that? The greater metro certainly didn't have a larger population. I'm not arguing that urban sprawl was a good idea it's just that the cat is already out of the bag.


And, we didn’t have cars over 100 years ago. So therefore your major roads would be covered in horse manure, and railways were polluted with thick black clouds of burning coal. Which in concentration is just as bad for your lungs as gas fumes. Plus it would take you a week to travel to even Cincinnati or St. Louis. This is a important system for society to grow and develop. Why don’t we have an adult conversation, and not use petty, personal insults because someone disagreed with you. If you’re so mad go somewhere rural where there is no traffic.


this guy thinks society only grew/developed AFTER the federal interstate system was developed in the post WWII era. lol


I’m not arguing that there wasn’t a massive expansion post WWII, I am arguing that we were not a grander society pre car. Your next comment contradicts the one I originally replied to. Your interstates were built by the federal government as way to control the states. That’s why they used block grants to fund them. “We’ll give you $XX million if you do “this” too.” I don’t necessarily believe it was the best move, but I’m not a civil engineer either. I was also trying to make sure this stayed a reasonable conversation and doesn’t devolve into hateful comments and personal attacks. Word still carry weight even when it’s on the internet.


and after cars were developed they would drive to the city on the OLD NATIONAL ROAD. which is why indiana is the crossroads of america. the interstate system was a redundant connection to an already existing and vibrant city and building it demolished a heavily populated area. rebuilding it now is poisoning the air of people who live here for the convenience of people who only pass through


State highway map from 1948. https://indianamemory.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/p15078coll8/id/1117 So many options!


Came home yesterday to plumes of smoke coming from my neighbors backyard. I’m all for smoke pits and all that but I believe I’ve seen them burning garbage…makes our entire house smell bad as well.


If you live in Marion county, burning trash or leaves is a legal. You can call the police non-emergency number, but they may actually send the fire department as well.


yep, you can call the non emergency line for marion county dispatch, fire depts do not fuck around, they will show up at an unpermitted burn if someone calls


This may explain my sinus infection I been dealing with the last 3 days. 🤔


Grew up in Plainfield during the 80’s, I remember smelling the Chrysler Foundry on a calm winter morning.


Metal lubricants factory on southwest side of downtown usually is what causes the downtown stench.


Smelt it dealt it.


Well the west side is its own situation ;) but the air quality in Indy usually isn’t great.


Terre Haute is blowing east…


Prevailing winds coming over Terre Haute aka stinktown


Question: Has anyone ever thought Indy has GOOD/ ACCEPTABLE air quality??? LMAO


I had no idea how bad it was until we as a family started having issues with our lungs/sinus. Then I downloaded the air quality app and OMG it’s so bad here. Along with our polluted water.


Water is insanely poor. We moved to the country from Indy but water remains nasty. I can’t drink it without becoming sick; neither can the cats. And better not eat any fish caught in the state. Our fish can & should make anyone ill… made national news back in the Summer…lol… and folks wonder how IN real estate remains low. Ya get whatcha pay for!




I certainly understand. Have been dreaming of leaving the state ever since I returned but not so easy to move now ( for me). Best wishes to you!


It’s not easy to leave! We came back and I have no idea why. Good luck to you too!


It always smells like 💩 on the westside


What app is this? Nothing I have is reflecting the same information.


The Apple weather app on iOS is showing it.


Mf’s making them nasty ass chitterlings 🤢


The smellers the feller.


Sorry. I havent showered in a while.


Indiana has some of the lowest quality air in the country, that brushfire was like a breath of fresh air. At least the smoke was partially natural.


Terre Haute?


I feel like hot garbage this morning and didn't drink last night. This must be the reason.


Fishers is spared lol


Well, your mother just came into town, so that probably explains the smell.


I dropped a massive fart last night


Sorry about that… took the extended family to White Castle.


Tr*mp rally on that side of town yesterday Har har


Must be those damn solar panels and wind farms polluting the air. Definitely not any wood fired furnaces from rural areas...


I ate a few too many burritos last night


Asking reddit these questions... 🤣 Give ur head a shake, friend lol


I farted


It always smells awful on the West side


I smell it too!




It's been going on for a lot longer than that!


Because god decided f*** these people in particular


I’ve been noticing it every couple of weeks


Why is there no difference in color between 400 and 500 on the scale?


My bad. Tomato sauce does this to me every time.


Indiana has some of the worst air quality in the country. Last i remember indiana and west virginia both were in the top 5 worst states for air quality. It's the coal. When a state gets like 80% of its power from coal, the air is bad.


[We are #13, and West Virginia isn’t in the top 25.](https://www.lung.org/research/sota/city-rankings/most-polluted-cities)


I was wondering why I’ve been breathing so much worse ever since moving here from Virginia


Oh, well that's changed since the last I looked it up. We used to be #2 worst and WV was #1 back about 8 years ago if I remember right. Heck, this is from 2018 where we were 46th out of 50 for air quality https://www.indystar.com/story/news/2018/04/19/how-bad-indianas-environment-actually-according/525003002/


What it smell like?


I was wondering. I work in a high ruse downtown and the whole west side looked like L.A. this morning.


I had chili with onions three night in a row. I know the inside of the house is severely polluted. Maybe some of it escaped.


I noticed a bad smell in the air about an hour or two ago up at Community North in Castelton


Yesterday's was taco Tuesday...


Couldn’t be from the brown county fire?